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1、Unit 9 My favorite subject is science.、单元教材分析本单元围绕“谈论自己所喜欢的学科”这一话题,展开形式多样的听、说、读、写学习活动。 主要学习一周中星期一到星期天的表达方式;掌握学科的表达;学习用 because 和表示品质的形容 词表示理由;学习 what,why,who,when 引导的特殊疑问句。通过本单元的学习使学生学会谈论自 己喜好的学科或自己喜好的其它事情并给出理由;学会说出一周的七天;学会合理地安排自己的作 息时间。单元教学安排:第一课时 P49 1a-1c新授课第二课时 P50 2a-2d听力课第三课时 P51 3a-3c综合应用课第四课

2、时 P52-53 Section B 1a-2a听力课第五课时 P53 2b-2c阅读课第六课时 P54 3b-3c+self-check写作课Unit 9 My favorite subject is science.The first period(1a-1c)I. Teaching aims1.Master the key words:favorite, subject, P.E. science, music, math, Chinese, geography, history2.Master the target languages:2 Whats your favorite day

3、? Its Monday.3.Learn to talk about somebody s favorite subjects and give re asons.4. Revise some adjectives.II. Key points1.Learn to talk aboutss favorite subjects and give reasons.2.Revise some adjectives.Difficult points1. Master the pronunciation and spelling of the new words about science, histo

4、ry, biology2. Be able to talk about the subject by using the target language.Teaching stepsI. Warming -up and revision1. Greeting the Ss. Check the homework.2. Warming up. Look at the pictures and answer the questions.T: What fruit do you like best? =Whats your favorite fr uit?S: I like bananas. = M

5、y favorite fruit is banana.n. Presentation1. T: What subject do you like best? Or we can say Whats your favorite subject?.(Write the two sentences on the Bb.) Whats your favorite subject? My favorite subject is English.2. What other subjects do you like? Now lets learn other subjects.(Show the pictu

6、re of Chinese book)Teach Ss Chinese, then teach Ss other subjects by showing pictures on the screen.(P.E., art, science, math, geography, history,)3. Work on 1a. Look at the picture in 1a, match the words with the pictures. Then check Whats your favorite subject? My favorite subject is science.3the

7、answers.川.Listening1. Two students are talking about their favorite subjects. Listen to the recording and circle the subjects you hearin 1a.2. Ss listen and circle the words in 1a. Then check the answers.3. Liste n aga in and an swer the questi ons.What s Annas favorite subject?What s Lindas favorit

8、e subject?Keys: Annas favorite subject is music.Lindas favorite subject is scienee.IV.Pair workMake your con versati ons with the subjects in 1a.S1: Whats your favorite subject?S2: My favorite subject is,(Excha nge roles. S2 ask S1 about the favorite subjects)V.Homework1. Copy the new words 5 each.W

9、.Blackboard desig nUn it 9 My favorite subject is scie nee.Ian guage goals: differe nt n ame of differe nt subjectsWhat is your favorite subject?My favorite subject is,The sec ond period (2a-2d)I. Teach ing aimsI.Master the key words:why, because, Mon day, Friday, Saturday42. Master the target Ian g

10、uages:1一 Why do you like P.E.? Because its fun.2一 Hows your day? Its OK.3. Learn to talk about ss favorite subjects and give reasons.favorite things and give reasons.II. Key points1. Lear n to talk about ssfavorite subjects and give reasons.2. Be able to use Wh-question to ask and an swer about subj

11、ect (What/Who/Why/Whe n.) Difficult points1. Be able to use Wh-question to ask and an swer about subject (What/Who/Why/Whe n.)2. Be able to talk about the subject by using the target la nguage.Teachi ng steps1 . Warming -up and revision1.Play the game “sharp eyes”review subjectsn.Presentation1. Pres

12、e nt the sentence structure:Why do you like,Because,T: Whats your favorite subject, S1?S1: My favorite subject is P.E.T: Why do you like P.E.?S1: (Help S1 an swer) Because its fun.2 Ask and an swer with your partner about the reas ons they like ball games. e.g.S1: Why do you like soccer?S2: Because

13、its bori ng. Why do you like basketball?S1: Because its in teresti ng. Why do you like volleyball?S2: Because its fun.川.Listening1. Ss read the four senten ces, the n liste n to the record ing and put them in order.2. Check the an swers with the class.3. Were lear ned some adjectives in Un it 5. Suc

14、h as in terest ing, bori ng, fun, difficult,4.Lear n to talk about ss5relax ing,Do you still remember? Lets review the words together.4. Now listen to the recording again. Match the subjects you hear with the descriptions.5. Liste n aga in and complete the bla nks.IV. Pair work1. T: What do you thin

