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1、(根据史蒂芬金同名小说改编)夫人 我以为我们有个约定Missus, I thought we had an agreement.你好像不明白眼下的事态有多严重Seems like you don't get how serious this business is,尽管我想邮箱里的死乌鸦although I'd think a dead crow in the mailbox很难引起误解would be pretty hard to misunderstand.我们很快会见面的I'll be seeing you.去死吧 吉米Fuck you, Jimmy.夫人 这可太

2、不礼貌了Now, Missus, that isn't a bit nice.这首歌♥太动听了 不是吗 Isn't this just the cutest song?瞧瞧这个Look at this.(布莱克上尉 虚空魔鬼)看见侧面写的是什么 布莱克上尉和虚空魔鬼See what it says on the side there? Captain Black and Empty Devils.布莱克上尉有一个魔法悠悠球Captain Black had a magic yo-yo.你当然知道Course, you know that.这种悠悠球是出版商

3、推出的一种促销手段Yo-yos like this one were a promotion thing the publisher did.我在eBay上买♥♥的 也学了几个悠悠球招式 就像布莱克上尉一样I got it on eBay and I learned a few tricks on it too, just like Captain Black.看着 我现在让它“地球自转”Watch. I'll make it sleep.现在我要“遛狗”And now I'll walk the dog.我口渴I'm thi

4、rsty.这个我们可以解决We can fix that.感觉好些了吗 Feelin' better?等你走了我就会感觉好些I'll feel better when you're gone.说得没错Fair enough.我不会占用你太多时间I won't take up too much of your time.我们再也拖延不起了 夫人We can't afford to linger in any case, Missus.不过真希望我能留下来Wish I could stay, though.这地方不错啊It's a nice plac

5、e.我并不是对他不满 他是一个不折不扣的天才Not that I begrudge him. He was a flat genius.他用自己的特殊才能赚了很多钱He made all the money with his special talent.是上帝赐予他的禀赋 而你除了给他暖床以外什么都没做His God-given gift, and you did nothing but warm his bed.你算是一种寄生虫 不是吗 Makes you sort of a parasite, doesn't it?杜利先生 我们是伴侣Mr. Dooley, we- we wer

6、e partners.我们相互依靠We relied on each other.我们彼此相爱And we loved each other.而达什米尔似乎不明白这一点And that's something that Dashmiel doesn't seem to get.你知道人常说 看法就像屁♥眼♥ 每个人都有Well, you know what they say. Opinions are like assholes. Everyone's got one.斯科特的才华不仅特殊 简直是超凡脱俗Scott's

7、 talent wasn't just special, it was extra special.我读过他的每一本书 也许教授告诉你了I read every single one of his books. Maybe the prof told you that.你知道我最喜欢哪一本吗 You know which one I liked the best?有悠悠球的那本 虚空魔鬼The one with the yo-yo. Empty Devils.不 夫人No, Missus.那本不错 不过不如海民之女That's a good one, but it's

8、not so good as Coaster's Daughter.我不仅喜欢它 我热爱它 我把那本书都翻烂了I didn't just like it. I loved it and. I read it to pieces.我最喜欢的部分是 当吉恩告诉他的混账父亲My favorite part is when Gene tells his son of a bitch father他永远不回来了he's never comin' back.你知道他说了什么 你记得吗 You know what he says, you- you remember that

9、?吉恩说他的父亲从来不理解爱的义务Gene- Gene says his father never understood the duty of love.对了That's it.就是这样说的That's just it.他从来不理解爱的义务He never understood the duty of love.多少人有过那样的感受 但却找不到词语表达 How many people have felt something like that and never had the words?斯科特值得拥有这样一个地方Scott deserved a place like th

10、is.现在他不在了And now he's gone.多么遗憾 另外一个遗憾是你还霸占着What a shame, and what a shame you're holding on to世人希望看到的东西what the world would like to see.“女人彼此看待的方式 有些女人做得到 而男人永远做不到"The women looked at each other in the way some women do but men never do,因为她们看得更远 看得到更多色彩”because they see further and in

11、more colors."“更多色彩”"In more colors."只有斯科特兰登写得出来 却没有人读过Only Scott Landon could put it that way and no one's ever seen it.它就放在一个黑暗的箱子里 都是因为你It's just sittin' down there in a dark box because of you.你知道这个女人看见面前有什么吗 You know what this woman sees in front of her right now?一个小偷A

