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史振钧-突破思维的技巧 【中华讲师网】_第2页
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史振钧-突破思维的技巧 【中华讲师网】_第4页
史振钧-突破思维的技巧 【中华讲师网】_第5页
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1、THELEADERSEDGE领导者之剑领导者之剑突破思维技巧突破思维技巧成功人士的突破思维技巧THE LEADERS EDGEMasteringThe Skill of Breakthrough ThinkingTHELEADERSEDGE领导者之剑领导者之剑突破思维技巧突破思维技巧目录目录为什么要突破思维为什么要突破思维战场在我们头脑中思维能力决定生存能力为什么需要解决问题的思维模型从管理的演变看思维模式的变化结构化思维方法是保证组织思维能力的关键从企业的成败看企业思维模式的建立从国际竞争看提高思维能力的重要性领导者之剑领导者之剑什么是领导者之剑突破思维技巧什么是突破思维思维转变模式课程概述

2、课程目标 课程模块介绍授课学员评介Can be taken as a comprehensiveAccessible to your entire organizationTruly interactive and engaging withSeamlessly integrates any SCORMCustomizable Can be taken as a comprehensiveSection 508 compliant* Comes with electronic worksheets*Can be taken as a comprehensive Truly interactiv

3、e andSeamlessly integrates System Customizable Can be taken as a individuals modules Section 508 compliant* Comes with electronic worksheets*Truly interactive andSeamlessly integrates System Customizable THELEADERSEDGE领导者之剑领导者之剑突破思维技巧突破思维技巧战场在我们头脑中战场在我们头脑中我们所处的时代是一个伟大的时代,也是一个快速变化的时代。知识和信息急剧膨胀,科学技术日新

4、月异,工作与生活节奏起来越快,周边竞争更加激烈。天才已不再是成功的自然通道,经验在多变的环境已尼不再奏效,知识也不再是成功的惟一因素,动机和勤奋只能有你社会的发展向每一个人、每一个组织、每一个国家都提出了新的挑战:怎样才能在多变的环境中更好地生存和发展,进而取得新时代竞争的胜利,并且永远立于不败之地?Maybe youre new to the standard and dont quite know how to apply it. Or perhaps youre familiar with it, have already done part of the implementation

5、work, but arent sure what remains to be done. Alamo can eliminate the uncertainties and give you a definitive roadmap to implementation. Our Gap Analysis is the fastest, most efficient way to assess how your quality system measures up to the requirements of a particular standard and to define the lo

6、gical next steps in the implementation/registration process. THELEADERSEDGE领导者之剑领导者之剑突破思维技巧突破思维技巧思维能力决定生存能力思维能力决定生存能力大脑对信息系统化的处理能力、处理方法和技巧的训练被人们忽视了。我们可以发现很多人很有知识,但没有处理问题的能力,是高知低能;相反,有一些人没有那么多的知识却反而有很强的处理问题的能力。如果我们花纲了大量时间和金钱,付出了巨大努力,学习了很多知识,但却仍然不成功或没有很好的效果,那么,现在该是时候要问问了:我们的思维方法正确吗?我们掌握了系统有效的思维方法吗?我们学

7、习过怎样系统地解决问题的方法和技巧了吗?我们掌握了一个有效的思维模型吗?Maybe youre new to the standard and dont quite know how to apply it. Or perhaps youre familiar with it, have already done part of the implementation work, but arent sure what remains to be done. Alamo can eliminate the uncertainties and give you a definitive roadm

8、ap to implementation. Our Gap Analysis is the fastest, most efficient way to assess how your quality system measures up to the requirements of a particular standard and to define the logical next steps in the implementation/registration process. THELEADERSEDGE领导者之剑领导者之剑突破思维技巧突破思维技巧为什么需要解决问题的思维模型为什么需

9、要解决问题的思维模型我们每天都在解决问题。不同的是,成功的人士首先是能成功地预防问题,然后才是成功地解决不能防止的问题。成功地防止问题,比成功地解决问题更为重要;快速有效地成功解决出现的,比无效率地解决问题甚至是制造问题更有意义。这是不用置疑的,问题是:我们怎么样才能将成功者有效地防止问题和快速解决问题的模式传授给别人呢?我们怎么样才能在面对一个项目或者一个难题时,实现快速沟通以充分有效地利用团队的力量呢?我们所需要的是一个在思维层面进行交流的模型或者模式,其实它也是一种语言,一种让不同的思维之间进行交流的语言。领导者之剑正是传授这样一种模型。It is more flexible than

