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1、第十季 第五集嘿 Roz 嗨 嗨 RozHey, Roz. Hi, hi, hi. Roz,你刚刚错过了一个史上绝妙的恶作剧you just missed the classic prank of all time.我必须要说 那是我的杰作I'll admit it, this was my masterpiece.噢 谁啊 谁啊 你整谁了 - 给你说Oh, who, who? Who'd you get? - OK.干得漂亮 Bulldog - 他在那儿呢Way to go, Bulldog! - There he is!我在地下车♥库&hear

2、ts;用一台报废的宝马I got this friend down at the impound lot,整到了这个伙计who came across a smashed-up BMW,那台破车和Frasier爱车的型号♥一模一样same make and model as Frasier's.真的啊 你整到了FrasierYou didn't! You got Frasier!我把他的车拖出车♥库♥ 然后把那个破车停在车位上I had his car towed from the garage, the wre

3、ck went in its place.他看见的时候吓坏了The doc totally freaked when he saw it.他先是爆粗口First, he started swearing,然后又求天告地and then he implored the heavens,当他嘴唇都开始发抖的时候and just when his lip started trembling,Bulldog出来告诉他这一切都是恶作剧Bulldog comes out, tells him it's all a prank.嘿 我可是见好就收了Hey, Bulldog observes the

4、mercy rule.再说了 我把这一切都录下来了Besides, I got the whole thing on tape.承认吧 医生 我整到你了Admit it, Doc, I got you good.来吧 说"Bulldog最棒了"Come on, say it: "Bulldog's the best!"好吧 好吧 来一段儿我教你的热舞怎么样OK, OK, how 'bout the bitch dance I taught you?那么 至少击个掌吧 来Well, at least give me one up high!

5、 Come on.噢 行了 别让我白举个手oh, come on, don't leave me hanging,医生 你的万圣节精神呢Doc! Where's your Halloween spirit?放心 我一直举手等着呢Don't worry, it'll be here waiting for you.声明一下 我一开始就看出来那不是我的车了For the record, I knew immediately it was not my car.我车上有车尾贴 上面写着Mine has a bumper sticker on it that says,

6、"拥护奥普拉 行使选举权""I AM PRO OPERA AND I VOTE!"Frasier 你得承认 他手段很高明Frasier, you've got to admit, it was clever.我什么也不会承认I admit nothing.再也不要讨论这件事了That is the last we shall discuss of it,我们还要做节目呢 We have a show to do.下午好 西雅图Good afternoon, Seattle,欢迎来到Crane医生秀的万圣节特别节目and welcome to th

7、e Halloween edition of the Dr. Frasier Crane Show.今天我们来谈一谈 恐惧Today we will be discussing the topic. of fears.人们会恐惧莫名的阻碍 还是更新换代的工具呢Are they irrational hindrances, or evolutionary tools?嗯 说了这么多 答案竟然是Hmmm. the surprising answer, after these words.我的车 噢不要 我的车My car! Ohhhh, no my caaar!他们对你做了什么 噢我的宝贝车车Wh

8、at did they do to you?! Oh, my bay-beee.!举手等着呢Whenever you're ready.又到了10月31日吗你找到点儿东西没Did you find something?你觉得他们会要酱油包吗Do you think they'll take soy sauce packets?谁一直在摁门铃啊 - 嘘 是来要糖的小孩子Who keeps ringing the doorbell? - Shh! It's trick or treaters.好了 他们走了 - 怎么 为什么不让他们进来OK, they're gon

9、e. - Well, why didn't you let them in?因为某些人忘了准备万圣节糖果Because someone forgot to get Halloween candy.尽管如此 有的人本来可以买♥♥糖的Although, someone else could have picked it up因为她就在商店里啊since she was already in the store.但是 那样就破坏了某些人But, that would override the duty list一直坚持实施的任务表啊that som