12、 thief.是你让我这么做的 夫人Now, you made me do that, Missus.现在听我说 你在听我说吗 Now listen to me. You listening to me?世人应该看到这些The world deserves to see these.我们有过约定 而你没有遵守And we had an agreement and you didn't stick to it.你在说什么 What do you mean?你把文稿给我 我交给教授You give me the papers, I give them to the prof,他将它们出版以

13、供世人阅读he publishes them for the world to see这样人们可以了解斯科特兰登是多么伟大so people can understand how great Scott Landon was.杜利先生 我们没有达成约定Mr.- Mr. Dooley. We- We- We didn't have an agreement.-有 -我们没有约定-Yes. -We didn't- We didn't have an-有 我们当然有 可是你撒谎了 不是吗 Yes, we surely did. But you lied, didn't

14、 you?那么其他的文稿在哪 So where's the other stuff?秘密文稿在哪 Where's the secret stuff?-你不给教授看 -不-How you're holdin' it back from the prof. -No.-不给世人看 -拜托-From the world. -Please.不给我看From me.拜托Please. Please. Please.我无法释怀 这让我愤怒之极I can't get over it and it makes me so mad.我向你保证I promise you. I

15、 promise you.-你可以都拿走 -别出声-You can have all of it. -Hush.别出声 夫人Hush now, Missus.我受够了你的卑鄙伎俩No more of your bitchery.我很抱歉用这个词 不过我相信应该实话实说Now, I'm sorry to use such a word, but I believe in calling a thing by its name.“秘密一点不好玩 秘密会让人受伤”"Secrets, secrets are no fun. Secrets, secrets hurt someone.

16、"我有张唱片 我们应该听听 是战旗里面的I've got something we should listen to. It's from Battle Flags.圣物有续篇There's a sequel to Relics.不 那只不过是一个章节和一个纲要No, that was nothin' but one chapter, and an outline.我已经找到了 夫人I got it right back there, Missus.你撒谎 撒谎的人要受到惩罚You're a liar, and liars get took t

17、o the woodshed.我最好在明晚10点前听到教授的消息Now, I better hear from the prof by 10:00 tomorrow night.他没办法He has no way- He has no way to reach you.他没办法和你联♥系♥He can't reach you.他联♥系♥不到你He has no way to reach you.他没办法联♥系♥你He doesn't have yo

18、ur number.他没有你的电♥话♥号♥码-He doesn't have your email. He can't- -By 10:00 tomorrow night,-他没有你的电子邮箱 他没法 -明天晚上10点之前or next time the hurting's gonna be a lot worse.不然下次疼痛就会严重得多He has no way to reach you.他没办法联♥系♥到你No.不No.不Hush now, Missus.

19、别出声 夫人Lisey. No.莉西 不Oh, no. No.不Oh.莉西Lisey.天啊Oh, God.(如果告诉任何人我来过 我就杀了你)(不过我会先杀了你的姐姐们)(相信我 你的朋友 帅吉姆)兰登家的人都痊愈得很快All Landons are fast healers.我们必须这样We had to be.我只不过是嫁到兰登家的人I'm only a Landon by marriage.不No.-我不应该告诉你 -不-I shouldn't have told you. -No.爸爸说我们不应该把死人再挖出来Daddy said we don't unbury

20、 the dead.不No.不 你得告诉我No, you have to tell me. You have to tell me.你得讲完 然后我向你保证 我们再也不会谈起这件事了You have to finish, and then I promise you we'll never talk about it ever again.我爱他 莉西I loved him, Lisey.我知道你爱他I know you did.这是怎么回事What's going on? What's going on?没关系It's all right.你有天分You

21、9;re a natural.这是什么啊 What is this?我们在哪 Where are we?甜心山Sweetheart Hill.我们必须保持安静We have to be quiet.够了That's enough.莉西Lisey.莉西Lisey.嗨 丹Hi, Dan.你好 兰登夫人Well, hello, Mrs. Landon.你还好吗 听上去有些怪怪的Are you okay? Sound a little funny.我没事 我有点瞌睡 只是有点瞌睡I'm okay. I'm- I'm sleepy. Just sleepy.我正准备去睡觉

22、I'm- I'm getting ready to go to bed.我很抱歉打扰你Well, I'm sorry to bother you.我只想告诉你I just wanted to let you know罗迪博因顿停在路边 如果你有任何需要的话that Roddy Boynton's parked on the side of the road if you need anything.-非常感谢 -晚安 兰登夫人-Thanks a lot. -Have a good evening, Mrs. Landon.好 再见Okay, bye.请你告诉我你

