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1、课程(中文)Course NameCredit课程简介(中文)Course DescriptionExamination mode管理学(石振香)Management3管理学是经济、管理类专业的专业基础课程和核心课程,是一门系统地研究管理过程的普遍规律、基本原理和一般方法的科学。本课程详细讲解了计划、组织、领导与控制等管理职能的客观规律和实施方法。课程采用课堂教学、科研和实践活动一体化的教学方式,以课堂教学为主,科研和社会实践活动为辅,加强学生对管理学理论和知识的理解和认识,增强学生参与管理实践的意识.本课程的任务是使学生能够系统地掌握管理学的知识体系,能综合运用管理学的基本理论和方法,并分析

2、和解决管理中的实际问题,为后续专业课程的学习奠定管理学基础。Management, the basic and core discipline of economics and management students, is a science which systematically studies the universal law, basic principles and general methods of the management process。 This course teaches the objective laws and methods of the managem

3、ent functions in details, such as planning, organizing, leading and controlling, etc。 In order to strengthenstudents understanding of management theories and knowledge and enhance awareness of participating in the management practices, the course uses teaching methods including classroom teaching, r

4、esearching and social practicing。 Classroom teaching is the main part, while others are auxiliary。 This course's target is to enable students to master the management's knowledge system, to apply basic theories and methods, to analyze and solve practical problems in management and lay a good

5、 management foundation for follow-up study of major disciplines。Written examination 经济学原理(李林芳)Principles of Economics4经济学原理是一门研究一定经济制度下资源配置与利用的课程。本课程包括微观经济学和宏观经济学两部分。微观经济学以单个经济单位为研究对象,通过研究单个经济单位的经济行为说明价格机制如何解决社会的资源配置问题。宏观经济学研究整体经济运行的规律,说明怎样实现经济稳定和增长。Principles of Economics is a course studying the a

6、llocation and utilization of resources under a certain economic system. This course includes two parts, microeconomicsandmacroeconomics。Microeconomics take single economic unit as the object of the research。 It explains how does price mechanism solve the problems of resource allocation。 Macroeconomi

7、cs studies the rules of how modern market economy operates. It explains how to achieve economic stability and economic growth. Written examination市场营销学(刘文斌)Marketing Management3本课程阐明市场营销学的基本理论、基本知识及市场营销的基本技巧与技术,并结合案例分析市场营销中的实际问题,以提高学生分析和解决问题的能力。通过学习本课程,学生应掌握以下内容:市场营销的基本观念,市场营销的管理,市场营销环境的分析,市场的调

8、研与市场预测,消费者的购买行为,市场竞争者以及其竞争策略,目标市场的营销,产品分析以及产品策略,企业的定价方法以及价格策略的选择,产品的营销渠道及其选择与管理,企业产品的促销手段以及促销策略的选择,企业的形象的策划与企业危机的处理。This course explains the basic theory, knowledge and skills and techniques of marketing, and combines with case study to promote student's ability of problem analyzing and solving。

9、 After learning this course, students should grasp the knowledge including basic concepts of marketing, marketing management, analysis of marketing environment, market research and prediction, customer behavior, competitors and competition strategies, marketing in a target market, product analyzing

10、and marketing strategies, price decision and price strategic choice, marketing channels as well as its selection and management, the promotion of product and the selection of promotion strategies, corporation identity design and treatment with the crisis when company encountered, etc。Written examina

11、tion组织行为学(石振香)Organizational Behavior2组织行为学是管理学发展过程中形成的以心理学、社会学、人类学、政治学等多学科为基础的独立的应用科学.它以各类组织中人的心理与行为特点和规律为研究对象,探讨个体、群体和组织三个层面的因素如何影响个人及其所在组织的行为,目的使管理者能够根据人的行为规律,创设健康的工作氛围,发挥人的积极性和创造性,以实现组织的目标和提高人的满意度。通过本课程的学习,学生可以掌握组织行为学的概念体系、理论模型和分析架构,获得相关的知识,以及专业术语的英语表达,能够看相关国外文献资料;培养科学的思维方式和掌握客观的研究行为的方法,避免直觉经验式或