10、eone insisted on implementing.如果你们管这也叫吵架If this is what you two call a fight,那你们根本不配结婚you're not fit to be married.有一次我把你♥爸♥的头按到水下 然后 - 嘘I once held your father's head underwater, and. - Shh!哦 天哪 我们没有糖 走开Oh, for heaven's sake! We haven't got any candy, shove off

11、!这下好了 他们知道家里有人了Great, now they know we're here.这个国家的症结所在就是That is precisely what's wrong with this country,没人敢站出来反抗这些孩子everyone's afraid to stand up to the children.不给糖就捣蛋 - 你没听见吗 我们没有糖Trick-or-treat! - Didn't you hear? We've got no candy!我们可以给你酒店里带回来的香皂We can offer you hotel soa

12、ps.但这是万圣节啊 我盛装打扮 你得给我糖啊But it's Halloween. I dress up, you give me candy.你这衣服是要吓人的吗 - 不是啊 你的是吗That costume's supposed to be scary? - No, is yours?噢 你那张小嘴Oh, a nice bite into an onion真该被塞满洋葱is what that mouth of yours deserves.如果你不给糖 我就会捣蛋的If you don't have treats, you're going to get

13、 a trick.随你怎么办 我不怕你Do your worst! I'm not afraid of you.认真的Honestly!也许我还是应该去买♥♥点糖回来OK, well, maybe I'll go and get some candy after all.好吧 我还是去拿我的雨衣和壁球护目镜吧OK, I'm going to need my slicker and my squash goggles!好吧 要是气球是蓝色怎么办早上好 Roz 一起吃吧 - 好啊 FrasierGood morning, Roz.

14、 May I join you? - Sure, Frasier.很高兴见到你今天不是怒气冲冲的Well, I'm glad to see you're not sulking today.是啊 我好好地想了想Yes, well, I had a little time to think about it,决定要把Bulldog整我这事儿抛在脑后and I've decided to put Bulldog's prank behind me.很成熟的想法 - 我没说完呐That's very mature. - I'm not finished

15、!前提是我得整回去.by visiting upon him a prank还得用比他损十倍的招儿 看这个that is ten times more dastardly. Look at this.看起来像是绑着气球的汽车啊 - 的确是Looks like a car with a balloon tied to it. - Precisely.每次他最爱的海鹰队输比赛时I will tie a red balloon to the antenna我就会在他车的天线上绑一个of Bulldog's car every time his precious Seahawks.红气球.lo

16、se a game.假以时日 这种条件反射Over time, the conditioned response在他的心里就会变得根深蒂固will become ingrained in his psyche.最终 他一看到红色的气球Eventually, the mere sight of a red balloon.就会有一种无法言说的.will bring about in him an inexplicable sense.挫败 .of loss.完胜Check and mate 这是不有点 过头了Isn't that. kind of out there?要的就是这样 当然了

17、That's the point. Well, of course,我可以随便弄一个你们那种小儿科整蛊I could go with any one of your basic pranks:递一杯开水什么的 相信我hand in warm water, and whatnot. Believe me,我对这些了如指掌I have an intimate knowledge of all of them.但是我在寻求一种专属于我的方式But what I'm looking for is something unmistakably ME.可以说是一个整蛊代表作 A signa

18、ture prank, if you will.你为什么不能忘了报复Why don't you just forget about revenge给他时间休息休息and give him his two minutes in the sun?什么 我付薪水他休息 - 看看他的生活吧What, at my expense? - Look at his life!你们原本是平等的You guys used to be equals,现在他必须待在楼下那个now he's stuck downstairs in that不见天日的 发霉的档案室dark, musty archives

19、 room.你得同情同情他 不是吗You must have some sympathy for him, don't you?"不见天日 发霉的档案室" 我也许能用到"Dark, musty archives". I think I could use that!大家好啊 - 你好 NilesHello, all. - Hello, Niles.我们为什么非得在这儿耽误 Why do we have to stop here? 我在家我也可以做咖啡I could make coffee at home.现在 还是不回家比较好Now, now,