10、traditional classroom learning; it allows you to learn at your own pace in an environment that you are comfortable. It means less resource disruption; you dont need to send 20 people out to a class. It is just as effective as traditional instructor-led training methods. Some of the eLearning benefit

11、s: Available anytime to anyone, anywhere Accessible to your entire organization simultaneously ,Truly interactive and engaging with testing and comprehensive case studies It means less resource disruption; you dont need to send 20 people out to a class. It is just as effective as traditional instruc

12、tor-led training methods. Some of the eLearning benefits.THELEADERSEDGE领导者之剑领导者之剑突破思维技巧突破思维技巧从管理的演变看思维模式的变化从管理的演变看思维模式的变化20世经世经90年代前的管理格式年代前的管理格式部门1部门2部门3部门1部门2部门3传统的职能部门20世纪80年代到90年代初任务 / 项目任务 / 项目THELEADERSEDGE领导者之剑领导者之剑突破思维技巧突破思维技巧从管理的演变看思维模式的变化从管理的演变看思维模式的变化20世经世经90年代后的管理格式年代后的管理格式部门1部门2部门3部门4部门


14、思维能力的关键以突破思维技巧为核心的综合管理体系,如持续完善、优质客户服务、创新、睿智领导、质量管理、流程管理等,帮助个人、企业、组织不断完善,不断提高,并在复杂多变的国际化环境中不断取胜,创造了辉煌。An all-too-common mistake is to invest heavily in implementing a quality system but overlooking one of the most important and critical ingredients - the employees. If the quality imperative isnt embe

15、dded in the corporate culture, the commitment level needed to sustain the initiative will fall short. 整体配合良好的团队整体配合不良的团队THELEADERSEDGE领导者之剑领导者之剑突破思维技巧突破思维技巧从企业的成败看企业思维模式的建立从企业的成败看企业思维模式的建立全世界每60分钟就产生101个新专利。全世界每天有2265个企业开业,2131个企业破产。从1917年到1987年,最初褔布斯公布的100强企业只有39家幸存下来。权威机构对失败企业的一项调查表明,其中50%以上的企业决策是

16、失败的:或者是在执行之中被放弃;或者是根本就执行不了;或是根本就没有被执行者采纳。不良的思考模式是企业崩溃和倒闭的原因。Assess compliance to the standard Identify missing elements required by a standard Determine if resources are adequate to complete the implementation/registration project An all-too-common mistake is to invest heavily in implementing a qual

17、ity system but overlooking one of the most important and critical ingredients - the employees. If the quality imperative isnt embedded in the corporate culture, the commitment level needed to sustain the initiative will fall short. Alamo understands the importance of buy-in and recognizes that peopl

18、e like to be part of the team. THELEADERSEDGE领导者之剑领导者之剑突破思维技巧突破思维技巧从企业的成败看企业思维模式的建立从企业的成败看企业思维模式的建立学习速度 变化速度落后思维速度 变化速度死亡近十几年来,通用电器公司全球的员工都要学习的技能之一就是“突破思维技巧(Critical Thinking Skills)”,这被看成是提高效益、沟通速度和决策能力的关键能力。Assess compliance to the standard Identify missing elements required by a standardOur Gap A

19、nalysis is the fastest, most efficient way to assess how your quality system measures up to the requirements of a particular standard and to define the logical next steps in the implementation/registration process. THELEADERSEDGE领导者之剑领导者之剑突破思维技巧突破思维技巧从国际竞争看提高思维能力的重要性从国际竞争看提高思维能力的重要性经济一体化的大潮正在全球漫延,国际

20、间竞争日益激烈,企业管理与原先的企业管理有了很大的不同。过去企业领导人可以命令指挥,可以是独裁者;现在,信息、知识借助互联网和快速的通信技术迅速传播和普及,每个人都具有同样快的信息和知识渠道,都有一种能力来做好自己的事情。现在的管理,不只是通过计划、组织、协调、监督的方式来协调他人的行为以达成目标,管理本身就应该是创造一种环境,灌输共同的理念,动员和激励别人共同把企业做好Maybe youre new to the standard and dont quite know how to apply it. Or perhaps youre familiar with it, have alre

