



1、大学英语四级分类模拟题 526(总分:192.00,做题时间:90 分钟)PartIWriting (总题数:1,分数:30.00)1. Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a shortessay. You should startyour essay with a brief description of the picture and then express your views on the topic that to success.Youshould write at least 120 wo

2、rds but no more thanaptitude:天资(分数:30.00) 正确答案:()解析:Positive Attitudes Are Essential to SuccessIn the picture, a person is asking for guidance. What the counselor tells him is that though aptitude matters, attitude iseven more important. I quite agree with her.The great inventor Edison made thousand

3、s of inventions in his life. However, he didnt make them because he isextraordinarily smart. It was because he didnt give up. When he failed, he tried another solution. He kept failing andtrying, and finally he succeeded.Nobody is perfect. We all meet problems in our life, and we fail one time or an

4、other. It is our attitude that determineshow we deal with the failure. A negative person may think its too difficult and give up. In doing so, he loses thepossibility to succeed. A positive person, on the other hand, will learn from the experience, and think about how to do itbetter. If he keeps try

5、ing, he will succeed. That is the power of a positive attitude.二、 PartnReading Comprehen sion (总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、(总题数:0,分数:0.00)四、 Passage One (总题数:1,分数:71.00)History is so immediate here, said Marie Martin, incoming president of the St. Michaels Museums board of directors.Lets face it St. Michaels is

6、 a museum. Everybody here is a volunteer.The museum comprises three buildings, each of which has its own history. The Teetotum is a small building that beganlife as a commercial structure about the time of the Civil War, and served at one time or another as a judges office, atown jail, a saddle shop

7、, a mortuary (太平间),abank and a barber shop. It is filled withbits of St. Michaels commercial history, ranging fromcarpentry tools to an intricately decorated shoeshine stand and including a body board for carrying a corpse( 尸体) .Atone time, there were five funeral homes in St. Michaels, Kate Fones,

8、who is in charge of the Museum, pointed out.Teetotum is connected to the Sewell House, the first building of the museum, which was moved to the museumsite in1964. The building focuses on the home life during the 19th century, including period furniture and home artifacts of alocal nature, ranging fr

9、om an intricate apple peeler and heavy clothes irons that had to be heated over a fire to achamber pot (夜壶).The SewellHouse also has its own history, being half of a building that was cut in two to provide two homes.positive attitudes are esse ntial180 words.The Sewell family added a kitchen and a l

10、oft to the two-story half home. The whole thrust of the museum is to protectand preserve the history, understand what was here, Martin said.The museumalso tries to fell the 19th century history of African Americans in the town. The most recently added of thethree buildings that make up the museum is

11、 the Chaney House, a two-story, two-room house that was owned by threefree African Americans after it was built around 1850.The museumstaff tries to appeal to year-round residents as well as summerpeople and other tourists.Having a steady supply of new exhibits, two per year, is a way to do that.(分数

12、: 71.00 )(1).What does Martin mean by History is so immediate here?A. The museum has a long history.B. History presented here is obvious and easy to understand.C. The museum is rich in historical items.D. The museum is built up to protect history. 解析:(2).Which of the following was secondly moved to

13、the museum?A. Teetotum.VB. Sewell House.C. Chancy House.D. St. Michaels. 解析:(3)_ .During theCivil War, Teetotum was known as _A. a mayors office buildingB. funeral homesC. one of the three buildings of the museumD.a building for various commercial purposesV解析:(4)_ .You may find allthese things of th

14、e 19th century in Sewell House EXCEPT _14.20 )A. apple peelerB. clothes ironsC. saddlesVD. a kitchen 解析:(5).What is the main purpose of the museum? (分数: 14.20 )A. To make huge profits.B. To present new exhibits regularly.C. To move more buildings here.D.To protect, preserve and help understandhistor

15、y.V解析:五、 Passage Two( 总题数: 1,分数: 71.00)During the Second World War, doctors tried to save severely burned pilots with grafts of donated skin. The grafted skinlooked good for a few days, but then withered and died. Studies led byPeter Medawarwho won a 1960 Nobel Prize for his work found that grafts o

16、f an individuals own skin did work,while those of a donor did not. Wenow know that the donor skin grafts failed because the recipients immune systemrecognized the grafted skin as foreign and killed it. The same process leads to the rejection of donated organs. But howdoes our immune system learn wha

17、t is self and what is foreign?As immunologist Daniel Davis explains inThe Compatibility Gene, it is all down to specificgenes formally known as the major histocompatibility complex genes. Although our appearance, lifestyle and careerpath may make us feel unique, we are actually always one of a group