12、主观片面式的行为分析Organization Behavior is a branch of applied science mainly based on psychology, sociology, anthropology and political science. It focuses on peoples psychology and behavior within organizations, and it investigates the impact of individuals, groups, and structure on behavior within organi

13、zations for the purpose of applying such knowledge toward creating healthy working atmosphere,giving full play to peoples professional knowledge or skill, improving an organization's effectiveness and job satisfaction. On the completion of this course, students will be able to: understand the es

14、sential rules of psychology and behavior within organizations; grasp systematically the theories and methods of modern HR management; develop scientific ways of thinking; master the methods of behavior study; avoid empiricism and lopsided analysis.Written examination运筹学(孙学珊)Operations Research4本课程是经

15、济与管理系各专业的专业基础课。它以数学为主要工具,寻求由生产、管理和生活中提出的若干问题的最优方案,是一门研究优化决策的科学。通过本课程学习使学生掌握运筹学的基本模型及其求解原理、方法技巧、主要算法和实际应用;同时能够运用常用数学软件(Excel,LINGO等)求解运筹学的一些实际应用案例,从而培养学生建立数学模型,选择优化方法,利用计算机去处理、分析数据和解决实际问题的能力。This course is the professional basic course for department of economics and management。 It takes mathematics

16、as the main tool to search the optimal solution for problems in production and management。 It is a branch of science that studies the optimization decision。 This course makes students master the basic mathematical model, the solving principles,operational research techniques, main algorithms and act

17、ual applications。 At the same time, students can use commonly mathematical software (such as Excel, LINGO etc.) to solve some practical applications of operational research cases, so as to cultivate the ability of students to establish the mathematical model, select optimal method and use the comput

18、er to analyze data。 Written examination生产与运作管理(王辉)production and operation management3本课程系统讲述生产与运作管理的理论与方法,内容包括生产与运作管理概述、生产战略管理、新产品开发与选择、生产设施选址与布置、计划与控制、供应链管理、先进生产管理方式。是工业工程专业、工商管理专业和信息管理与信息系统专业的重要专业课程.This course is about management theory and method of production and operations, the content of thi

19、s course includes the summary of production and operation management, production strategic management, new product development and selection, production facility location and layout, plan and control, supply chain management, and the way of advanced production management。 It is the important profess

20、ional course in majors of industrial engineering, business management, information management and information systems professional。Written examination会计学(李林芳)Accounting Principles3本课程主要介绍会计的基本概念、基本理论和基本方法。通过学习本课程,使学生了解会计信息的收集、整理、分类、汇总和披露的全过程,使学生对会计这一学科有一个初步的了解和认识,明确做好会计工作对于加强企业经济管理的重要性,以使他们在未来的

21、经济管理工作中更好地发挥会计的作用。This course mainly introduces the basic concept and the theories andmethods of accounting。Learning this course enables students to understand the whole process of accounting information, includingcollection, sorting, classifying, summarizing and disclosure, so that students can hav

22、e a preliminary understanding of this course and realize the importance of accounting for strengthening economic management。Written examination管理英语(王辉)Management English2管理英语是经管系各专业的一门学科基础课。本课程主要针对管理学领域中的专业知识,以及商务沟通、商务演讲等安排教学内容,从听说、词汇、语法、阅读、写作等多方面提升管理英文应用能力。Management English is a basic course for e

23、ach professional subject。 Aiming at Professional knowledge in the field of management, the teaching content includes business communication, business address, etc. Students can improve English application ability such as speaking, vocabulary, grammar, reading, writing and so on.Written examination应用

24、统计学(张秀杰)Applied Statistics3本课程是管理类、经济类专业学生的一门专业基础课程。在现代经济管理、生产管理中处于非常重要的地位。本课程主要讲述统计数据的搜集、加工整理以及在经济学、管理学中常用的统计分析方法.通过本课程的教学,使学生掌握统计学的基本理论知识和统计指标的计算方法,相关的统计分析技能,培养学生运用所学知识进行定量分析问题的能力。This course is the professional basic course for the management and economy students。 The course is in a very importan

