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1、may be the world.The Grand Central Stations most The Grand Central Stations most prominent feature was undoubtedly its prominent feature was undoubtedly its enormous train shed. Constructed of enormous train shed. Constructed of glass and steel, the 100-foot wide by glass and steel, the 100-foot wid

2、e by 650-foot long structure rivaled the 650-foot long structure rivaled the Eiffel Tower and Crystal Palace for Eiffel Tower and Crystal Palace for primacy as the most dramatic primacy as the most dramatic engineering achievement of the 19th engineering achievement of the 19th century. century. Gra

3、nd Central Station in New YorkGrand Central Station in New YorkGrand Central Station in New YorkGrand Central Station in New YorkGrand Central Station in New YorkGrand Central Station in New YorkGrand Central Station in New YorkGrand Central Station in New YorkGrand Central Station in New YorkGrand

4、Central Station in New YorkGrand Central Station in New YorkGrand Central Station in New YorkGrand Central Station in New YorkGrand Central Station in New York April 20th 1889, birth date of Adolf HitlerAdolf Hitler, the leader of Nazi Germany, was born on April 20th 1889 in a small Austrian town ca

5、lled Braunau, near to the German border. This is the house where Adolf Hitler was born.In January, 1903, Hitlers father died suddenly of a lung hemorrhage, leaving his thirteen year old son as head ofthe Hitler household. January, 1903Death of Hitlers fatherAfter doing very badly in his exams, Hitle

6、r left school at theage of fifteen. August 1914Outbreak of World War IThere is no doubt that Hitler was a brave soldier. He was never heard to condemn war like the rest of his colleagues. In allHitler won six medals for bravery. In August 1914, World War One was declared. Hitler crossed over the bor

7、der to Germany where he had a very brief and not too searching medical which declared that he was fit to be in theGerman Army. 1918End of World War IIn October 1918, just one month before the end of the war, Hitler was blinded by a gas attack. While he was recovering in hospital, Germany surrendered

8、. Hitler was devastated. By his own admission, he cried for hours and felt nothing butanger and humiliation.In 1918, he was still convinced that Germany was winning the war. 1918End of World War I“In these nights (after Germanys surrender had been announced) hatred grew in me, hatred for those respo

9、nsible for this deed.” Hitler believed that Germany would never have surrendered and that the nation had been stabbed in the back by Jews. MayJune 1919Hitlers political work in MunichHitler took up political work in Munich in MayJune 1919. As an army political agent, he joined the small German Worke

10、rs Party in Munich (September 1919). .In 1920 he was put in charge of the partys propaganda and left the army to devote himself to improving hisposition within the party. 1920, In charge of the partys propaganda 1924-1929: Seeking Electoral SuccessThe party grew slowly in numbers, and in 1926 Hitler

11、 successfully established his position within it against Gregor Strasser, whose followers were primarily in northernGermany. In 1924, Hitler promptly reestablished the NSDAP in Munich. Rise to Power: 1930-1933 The Nazis gradually devised an electoral strategy to win northern farmers and white collar

12、 voters in small towns, which produced a landslide electoral victory in September 1930 (jump from roughly 3% to 18% of the votes cast) due to the depression. The Creation of the Nazi Dictatorship, 1933Hitler consolidated his authority through the destruction of all other political parties. In April

13、1933, the government abolished self-government in the German states by appointing governors responsible to the central government in Berlin. The states lost even more power in January 1934 when the Reichsrat (帝国议会), the upper house of the parliament, was abolished. The Reichsrat had representedthe s

14、tates. Related Information 1938In 1938, a Polish Jew assassinated a German diplomat in Paris. In response, the Nazis organized a campaign of mob violence known as the Crystal Night, which gained its name from the broken glass resulting from the destruction of synagogues and Jewish-owned businesses.