18、: it is only our compatibility genes that define us astrue individuals. Davis provides a well-written and easy-to-read account of the sometimes complicated biology behindthe crucial genes that affect our lives so profoundly.分数: 14.20 )V分数: 14.20 )分数: 14.20 )分数:From early on in the evolution of life,

19、 individual cells and later multicellularorganisms developed the ability to recognize that which was the same as them, and that which was different. Davisrecounts how, when we are growing as fetuses, our compatibility genes train the immune system to recognize our owncells and tissues as self and so

20、, in healthy people, they know what not to attack. Our cells are identified by thepresence of unique surface molecules, coded for by the compatibility genes.Meanwhile, our immune systems make antibodies. These are randomly generated in a kind of lottery, which meansthey will be able to attack a grea

21、t diversity of molecules, especially those of pathogens. By chance, though, a few ofthese antibodies will also match the compatibility-gene molecules on our own cells. Leaving such antibodies aroundwould be suicide literally. To stopthis, Darwinian-style selection comes into play within the immune s

22、ystem, eliminating any cells that produce antibodiesmatching self. (分数: 71.00 )(1).Why did the grafted skin withere and die after a few days? (分数: 14.20 )A. Because a persons immune system identifies the grafted skin which comes from other people.VB. Because people have different immune systems, and

23、 these immune systems can not be blended together.C. Because the special features of grafted skin can not be adapted by the recipients.D. Because the recipients do not have powerful immune system for fighting diseases. 解析: 考点 原因 解析 根据题干可以将该题定位至文章第一段,第一段指出 We now know that the donor skin grafts faile

24、d because therecipients immune system recognized the grafted skin as foreign and killedit,因此可以很快选出 A 选项,A 中的 identifies 是 recognized 的同义替换。B、C 和 D 选项都是对文章 相关信息的曲解。(2) .Why does the author say Although our appearance, lifestyle and career path may make us feelunique, we are actually always one of a g

25、roup?(分数: 14.20 )A. People may have same appearance, lifestyle or career path, which can not be the unique feature.B. Our appearance, lifestyle and career path can help us distinguish ourselves from a group.C. People may have different appearance, lifestyle or career path, but they still can not bet

26、rue individuals.VD. Our appearance, lifestyle and career path define us to be a member of a group.解析: 考点 原因 解析 根据题干句子将该题定位至文章第二段。该句的意思是尽管我们的外表、生活方式和职业可能让我 们觉得自己独一无二,可我们实际上总是一个群体中的一员:只有我们的亲和基因将我们定义为真正的独 立个体。侧重点是冒号后的话,而题干中并未写明这句话。根据选项只有C 更符合文章,C 指出人们有着不同的外表、 生活方式和职业道路, 但仍然不能成为真正的个体 ( 因为只有亲和基因才能决定人们是真正

27、的 个体)。所以选 C。(3) .Which of the following does not help people develop the ability to recognize that which is different from them?(分数: 14.20 )A. Multicellular organisms.B. Individual cells.C. Compatibility genes.D. Surface molecules.V解析: 考点 文章细节 解析 根据题干和选项将该题定位至文章第三段。第三段第一句From early on in the evoluti

28、on of life,individual cellsand later multicellular organisms developed the ability to recognize thatwhich was the same as them, and that which was different指出从生命进化的初期开始,单个细胞和后来的多细胞生物体培养了自己识别哪些细胞跟自己相同,哪些细胞与自己不同的能力。因此可以排除A和 B 选项。根据 our compatibility genes train the immune system to recognize our own c

29、ells andtissues as self and so可以排除 C 选项,因此可以很容易选出D。(4).Which ofthe following is the explanation of our immune systems make antibodies?(分数:14.20)A. Imm une systems can recognize the grafted skin as foreign.B. Imm une systems have the ability to attack a great diversity of pathogens.VCmm une systems a

30、re able to recognize that which was the same as them, and that which was differe nt.Dmmune systems make compatibility genes define us as true individuals.解析:考点文章细节解析根据题干将该题定位至文章最后一段。根据最后一段第二句These are randomly generated in akind of lottery, which means they will be able to attack a great diversity o

31、f molecules, especially those of pathogens ,可以选出正确选项B。其他三个选项都与题干无关。(5).What does the passage mainly talk about? (分数:14.20 )A. Your compatibility genes make you unique as well as affecting all parts of your life.VB. Donor skin grafts failed because the recipients immune system recognized the grafted skinas foreign and killed it.C. Our appearance, lifestyle and career path may make us feel unique, s


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