25、t position in modern economic management and production management field. This course focuses on the methods of statistical data collection, processing and statistical analysis methods commonly used in economics and management field。 Through the course,students will master the basic theory of statis

26、tical knowledge, the calculation method of statistical indicators and statistical analysis of related skills。 This course will also train students ability to use knowledge for quantitative analysis of the problem。Written examination企业战略管理(石振香)Strategic Management of Enterprises2企业战略管理课程宗旨是向经济管理类专业的本

27、科生传授战略分析和决策的基本理论和方法,提高学生的战略管理水平和实际操作能力.通过本课程的学习,使学生能够掌握企业战略管理的基本理论、基本方法和基本技能;使学生能够具有一定的战略思维能力,培养学生的战略实施艺术;为学生今后走入企业或社会从事研究和制定战略决策奠定基础。本课程一直保持着对学科前沿的追踪与探索,注重战略的原理性分析;涵盖了战略管理的基本理论和方法,按“战略分析战略选择战略实施”逻辑展开;本课程注重案例教学,其案例具有典型性、代表性并不断更新.本课程体系包括相互衔接和配套的大纲、教材、教案、课件和题库,配备了参考文献目录及辅助阅读书目。Enterprise Strategy Mana

28、gementteaches undergraduate major the basic theories and methodsofstrategic analysis and decisionmaking. Through the study of this curriculum:Students will improve the strategic management level and practical ability. Students can master the basic theories, methods and basic skills so that theywill

29、be able to do strategic thinking。 This course has been maintained to track thecuttingedge knowledge and focus on the principles of strategic analysis。 The course focuses on case study, and cases studied in this course are typical, representative and constantly updated。 This curriculum system include

30、s matching outline, teaching materials, lesson plans, courseware and questions, with references and supplementary reading lists directory。Written examination管理信息系统(杨欣)Management Information System3本课程是为管理学科本科生开设的学科基础课,也是教育部管理科学与工程专业教学指导委员会规定的管理科学与工程专业的核心课程。主要内容是研究运用计算机技术解决企事业管理中信息的收集、加工处理、存储、传递等系统问题

31、的主干学科基础课.This course is for management undergraduate course, which is a core course required by management science and Engineering Teaching Guidance Committee of Ministry of education and management science and engineering. The main content is to study the application of computer technology to solve

32、 the problem of information management of enterprises and institutions, and the collection, processing, storage, transmission of the information.Written examination财务管理(李林芳)FinancialManagement Principles2本课程帮助学生树立财务管理的基本理念,了解企业财务管理的基本框架,掌握基本的财务管理决策方法,为以后的专业课学习奠定坚实的基础。需要掌握财务管理的货币时间价值、风险报酬等基本理念,了解企业的筹

33、资决策、投资决策、流动资金管理、销售预测及利润预测管等基本内容。This course introduces the basic concept, framework and the decision-making methodof financial management. It lays a solid foundation for professional course in the future。 This course mainly includes: the time value of money, risk premium, financing decision, investm

34、ent decision, current funds management, salesforecasting, profit forecasting , etc。Written examination数据库原理与应用(张秀杰)Database principles and applications3数据库技术是计算机科学的一个重要分支,是信息时代的标志性技术,是构造信息系统的基础.数据库原理课讲授数据库技术的基本原理,主要介绍数据库系统的基本概念、数据库设计理论和数据库基本操作,是计算机类专业的一门主干专业基础课,也是信息管理与信息系统专业的一门必修课。Database tech

35、nology is an important branch of computer science, is the symbol technology of the information age, and is the basis of structuring the information system. We teach the basic principle of database technology in the lessons of the database principle, and mainly introduce the basic concept of database

36、 system, database design theory and basic operation of database. This is a main specialized basic course of computer specialty, and is a required course for information management and information systems major。Written examination技术经济学(杨欣)Technological Economics A3本课程是为管理学科本科生开设的学科基础课。借鉴国内外相关学科知识,结合我