15、Related Information September 1939Hitlers army invaded Poland on September 1, 1939, sparking France and England to declare war on Germany. A Blitzkrieg (lightning war) of German tanks and infantry swept through most of Western Europe as nation after nation fell to the German warmachine. Related Info

16、rmationHitler Launches the War 1941In 1941, Hitler ignored a non-aggression pact with the Soviet Union in August 1939. After several early victories after the invasion of the Soviet Union in June 1941, German were reversed with crushing defeats at Moscow (Dece. 1941) and Stalingrad (winter, 1942-43)

17、. The U. S. entered the war in December 1941. By 1944, the Allies invaded occupied Europe at Normandy Beach, German cities were being destroyed by bombing, and Italy Germanys major ally under the leadership of Fascist dictator Benito Mussolini, had fallen. Related InformationL. 2 focusonfocus your e

18、yesight / attention / mind / efforts etc. on sth.我们得让公众关注这个问题。我们得让公众关注这个问题。We need to _.focus public attention on this issueadj.focussed (BrE.); focused (AmE.)要赢得比赛,我必须时刻全神贯注。要赢得比赛,我必须时刻全神贯注。Ive got to _ if _.stay focusedI want to winthis competitionL. 6 without failcontinually, always do sth.- Tim

19、visits his mother every day without fail.used to tell sb. firmly that they must do sth.请务必在八点整到达。请务必在八点整到达。- Be here at 8 oclock sharp, without fail.unfailing(ly)- She battled against cancer with unfailing good humor.unfailing help / support- The staff are unfailingly polite.L. 7 volunteerv.- Helen

20、ed to have Thanksgiving at her house this year.- Tim ed for guard duty.- Michael ed the information before I had a chance to ask.- Mum ed Dave for washing-up duties.n.- After the party, many young men stayed behind as volunteers to clean the place.在假期,很多大学生下乡提供自愿服务。在假期,很多大学生下乡提供自愿服务。adj.voluntary in

21、voluntaryL. 10 identicalthe same -This is the book I returned to the library last week.very similar - Nutritionally, infant formulas are almost to / with breast milk.这两姐妹长相和性格都很像。这两姐妹长相和性格都很像。L. 12 departureleaving a place ( from.for ) 男朋友去法国后,她感觉更加失意。男朋友去法国后,她感觉更加失意。 - Her boyfriends departure for

22、France increased her sense of frustration. departure lounge departure board 候机室候机室离港情况表离港情况表a way of doing sth. that is different from the usual or expected way- The new designs represent a from their usual style.v.depart- We decided to go swimming, ing from our original plan.depart this life (forma

23、l) to die L. 14 aboardprep.adv.- The plane crashed, killing all 200 people .飞机坠毁了,机上飞机坠毁了,机上200人全部遇难。人全部遇难。 All aboard! v.board- Passengers were standing in line, waiting to .- Tianjin Airlines Flight 6099 to Dalian is now ing at Gate No. 21.L. 21 declineto say no politely an offer / invitation to d

24、o v.- Offered the position of chairman, Smith d, preferring to keep his current job.- The minister d to comment about the progress of the peace talks.become worsedeteriorate- Her health has been declining progressively for several months.L. 22 objectionraise / voice / make an to sth.have no to sth.有

25、些经理反对过分裁员。有些经理反对过分裁员。 do sth. over the of sb.v.object 他讨厌被当成孩子对待。他讨厌被当成孩子对待。 L. 34 fancyadj.花哨的,精心设计的花哨的,精心设计的 v.like, wantfancy doing sth.- I really going for a swim.(spoken)Fancy!Fancy that!Fancy meeting you here!n.liking / wishtake a to sb. / sth.- He took a real to that car.L. 44 sportv.wear or

26、have sth. (in a proud way)他身材魁梧,留着红胡须。他身材魁梧,留着红胡须。 他在炫耀他的新高尔夫球具。他在炫耀他的新高尔夫球具。 - He was ing his new golfing kit.L. 40 more than + adj.veryThe store is _ _.本店很乐意为您送货上门。本店很乐意为您送货上门。 to deliver goods to your homemore than happyL. 43 vanishdisappear suddenly (esp. in a way that cannot be easily explained

27、)- My keys were here a minute ago but now theyve ed.- The bird ed from sight.- She seemed to have just ed into thin air.vanish without (a) tracevanish off the face of the earthPart OnePart TwoPart ThreeText Study in GeneralText Study in General(Para. 1) 1.Why was John Blandford staying in Grand Cent

28、ral Station in New York? waiting to see a woman who TipsMain Idea(Para. 2)2. How did John get connected with the woman? Tipsvolunteered for military service received a book Main Idea(L. 8) A letter, which wished him courage and safety, came with the book.(attach to)(Para. 2)3. How was Johns first re

29、sponse to the woman different from that of his friends? the only person to write back TipsMain Idea(Para. 3)4. What had the woman, Hollis Meynell, done in the past thirteen months?Tipshad faithfully written without decrease 5. How did he feel as long as he received her letters? as though, surviveTip

