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1、第五单元单元分析骨口. 序号内容个人设计备课组集体讨论 意见-一一单元 教材 分析本单兀要求能听懂、会说、会读句子:Howold are you ?及其回答1 m ?.能在情景中正确 的使用 How lovely ! Here you are.能根据年龄段表达自己喜欢的玩具。本单兀以询冋某某人的 年龄为主,学习句型How old are you?及回答 1 ' m.单词主要是以学习 数词为主,本单兀必须掌 握:能听懂、会说、会读 单词:nine, eight, four,five,six,seve n, ten-二二单元 目标 要求1、能正确地听、说、读、写本课单词。2、能熟练地在情景

2、中运用日常交际用语How old are you ? I' m. What about you ?3、能感悟、体验字母Ss的发音/ s /.4、会诵读小诗 Don' t be late again .1、能正确地听、说、 读、写本课单词。2、能熟练地在情景中运用日常交际用语How old are you ? I'm. What about you ?3、能感悟、体验字母Ss的发音/ s /.4、会诵读小诗Don' t be late aga in .三单元 设计 意图(1) 通过本单元学习,激发学生对英语学 科的好奇心以及学习兴趣,在小组活动中 能与其他同学积极

3、配合和合作。(2) 通过本单元学习,培养学生乐于接触 外国文化的意识。通过本单元的学习,把 语言训练融于各种情景之 中,学生通过体验及参与, 学会与他人合作,共同完 成学习任务,从而体验成 功,培养对语言学习的兴 趣和善于观察生活的良好 习惯。单元四目标达成分析交往互动式教学设计课题3B Unit5 How old are you?教时第1课时日期月日教学目标:(1) 能听懂、会读、会说日常用语How old are you? Howlovely! Here you are. I' m(2) 能听懂、会说、会读one, two, three, four, five, six, seve

4、 n, eight, nine and ten,(3) 能听懂、会说、会读、会写two, eight, nine.(4) 能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助 下表演课文内容。(5) 让学生会初步地用英语表达生活中的数字。重点 与难点(1) 能正确地理解并朗读对话内 容,在教师的引导和帮助下表演 课文内容。(2) 让学生会初步地用英语表达 生活中的数字。教 学 过 程时间活动 板块活动内容与呈现方式学生活动方式父流万式常规 性积 累1. PPT: play an song2. Greeti ng to Ss1. Try to sing the song2. Greeti ng to

5、the teacher.学唱歌 师生交流核心活 动1. T: Do you want to know more about me?I'm Miss Wu, My house number is 601, how about yours?My cars number is 5K510,how about yours?My QQ number is 171393920 , how about yours?PPT: Lear ning tips.2Here some words on the blackboard. Can you find the nu mbers3、teach the n

6、umbers1.S know someth ing about the new teacher.2 Ss; Say some nu mbers in their dairly life.3 Ss: Lear n the tip.4 Ss: Match the nu mbersSs: Lear n the new words.Ss: Review the numbers教师就自己身边的 数字引导学生来说 一说,从学生已有 知识进行建构,调 动学生学习的积极 性。通过从单词的表达 过渡到单词的认 读。通过PPT上彩色的 字母帮助学生更好 的区别生词。然后过程4、play the game bomb

7、 game”You know somethi ng about me. Next meet my son.by play ing the game.Ss: Guess the boysageLearn to say How old are you?”再让学生听数字举 单词。利用猜年龄的方法 引出新句型。引导学生在小组活 动中活学活用新句 型,力争人人参与。1. Prese nt some nice toys,1. Review “How nice!在看故事之前,鼓teach”How lovely!”Great!”励孩子根据情境图.2. Learn How lovely!”进行预测,看完之Ss:

8、Praise some one or后又让学生根据图核2. Play the video.someth ing来自己概括提炼。心3.Check the an swer and the3. Guess the kids age.rules.4. Watch the video, and过活check thean swer:引导学生边读边做程动Differe nttoysfor符号-二二4. Play the tape.differe nt toys.Take some no tes.5.Read the story after朗读训练5. Read the story in group.the

9、tape.T-S, give a model.6 Read in group.6. T & S act the story.7. Work in four, act the story.活 动1. Set up a toy shop”(1) Watch the model.教师创设和教材相 类似的情境,让学2. Give models.(2) Make a dialogue生在活动中进一步with deskmate.巩固所学句型。1、We have learn from one to1.Ss: Read some words.询问三人年龄,鼓ten. Can you read thes

10、e words?励个别知道原因的拓展2、We know how to ask stfeage.孩子来解释,然后延伸教师再点明缘由。总结提升3、Learning tip2. Ss: How old are you .Cross cultural3、Learning tip.板书设计Ages: two-fivetwoonesixsevenUnit 5 How old are you?Ages: six-eleventhreefourfiveeightnineten交往互动式教学设计课题3B Unit5 How old are you?教时第2课时日期月日教学目标:1)能听、说、读单词 one- t

