7、地”。几个月后,埃德加也死了,希克厉作为小卡瑟琳的父亲搬进了画眉山庄。不久林敦也死了,小卡瑟琳成了年轻的寡妇。小卡瑟琳和哈里顿就像当年的希克厉和卡瑟琳一样,希克厉疯狂地阻止他们的来往,当她抓住小卡瑟琳想打她时,他从她的眼睛里看到了卡瑟琳的影子,而此时的哈里顿不正是当年的自己吗!他变得更孤独了,他渴望着和卡瑟琳的孤魂在一起。连续几天他不吃不喝,在沼地里游荡,回来后把自己关在卡瑟琳住过的房间里,第二天,人们发现他死了。他死后被埋在卡瑟琳的墓旁,小卡瑟琳终于和哈里顿结婚了。Wuthering Heights is Emily Brontë's
8、 only novel. It was first published in 1847 under the pseudonym Ellis Bell, and a posthumous second edition was edited by her sister Charlotte. The name of the&
9、#160;novel comes from the Yorkshire manor on the moors on which the story centres. (As an adjective, wuthering is a Yorkshire word referring to turbulent weather.) The
10、60;narrative tells the tale of the all-encompassing and passionate, yet thwarted love between Heathcliff and Catherine Earnshaw, and how this unresolved passion eventually destroys
11、;both themselves and many around them.Now considered a classic of English literature, Wuthering Heights's innovative structure, which has been likened to a series of Matryoshka
12、 dolls, met with mixed reviews by critics when it first appeared. Though Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre was originally considered the best of the Brontë sisters
13、9; works, many subsequent critics of Wuthering Heights argued that its originality and achievement made it superior. Wuthering Heights has also given rise to many adaptations&
14、#160;and inspired works, including films, radio, television dramatisations, musicals and songs (notably the hit Wuthering Heights by Kate Bush) and opera.Wuthering Heights is uniq
15、ue outstanding work that have no bury of quilt time, Wuthering Heights , unique glorious work that has the permanent art magic power.I used more than a week
16、60;to see finish Wuthering Heights .I close the book, can not help marvel, this is long to reside the deep mountain, almost never and outside and contiguous an
17、d single woman how can write a love such deep, hate thus deeply of novel?This whole lifeses all live in in the unfortunate world, standing alone lonely, have no
18、 laughter, have no friend's woman, how can write thus a the set be rich with the unique and run before sex of great work?In fact no matter how it
19、is, ignore is because of why this very full of strange book of the content, have already can let us comprehend the true meaning that a lot of many people
20、160;living!When I enjoy in retrospect the deep content and essences of this book, I discover in Wuthering Heights I learned much more, among them another my emotional
21、0;stirrings what to is most deep is its church the dignity and minds that I keep the human nature of freedom.Regardless we face the how rigorous challenge or ho
22、w ruthlessness tests, we should look forward to the freedom.呼啸山庄英文内容简介Wuthering HeightsWuthering Heightsis Emily Brontë's only novel. It was first published in 1847 under the
23、160;pseudonym Ellis Bell, and a posthumous second edition was edited by her sister Charlotte. The name of the novel comes from the Yorkshire manor on the moors on
24、60;which the story centres (as an adjective, wutheringis a Yorkshire word referring to turbulent weather). The narrative tells the tale of the all-encompassing and passionate,
25、;yet thwarted, love between Heathcliff and Catherine Earnshaw, and how this unresolved passion eventually destroys them and many around them.Now considered a classic of English
26、0;literature, Wuthering Heights'innovative structure, which has been likened to a series of Matryoshka dolls,citation neededmet with mixed reviews by critics when it first appeared,
27、 with many horrified by the stark depictions of mental and physical cruelty.12Though Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyrewas originally considered the best of the Brontë sist
28、ers' works, many subsequent critics of Wuthering Heightsargued that its originality and achievement made it superior.3Wuthering Heightshas also given rise to many adaptations and
29、60;inspired works, including films, radio, television dramatisations, a musical by Bernard J. Taylor and songs (notably the hit Wuthering Heightsby Kate Bush), ballet and opera.Cha
30、ractersHeathcliffis the central male character of the novel. A foundling raised by the Earnshaw family, he forms a bond with his foster sister Catherine Earnshaw and they
31、 share a passionate love, but it is founded on their sameness, of being different halves of the same soul, rather than just a romance or some physical attractio