20、it's good to get out of the house,呼吸呼吸新鲜空气 锻炼一下肺部什么的get some fresh air, exercise those lungs.我的肺一直都很好啊My lungs are as strong as ever.就昨天 我两口就把整个雪茄抽完了Just yesterday, I finished a whole cigarette in two drags.破纪录了One off me record!这是什么 - 我在设计一个终极整蛊What's this? - I'm devising the ultimate p

21、rank,来报复Bulldogto get my revenge on Bulldog.呃 就是要小心点儿年轻人也许技高一筹Ah, well just beware the dangers of juvenile one-upsmanship. 就是昨晚 Moon女士Only last night, Mrs. Moon教训了一个要糖果的孩子challenged a trick-or-treater,他就朝我们家门上砸鸡蛋and he responded by pelting our door with eggs.对 但是我算是扳平了Yeah, but I got the little mons

22、ter back,我涂了一大坨润滑的凡士林by putting a big, greasy glob of Vaseline在那小鬼家的门把手上on his doorknob!你说了要了结这个事儿的 - 所以我才用凡士林啊You said you'd put an end to it! - Hence the Vaseline.妈 他还是个孩子啊 Mum, he's a child! 那是该让他知道跟Gertrude Moon胡来Well, it's time he learned you don't mess with Gertrude Moon,是会有严重后

23、果的without incurring my wrath.那么就这样 我要一杯可可Now, excuse me, I require cocoa.其实 我觉得她的心态很正确You know, I think she has the right attitude.如果我想让Bulldog不再惹我If I expect Bulldog to leave me alone,我就得让他知道他是在和一个聪明绝顶的人打交道I've got to show him that he's dealing with a superior intellect.先给他们看看那个带气球的车Show th

24、em the balloon car.我相信达芬奇早期的手稿也是被人嘲笑过的I'm sure Da Vinci's early notes were full of laughs too!不好意思 我还有设计要做Excuse me, I have devising to do!一共是 32.03美元That'll be. $32.03.一杯饮料这么贵For one drink?!你的孙子还点了一篮蛋糕Your grandson ordered a bunch of cakes,他说是您结账and he said it was all on you.谢谢您的招待 奶奶Th

25、anks for the treats, Grandma!噢 看那个小崽子没了这怎么上学Oh, let's see the little sod get to school without these.噢 这样就解决啦Oh, this should settle it!恐怖储藏室有人吗Is anybody there?啊 僵尸啊Oh, zombies.行尸走肉啊 救命啊 救命啊the living dead. Help, help!大家停一下Everyone, hold please.二号♥僵尸 你干嘛呢Zombie Number Two, what are yo

26、u doing?我在吓Bulldog吧I'm scaring Bulldog?我懂了I see.僵尸是干这个的吗 他们吓人吗Is that what zombies do, they scare people?错Wrong.他们吃人脑 这才吓人They eat brains, and THAT'S what scares people.好 这是我们的带妆彩排Now, look, this is our dress rehearsal,咱们一定认真点啊let's please try to get this right.Bulldog走进来 他听见动静 僵尸要吃他的脑子B

27、ulldog comes in, he hears noises, zombies go after his brain,然后他受惊的样子就会被录下来and his terror is caught on供我们大家日后娱乐videotape for us all to enjoy at a later date.现在再来一遍 站到最初走位上Now, let's try this again. First marks, please.哦 天啊Fras 这是第四遍了Oh, jeez, Fras, this is the fourth time through.能让别人来演Bulldog吗C

28、an somebody else play Bulldog now?爸 你说了你会帮我的Dad, you said you would help me with this.那是因为你说我们要搞一个恶作剧Well that's because you said we were gonna do a practical joke.我本以为会很有趣 - 谁说会有趣了I thought it would be fun. - Whatever gave you that idea?Todd 我能看出来你在演尸体Todd, I am getting "Dead" From yo