30、sMain Idea(Para. 4)6. When he asked her for a photo, what did she do? Why ?decline request Suppose she is beautiful .Suppose she is plain .TipsMain Idea(Paras. 6-13)7. Did Hollis Meynell come to the station as they had arranged? TipsYes, but she .Main Idea(Para. 14)Tips8. Why did Hollis Meynell want

31、 to test John Blandford? love one just for her beauty, age or .Main Idea Find out how Ms. Meynell looks like .Figure Hair Eyes Lips Suit long & thinfancy, green golden & in curls blue flowersa gentle firmness Main Idea Find out how the stand-in looks like .Figure Hair Eyes Face Coat more tha

32、n fatbrownpatches of graygray, warm & kindlypale, fat, gentle, intelligentMain Idea Para. 1a Six minutes to six, said the digital clock over the information desk in Grand Central Station. John Blandford, a tall young army officer, focused his eyesight on the clock to note the exact time. 词汇学习词汇学

33、习 课文分析课文分析 随随 笔笔 N H C EN H C EBack小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入真爱的考验真爱的考验 Para. 1a 大中央车站问询处桌子上方的大中央车站问询处桌子上方的数数字钟显示:六点差六分。约翰字钟显示:六点差六分。约翰布兰福德,布兰福德,一个年轻的高个子军官,眼睛盯着大钟,一个年轻的高个子军官,眼睛盯着大钟,看确切的时间。看确切的时间。 N H C EN H C EPara. 1b In six minutes he would see the woman who had filled a special place in his life for the pa

34、st thirteen months, a woman he had never seen, yet whose written words had been with him and had given him strength without fail. N H C EN H C EBack小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入词汇学习词汇学习 课文分析课文分析 随随 笔笔 Para. 1b 六分钟后,他将见到一位在过六分钟后,他将见到一位在过去去13个月里在他生命中占有特殊位置的个月里在他生命中占有特殊位置的女人,一个他素未谋面、却通过书信始女人,一个他素未谋面、却通过书信始终给予他力量的女人

35、。终给予他力量的女人。N H C EN H C EPara. 2a Soon after he volunteered for military service, he had received a book from this woman. A letter, which wished him courage and safety, came with the book. He discovered that many of his friends, also in the army, had received the identical book from the woman, Holli

36、s Meynell. N H C EN H C EBack小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入词汇学习词汇学习 课文分析课文分析 随随 笔笔 Para. 2a 他自愿参军后不久,他收到了一本他自愿参军后不久,他收到了一本这位女子寄来的书。随书而来的还有一封信,这位女子寄来的书。随书而来的还有一封信,祝他勇敢和平安。他发现自己在很多参军的祝他勇敢和平安。他发现自己在很多参军的朋友也收到了这位名叫霍利斯朋友也收到了这位名叫霍利斯梅内尔的女梅内尔的女子寄来的同样的书。子寄来的同样的书。N H C EN H C EPara. 2b And while they all got strength from

37、it, and appreciated her support of their cause, John Blandford was the only person to write Ms. Meynell back. On the day of his departure, to a destination overseas where he would fight in the war, he received her reply. Aboard the cargo ship that was taking him into enemy territory, he stood on the

38、 deck and read her letter to him again and again. N H C EN H C EBack小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入词汇学习词汇学习 课文分析课文分析 随随 笔笔 Para. 2b 他们所有的人都从中获得了勇气,他们所有的人都从中获得了勇气,也感激她对他们为之战斗事业的支持,但只也感激她对他们为之战斗事业的支持,但只有他给梅内尔女士回了信。在他启程前往海有他给梅内尔女士回了信。在他启程前往海外战场战斗的那天,他收到了她的回信。站外战场战斗的那天,他收到了她的回信。站在即将带他进入敌人领地的货船甲板上,他在即将带他进入敌人领地的货船甲板上,他一

39、遍又一遍地读着她的来信。一遍又一遍地读着她的来信。N H C EN H C EPara. 3 For thirteen months, she had faithfully written to him. When his letters did not arrive, she wrote anyway, without decrease. During the difficult days of war, her letters nourished him and gave him courage. As long as he received letters from her, he fe