32、n. Meanwhile he nurses a bitter rivalry with his foster brother Hindley, who resents the partiality his father shows Heathcliff and is cruel to him after his father&
33、#39;s death. The only time he truly showed love or emotion was when it had to do with Cathy. He runs away from the heights when he is approximately sixteen
34、 (his age is unknown but he looks slightly older than Cathy) and returns three years later, having mysteriously made his fortune, education and refinement. He is a
35、160;brooding, vindictive man, and his anger and bitterness at Catherine's later marriage to their neighbor Edgar Linton sees him engage in a ruthless vendetta to destroy
36、160;not only his enemies but their heirs, a crusade that only intensifies upon Catherine's death.Catherine Earnshawis Heathcliff's foster sister. She has dark brown eyes wh
37、ich are characteristic of her family. A free-spirited, wild, passionate, and somewhat spoiled young woman, she returns Heathcliff's love entirely, but because Heathcliff had be
38、en made so low that if she married them they would become beggars, instead she chooses another, Edgar Linton, through which marriage she hopes to help Heathcliff and
39、 bring him back to the standing he would have had. Heathcliff leaves the Heights after overhearing that it would degrade her to marry him, and because of this
40、160;she throws herself into a violent fit and is ill for a while. When Edgar asks her to marry him she is about fifteen; they are married three years after
41、 Edgar's father's death when she is about eighteen, presumably when Edgar comes into his inheritance. When Heathcliff returns after those same three years she renews
42、160;their friendship, which makes Edgar unhappy. Always on the edge of madness, her physical and mental health are destroyed by the feud between them, and she descends
43、60;into prophetic madness before dying in an angelic state shortly after childbirth at about nineteen.Edgar Lintonis a childhood friend of Catherine Earnshaw's who later marrie
44、s her. His fair appearance, blonde hair and blue eyes, contrasts with Heathcliff's dark appearance. A mild and gentle man, if slightly cowardly and distant, he loves&
45、#160;Catherine deeply but is unable to reconcile his love for her with her feelings for her childhood friend Heathcliff. This leads to a bitter antagonism with Heathcliff
46、, and it is partly this which leads to Catherine's breakdown. He is well-mannered and gentlemanly but always remains something of a spoiled child. He is too afra
47、id to fight Heathcliff and shows fear at the prospect, earning both Cathy's scorn and solidifying Heathcliff's contempt. Linton is incapable of competing with Heathcliff
48、9;s guile and ruthless determination across the decades, and his health fails him while still a relatively young man.Isabella Lintonis the younger sister of Edgar who bec
49、omes infatuated with Heathcliff. She fundamentally mistakes his true nature and elopes with him despite his apparent dislike of her. Her love for him turns to hatred
50、;almost immediately, as she is ill treated both physically and emotionally and held captive against her will. When Heathcliff returns from the Grange after Cathy's death
51、160;she taunts him and he responds by trying to attack her, but Hindley interferes and she escapes the Heights. She leaves for London after visiting Nelly at the
52、0;Grange and gives birth to their son Linton Heathcliff about seven months later, whom she attempts to raise away from Heathcliff's corrupting influence.Hindley Earnshawis Cath
53、erine's brother and Heathcliff's other rival. Having loathed Heathcliff since childhood, Hindley delights in turning him into a rough servant upon inheriting Wuthering Heights,&
54、#160;making him work the fields. However, his wife's death from consumption destroys him; he becomes a self-destructive alcoholic and gambler and it is this that allows
55、60;Heathcliff, upon returning to Wuthering Heights, to turn the tables and to buy the mortgage to Wuthering Heights which Hindley created because of his gambling debts, a
56、nd to become its owner.Northern Yorkshire. In the foreground heaths.Ellen (Nelly) Deanis, at various points, the housekeeper of both Thrushcross Grange and Wuthering Heights, and
57、160;is the primary narrator of the novel, told through M. Lockwood's journal entries. She is Hindley's, Heathcliff's and Cathy's foster-sister and servant, and is t
