



1、牛津五年级下册英语填空题摸底专项练习题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1The shoes _(not fit) my sister.2My cousin Mike likes _(watch) cartoons.3-What _ your brother like _(do)?-He likes reading.4I dont have _(some) new clothes.5Yang Ling likes reading fairy _(story).6We cant _(cut) off t

2、he trees.7She _(have) to come here before 12 oclock.8-Who _(try) on the dress?-Jane.2. 语法填空。1Kitty _(help)her mother clean the house.2Are you afraid of _(swim)?No, I''m not.3Mike is good at _(play)football.4I want to _(fly)a plane in a sky.5Sunday is the_(one) d

3、ay of a week.6I have two good_(friend). They are Mary and Sally.7Listen! My sister is_(sing) a song in her bedroom.8Peter usually_(visit) his grandparents every Sunday.9_ do you come to school?   By bike.3. 根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。1I often _(做早操)at 6:00.2When do you _(吃早饭)?3We _(

4、上英语课)at 10:00.4They often _(进行体育运动)after school.5John often_(起床)at 6:30.4. 根据提示完成句子。1Mother''s Day is in _.2Children''s Day is in _.3_ is in January. 4Winter vacation is in _ and _.5_ is in March. 5. 用所给词适当形式填空。1_ (What/ When) do

5、 you get up every day?2We usually _ (play /plays) football after school.3My mother goes to work_ (at/ in) 7:00.4Thats _ (too/ to) late.5_(Class/ Classes)start at 3 oclock.6. 按要求填空。1be good at(汉语)_ 2dont(完整形式)_3two new students(汉语)_4small(反义词)_5play the piano(汉语)_7. 写出下列短语。1

6、23 4 8. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1When is _ (you) birthday?2Fathers Day is on the _ (three) Sunday of June.3August is the _ (eight) month in a year.4My family will _ (eat) mooncakes.5There are some special _ (day) in June.9. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1My brother _

7、60;(have) a new bike. He can _ (ride) a bike _ (good). He _ (like) _ (ride) bikes.2Mike, please _ (show) the pictures to _ (we).3The skirt _ (not) fit you. How about _ (buy) a new one?4My uncle _ (live) in Wuxi

8、. He _ (visit) many places every year.5Helen, lets _ (go) to the park!6Why _ (be) you so sad? Because I _ (be) old.7Why _ (not) you go by bus? Because _ (walk) is_ (well) for us.8Look! The boy is _ (play) football now.10. 选择适

9、当的词填空。1Lets go and _(play / playing) table tennis.Good idea.2Are you from different _ (country / countries)?Yes.3Peter is _ (on / in) duty today.4Touch your shoulders _ (on / with) your hands.5My mother usually _ (watch / watches) TV in the evenings.6Mr W

10、hite is from _ (UK / the UK), he is visiting Nanjing now.7Show _ (we / us) how to make a model plane.OK.8This is _ (the first / first) lesson of the new term.11. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1There are many _ (hill) near the lake.2You can see a big _ (build) in my s

11、chool.3Are there any_ (fish) in the river?4Lets go _ (boat).5Are there any pandas in the nature park?No, there _ (are).12. 将下列单词根据th的发音进行分类。think   they this thank   bath those other brotherfather   third   fifth   there  thin them this thirsty1

12、th /:_2th /ð/:_13. 选词填空。NovemberpickSummer playhave1I often watch TV and _sports with my father.2Her birthday is in_.3We _an English class at 9 oclock.4We can _apples in autumn on the farm.5_ is my favourite season.14. 语法填空。1My brother _(want)to _(be)a doctor.

13、2It''s _(wind)today.3There _(be)some shops and a supermarket.4Are there _(some)restaurants near your home?5She likes _(ride)her bike.6I can''t _(play)in the park.7She _(walk)to school every day.8How _(do)your mother _(go)to work?9I''d l

14、ike some _(fish).15. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1Does she_ (like) dogs?2Where_ (do) your teacher live?3Mike and his father _ (read) books every Saturday.4What does it_ (have)?5_ (be) there any soup on the table?16. 根据汉语及首字母提示,补全单词,完成句子。1I hope you can come and s_ some with us.2Is the singing c_ in May.3When is the_(暑假)?4_(母亲节)is in May.5New Years Day is in J_.17. 选词填空(词汇运用)。1He wants _ (buy/to buy


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