23、并不相信那些胡言乱语Please tell me you really didn't believe any of that crap,连一秒钟都没信过even for a second.你一直是我们当中最实际的一个I mean, you were always the practical one.池塘不仅有疗愈功能 还有令人着迷的力量And the pool didn't just heal. It had the power to fascinate.(刚离开阿曼达家 我拿了她的枪)(很好)(把它扔到河里去)(好吧 至少你应该把碗洗了吧)我应该怎么对付杜利 斯科特 What

24、 am I supposed to do about Dooley, Scott?还有阿曼达怎么办 And Amanda?你有办法吗 Do you have any ideas?亲爱的宝贝Babyluv.斯科特 Scott?斯科特 Scott?斯科特Scott.我爱过你 我救过你I. I loved you. I saved you.我给你冰敷I gave you ice.我妈妈告诉我My mama told me她说 儿子 当心点She said, son, please beware有一种叫爱的东西There's this thing called love你知道它无处不在You

25、know it's everywhere她告诉我She told me-她会让你心碎 -让你心碎-She can break your heart -Break your heart-让你痛苦不堪 -让你痛苦不堪-And put you in misery -And put you in misery自从我遇见了这个小女人 好耶Since I met this little woman, yeah我觉得这在我身上应验 让我告诉你I feel it happened to me And I'm telling you-现在回头为时已晚 -现在回头为时已晚-It's too

26、 late to turn back now -It's too late to turn back now我相信我在坠入爱河I believe, I believe I believe I'm falling in love我发现自己一天给她打至少十个电♥话♥I found myself calling her At least ten times a day你知道 这是多么不同寻常You know, it's so unusual我这样继续下去For me to carry on this way我告诉你 我彻夜无眠I&#

27、39;ll tell you, I can't sleep at night不No. No, no, no.-想要紧紧拥抱她 -想要紧紧拥抱她-Wanting to hold her tight -Wanting to hold her tight我努力想要说服自己I've tried so hard to convince myself这种感觉不对That this feeling just ain't right-好耶 -现在回头为时已晚-Yeah, oh, yeah -It's too late to turn back now我相信我在坠入爱河I bel

28、ieve, I believe I believe I'm falling in love我不会介意I wouldn't mind it如果我知道她也真的爱我If I knew she really loved me too但我不愿相信我是单相思But I hate to think That I'm in love alone而我束手无策 不And there's nothing that I can do, no-现在回头为时已晚 -现在回头-It's too late to turn back now -To turn back now我相信我在坠

29、入爱河I believe, I believe I believe I'm falling in love因为我在坠入爱河'Cause I'm falling in love-现在回头为时已晚 -噢-It's too late to turn back now -Oh我相信我在坠入爱河I believe, I believe I believe I'm falling in love现在回头为时已晚It's too late to turn back now我爱过你 我救过你I loved you. I saved you.我给你冰敷I gave

30、 you ice.我爱过你 我救过你 我救过你两次I loved you. I saved you. I saved you twice.我救过你I saved you.我救过你两次I saved you twice.今晚和明天我们将Tonight and tomorrow, we're gonna be.曼达Manda?关上门 莉西 你是在谷仓里出生的吗 天啊Close the door, Lisey. Were you born in a barn? Jesus.你跑出来干嘛 What are you doing out?电视上的帅哥说 罗伯特弗罗斯特说得对According to

31、 handsome there, Robert Frost was right.世界将在冰天雪地而不是熊熊大火中终结The world's gonna end in ice instead of fire.幸亏斯科特在西岸 洛杉矶的气温大概有摄氏21度Good thing Scott's out west. It's probably 70 in LA.他取消了行程He canceled the tour.什么 A型性格的摇滚明星作家 What? Mr. Type-A Rock Star Writer?他有些不对劲There's something wrong

32、with him.从圣诞节开始就不对劲了Or has been since Christmas.他不像平时的自己 而且越来越糟He's not himself and it's getting worse.你对我说这些是因为You're telling me this, because wh-对了 当然 我是家里的疯子Oh, oh, oh, snap. Of course. I'm the crazy one in the family.因为我需要向人倾诉Because I need someone to talk to.当然 但不是向达拉 对吗 Sure, b

33、ut not Darla, right?因为她不是那个有时候会发呆的人'Cause she's not the one who gorks out sometimes还得卧床不起几天 所以and has to spend a couple of days in bed, so.天啊 不是这样 因为他跟你谈得来God, no. Because he talks to you.除了我 他只跟你谈得来You're the only one he talks to, besides me.他跟你说什么了吗 他有没有说过他感到抑郁 Did he say anything to y