58、he same age as Hindley, seven years older than Cathy. Heathcliff genuinely likes her and is always glad to see her. She recognizes early on that Heathcliff is C
59、atherine's true love and tries to dissuade her from the disastrous marriage to Edgar. Having been a disapproving witness and unwilling participant to many of the even
60、ts between Heathcliff and both the Earnshaw and Linton families for much of her life, she narrates the story to Lockwood during his illness at the Grange. It is
61、 presumed that she never married as she keeps the name Dean throughout her life. It could be considered that she is the true hero of the story, and without
62、 her many of the events in the story would never have taken place; however, she is not the primary protagonist.Linton Heathcliffis the son of Isabella and Heathcliff
63、. He bears no physical resemblance to Heathcliff whatsoever and takes after his mother completely, with big soft blue eyes, fair golden hair, and slightly effeminate in
64、160;appearance. However he has a certain petulance, cruelty and selfishness, and exploits his ill health to get attention from others. He is a sickly child who grows
65、;up ignorant of his father until his mother's death when he is thirteen years old. He is forced to live at Wuthering Heights and grows into a bullied, tremb
66、ling shadow of his father. Heathcliff arranges for him to marry his cousin Catherine Linton so that he may inherit both the estates of Wuthering Heights and Thrushcr
67、oss Grange. He dies shortly after entering into the forced marriage.Catherine Lintonis the daughter of Catherine Earnshaw and Edgar Linton. She inherits both her mother's
68、free-spiritedness and dark eyes and her father's gentle nature, facial features and fair hair. Heathcliff takes advantage of her fundamental innocence and manipulates her into&
69、#160;marrying his own son, Linton. She has a strong affection for Linton despite her father's and Nelly's attempts to keep her out of the reach of Heathcliff'
70、s machinations, and never wavers in her friendship to him. Unaware of Linton's failing health, she is manipulated into traveling to the Heights, where Heathcliff forces
71、60;her to remain and marry his son before she returns home to her father, who is dying as well. Once she has become a captive of Wuthering Heights Heathcliff
72、60;resorts to the same torture he applies to everyone against whom he bears a grudge; he is also violent towards her and cannot stand to have her in the sa
73、me room with him. As a result, she becomes harpyish and unfriendly. When Nelly is allowed to move to the Heights she helps Catherine return back to her true
74、0;nature and kindness. She later falls in love with her cousin, Hareton Earnshaw.Hareton Earnshawis the son of Hindley Earnshaw, who is adopted by Heathcliff upon Hindley'
75、s death. He is described as a handsome rustic with the dark Earnshaw eyes, and bears a likeness to his aunt and father. Heathcliff once saved his life; he
76、caught him when Hindley accidentally drops him off the banister of the staircase; however he regretted the act. Heathcliff spitefully turns Hareton into an illiterate servant&
77、#160;and has him work the fields, much as Hindley once did to him. Despite this, Hareton remains strangely loyal to him, and considers him his father. Quick tempered
78、 and easily embarrassed, he falls in love with Catherine Linton early on, and despite her contempt for him is thus inspired to improve himself. He is the only
79、160;person who mourns Heathcliff upon his death.Josephis a servant of the Earnshaws and later Heathcliff. A bullying, lazy and snide man, he hates Heathcliff but is bound
80、 to serve Wuthering Heights and the sense of duty he feels to Hareton, who he calls the true master. Intensely religious, he is sanctimonious, self-righteous and lar
81、gely held in contempt by those around him. He speaks in the traditional West Yorkshire dialect. This dialect was still used in the Haworth area up until the lat
82、e 1970s, but there are now only portions of it still in common use.5Lockwoodis the narrator of the novel. A newly-arrived tenant at Thrushcross Grange at the beginning of the novel, he is intrigued by the curious goings-on at Wuthering Heights, and persuades Nelly Dean to tell him the story of what happened&
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