37、国目前国情,系统全面地学习技术经济的理论、方法与实践。内容包括:经济性评价基本要素、资金的时间价值、经济性评价方法、不确定性评价法、建设项目可行性研究、设备的技术经济分析、价值工程、项目可持续发展评价及技术创新。This course is for management undergraduate course。 From the relevant subject knowledge at home and abroad, combined with Chinas current national conditions, it is a comprehensive system to stud

38、y the theory and practice, technical and economic method。 Contents include: the basic elements of economic evaluation, the time value of money, the method of economic evaluation, uncertainty evaluation, feasibility study on construction project, equipment technical and economic analysis, value engin

39、eering, project evaluation of sustainable development and technology innovation。Written examination人力资源管理(石振香)Human Resource Management2本课程阐述了人力资源管理的基本理论、基本知识及管理的基本技巧与技术,并结合案例分析人力资源管理中的实际问题,提高学生分析和解决问题的能力。通过学习,学生应掌握人力资源管理的基本概念及其流派,人力资源管理模式的比较,劳动组织,企业中的个人行为,激励因素,职工的招聘和配备,职工的培训和开发,劳动工资,职工福利,管理人员报酬,工会和

40、劳资集体谈判等.This course explains the basic theory, knowledge and skills and techniques of human resource management, and combines with case study to promote students ability of problem analyzing and solving。 After learning this course, students should grasp the basic concepts and genres of human resourc

41、e management; know the difference between different approaches of human resource management; grasp the knowledge of organization; know individual behaviors in enterprises; and grasp the incentive factors as well as the method of employee's recruiting and arrangement, training and development。 Be

42、sides, students should also grasp the knowledge of employees benefit and compensation, manager's payment, labor union, negotiation between employers and employees, etc.Written examination信息检索(刘文斌)Information Resource Search and Application1。5本教程通过一定的理论教学和实际操作训练使学生能掌握和熟悉Internet环境、网络信息资源的检索原理和检索技

43、能,学习如何从Internet上获取有价值的信息,将存于世界各处的数字化信息集于桌前。主要内容有:掌握Internet的基本概念、网络接入方法;了解文献信息的基本知识,信息分类方法;熟练掌握Internet的主要服务及相关工具软件的使用;了解网络与计算机信息检索的基本原理;掌握Internet上搜索引擎的检索方法;掌握Internet上中文网络数据库的检索方法;了解国外常用文摘型网络数据库和全文型络数据库数据库的检索方法;了解图书期刊和特种文献的查找技巧.This course introduces the basic concepts, the methods of connecting i

44、nto network, the elements of literature information, the ways of information classification, the main service and tool software of internet, the basal principle network and computer information search, the search methods of search engines and Chinese network database in internet, how to search in ta

45、bloid and article network database and the search ways of books, journal and special literature。Written examination国际贸易(刘文斌)International Trade2本课程主要介绍国际贸易的发展和世界市场的形成;二次大战后的国际贸易和世界市场;对外贸易在国民经济中的地位和作用;马克思主义的国际分工理论;西方经济学家的国际贸易学说;马克思的国际价值理论;世界市场价格;对外贸易政策;关税与非关税壁垒;出口促进与出口管制;国际资本移动;跨国公司;关贸总协定与世界贸易组织

46、;国际经济一体化;发达国家间的贸易关系;发展中国家与国际经济新秩序。The main contents in this course include: firstly the basic knowledge of international trade which introduce international division, world markets, and international market prices; secondly the traditional and contemporary theories of international trade and the the

47、ories of trade protection; thirdly the policies of international trade such as tariff and nontariff's barriers, the methods of promoting export; and finally the system and features of today's international trade which mainly focus on the international trade agreement and treaty, WTO and so o

48、n.Written examination招聘与人才测评(刘文斌)Recruitment and Employment2本课程较全面系统地介绍了人员招聘和录用的相关理论、方法、过程和技巧,并结合人才测评在人力资源管理尤其是选拔中的重要性讲授了人才测评的理论基础、如何开展人才测评、如何运用相关技术选拔人才和有效配置人才等理论和方法,目的在于使学生全面、系统地了解人员招聘的理论与方法,了解人才测评并掌握人才测评的理念和技术。This course introduces systematically correlation theories, theoretical approaches and s

