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1、新目标新目标八年级(上)八年级(上)Unit 3Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation?Section B 3a-4一.短语抢答1. 去西藏2. 去徒步旅行3. 在山里4. 拜访我的朋友5. 玩的开心1. go to Tibet2. go hiking3. in the mountains.4. visit my friends5. have a good timeReviewThat sounds interesting.Im going hiking in the mountains.二二. . 翻译下列句子。翻译下列句子。1. 那听起来很有趣。那听起

2、来很有趣。2. 我将去山里徒步旅行。我将去山里徒步旅行。3. Tony 将去拜访香港的朋友。将去拜访香港的朋友。ReviewTony is visiting his friend in Hong Kong.I dont like going away for too long.Send me a postcard from Hong Kong!Show me your photos when we get back to school.6. 当我们回到学校的时候当我们回到学校的时候, 请展示给我你请展示给我你 的照片。的照片。(show)4. 我不喜欢离开太长时间。我不喜欢离开太长时间。 (g

3、o away)5. 从香港给我寄一张明信片。从香港给我寄一张明信片。 (send)go fishinggo fishinggo bike ridinggo bike ridinggo sightseeinggo sightseeing take walksReview Make sentences.Make sentences.A: What are you ? B: Im . A: Where ? B: Im . A: When ? B: Im going . A: Who ? B: Im going . A: How long ? B: Im staying .go bike riding

4、go bike ridinggo sightseeinggo sightseeing ReviewMake dialogues.PresentationDo you know where it is?The Great LakesThe Great Lakes苏必利尔湖Superior Lake休伦湖 Huron Lake伊利湖Erie Lake安大略湖Ontario Lake密歇根湖Michigan LakeDo you know which country it is?GreeceSpainCanadaRead the magazine article. What are Ben Lamb

5、erts vacation plans? Write the number of each picture next to the correct activity.53412 1. Ben Lambert visited China last year. ( ) 2. Ben likes to talk with French people. ( ) 3. He wants to have a great vacation. ( ) 4. Hes going to the south of Canada. ( ) 5. He loves nature because he lives in

6、the countryside. ( )FTTTF1. Where did he want to go before?Questions2. Why did he want to Canada?Canada is beautiful; Many people speak French.He thought about going to Greece or Spain.4. What is he doing for vacation?5. Why does he love nature? For 3 months.Taking walks -renting videos, sleeping. B

7、ecause he can forget all his problems.3. How long is he staying in Canada?singer a long vacation decide on Canada beautiful speak French the Great Lakes leave the first week in Junetake walks go fishing go bike riding spend time beautiful countrysideforget all my problems at night rent videos sleep

8、a lotRead the article again by yourself, then retell the story.Retell3b Complete the article about Julias vacation plans.Julia Morgan, the famous movie star, is taking a vacation. She is going to _. “I just finished making my last movie,” she says. “Im _ and I really need to _.”I asked her about her

9、 plans. “Well, Im going _ and _. Im also _ and _. I want an exciting vacation!”Europetoo tiredrelax myselfhikingboatingtaking a sun bathgoing sightseeingdecide on 决定决定,选定选定 + 名词名词, 通常理解为通常理解为“对对什么作出决定什么作出决定” on 是介词。是介词。 E.g. Dont decide on the important things too quickly.decide to do sth 决定做某事。决定做某

10、事。1. -but decided on Canada. 适当形式填空适当形式填空: The national day is coming, I decide _ (go) to Beijing.=The national day is coming, I decide on _ (go) to Beijing.to gogoingExplanation2. I want to do something different.形容词修饰不定代词放在其后。形容词修饰不定代词放在其后。Be quiet, please! I have _ to tell you.A. anything importa

11、nt B. important something C. something important D. important anythingThis time I want to do _.A. different something B. different anything C. anything different D. something differentCD3. Hes staying until September. Translating: (1)He waited for me until 9 oclock.(2)The rain didnt stop until the n

12、oon.他一直等着我到九点钟。他一直等着我到九点钟。雨直到中午的时候才停下。雨直到中午的时候才停下。not until 直到直到才才直到的时候4. there are many people there who speak French. (定语从句)定语从句)Translating:a friend who is helping you a country which is very beautiful 一位帮助你的朋友一位帮助你的朋友一个美丽的国家一个美丽的国家他计划过一个非常放松的暑假。他计划过一个非常放松的暑假。 5. He plans to have a very relaxing

13、vacation. 动词动词plan作作“计划;打算计划;打算”解,后接名解,后接名词或动词不定式。词或动词不定式。She helped them to plan their trip. 她帮他们计划了行程。她帮他们计划了行程。 Were planning to visit London this summer. 我们打算今年夏天走访伦敦。我们打算今年夏天走访伦敦。 6. I just finished making my last movie. finish doing sth. 完成做某事完成做某事适当形式填空:适当形式填空: (1) Mary wants to finish _ (rea

14、d) the story in five hours. (2) She finished _ (work) at six and went home.readingworking1. Victor thought of a few countries for vacation and at last he decided _ Japan. A. at B. forC. on D. of2. What do you plan _ this weekend? Ive no idea. A. do B. doing C. to doD. to doing3. She looks _ because

15、she has a _ vacation. A. relaxed, relaxed B. relaxing, relaxing C. relaxed, relaxing D. relaxing, relaxed4. I cant wait _ the nice picture. A. buy B. to buy C. buying D. bought5. Dont forget _ the pen _ him. A. to return, to B. to return, for C. returning, to 根据汉语意思完成英语句子。根据汉语意思完成英语句子。1. Julia will _ _ her last movie. (拍完她最后一部影片拍完她最后一部影片)2. She has _ _ to tell you. (有些有趣的事情有些有趣的事情)3. Many _ (游客游客) are going to China for _ (观光观光)this year.4. Hes _ _ England next week. (动身动身去英国去英国)finish makingsomething inter


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