29、u.但是我没看出来你是行尸啊But I am not getting "Undead."还不行Still?咱们这样吧Let's try this then.排练之后 我希望你们每人写一段话After rehearsal, I want each of you to write a paragraph详述一下你们的角色生前是什么样的人detailing who your character was when he or she was alive,他们是怎么死的how they died,以及现在为什么要吃Bulldog的脑子and why they're n

30、ow after Bulldog's brain.说真的 Roz 这样让我很难办Honestly, Roz, you know, you haven't given me much to work with here.他们是我见过的最差的演员These are the worst actors I've ever seen.是啊 很抱歉皇家僵尸剧团正巧Well, I'm sorry, but the Royal Zombie Company just left town出城去表演僵尸版哈姆雷特了with its all-zombie production of

31、"Hamlet"!我们还要来几遍How many more times are we going to do this?为什么Bulldog恶作剧的时候Why is it that whenever Bulldog pulls off a practical joke,你们都欢呼喝彩you all applaud him,就像他赢了什么奖杯一样as if he'd won some sort of bowl or cup or other sports dish?但是当我让你花一个周日排练的时候But when I ask you to give up a sing

32、le Sunday,我得到的就只有抱怨all I get is complaints?那是因为你把这变成了工作Well, because you keep turning it into work!这本来应该很开心的This is supposed to be fun!就像那天在海边一样Like a day at the beach! 噢 你总是做这种扫兴的事Oh, you do this kind of thing all the time.我什么时候这样啦 Like when? 就是上一次我们去海边的时候Like the last time we went to the beach!有很多

33、人带耙子的A lot of people bring rakes!听我说 Frasier 现在退出还不晚Look, Frasier, it's not too late to back out of this.面对事实吧 你本来就不擅长轻松幽默的东西Face it, jokes just aren't your specialty.你说这什么意思What is that supposed to mean?儿子 她说的意思是Well, what she means, son,我们都擅长不同的东西is that we all have our different blessings

34、.Bulldog很会搞笑逗乐 而你就擅长And Bulldog's good at jokes and fun, and you're good at.读书 还有 嗯 告诉别人你在读什么.reading, and, uh. telling people about the things you read.你就是说我弄不成这个事儿了Are you saying that you think I can't pull this off?噢 我并不是这个意思Oh, I wouldn't put it that way.我是I would.但是我每个细节都考虑到了But

35、 I've worked this out to the last detail,出不了差错的 - 当然有差错nothing can go wrong! - Everything's gonna go wrong!首先 Bulldog肯定会察觉到不寻常For one thing, Bulldog's gonna know something's up,因为Kenny几乎不会让他晚上上班'cause Kenny hardly ever makes him work at night!再看这些照相机还有电线And then look at all these

36、 cameras and wires.他万一发现了呢What if he spots these?还有这些僵尸 他一看就会知道And the zombies, as soon as he sees them,这是个恶作剧he's gonna know it's a prank,因为他刚刚整过你because he just pranked you!而且根本就没有僵尸这种东西好吗And there are no such things as zombies!阁下 你You, sir.被放逐了are released!你也是And you as well!我会自己把这事儿搞定I&#

37、39;ll pull this thing off by myself,证明你们都是一派胡言proving you don't know what you're talking about!我才不需要你们I don't need any of you!等等 僵尸们 你们还有用Wait, zombies, I do need you!但是不需要别人But no one else!我会证明给你们看 记住我的话I'll show all of you! You mark my words,明天晚上我会复仇的tomorrow night I get my revenge

38、!哦 真好 特效机器又能用了 好了Ah, good, the effects machine's working again. All right, everyone大家回到最初的站位上back to your first marks.怎么才到Where have you been?对不起I'm sorry,这地方太难找了I had a hard time finding this place.我在地址录里找"Crane"I checked the directory for "Crane,"但是你们家门牌号♥边上写