15、k of the subjects above? Make your own con versatio ns using the words (fun, in teresti ng,relax ing, difficult,) in 2b.2. Ss make their own conversations with his or her partner. Then let some pairs act outtheir con versati ons.V. Role -play1. Prese nt the new words: Mon day, Friday and Saturday by

16、Let Ss read the new words after teacher.2. Let Ss read the dialogue in 2d. Then fill in the bla nks.1. Bob s favorite day is_ .2. Bob s favorite subjects are_3. Bob s P.E. teacher is_.4. Frank s favorite day is_.5. Bob thi nks history is_.6. Frank thinks history is_.3. Ss read the conversation and f

17、ill in the blanks. Then check the answers with the Ss.W. Language points1. A: How s your day?B: Great. Today s my day!2. My favorite subject is scie nee.Favorite= like , bestfavorite前面常为形容词性物主代词或名词所有格。favorite还可作可数名词,意为特别喜爱的人或事物”。show some cale ndars on scree n.6These books are her son s favorite(s)

18、.3. Chi neseChi nese 学科“汉语”“中国人”“中国的;中国人的”4. I like Mon day because I have P.E. and history.have 与学科名称搭配,表示“上某一学科的课”。have a class/ less on have breakfast/ lun ch/ dinnerhave a soccer game have a school trip have a party5. He always plays games with with sb.6. That s for sure.That s for sure“

19、那是肯定的”、“确实是这样的”或“完全没有问题”。A: Mr. Wang s English class is very interesting.B: That s for sure.的确如此。W.Exercises.1. How s your day?A. It s OK.B. My favorite day is Mon day.2. Who is your Chin ese teacher?A. He s very fun.B. Mr. Lin.3. Why do you like music?A. Because it s relaxing.B. I like music very m

20、uch.4. What s your favorite day?A. It s on January 21st.B. It s Friday.5. What s her favorite subject?A. Her favorite subject is art.B. She likes Mo nday.忸.Homework:71. Review the new words and expressi ons in this period.2. Make a survey of the favorite subjects your classmate and the reas ons.IX.B

21、lackboard designUn it 9 My favorite subject is scie nee.Ian guage goals: differe nt n ame of differe nt subjects8sentence partn ers:What is your favorite subject?Why do you like ,?Because it is ,The Third Period (Grammar focus-3c)I. Teach ing aims1. Master the targetIan guages:S un day,Mon day,Tuesd

22、ay, Wedn esday, Thursday,Saturday2. Master the target Ian guages:-When do you have (math)? - On Mon day.- When does he/she have ,?- On ,3. Learn to talk about ssfavorite subjects and give reasons.4. Lear n the seve n days of the week.II. Key points1. Master the targetIan guages:S un day,Mon day,Tues

23、day, Wedn esday, Thursday,Saturday2. Master the target Ian guages:-When do you have (math)? - On Mo nday.- When does he/she have ,?- On ,Difficult points1. Master the pronun ciati on and spelli ng of the new words about Sun day,Monday,Wedn esday, Thursday, Friday, SaturdayTeachi ng stepsI. Warming -

24、 up and revision1. Greet the Ss as usual. Check the homework.2. Review the subjects and the days we lear ned. Review the descripti ons.Friday,Friday,Tuesday,9n. Grammar Focu s.101. Tra nslati on2. Con clusi on疑问词含义例句what“什么”用来询问事物What s his favorite sports?“谁”用来询问某人的身份Who is your math teacher?whoMy

25、En glish teacher is Ms. Sun.“哪里”用来提问地点Where is your pencil box?whereIt s on the desk.“为什么”用来询问原因Why do you likeplayi ngwhypin g-po ng?Because it s fun.whe n“何时”用来询问时间When is your mother s birthday?It s on September“怎么”对某人/某情况提问How are you?I m fine, old“多大,用来询问年龄How old is your br

26、other?He s eight.“多少钱;多少”用来询问价格How much are the shorts?how much或不可数名词的数量They re thirteenyuan.How much milk is there in the cup?川.Practice1. Work on 3a. Ss read the con versati ons and fill in the bla nks.2. Work on 3b. Write questi ons for the an swers.3. Work on 3c. Do a survey (make a model)S1: Wh

27、ats your favorite subject, Jin gji ng?S2: Music.S1: Why do you like music?S2: Because its fun.11S1: Whos your music teacher?S2: Ms. Xie.(The S1 in terview S2, S3, S4)Fill in the chart.NameFavorite subjectReasonTeacherJingjingMusicIts funMs. XieXiao MeiArtItsin teresti ngMs. WuDa weiP.E.Its relaxi ng

28、Mr. HuMake a report:My classmate Jinin gs favorite subject is music. She likes it because its fun. Hermusic teacher is Ms. Xie. Xiao Meis favorite subject is art. She likes it because itsinteresting.Her art teacher is Ms. Wu. Da Weis favorite subject is P.E. He likes it becauseits relaxing. His P.E.