34、ou? Did he say anything about being depressed?感到脱离现实 About being disconnected?没有 不过 他似乎有点不对劲No. I mean, he seemed a little off.不过 并不是从圣诞节开始的 要我说 从感恩节前就开始了But not just since Christmas. I'd say before Thanksgiving.他有没有跟你讲过他的童年 Did he talk to you about his childhood, ever?他有没有跟你聊过那些呢 Has he ever, e

35、ver spoken to you about that?没有 他跟你说了什么 No. What has he said to you?-真的吗 什么都没说 从来没有 -不 他说过-Seriously? Nothing? Never? -No. He- No, he- He did.他对我讲过一次He- He- He talked to me about it once.是很久以前 在我们结婚后不久It was a long time ago. Was right after we were married.他说兰登家的人有He said that the Landons had a hist

36、ory of becoming unstuck.脱离现实的历史to reality.他称之为“离开”He called it "being gone."也许是压力大 Stress, maybe?压力只会让他表现更出色 他喜欢压力He thrives on stress. He loves stress.不是那个原因 更像是一种病 就像It's not that. It's more like a disease. It's like.有两种精神失常Two types of insanity.中邪和离开The bad and the gone.是遗传性

37、的Runs in the blood.是遗传性的Something in the blood.你来找我 就是因为我是疯子You did come to me because I'm the crazy one.不 我来找你是因为我害怕No. I came because I'm scared.我不想失去他And I don't want to lose him.当我失神的时候When I withdraw.那是因为我害怕了it's because I get scared.我害怕未来I get scared of the future.害怕独自死在这房&

38、hearts;子里 只有两个妹妹为我哀悼Of dying all alone in this house with no one but my two sisters to mourn me.所以有时候我就会回到童年And so sometimes I just go into the past when I was a kid.那时的生活没有那么复杂When life wasn't so goddamn complicated.然后有时候 当我游离的时候And then sometimes, you know, when I retreat.那回到现实难不难 Is it hard t

39、o- to come back?如果我割伤自己If I cut myself.疼痛会将我拉回现实 但有些时候也不会Pain brings me back, but someday it won't.天啊 别说了Oh, God. Just don't say that.-别那么做 别割 -你不想听-Don't do that. Don't cut- -You don't want to hear.-你不相信 可是 -不要再割伤自己了-You don't believe it, but it's- -Don't cut yoursel

40、f again.我该走了 天要黑了I should go, because it's gonna get dark.我不想在夜里开车I don't want to drive when it's dark.你不想让他独自待着You don't want to leave him alone.对吗 Do you?那就做正确的事Then make it right.留住他 莉西 他爱你Hold on to him, Lisey. He loves you.如果有什么人能将他留在这个世界And if there is anyone who can keep him t

41、ethered to this world.那就是我It's me.只有我It has to be me.斯科特Scott?斯科特Scott?斯科特Scott?斯科特Scott!嘿 这里冷死了Hey. It's freezing up here.你干嘛不回屋子去 Why don't you come back to the house?嘿Hey.你在干嘛 What are you doing?嘿Hey.斯科特Scott.好了 别开玩笑了 行了Okay. Right. Quit messin' around. Come on.你吓到我了You're sca

42、ring me.亲爱的Honey.嘿亲爱的Hey, hey, honey.你没事吧 Are you all right?嘿Hey.告诉我Talk to me.如果你在那里If you're there.回来吧come back.快点回来吧Just come back.你去哪了 Where'd you go?你记不记得割伤自己手的时候 Do you remember when you cut your hand?-在洗衣店争吵的那晚 -还有对-The night I argued with the laundromat. -And- Yeah,你在洗脸池里清洗伤口 按照保罗教你的

43、方法and you cleaned it in the sink the way that Paul showed you.你♥爸♥爸逼你从谷仓跳下后 他割伤了保罗 保罗也是那么洗的 Did Paul do that when your dad cut him, after he made you jump from the barn?不 那是后来的事了No. That came later.保罗的割伤很严重 不仅仅是划伤 是很严重的伤口And Paul's cuts were bad. They weren't just nicks

44、. They were bad.爸爸割得很深 但这不是你想问的Daddy cut deep. But that's not what you want to ask.对Yeah.-问你想问的问题 我会回答 -好吧-Ask what you want, and I'll answer. -Okay. Okay, okay.-可是你得问 -好吧-.but you have to ask. -Okay.那么 当你从谷仓窗口跳下的时候So, when you jumped from the barn window.爸爸亲吻了我Daddy gave me a kiss.亲吻是爸爸的奖品K