39、着"疯老太"But it had "Old Bat" Next to this apartment number.这恶作剧有点儿明显 但是还不赖A little obvious, but not bad.我想让你把这个"我要嘘嘘"娃娃I want you to deliver this "Baby-I-Have-To-Tinkle" Doll送给弗洛伊德中学的Jason Whiteto Jason White, Floyd Middle School.这是地址 我想他现在应该在上体育课吧This is the ad

40、dress. I mean, he should be in gym class about now.我不觉得我能就这么大摇大摆地走进学校 女士I don't think I'm allowed to just walk into his school, ma'am.别担心 没事儿的 我是他的奶奶No, it's OK. I'm his grandmother.记住你要说的话And you have to say this."你妈妈说了"Your mommy said,带着这去学校能让你振作起来bring this to you at

41、 school to lift your spirits.你看 玩具娃娃也有憋不住的时候"See? A dolly has accidents too."你真想让我这么说 - 是的 而且要大声说You really want me to say that? - Yes, and very loudly.那小家伙听力有问题The poor thing's hard-of-hearing.太棒啦Yes!地下室惊魂Todd 把棒球帽脱下来Todd, take off that baseball cap.你是不死之躯 不是未开化之人You're undead, no

42、t uncouth.好了 各位都麻利点All right, everyone, step lively,机灵点look sharp.好戏就要上演了It's almost showtime.房♥间色调检查一遍 回到站位上去Give me a final room tone check, please, and. take your marks.嘿 FrasHey, Fras.哦 你们好啊Well. hello.我猜你们是来看我失败的吧You've come to watch me fail, I suppose.不 我们只是想来加入你No, we just

43、want to come join you.是啊 很抱歉昨天对你说了那些话Yeah, we're sorry about that stuff we said yesterday.是的 我们是来见证你的伟大时刻的Yeah, we came to see you have your day.期待已久It's long overdue.也许我不想让你们来呢Maybe I don't want you here.这话什么意思What do you mean?你们在我最需要的时候抛弃我You abandon me in my hour of need,现在又来分享我成功的滋味n

44、ow you're here to revel in my success,就像在Boswell的<Johnson传>中一样just like in Boswell's "Life of Johnson."指Samuel Johnson <英语大辞典的编者 那是什么 那是我读的书What? - It was something-I-read.也是我们活该 谁知道那是什么意思I guess we deserved that whatever the hell it means.好了 Frasier 真的很抱歉 就让我们看吧Come on, F

45、rasier, we're sorry. Just let us watch.好吧 接受道歉 你们可以看 安静地看All right, apology accepted. You may observe - in silence.请自便Make yourselves comfortable.准备见证一个要被逼疯的男人吧And prepare to witness a man brought to the very edge of madness!我觉得他已经疯了I think he's already there.妈 我们去听交响乐了Mum, we're off to

46、the symphony.还没受够德国人的罪呐Haven't the Germans punished us enough?哦 该死的Oh! Bloody hell!这从哪儿来的Where did this come from?你肯定是惹人生气了吧Oh, you must have crossed someone.妈Mother.天啊 太抱歉了 我们刚下来Oh my God! I'm so sorry! We were just coming down the hall,就看见你们打开门了and we saw you open your door. 这是我们的垃圾桶 那放在这儿

47、干什么This is our trash can! - What was it doing there?Jason 过来Jason, get back here!看起来我们的孩子们在闹别扭 很不好意思It seems our children have been feuding. We're very embarrassed.别不好意思了 看看我们的女儿You're embarrassed? Meet our daughter!你们好啊Hello! 我还有一堆作业 别动I have a lot of homework. - Stay!Jason 你是在和这位女士对着干吗Jaso

48、n, have you been fighting with this woman?是她弄坏了我的自行车Well, she broke my bike还让我在学校看了心理咨&hearts;询&hearts;师and made me have to see a counselor at school! 我好像有什么东西忘在厨房&hearts;了 别动I think I left something in the kitchen. - Stay!我是成年人了 我可以做我任何想做的事I am an adult! I can do anything I want!不行 住在我们

