1、Lesson FiveLove is a FallacyI. Words explanation:1. fallacy A. religious belief B. false belief C. bankruptcy D. dropping2. incredulous A unbelieving B. increasing C. industrious D. unimproved3. scalpel A. a carpet B. a piece of bread C. a small, light knife D. a rising market4. perspicacious A. det
2、erminate B. flagitious C. prestigious D. discerning5. trauma A. emotional shock B. mental work C. the state of not having enough D. a reinforced structure for observers6. shed A. take shelter B. prevent from C. lose hair D. keep company with7. pedantic A. of a person who likes music B. of a person w
3、ho pays attention to unimportant news C. of a person who stresses on sports D. of a person who emphasizes trivial points of learning8. desist A. insist on B. cease C. heckle D. castrate9. proportions A. property B. portions C. massages D. dimensions10. waif A. homeless child B. wandering musician C.
4、 countryman D. smuggler11. perspiration A. convincing B. encouraging C. pledging D. sweating12. blubber A. speak quickly B. talk repeatedly C. say with sobs D. say with hiccups13. modulate A. make a change in the tone B. cause to do or believe sth. C. make or become soft D. change the place or posit
5、ion14. infamy A. being famous for B. being shameful C. being honest D. being refused15. contrite A. sad B. honest C. penitent D. overjoyed16. wax A. grow bigger or greater B. become less or smaller C. drop heavily D. cover with thick coating17. acme A. large group of plants B. highest point C. sharp
6、 crisis D. highest mountain peak18. veer A. move forward B. look sideways C. change directions D. pour out19. exultant A. triumphant B. foreign C. exhausted D. overflowing20. unsightly A. invisible B. ugly C. precipitate D. provisional21. testy A. examining B. proving C. impatient D. judging22. frac
7、ture A. break B. combine C. disagree D. repeat23. tug A. pull B. push C. place C. fix24. covet A. surround B. cover C. avoid D. desire25. gruelling A. complaining B. moaningC. tiring D. unwilling26. mince A. decrease B. minimizeC. increaseD. euphemize27. clapA. strike B. walkC. fall downD. climb up2
8、8. wince A. push forward B. draw back C. incise up D. draw out29. qualify A. equal B. proposeC. restrict D. count30. chink A. a precise piece B. a small piece C. a big valley D. a narrow opening31. shamble A. walk in an awkward way B. tremble terriblyC. close in mild way D. shine brightly32. contrit
9、e A. permitting easily B. seeing clearlyC. feeling regret D. looking worried33. chirp A. a long loud sound B. a short low-pitched soundC. a low murmuring sound D. a short, high-pitched sound34. contradict A. take out B. be contrary toC. withdraw D. be relevant to 35. immovable A. permanent B. quickC
10、. immediate D. cold36. penetrate A. spread B. pierceC. take part D. formulate37. specificationA. a blank or empty area B. a detailed, exact statement of particularsC. a partial excuseD. the evolutionary formation of new biological species38. scrap A. special place B. particular areaC. small piece D.
11、 unseen item39. tremendous A. unique B. genuine C. unexpected D. enormous40. clutchA. grasp tightly B. hang looselyC. touch softly D. hold lightlyII. Complete the word according to the definition, the first letter of which is given:1. to become less or weaker wane _2. juice which comes from meat whi
12、le it is cooking gravy _3. to determine the nature of (esp. a disease) from observation of symptoms diagnose4. flat part of either side of the head between the forehead and the ear temple 5. medicine causing the bowels to empty themselves laxative 6. appointment between lovers to meet at a secret pl
13、ace tryst 7. large, solid piece chunk 8. lose health and strength languish 9. named group of fixed stars constellation 10. deformed and mentally undeveloped person cretin11. without denial admittedly 12. small piece of burning wood or coal in a dying fire ember 13. to make a loud deep noise like a b
14、ull bellow 14. widely known esp. for sth. bad notorious 15. art of placing or moving fighting forces for or during battle tactics 16. one, such as a person or an object, that is bulky, clumsy, or unwieldy hulk17. to destine to an unhappy end doom18. a bowl-shaped depression at the mouth of a volcano
15、 crater19. no longer burning or active extinct20. showing initiative and willingness to undertake new projects enterprising21. worth being remembered or noted memorable 22. to set free or keep free from restrictions or bonds unfetter23. a business enterprise involving some risk in expectation of gai
16、n venture24. lacking strength or firmness; weak or spiritless limp 25. lacking vigor or energy flaccid26. suitable for a particular person, condition, occasion, or place; fitting. Appropriate27. a specifically defined division in a system of classification; a class. Category28. a branch of knowledge
17、 or teaching discipline29. keenly perceptive or discerning; penetrating: acute30. having or showing shrewdness and discernment, especially with respect to one's own concerns. astute31. something taken to be true for the purpose of argument or investigation; an assumption hypothesis32. to engage
18、in a formal discussion or argument debate33. a massive variety of the mineral uraninite pitchblende34. anger aroused by something unjust, mean, or unworthy. indignation35. a shrill, often frantic cry shriek36. a surface layer of earth containing a dense growth of grass and its matted roots turf 37.
