1、外文文献翻译原文及译文文南犬出处:Barney Park. The research of live broadcast economic and live broadcast marketing J, The Journal of Media Economics,2017,3(1): 19-31.原文The research of live broadcast economic and live broadcast marketingBarney ParkAbstractThe Inis said in the bias of transmission: the emergence of a
2、 new medium will lead to the generation of a new civilization. The generation of live broadcast platform provides the necessary foundation for the rise of live broadcast economy. Now, there are many kinds of live broadcast APP, according to the statistics, there are more than 100 live broadcasts APP
3、,which provides a convenient platform for the live broadcast broadcast. It greatly speeds up the development of economic. The industry have different opinions for the broadcast industry,however, some people think that this is a bubble economy, high heat is only a short period of time. Also somebody
4、thinks highly of the broadcast industry, they think it is the end way out of the content marketing. Live broadcast is a new form of content marketing,now live broadcast has larger development space, although live broadcast exists sorts of problems in the industry, but live broadcast is currently one
5、 of the most popular and effective marketing tool.Keywords: Network broadcast; Content marketing; Marketing methods1 IntroductionLive broadcast after continuous economic development,and gradually formed a considerable size of the industry, in this industry every ordinary person can become a producer
6、,their live broadcast production results is presented to the public. The low threshold, high heat got the favor of many brand marketing form, live broadcast has become one of the most popular marketing tool at present Characteristic of the network era after” is the use of second screen”,traditional
7、media and new media mix of viewing multiple watch,which as the material carrier of second screen” - mobile terminal, with the users, in the form of subordinate to TV in this stage, to the user for mobile use also mainly pauses in the social media chat, and refer to the email The rise of online video
8、 broadcast, broke the viewing a fixed pattern, users not only from the mobile terminal network short video viewing experience, also change the dominance of television. Once upon a time people used mobile terminal mainly fill for prime time television commercials, and todays big video portal network
9、video as the main battleground of the user2 The spring up of live broadcast economy2016 is the economy of the world live broadcast, live broadcast is not a new phenomenon, but the scale of live broadcast is very rare.Especially after a lot of capital to enter, live broadcast economy is developed qui
10、ckly and quickly formed a new industry. A large amount of capital into people live broadcast is the important factors to promote industrialization,large amount of investment of the attention,at the same time also further enhance the live broadcast entrepreneurial enthusiasm of the masses. With the c
11、ontinuous development of live broadcast economy, the entertainment industry has also been affected. Many stars have also appeared in the live broadcast around the platform, easy access to a lot of attention. Besides,there are a group of hundred house also added people live broadcast. The participati
12、on of people from all walks of life made live broadcast to the attention of more and higher, live broadcast is not simple display activities, such as brand, product commercial factors of people, live broadcast became one of the most popular marketing tools at present. And according to the definition
13、 of content marketing, content marketing is simply enterprise by publishing a variety of forms of media and capacity, marketing means to stimulate consumer behavior,its various forms, and enterprise independent brand to create any form of embodiment of information work can be referred to as content.
14、 Content is the information itself, and have different forms and carriers. So,live broadcast content marketing is undoubtedly a unique form of marketing.3 The characteristics of the live broadcast 3.1 Personal fulfillmentAccording to Maslows hierarchy of needs theory,when a person is to satisfy the