21、ady done part of the implementation work, but arent sure what remains to be done. Alamo can eliminate the uncertainties and give you a definitive roadmap to implementation. Our Gap Analysis is the fastest, most efficient way to assess how your quality system measures up to the requirements of a part

22、icular standard and to define the logical next steps in the implementation/registration process. THELEADERSEDGE领导者之剑领导者之剑突破思维技巧突破思维技巧成功人士的突破思维技巧THE LEADERS EDGEMasteringThe Skill of Breakthrough ThinkingTHELEADERSEDGE领导者之剑领导者之剑突破思维技巧突破思维技巧领导者之剑领导者之剑美国阿拉莫学习系统公司创立的“领导者之剑突破思维的技巧”,在世界财富500强的近300强中进行了普及。

23、该方法创立28年来,不断完善,取得了巨大的成功,光在美国就有500多万人学习过这门课程。It is more flexible than traditional classroom learning; it allows you to learn at your own pace in an environment that you are comfortable. It means less resource disruption; you dont need to send 20 people out to a class. It is just as effective as tradi

24、tional instructor-led training methods. Some of the e-learning benefits: THELEADERSEDGE领导者之剑领导者之剑突破思维技巧突破思维技巧什么是领导者之剑什么是领导者之剑剑者,致胜之利器也。领导者致胜的法宝和保持依靠的优势就是领导者的思维优势。突破思维正是保持领导者思维优势的有效方法和模式。It is more flexible than traditional classroom learning; it allows you to learn at your own pace in an environment

25、 that you are comfortable. It means less resource disruption; you dont need to send 20 people out to a class. It is just as effective as traditional instructor-led training methods. Some of the e-learning benefits: THELEADERSEDGE领导者之剑领导者之剑突破思维技巧突破思维技巧积极管理的过程积极管理的过程针对各领域和职能部门不断面临的种种困扰,阿拉莫“领导者之剑”课程能提供

26、强有力的方法来更加有效地处理这些问题。“突破思维技巧”教授的关键思维技巧(Critical Thinking Skill),能帮助人们提出正确的问题,并集中思想解决关键问题。本课程提供一 套颇有价值的思维工具,以完成并强化基本质量和持续完善技能。 It is more flexible than traditional classroom learning; it allows you to learn at your own pace in an environment that you are comfortable. It means less resource disruption;

27、you dont need to send 20 people out to a class. It is just as effective as traditional instructor-led training methods. Some of the e-learning benefits: THELEADERSEDGE领导者之剑领导者之剑突破思维技巧突破思维技巧突破思维技巧突破思维技巧情景分析原因分析决策制定计划分析领导者之剑THELEADERSEDGE领导者之剑领导者之剑突破思维技巧突破思维技巧什么是突破思维什么是突破思维从封闭式思考到开放式思考从被动思考到主动思考从传统思维到

28、理性思维从线段式思考到系统思考从分散思维到流程思维从提高思维质量着手提高生活质量、产品和管理质量Accessible to your entire organization simultaneously Truly interactive and engaging with testing and comprehensive case studies Seamlessly integrates any SCORM compliant Learning Management System Customizable Can be taken as a comprehensive workshop

29、or individuals modules Section 508 compliant* Comes with electronic worksheets*THELEADERSEDGE领导者之剑领导者之剑突破思维技巧突破思维技巧思维转变模式思维转变模式变换惯用思维无序思维整理新思维技巧设定有意识的新思维运用新思维的无意识运用良好思维习惯形成最佳思维优选流程THELEADERSEDGE领导者之剑领导者之剑突破思维技巧突破思维技巧课程概述课程概述“突破思维技巧”课程分为四个模块:情景分析、原因分析、决策制定、计划分析。所有 模块可在为期3天的标准课程期间系统教授,或可独立指导。对于每一部分,参加

30、者将学 习和实践技巧,然后将其应用于其工作中遇到的实际问题中。高质量思维的价值在于经历 而非仅仅是简单描述。 课程时间:3 天适合对象 :执行官、经理、专业人员、发展团队成员,以及其他关键个 人It is more flexible than traditional classroom learning; it allows you to learn at your own pace in an environment that you are comfortable. It means less resource disruption; you dont need to send 20 pe