19、to make known (something concealed or secret) reveal 38. having the flavor or odor of game, especially game that is slightly spoiled gamy 39. to thrust or throw forcefully into a substance or place plunge 40. the skin of an animal with the fur or hair still on it pelt 41. to burn with little smoke a
20、nd no flame smolder 42. something expected; a possibility prospect43. gilled with a specified element or elements fraught44. a quality, an ability, or an accomplishment that makes a person suitable for a particular position or task qualificationIII. Reading Comprehension:1. The writer wants to show
21、that _.A. love is a mistake, a deception and an emotion that follows the principles in logicB. love is an error and it has deceptive quality that does not follow the principles of logicC. love is not a dry branch of learning and it is like a human being full of beauty and passion.D. love is a dry an
22、d learned discipline and girls do want brilliant, gifted or educated husbands. 2. The narrator claimed that his brain is just like _.A. a jitterbugB. a tunnelC. an extinct craterD. a precision instrument3. According to the law student, Petey was not _.A. a faddistB. a knot-headC. logicalD. unstable4
23、. “You would go far to find another girl so agreeable” means that _.A. you would achieve much success if you could find another girl who was so agreeable. B. you would not achieve much success if you could find another girl who was so agreeable.C. it would be easy for you to find another girl who wa
24、s as agreeable as Polly.D. it would be difficult for you to find another girl who was as agreeable as Polly.5. When he was ultimately rejected by Polly, the law student thought he was _.A. Frankenstein B. PygmalionC. Petey Burch D. Walter Pidgeon IV. Point out some American colloquial expression fro
25、m the text:a month of Sundays dumba casual kick fire awaya deal will-heeledlaughs pin-upkeen kid nothing upstairsgo steady get todate terrificmad NutsYummy guydreamy knock me outdarn knot-head jitterbug V. Why the chief attraction of "Lesson Five" is its humor?The humor lies in five aspect
26、s: 1. the title, 2. the authors note, 3. the contrast in the language,4. the ending, 5. the choice of names. VI. Comment on the rhetorical devices of the following statements:1. There is a limit for what flesh and blood can bear. (synecdoche)2. The first man has poisoned the well before anybody coul
27、d drink from it. He has hamstrung his opponent before he could even start. (metaphor)3. It was like digging a tunnel. (simile)4. it is not often that one so young has such a giant intellect. (hyperbole)5. I was not Pygmalion; I was Frankenstein, and my monster had me by the throat. (allusion; metony
28、my)6. “Holy Toledo!” he repeated fifteen or twenty times. (hyperbole)7. Logic, far from being a dry, pedantic discipline, is a living, breathing thing, full of beauty, passion, and trauma. (metaphor)8. Maybe somewhere in the extinct crater of her mind, a few embers still smoldered. Maybe somehow I c
29、ould fan them into flame. (extended metaphor)9. but I was not one to let my heart rule my head. (metonymy)10. My brain, that precision instrument, slipped into high gear. (mixed metaphor)VII. Translation:1. 一旦三峡工程竣工,其本身便成为世界上的一大创举,大坝坐落在长江上游“载断巫山云雨”坐落在大坝上的巨大船闸能让万吨船舶顺利而过,如同宫殿一样使人眼花缭乱的水利发电站通过广延的高压电网输送强
30、大的电流。Once completed, the Three Gorges Project itself will become a new wonder of the world. The giant dam will stand upstream to hold back Wushan Mountain's clouds and rain. A gigantic shiplock will stand there to lift towboats with a total tonnage up to 10,000 over the dam. The hydropower station, as dazzling as a palace, will shoot out its mighty curre
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