40、lt as though he could survive. After a short time, he believed he loved her, and she loved him. It was as if fate had brought them together. N H C EN H C EBack小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入词汇学习词汇学习 课文分析课文分析 随随 笔笔 Para. 3 13个月来,她忠实地给他写信。即使没个月来,她忠实地给他写信。即使没有他的回信,她仍然一如既往地写信给他,从有他的回信,她仍然一如既往地写信给他,从未减少过。在那段艰苦战斗的日子里,她的

41、信未减少过。在那段艰苦战斗的日子里,她的信鼓励着他,给予他力量。收到她的信,他就仿鼓励着他,给予他力量。收到她的信,他就仿佛感到自己能存活下去。一段时间后,他相信佛感到自己能存活下去。一段时间后,他相信他们彼此相爱,就像是命运让他们走到了一起。他们彼此相爱,就像是命运让他们走到了一起。N H C EN H C EPara. 4a But when he asked her for a photo, she declined his request. She explained her objection: “If your feelings for me have any reality, a

42、ny honest basis, what I look like wont matter. Suppose Im beautiful. Id always be bothered by the feeling that you loved me for my beauty, and that kind of love would disgust me. N H C EN H C EBack小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入词汇学习词汇学习 课文分析课文分析 随随 笔笔 Para. 4a 但当他向她索要照片时,她却婉然但当他向她索要照片时,她却婉然拒绝。她解释道:拒绝。她解释道:“如果你对我的感

43、情是真如果你对我的感情是真实和真诚的,那么我长什么样又有什么关系实和真诚的,那么我长什么样又有什么关系呢。假如我很漂亮,我会因为觉得你爱的只呢。假如我很漂亮,我会因为觉得你爱的只是我的美貌而时时困扰,那样的爱会让我厌是我的美貌而时时困扰,那样的爱会让我厌恶。恶。 N H C EN H C EPara. 4b Suppose Im plain. Then Id always fear you were writing to me only because you were lonely and had no one else. Either way, I would forbid myself

44、from loving you. When you come to New York and you see me, then you can make your decision. Remember, both of us are free to stop or to go on after thatif thats what we choose .”N H C EN H C EBack小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入词汇学习词汇学习 课文分析课文分析 随随 笔笔 Para. 4b 假如我相貌平平,那我又会常常害怕假如我相貌平平,那我又会常常害怕你只是出于寂寞和别无他选才给我写信。不管你只是

45、出于寂寞和别无他选才给我写信。不管是哪种情况,我都会阻止自己去爱你。当你来是哪种情况,我都会阻止自己去爱你。当你来纽约见我时,你可以做出自己的决定。记住,纽约见我时,你可以做出自己的决定。记住,那时候我们两个人都可以自由选择停止或继续那时候我们两个人都可以自由选择停止或继续下去下去如果那是我们的选择如果那是我们的选择”N H C EN H C EPara. 5 One minute to six . Blandfords heart leaped.Para. 6 A young woman was coming toward him, and he felt a connection with

46、 her right away. Her figure was long and thin, her spectacular golden hair lay back in curls from her small ears. Her eyes were blue flowers; her lips had a gentle firmness. In her fancy green suit she was like springtime come alive. N H C EN H C EBack小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入词汇学习词汇学习 课文分析课文分析 随随 笔笔 Para. 5

47、六点差一分六点差一分 布兰福德的心怦怦布兰福德的心怦怦乱跳。乱跳。Para. 6 一名年轻女子向他走来,他立刻感一名年轻女子向他走来,他立刻感到自己与她之间存在着一种联系。她身材修到自己与她之间存在着一种联系。她身材修长而苗条,漂亮的金色长发卷曲在小巧的耳长而苗条,漂亮的金色长发卷曲在小巧的耳后。她的眼睛如蓝色的花朵,双唇间有着一后。她的眼睛如蓝色的花朵,双唇间有着一种温柔的坚毅。她身穿别致的绿色套装,犹种温柔的坚毅。她身穿别致的绿色套装,犹如春天般生气盎然。如春天般生气盎然。 N H C EN H C EN H C EN H C EBack小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入Para.7 He

48、started toward her, entirely forgetting to notice that she wasnt wearing a rose, and as he moved, a small, warm smile formed on her lips. Para. 8 “Going my way, soldier?” she asked.Para. 9 Uncontrollably, he made one step closer to her. Then he saw Hollis Meynell. 词汇学习词汇学习 课文分析课文分析 随随 笔笔 Para. 7 他向她