49、kills on Recruitment and Employment, and also tells us what is Talent Assessment and how to do it which plays such an important role in HRM。 This course aims at making studentsunderstand the theories and methods of recruitment and employment comprehensively and systematically, and know how to do tal

50、ent assessment。Written examination培训与人力资源开发(刘文斌)Training and Development3本课程全面系统地介绍了现代培训与开发的基本概念和原理,培训与开发的需要评估、方法、职业生涯设计、培训与开发中的学习原理、培训有效性评估,着重探讨了在当前技术应用广泛、变革日益加剧情况下的培训与开发的一些新趋势.旨在为学生提供人力资源培训与开发的基本理论与常用方法。This course systematically introduces the basic concepts and principles of Training and Develop

51、ment, the principles and methods of needs assessment, career design, and validity assessment. This course emphatically discusses new trends of training and development under current new situation。 The aim of this course is to provide students with the basic theories and commonly used methods of Trai

52、ning and Development.Written examination经济法(赵文博)Economic Constitution2经济法A是专门为财务管理专业设置的课程,包括基本经济法理论,如合同法、公司法、证券法、票据法、反不正当竞争法、工业产权法等内容,更侧重于会计法规等会计从业资格证书考试相关内容。This course is set for students of financial management, it includes the basic content of economic constitution, such as law of contract, comp

53、any law, securities law, negotiable instruments law, antiunfair competition law, industrial property law, etc。 It focus on accounting regulations and laws, and it can meet students needs of taking examinations ofaccounting professionalcertificates。Written examination金融学(石振香)Finance2从分析金融运作对象-货币、货币资金

54、、金融工具、金融资产入手,阐述货币时间价值原理;介绍金融机构体系和金融市场体系的具体类型及业务,说明其在现代经济中的重要作用;研究货币政策及作为其依据的货币理论等。通过本课程的学习,使学生了解金融学的基本概念与基础知识,熟悉金融学原理体系、分析框架及思维方式,从而为以后的专业课学习打下扎实的基础。The framework of this course starts with the analysis of financial operation objects, such as currency, funds, financial tools and assets。 Also the cou

55、rse explains the principles of the currency time value, introduces the concrete classification and business of financial instruments and markets, and then points out its significance to contemporary economy。 It discusses the monetary policy and theories。 From the course students will get the basic c

56、oncepts and fundamental knowledge of finance, and be acquainted with financial principle and analysis methods. Those will help them to improve their consequent study of specialized courses.Written examination企业管理概论(石振香)Business Studies Management2本课程比较全面、系统、准确地阐述企业管理的基本原理,在原理和案例的列举中要多联系国内外知名企业的管理实际,

57、强调学以致用,同时安排必要的思考题,案例分析题,让学生参与教学的机会.通过本课程的教学,可以使学生掌握企业管理的基本知识、基本原理与方法,初步学会用企业管理理论知识认识、分析和解决企业实际问题,同时培养学生综合素质能力,为毕业后成功地走上社会参加企业管理实践打下基础。This course is a more comprehensive, systematic and accurate exposition of the basic principles of business management。The principles and cases listed are from more w

58、ell-knowncompanies, stressing to apply students knowledge and arrange the necessary thinking questions, allow students the opportunity to participate in teaching。 By learning this course, students can master the basics of business management, basic principles and methods, theoretical knowledge with

59、business management knowledge, analyze and solve practical problems, etc。Written examination消费者行为学(刘文斌)Consumer Behavior2本课程阐明消费者行为学的基本理论、基本知识,并结合案例分析影响消费者购买的因素,以提高学生分析和解决问题的能力.通过学习,学生应理解并掌握消费者行为研究的意义、发展历史、理论渊源、研究方法、简单的介绍消费者行为研究的基本内容;消费者的购买决策过程;个体和心理因素对消费者的行为的影响;环境因素对消费者行为的影响等方面的内容。This course explains the basic theory and


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