49、家就得按照我们的规矩来No. While you're living under our roof, you'll follow our rules.你们应该为你们的所作所为感到羞愧You two should be ashamed of yourselves.万一有人受伤了呢What if someone got hurt? 那才好呢 Jason 你再过分Good. - Jason! You are one second away我们就要断了你的网from losing your broadband connection.现在道歉然后握手言和吧Now apologize an

50、d shake hands.才不要Pish不道歉的话What if I told you你就再也不能在你屋里吸烟了you couldn't smoke your pipes in your room anymore?对不起I'm sorry.现在你们俩要把这收拾好Now, you two are going to clean up this mess.还有Jason 完事直接回家And Jason, come straight home when you're finished.我们回家的时候这里最好一尘不染And this place better be spotle

51、ss by the time we get back.我真希望自己是个大人I wish I was all grown-up,那样我就不用听他们的蠢话了and I wouldn't have to follow their stupid rules!哦 长大还是一样 相信我Oh, nothing changes, trust me.知道么 我妈很怕虫子 You know. my mom hates bugs. 她能被吓得像小女生一样大叫She screams like a girl.我女婿也是So does my son-in-law!我知道哪儿能捉到蟋蟀I know where we

52、 can find some crickets.别 我们应该听话No! Now, we should do as we're told, 先打扫干净 好and start cleaning up. - Ok.这样 他们就不会察觉了That way, they won't be expecting it!本集拍摄中并无僵尸受伤这真是太棒了 等不及了 我都起鸡皮疙瘩了This is so great! I can't wait! I'm getting goose bumps!你摸摸 摸摸Feel me, feel me!Kenny 我让你在这看的条件是什么Kenn

53、y, what was the condition of my letting you watch?他来了There he is.放嘎吱声一Cue creaking noise one.有人吗 谁在哪儿Hello? Who's there?嘎吱声二Cue creaking noise two.现在 让恐惧蔓延吧Now, let the horror begin.太好了 感觉怎么样啊 大宝贝Yes! How do you like that, ya big baby!后退Get back!天哪 天哪 快打911 打911Oh my god! Oh my god! Call 9-1-1,

54、call 9-1-1!别担心 KennyDon't worry about it, Kenny!这只是个玩笑It's just a joke!你们什么意思What are you talking about?! 枪是假的 什么 It's a fake gun! - What? 枪是假的It's a fake gun!那子弹呢What about the bullets?都是假的It's a joke!Bulldog发现了Frasier的恶作剧 Bulldog found out about Frasier's prank, 所以我们设了一局so

55、we set him up!太有意思了 简直不相信他中招了That is awesome! I can't believe he fell for it!来吧 我们得告诉Frasier到底是怎么回事Come on, we got to go tell Frasier what's going on!你们先走吧You guys go ahead.我觉得我得去吐会儿I think I'm gonna stay here and puke.停 停 这都是玩笑Stop! Stop! It was all a joke!噢天哪 看我都做了什么Oh my God, what hav

56、e I done?!没什么大不了的 他都是僵尸了What's the big deal, he was already a zombie!你疯了吗 叫救护车啊Are you insane?! Call an ambulance!到底怎么回事What is going on here?看镜头招招手 FrasierWave to the camera, Frasier!什么What?又整到你了 一切记录在案 谁最强Got you again, all on tape. Who's the king?一点也不好笑 我差点犯心脏病That isn't funny, I could have had a heart attack!噢 对不起 Fras 我们实在是无法抗拒 好吧 至少没人受伤we just couldn't resist. - Well, at least nobody was hurt.你再一次打败我了 BulldogYou bested me, Bulldog, again! Crane医生 我想我伤到背了 什么Dr. Crane, I think I hurt my back. - What? 天啊 看我们干了什么oh my god! -


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