31、ople out to a class. It is just as effective as traditional instructor-led training methods. Some of the e-learning benefits:THELEADERSEDGE领导者之剑领导者之剑突破思维技巧突破思维技巧课程目标课程目标 关注关键目标,排除不确定因素的干扰; 团队和个人能对无论复杂还是简单的问题、决策和计划,开展更快、更有效率的工作; 基于事实(并不是猜测或假设)解决所关切事件,澄清错误信息; 找出不佳或良好表现的真实原因,确定解决方案和改进措施; 通过出色的风险管理,更加有效

32、的实施解决方案和改进措施; 更加清晰地交流,更加有效地利用人力和时间. Accessible to your entire organization simultaneously Truly interactive and engaging with testing and comprehensive case studies Seamlessly integrates any SCORM compliant Learning Management System Customizable Can be taken as a comprehensive workshop or individua

33、ls modules Section 508 compliant* Comes with electronic worksheets*THELEADERSEDGE领导者之剑领导者之剑突破思维技巧突破思维技巧课程模块介绍课程模块介绍情景分析情景分析为了采取有效措施,任何个人或团体必须确定其关注焦点,从而确立适当的优 先顺序。由于在设定优先顺序时融合多种因素,状况回顾方法优于简单的排列图分析。此方法的步骤包括:It is more flexible than traditional classroom learning; it allows you to learn at your own pac

34、e in an environment that you are comfortable. It means less resource disruption; you dont need to send 20 people out to a class.辨别、阐明及区分关注焦点根据诸如影响程度、急缓和趋势等标准确定措施的优先顺序确定最佳技术处理最具优先权的事宜THELEADERSEDGE领导者之剑领导者之剑突破思维技巧突破思维技巧课程模块介绍课程模块介绍原因分析原因分析阿拉莫公司的原因分析是一种强有力的推论方法。通过这种方法,团体或个人 可以经由事实分析而不是灵光突现找到原因,然后他们能够在

35、事实基础上审核可能的原 因。不论对于简单或是复杂问题. 这种分析方法都有同等效率。原因分析的步骤包括: It is more flexible than traditional classroom learning; it allows you to learn at your own pace in an environment that you are comfortable. It means less resource disruption; you dont need to send 20 people out to a class.陈述问题或机会描述事实 事件?人物?地点?时间?程

36、度?选择最可能的原因产生及检测可能的原因辨别独特的特征和事件THELEADERSEDGE领导者之剑领导者之剑突破思维技巧突破思维技巧课程模块介绍课程模块介绍决策制定决策制定不确定的目标、偏离、缺乏信息、意见分歧、失败的恐惧,正是这些常见的因素导致决策制定受挫在决策制定过程中,阿拉莫公司提出一系列直接的问题,从而引导个人或团队做出更客观平衡的选择。决策制定模块教授参加者如下技巧:It is more flexible than traditional classroom learning; it allows you to learn at your own pace in an environ

37、ment that you are comfortable. It means less resource disruption; you dont need to send 20 people out to a class.清晰阐明决策目的描述成功结果的标准与标准比较,分析可供选择的方案预先审视潜在问题以及相应处理办法THELEADERSEDGE领导者之剑领导者之剑突破思维技巧突破思维技巧课程模块介绍课程模块介绍计划分析计划分析实施任何项目(从一个新产品到一种方法的完善)的关键在于计划和准备。计划分析是使成功最可能实现的手段,通过预先确定所必需的措施,可以防止问题的发生, 既使真的出现问题,

38、也可将其破坏性限制在最小。此方法同时也涉及计划或项目的发展潜力,使参加者识别并利用可能出现的机会。It is more flexible than traditional classroom learning; it allows you to learn at your own pace in an environment that you are comfortable. It means less resource disruption; you dont need to send 20 people out to a class.锁定计划/项目的特定目标 确定必要任务、职责及时限 辨别潜在问题和机会对问题和机会采取及时反应 THELEADERSEDGE领导者之剑领导者之剑突破思维技巧突破思维技巧授课授课领导者之剑由阿拉莫本公司的指导讲师或认证的委托讲师授课。阿拉莫推理 技巧咨询顾问培训者在教授积极管理技能和指导团队充分利用不同方案方面具有


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