11、en。2) 能熟练掌握回答年龄的句型How old are you ? I'm3)能自己体会s的发音s。4)能初步感知 rhyme time。5)能在情景中熟练运用所学语言交际语言How old are。you ? I'm,6)能通过阅读理解游戏规则。重点 与难点1)能听、说、读单词 one-ten。2)能熟练掌握回答年龄的句型How old are you ?I'm3)能自己体会s的发音s。4)能初步感知 rhyme time。教 学 过 程时间活动 板块活动内容与呈现方式学生活动方式父流万式常规 性积 累I m your new teacher here. What

12、' your n ame? Nice to meet you. Look, what ' Sis ?T: How lovely/cool/nice s I m It my/This is my How nice/cool It 'ni ce/great.Work in pairs .师生对话自由交谈核心 过 程活 动T: Your English is very good. May I have your name? How old are you? How old is he/she?Glad to see you.Now ,I know sth about you

13、,do you want to know sth about me? Who can ask me ?It 'a secret.Can you ask a woman's age in England? Why? You can say: You look young/nice 'I mHe '/She 'Work in pairs .How old are you ?Yes, you are right, it's impolite of you to ask their ages师生对话,牛生对 话,操练本节课的 语言功能项目。通过看说的方式

14、, 从音,形的角度, 复习巩固数字类的 词汇。核心 过 程活 动teacher 'snu mber:Door nu mber/Carnu mber/Ph onenu mber.Check the an swers.We have three friends here.Look, who is he ?How old is he?(露头发)who is she ?How old is she?(露耳朵)who is he ?How old is he? 引出 sixLook ,read Mike.Ni ne.HelenEightBobbyHe s介绍三个朋友,通 过猜猜说说的形式 再次巩

15、固句型,并 引出新词six。活动三Who can read the new word? Can you find the words with §"?Can you try to read these words? Let'lear n it together with actions.play a game:Magic eyesshow me your nu mbers.I say 3,if you're 3 ,please stand up and say 1' 3.What's the number?What s the number

16、before ?What's the number after ?Open the books, look at the pictures, tell me the rules.sit stand seven sorry sister thissing song story stop.Say the nu mbers quickly and loudly.学生看图说出游戏规则。让学生注意/s/的发音与嘴型,并归纳 出含有s的单词。Magic eyes和其他游戏,不断滚动复 习数字类的词汇。观看图片拓展 延伸 总结 提升Can you find the other interesting

17、 games about nu mbers?I think you 're tired. Let s have a rest. Please watch and sing together.Are you happy ? Do you like me ? Do you want to have my nu mbers?学生示范游戏,玩游戏。Rhyme timePhone nu mber:QQ number:Can you find the otherin terest inggamesaboutnu mbers?板书设计Un it 5 How old are you ?A: Look

18、B: How lovely!.A: How old are you ?B: I'm A: How old is he/she?B: He/She is 交往互动式教学设计课题3B Unit5 How old are you?教时第3课时日期月日教学目标:1、 能听懂、会读并会运用:What a nice!2、 能听懂、会读、会说:Make a wish. I wa nt3、能初步感知It 's time for 4、能朗读、表演 Cartoon time5、能整体感知故事内容,理解课文的幽默之处。6、能在教师的指导下用英语做游戏并在游戏中进行简单的 交际。7、能正确认读、有感情

19、朗读对话。重点 与难点1、 能听懂、会读并会运用:Whata nice !2、 能听懂、会读、会说:Make a wish. I want 3、能初步感知It 's time for4、能朗读、表演 Cartoon time教 学 过 程时间活动 板块活动内容与呈现方式学生活动方式父流万式常规 性积 累1.Greeti nga. 全班打招呼T: Good morni ng/afterno on, class.b. 个别打招呼T: Good morning/afternoon, xx.Hi/Hello/Good afternoo n.Sing a nu mber song.Say a r

20、hyme.Play a game.歌曲热身、歌谣诵 读核活 动1. Ask for Sam'sin formatio n.Let'meet a lovely friend, who She?How old is he?2. Talk about Sam's birthday partySum up Sam's in formatio n.Sing the birthday song.通过询问Sam的信 息,引出本节课关 键词:birthday心过程1) Sing the birthday songListen! Do you know this song? Ca

21、n you sing the song for Sam?2) Talk about Sam'cakeWhat about the cake?Teach: What a nice !(指导朗读,表 现好的学生给礼物,就礼物适时评 价)3) Talk about Sam' s wishes.If you are Sam, what do you want?Close your eyes and make a wish.How nice!/lt 'nice./It 'great.Learn: What a nice !Lear n: Make a wish.I want a(学生齐说 Make a wish , Sam.一组学生开火车 许愿)在真实的情境中操 练新句型活 动Watch the carto on1) Liste n and an swer:What does Sam want?2) Watch aga in and think it over:T: Look at their faces. Are they happy? Why?Teach: It 'time for the


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