49、迎去,完全忘记了她并没有他向她迎去,完全忘记了她并没有佩戴玫瑰。看他走来,她的嘴角露出一丝佩戴玫瑰。看他走来,她的嘴角露出一丝热情的微笑。热情的微笑。Para. 8 “当兵的,跟我同路?当兵的,跟我同路?” 她问道。她问道。 Para. 9 他不由自主地向她靠近了一步。然他不由自主地向她靠近了一步。然后,他看见了霍利斯后,他看见了霍利斯梅内尔。梅内尔。N H C EN H C EN H C EN H C EBack小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入Para. 10 She was standing almost directly behind the girl, a woman well pas

50、t forty, and a fossil to his young eyes, her hair sporting patches of gray. She was more than fat; her thick legs shook as they moved. But she wore a red rose on her brown coat. 词汇学习词汇学习 课文分析课文分析 随随 笔笔 Para. 10 她就站在那少女的身后,一位四十她就站在那少女的身后,一位四十好几的女人,头发斑斑灰白。在年轻的他的好几的女人,头发斑斑灰白。在年轻的他的眼里,梅内尔简直就是一块活脱脱的化石。眼里

51、,梅内尔简直就是一块活脱脱的化石。她不是一般的胖,粗笨的双腿移动时摇摇晃她不是一般的胖,粗笨的双腿移动时摇摇晃晃。但她棕色的外衣上戴着一朵红色的玫瑰。晃。但她棕色的外衣上戴着一朵红色的玫瑰。 N H C EN H C E N H C EN H C EBack小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入Para. 11a The girl in the green suit was walking quickly away and soon vanished into the fog. Blandford felt as though his heart was being compressed into

52、a small cement ball, so strong was his desire to follow the girl, yet so deep was his longing for the woman whose spirit had truly companioned and brought warmth to his own; and there she stood. 词汇学习词汇学习 课文分析课文分析 随随 笔笔 Para. 11a 少女快速地走过,很快消失在了雾少女快速地走过,很快消失在了雾中。布兰福德觉得自己的心好像被压缩成一中。布兰福德觉得自己的心好像被压缩成一个小水

53、泥球,他多想跟着那女孩,但又深深个小水泥球,他多想跟着那女孩,但又深深地向往那位以心灵真诚地陪伴他、带给他温地向往那位以心灵真诚地陪伴他、带给他温暖的女人;而她正站在那里。暖的女人;而她正站在那里。 N H C EN H C EPara. 11b Her pale, fat face was gentle and intelligent; he could see that now. Her gray eyes had a warm, kindly look.Para. 12a Blandford resisted the urge to follow the younger woman, t

54、hough it was not easy to do so. His fingers held the book she had sent to him before he went off to the war, which was to identify him to Hollis Meynell. N H C EN H C EBack小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入词汇学习词汇学习 课文分析课文分析 随随 笔笔 Para. 11b 现在他可以看见,她苍白而肥胖的现在他可以看见,她苍白而肥胖的脸上透着和善与智慧。她灰色的眼中闪烁着脸上透着和善与智慧。她灰色的眼中闪烁着温暖和善良。温暖和善

55、良。Para. 12a 布兰福德克制住跟随年轻女子而去布兰福德克制住跟随年轻女子而去的冲动,尽管这样做并不容易。他的手抓着的冲动,尽管这样做并不容易。他的手抓着那本在他去战场前她寄给他的书,为的是让那本在他去战场前她寄给他的书,为的是让霍利斯霍利斯梅内尔认出他。梅内尔认出他。 N H C EN H C EPara. 12b This would not be love. However, it would be something precious, something perhaps even less common than lovea friendship for which he ha

56、d been, and would always be, thankful. Para. 13 He held the book out toward the woman. N H C EN H C EBack小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入词汇学习词汇学习 课文分析课文分析 随随 笔笔 Para. 12b 这不会成为爱情,但将成为一样这不会成为爱情,但将成为一样珍贵的东西,一样可能比爱情更不寻常的东珍贵的东西,一样可能比爱情更不寻常的东西西一份他一直感激、也将继续感激的友一份他一直感激、也将继续感激的友情。情。Para. 13 他向那个女子举起书。他向那个女子举起书。 N H C EN H C EPara. 14a “Im John Blandford, and youyou are Ms. Meynell. Im so glad you could meet me. May I take you to dinner?” The woman smiled. “I dont know what this is all about, son,” she answered. “That young lady in the green suitthe one


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