15、physiological needs,security needs, emotional and belonging needs and respect needs, can produce a higher layer of urgent desire for self-realization. Web celebrity will their live broadcasts on the live broadcast platform, the purpose is naturally won fans onlookers and comments. So the red anchor
16、net take various methods to attract more fans, before they can prepare delicate makeup look, live broadcast will also be in the process of performing such as singing and dancing talent, hope to get more recognition and audience to follow. The corresponding to the drawbacks of the vulgarization, is d
17、ue to its low threshold, live broadcast online platform access,for ordinary people become anchor丨 and without too much limitation, many live broadcast portal, etc by the user with a photo id card can meet the conditions, and to become the host device that is just a phone, so had to in the shortest p
18、ossible time to gain fans attention,the spread of the content is not very valuable,some even bad information, this caused a bad influence on the network environment. 3.2 live broadcast services for marketingMore and more web celebrity live broadcasts with brands actively, help enterprises to promote
19、 and sell products- Companies find through the web celebrity live broadcast implanted advertising more easily finish commodity trading. Live broadcast can be linked to the economy is largely due to live broadcast with the height of the characteristics ofconcentration this is the first time business,
20、users, trading platform and brand in the medium of seamless docking. For the brand, sponsored red live broadcast greatly reduces the cost of marketing network, and on the premise of improving turnover greatly enhance the brand awareness- Now, you can see some big international brand has been very qu
21、ick to react, live broadcast in devote lots of resources. Resource is very limited for multinational companies, but to live broadcast in such a very novel media resources form do tilt,predictable then there will be more and more local brands or electrical goods brand grab traffic on the track,now a
22、lot of brands directly via live broadcast to sell goods.4 Web celebrity, content,and live broadcastBefore just understand media understand content marketing environment, but now a lot of marketing and brand party into a sense of Anxiety State, do not know their own understanding of the technical lan
23、guage to what extent,and dont know what the marketing trend of future development,everybody panic when broadcast suddenly appeared. Now, you can see some big international brand has been very quick to react, live broadcast in devote lots of resources. Resource is very limited for multinational compa
24、nies, but to live broadcast in such a very novel media resources form do tilt, predictable then there will be more and more local brands or electrical goods brand grab traffic on the track, now a lot of brands directly via live broadcast to sell goods.Net speak aboutred, here red is mainly broadcast
25、 live broadcast by mobile phone network. They are based on the mobile Internet era of the new product, the mainstream of mobile Internet users is mainly after 90.Consumption ability bubble of young people a lot of time on the phone, and they also have different understanding on consumption. First, s
26、hopping is mainly based on the requirements before, now many young people shopping are not based on functional requirements. Second, from before want to buy the products to the final purchase decision process is very long, now has a large number of shopping website, circle of friends and Wechat busi
27、ness, shopping is an instant thing, consumption path is very short. Third, in the era of mobile Internet,we pay more attention to in the process of shopping,chat mood,including customer service,circle of friends to recommend,these will affect the user shopping decisions- Fourth, shopping value ratio
28、 and functional before,now many people buy things more important the added value of products, such as Adidas running shoes before, the first popular are big fans of small scale, they follow is the spirit behind this pair of shoes, which means that they actually recognition of small circle is more im