29、 teacher is Mr. Hu.IV.Do some exercises.V.Homework假如你的表弟名叫 Jeff,他今年上初一。请你用英语问一下他最喜欢的科目及原因、该科目的老师 是谁、在什么时间上该科目这四个问题。并将你们的问答记录在作业本上。W. Blackboard desig nUn it 9 My favorite subject is scie nee.What s your favorite subject? My favorite subject is.Why do you like. Because it is.Who is your.teacher? My.t

30、eacher is.Whe n is your.class? It is on.Teachi ng refleti on:12The fourth period (1a-1d)I. Teach ing aims1. Master the targetIan guages:S un day,Mon day,Tuesday, Wedn esday, Thursday,Saturday2. Master the target Ian guages:-When do you have (math)? - On Mon day.- When does he/she have ,?- On ,3. Lea

31、rn to talk about ssfavorite subjects and give reasons.4. Lear n the seve n days of the week.II. Key points1.Master the targetIan guages:S un day,Mon day,Tuesday, Wedn esday, Thursday,Saturday2. Master the target Ian guages:-When do you have (math)? - On Mo nday.- When does he/she have ,?- On ,Diffic

32、ult points2.Master the pronun ciati on and spelli ng of the new words about Sun day,Monday,Wedn esday, Thursday, Friday, SaturdayTeachi ng stepsI. Warming - up and revision1. Greet the Ss as usual. Check the homework.Friday,Friday,Tuesday,132. Review the words of subject, days, mon ths.3. Review the

33、 sentence structureslearned yesterday. T asks a student as a model. Then letSs work in pairs to make their own con versati ons.T: Whats your favorite subject, S1?S1: My favorite subject is music?T: Why do you like m usic?S1: Because its in terest ing.T: Who is your music teacher?S1: Ms. Hu.4. Ss wor

34、k in pairs to make their own conversations.Let some pairs act out theircon versati ons.n. Presentation1. Present other days in a week. Show some picturesof calendar. Teach Ss Tuesday, Wednesday,Thursday and Sun day.2. Present the using of on +星期几,T: When is your art class?Ss: Its on Monday.3. Prese

35、nt some new adjectives, free, coolLet Ss read the words free, busy, cool loudly. Then review the words: boring,difficult,easy, in terest ing, fun4. Work on 1a. Match the words on the left with their opposites on the right.川.Listening1. Do 1b.T: David is talkingabout his classes and schedule.Listen t

36、o the recordingand check (V)the words you hear in 1a.2. Read through the schedule.Read through the schedule and find out what classes David have from Mon day to Friday.2. Do 1c. Liste n to the tape and circle the classes David talks about on this schedule.IV. Pair work1. Look at the schedule above a

37、nd complete the conversation in 1d.142. Ss practice the conversation with his or her partner.3. Talk about your classmates favorite subject using the conversation in 1d.S1: Whats Li Taos favorite subject?S2: His favorite subject is P.E.S1: Why does he like P.E.?S2: Because its easy and relax ing.S1:

38、 When is the class?S2: Its on Wed nesday.4. Ss work in pairs to make their conversations.V. Homework1. 完成新课程练习。2. 抄写 1a 单词,抄写 1d 句子。W. Blackboard designUn it 9 My favorite subject is scie nee.What s your favorite subject? My favorite subject is.Why do you like. Because it is.Who is your.teacher? My.

39、teacher is.Whe n is your.class? It is on.The fifth period (2a-2c)Teachi ng aims:1.1m prove the ability of readi nga. Lear n to grasp the keywords and the n to pick up the in formati on n eeded.b. Learn to find the information from the passage.c. Master the skill of finding the main li ne of the pass

40、age.2. Revise the forms of the letter.3. Lear n to make a suitable timetable.Lan guage poin ts:1. Review the subjects:P.E., scie nee, history, biology, math, En glish. Chin ese.152. Review the week days : Sun day, Mon day, Tuesday, Wedn esday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday3. Review some description : b

41、usy, tired, difficult, relaxing, interesting, fun, boring, strict.Difficult points如何让学生学会合理安排自己的作息时间。Teachi ng stepsI. Writing1. T: What do you think of these subjects? Write a description for each one. First, letsreview all the descripti ons we know. Who can say the words you know?S1: boring, diffi

42、cult, easy, interesting, funS2: (add some more words) free, busy, cool ,2. Then, tell your pa rtner what you think of these subjects.Your partner should write yourdescriptions down and report it to you.You: I think music is relaxing. Art is easy. P.E. is fun. English is interesting. Chinese is fun.