45、iss is Daddy's prize.爸爸把保罗体内的邪放出来就结束了Daddy let the bad out of Paul and it was over.找到秘宝 结束Bool, the end.至少那天结束了At least for that day.但那也不是你想问的But that's not what you want to ask either.他是怎么痊愈的 How did he heal?他是怎么康复的 How did he get better?有一个地方There's a place.他称之为He called it.异界之月Booya M

46、oon.我们称之为异界之月We called it Booya Moon.他受伤的时候我就带他去I took him when he was hurt.他死后我带他去了And I took him when he was dead.我把他埋在了甜心山And I buried him on Sweetheart Hill.就是我们今天去的地方 那就是我们的地方Where we went today. That was our place.问你的问题 我知道那是什么Ask your question. I know what it is,但是你得问but you have to ask.那是真实的

47、吗 Was it real.我们今天去的地方where we went today.还是我的想象 or was it my imagination?然后他带我去了And then. he took me.如果你想去If you want.我可以再带你去I'll take you there again.是Yeah.我想I do.-你想的是什么 -大柳树-What did you think of? -The willow tree.你做得很好 比保罗更好That was good. Better than Paul.天啊 这些花朵 我可以摸吗 安全吗 God, the flowers.

48、 Can I touch them? Is it safe?我有次带了一朵回去 但它立刻就枯萎了I took one back once, but it died right away.-天快黑了 -这里永远不会天黑-It's gonna get dark soon. -It never gets dark here.月亮一直在那里 就在地平线上The moon is always there, right above the horizon.莉西 看Lisey, look.这是保罗用一个破板条箱做的Paul made this from a busted crate.池塘最棒了 莉西

49、The pool's the best, Lisey.-这里有人吗 -有-Are there people here? -Yes.不过他们都破碎了But they're broken.那是什么 What's that?想一样东西 莉西Think of something, Lisey.房♥间里的某样东西Something in the room.那是什么 那是什么东西 Wh- What was that? Wh- What was that thing?高个子The long boy.我从来没有近距离看见过它 我从来不想看I've neve

50、r seen it up close. I never want to.我不想待在这里I don't want to be here.我们认识很久了 那个东西和我We have a long acquaintance, that thing and I.你记得爸爸把保罗割伤得很严重 我得带他去的那次吗 Do you remember when I had to take Paul 'cause Daddy cut him up so bad?那天它离得很近That day it was so close我们可以透过树林隐约看到它we could glimpse him thro

51、ugh the trees.它很高It was so tall.没有尽头Endless.还有它带来的那种感觉And the feelings it brings.绝望Despair.悲伤Sadness.-它知道 -知道什么 -It knows. -Knows what?我Me.它召唤我It calls me.它能穿越吗 它能穿越到我们这里来吗 Can it come through? Can it come through to us?大概不能Probably not.有时我在写作的时候会听到它I hear it sometimes when I'm writing.它的头脑会召唤我的

52、头脑Its mind reaches out to mine.在我睡不着的夜晚 我会听见它到来And nights where I can't sleep, I hear it coming.我在镜子里或玻璃杯上会瞥见它 我会看见它的脸I catch a glimpse of it in a mirror, or a glass, and I- I see his face.很多脸Many faces.我希望And I wish.我希望 有时候我I do, so- sometimes, I.可是现在我有你 莉西But now I have you, Lisey.你让我留在这里And y

53、ou keep me here.你是我的锚You're my anchor.这里和那里都有锚There are anchors here and there.锚和双界人Anchors and doubles.你说的是什么意思 What do you mean?有时候 我是双界人Sometimes, I'm a double.保罗从来不是Paul never was.但是还有很多我不知道的 我只能猜But there's so much that I don't know, that I can only guess.比如水如何将异界之月 和我们的世界连接起来Li

54、ke how water connects Booya Moon to our world.-为什么你可以去而大多数人不行 -因为我有你的帮助-How you can go and most people can't. -Because I had you to help me.但是池塘有治愈的力量But the pool heals.这是我确定无疑的That I know for sure.那就是当爸爸割伤保罗 我带他去的地方You know, that's where I took Paul when Daddy cut him.-我们正走在去池塘的路上 -你想帮他痊愈-W

55、e were on the path to the pool. -So you could make him better.你想帮他痊愈 就像你在割伤自己的胳膊后So you could make him better the way you made yourself better让自己痊愈一样after you cut your arm.是的Yeah.然后它来了And then it came.高个子The long boy.走吧 快滚Go. Get out of here.别再想拿你的水把戏来骗我And don't try and trick me again with that water business.斯科特 你听见了


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