29、portant than public recognition. The influence of web celebrity envelops changed now.5 The opinion leaders in the core of minoritiesSome people say that mobile phone has become an extension of human organs, this kind of phenomenon in people watching livebroadcast more obvious. Some people donft unde
30、rstand why people like to see a red bed,makeup,no why,theyre very happy in this process,and there is nothing special deep meaning. Why do people like to watch live broadcast,because live broadcast group that have to do enough,and live broadcast the threshold is very low, can interact in a timely man
31、ner. We have been saying, look from the culture condition, live broadcast closely related to the pulse of the cultural reality to a certain extent. Many live broadcast reds may represent a kind of subculture, this culture is the mainstream, but these people in their circles is absolute opinion leade
32、rs, they form one circle in this way, each layers may have very high threshold. They do live broadcast, their fans must understand what they said,do, they do not speak fans also very understand why they dont talk, this is the subculture groups a very has the characteristics of the phenomenon, it has
33、 formed its own logic. So, if your brand is a niche brand,want to detonated by niche marketing points,be sure to find the niche envelops the opinion leaders in the core. We think relative to platform,which are more important,people can be on multiple platforms, but not everyone can well interpret th
34、e marketing point of the brand. We found that when the need to express brand through web celebrity want to say, things become very difficult, and need professional team to do. Agency services,the role of is to split net red out, give them in-depth processing, have to be very clear red can do their o
35、wn nets, in which platform can do, this is the advantage of agency services. About the web celebrity live broadcast,there are the following several points: the product itself is the communication of medium and user It needs to be regard as a medium of communication. It is very important to make frie
36、nds with net red and establish long-term relations with web celebrity. They are the media and customers- Making friends with the user and establish a trust relationship needs to spend time to operate. Live broadcast is the starting point of marketing. The final transaction is the result. We suggeste
37、d that the forward-looking brand need to invest on the content, sensation and team of live broadcast marketing. Building up the integral atmosphere and do more try.译文直播经济和直播营销研究Barney Park摘要伊尼斯在传播的偏向中说:“一种新媒介的出现,将会导致一 种新文明的产生。”直播平台的产生为直播经济的兴起提供了必要的 基础。如今各类直播APP很多,据统计,与直播相关的应用己经超 过了 100款,这些应用为大众提供了方便
38、快捷的直播平台,大大加快 了直播经济的发展。然而业界对于直播产业有不同的看法,有人认为 这是泡沫经济,高热度只是短时间内的现象。也有人对直播产业评价 很高,认为它是内容营销的最后一个出路。直播确实是一种新形式的 内容营销,目前直播还有较大的发展空间,尽管直播产业中还存在种种 问题,但直播确实是目前最为热门和有效的营销手段之一。关键词:网络直播;内容营销;营销方式 1引言直播经济经过不断发展,逐渐形成了一个颇具规模的产业,在这个 产业中每个普通的个人都能成为一个生产者,他们的生产成果就是直 播所呈现给大众的内容。这种低门槛、高热度的营销形式受到了众多 品牌的青睐,直播己经成了0前最为热门的营销手
39、段之一。“后电视 网时代”的显著特征是对“第二屏幕”的使用,传统媒体与新媒体混 合收视的“多元观看”,其中作为“第二屏幕”的物质载体一移动端, 以从属于电视的方式伴随着用户使用,在这个阶段内,用户对于移动 端的使用还主要停留在社交媒体的聊天以及查阅邮件。网络视频直播 的兴起则打破了这一固定的收视格局,用户不仅仅从移动端获得网络 短视频的观看体验,还改变了电视的主导地位。从前人们使用移动端 主要是填补对于电视节B插播广告的黄金时间,而当今各大视频门户 网站把网络视频作为抢占用户的主要战场。2直播经济的兴起2016年是直播经济的天下,直播并不是一个新鲜的现象,但如此大 规模的直播十分罕见。特别是在
40、大量资本进入之后,直播经济更是快 速地发展了起来,迅速形成了一个产业。大量资本的进人是直播产业 化发展的重要促进因素,大量的投资带来了业内外关注的同时,也进 一步提升了大众直播创业的热情。随着直播经济的不断发展,娱乐业 也受到了影响,很多明星也纷纷出现在各地直播平台,轻松获取了大量 关注。除此之外,还有一批百劝业家也加人了直播的行列。各界人士 的参与使得直播的关注度越来越高,直播己经不是简单的展示活动,随 着品牌、产品等商业因素的注人,直播变成了目前最热门的营销手段 之一。而根据内容内容营销的定义,内容营销简单来说就是企业通过 发布多种形式的媒体内而容,来激发消费者行为的一种营销手段,其形 式
41、多样,企业自主创造的任何形式的体现品牌信息的作品都可以统称 为内容。内容是信息本身,且有不同的表现形式和载体。所以,直播营 销毫无疑问是内容营销的一种独特的形式。3网络直播的特点 3.1个人的自我实现根据马斯洛的需求层次理论,当一个人满足了生理上的需要、安 全的需要、情感和归属的需要以及尊重的需要时,就会产生更高一层 对自我实现的迫切欲望。网红将自己的生活在直播平台上展现出来, B的自然是赢得粉丝的围观与评论。所以网红主播们采取各种方法来 吸引更多粉丝,直播前就准备好精致的妆容,直播过程中也会表演唱歌 跳舞等才艺,希望得到更多受众的认可与追随。其对应的弊端则是低 俗化,由于网络直播平台的低门槛
42、准入,对于普通人变“主播”并无太 大限制,很多直播门户网站等只需用户拿着身份证拍张照片即可满足 条件,并且对于成为主播的设备要求仅仅是一台手机,所以主播们为了 在最短时间内博取粉丝关注,传播的内容也不是很有价值,有些甚至 是不良信息,这对网络环境造成了不良影响。3.2直播为营销服务越来越多的网红直播与品牌商积极合作,帮助企业宣传并销售产 品。企业发现通过网红直播植入的广告更容易完成商品交易。直播能 与经济挂钩很大程度上是源于直播所具有的高度的“注意力集中”的 特性,这也是首次实现商家、用户、交易平台与品牌在媒介上的无缝 对接。对于品牌而言,赞助网红直播大大降低了营销成本,并且在提高 交易额的前提下大大增强了品牌知名度。现在,可以看到一些国际巨 头品牌己经非常快速反应过来,在直播上投入大量资源。对于跨国公 司来说资源非常有限,但能在直
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