43、Math is difficult.,Your partner:In Xiao Fangs opinion, music is relaxing.Art is easy. P.E. is fun. Englishis in terest ing. Chin ese is fun. Math is difficult.,n. Reading1. Read the letter quickly and find the main idea.It is about_ .2. Read the letter.Un derl ine the subjects that Yu Mei likes. Cir

44、cle the subjects she does ntlike.3. Ss read the letter and un derl ine the subjects that Yu Mei likes. Circle the subjectsshe does nt like.4. Check the an swers.5. T: Read the letter again and complete Yu Meis schedule with the information in 2b.6. Ss read the letter again and complete the chart. Th

45、en check the answers.川.Language points1. free busy16 拓展 free “免费的”2. The teacher says it is useful,usefulTuse (使用)+后缀 ful 有用的”。help + fulThelpful有帮助的color + fultcolorful 绚丽多彩的 注意 useful It is a useful book.3. Lunch is from 12:00 to 1:00, .介词短语 from , to , 意为“从, 到, ”,用来表述时间、地点等范围。4. My classes finish

46、 at 1:50, but after that I have an art lesson for two hours.finish 作动词,意为“结束”,常用于 finish _sth. 意为做完某事句中 at 表示“在 , 时刻”,常用在具体钟点前。lesson 用作名词,意为“课;课程”。常用短语:have lessons 上课do ones lessons 做功课Lesson One = the first lessonclass 和 lesson:IV. ExercisesI.根据语境 , 从方框中选择恰当的单词填空。II.根据句意及所给汉语提示 , 写出句中所缺单词。III.完成句

47、子。V.Homework1.分类复习所学的描述课程特点的形容词。2.用英语制作一张你们班级的课程表。W. Blackboard desig nUn it 9 My favorite subject is scie nee.第一课技巧性的课程常用lesson ,较少用 class 。piano lessons钢琴课driving lessons驾驶课an art lesson for two hours两小时的美术课”for 表示“持续某段时间”17from , to ,finish _at_sth.意为做完某事have less ons 上课do one s lessons做功课The six

48、th period (3a-Self check)Teachi ng aims:Improve the ability of readi nga. Lear n to gras p the keywords and the n to pick up the in formati on n eeded.b. Learn to find the information from the passage.c. Master the skill of finding the main li ne of the passage.2. Revise the forms of the letter.3. L

49、ear n to make a suitable timetable.Lan guage poin ts:1. Review the subjects: P.E., scie nee, history, biology, math, En glish, Chin ese.2. Review the week days : Sun day, Mon day, Tuesday, Wedn esday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday3. Review some description: busy, tired, difficult, relaxing, interesting

50、, fun, boring,strict.Difficult points如何让学生学会合理安排自己的作息时间。Teachi ng stepsI. Warming - up and revision1. Greet the Ss as usual. Then check the homework.2. What do you think of your school subjects?You can say it like this: In my opinion,Chinese is interesting.Math is difficult but useful. P.E

51、. is fun. Music is relax ing,Ss report their opinions in the group. Then let some Ss talk about it to the class.3. Review some phrases or sentences:4. Retell Yu Meis letter.English18Show Yu Meis schedule on the screen. Let Ss try to retell the letter.Ss try to retell the letter. T gives them some he

52、lp if they need.n. Reading1. T: Dale cant meet Mei Ling on Friday afternoon. Hes really busy. So he writes an e-mailto Mei Ling to tell her about it. Number these parts of an e-mail message 1-3.2. Ss read the parts of the e-mail message and number them.3. Let some Ss read the right message to check

53、the answer.4. Ss read the e-mail message aloud and try to remember the e-mail message.5. Learn the language points in 3a.1) I want to meet you on Friday afternoon, .want to do sth. 是固定用法,意为“想要做某事”, do 表示动词的原形。2) Is that OK with you?be OK with sb. 意为“对某人来说是合适的”。川.Writing1. T: Look at the chart in 3b. Fill in the schedule below for your classes on Friday. Writethe time on the left and the subjects on the right. Then read out your schedule toyour partner. Let your partner check your schedule.2


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