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1、1、 英汉互译10x22、 填空题10x13、 段落翻译4x84、 问答题4x10目录Chapter 1 Transportation SystemIntroduction 11.1 Transportation System 1交通工程学的三个方面:(P2)11 1基本术语: 1运输的定义:(P4) 13 1运输系统定义:(P4)13 1运输系统组成:(P5)14 2运输系统的五部分:(P6) 15 2Notes to the Text(P8)17 21.2 Modes of Transportation 3基本术语: 3运输方式简要描述:(P9) 18 3运输方式:(p10-13)19-2

2、2 3运输空缺如何填补:(P15) 24 3Notes to the Text (P16) 25 41.3 Transportation Planning 4运输计划是何行为:(P17)26 4运输计划包含什么:(P17)26 4交通规划的演变:(P17-18)26-27 4交通规划的步骤:(p18)27 5运输规划决策步骤:(p19)28 5运输规划作用:(p20)29 5运输规划追求的六标准:(p20)29 6Chapter 2 Road Transportation 72.1 7引擎的组成:(p26)35 7发动机四冲程:(p27)36 7引擎子系统:(p29)38 7配气系统的组成和工

3、作:(p30)39 8底盘的组成:(p33)42 8转向系统(transmission system)的主要部件与功能:(p34)438Notes to the Text(p38)47 9Chapter 3 Rail Transport System 93.1 Public Transporatation 9公共运输的定义: 9公共运输的好处:(p66-67)75-76 9Notes to the text(p69)78 9Chapter 4 Public Transit 104.1 10运输在北美扮演的角色:(p144)153 10两种基本服务类型:(p145)154 10统计(p146-1

4、47)155-156 10表格4.1(p147)156 10Notes to the Text( P150) 159 10Chapter 5 Logistics Engineering 115.1 11物流的定义:(p195)204 11物流 7R 原则: (p195)204 11物流两大理论:(p196)205 11成本最高的物流活动:(p197)206 11Notes to the Text( P200) 209 11词汇 125.2 125.3 122.1 123.1 134.1 135.1 1414Chapter 1 Transportation System Introduction

5、1.1 Transportation System交通工程学的三个方面:(P2)11The principles of transportation engineering have been evolving over many millennia.There are three major interacting components that are to be studied critically. 交通工程的原理已经发展了数千年。有三个主要的相互作用的组成部分需要批判性地研究。First , in providing the highway and street networkSec

6、ond,in providing vehicles for moving people and goods over this network (which comprises the dynamic part)Third,in enhancing the ability of drivers (or controllers) to operate the vehicles.第一,提供公路和街道网络第二,为在这个网络上运送人员和货物提供车辆( 包括动态部分)第三,提高驾驶员( 或控制器) 操纵车辆的能力。路表高速公路系统行人内燃机 柴油电力机车柴油发动机公共汽车商用飞机基本术语:pavemen

7、t surfacefreeway systempedestrianThe internal-combustion engineThe first diesel electric locomotiveThe first diesel engine buses commercial jet运输的定义:(P4)13( What is the definition of transportation? )Transportation is typically systematic engineering. Transportation is also ordinarily defined as a m

8、eans of conveyance or travel from one place to another,or, it is a public conveyance of passengers or goods especially as a commercial enterprise.Transportation is everything involved in moving either the person or goods from the origin to the destination.运输是典型的系统工程。运输通常也被定义为从一个地方到另一个地方的运输或旅行的工具, 或者

9、,它是一种乘客或货物的公共运输,特别是作为一种商业企业。运输是将人或货物从出发地运送到目的地所涉及的一切。运输系统定义:(P4)13The transportation system is organize d around society s need to provide an adequate service and involves broad interaction with many other disciplines. The transportation system itself is one of the major or functional systems of soc

10、iety, and is an ess ential feature of people s lives, especia lly in wealthy societies. 交通系统是围绕着社会提供充分服务的需要而组织起来的,它与许多其他学科有着广泛的相互作用。交通系统本身是社会的主要或功能系统之一,裕社会。是人们生活的基本特征,特别是在富运输系统组成:(P5)14Transport system consists of fixed facilities, flow entities and control system that permit people and goods (freig

11、ht) to overcome the friction of geographical space. 运输系统由固定设施、流动实体和允许人和货物( 货物 ) 克服地理空间摩擦的控制系统组成。1、 Fixed facilities:physical components of the system that are fixed in spaceand constitute the network of links.2、 Flow entities: units that traverse the fixed facilities ( include vehicles, container un

12、its,railroad cars, etc.).3、 Control system: vehicular control and flow control.1、固定设施:系统在空间上固定,构成网络链接的物理组成部分。2、流动实体:贯穿固定设施的单元(包括车辆、集装箱单元、有轨电车等)。3、控制系统:车辆控制和流量控制。运输系统的五部分:(P6)15If viewed in functional terms, the transportation system includes the following components:1、 Physical facilities , includin

13、g streets, roads, highways, railroads, airports sea and ports, pipelines, and canals.实体设施2、 Fleets of vehicles , vessels and aircraft . 车,船,飞机机队3、 Operating bases and facilities , including vehicle maintenance facilities and office space. 运营基地和设施4、 Organizations . 组织These may be classified roughly a

14、s facility-oriented organizations and operating organizations . 这些可以粗略地分类为面向设施的组织,而运营组织则主要参与规划,设计,建造,维护和运营固定设施Facility-Oriented organizations are primarily involved in planning, designing, constructing, maintaining, and operating fixed facilities.面向设施的组织主要参与规划、设计、建造、维护和运营固定设施。Operating organizations

15、 , also known as carriers, are primarily concerned with operating fleets to provide transportation services.经营组织,也称为承运人,主要是经营船队提供运输服务。5、 Operating strategies , including vehicle routing, scheduling, and traffic control. 运营策略Notes to the Text(P8) 171、 、 Transportation engineering ( 交通工程):The applicat

16、ion of scientificprinciples to the planning, design, operation, and management of transportation system.交通工程:将科学原理应用于交通系统的规划、设计、运行和管理2、 Transportation is typically systematic engineering. A system is a set of interrelated parts, called components that perform a number of functions in order to achiev

17、e common goals.运输是典型的系统工程,该系统是由一组具有相关执行功能的组件组合在一起,以实现共同目标。3、 The transportation system is a functional system in the context of societyas a whole , because it provides a service the movement of goods and people from place to place that is essential to the functioning of the community as a whole.交通系统

18、是一个社会功能系统,因为它提供了一个商品,和人们从一个地方到另一个地方的运动服务,作为整个社会来说,这是一个至关重要的功能。1.2 Modes of Transportation基本术语:Modes of Transportation 运输方式Transportation gaps 运输空缺Wagon, coach, sailing shipEarly steamship早期的轮船Propeller plane螺旋桨飞机Jet plane 喷气式飞机运输方式简要描述:(P9) 18Effectiveness is described in terms of the accessibility

19、of the mode, the level of mobility it provides, and its productivity.有效性是根据模式的可访问性、它提供的机动性水平和生产力来描述的。Accessibility refers to the cost of getting to and from the mode in question, and depends primarily on geographical extensiveness.可达性指的是到达或离开所讨论的模式的成本,主要取决于地理上的广泛性。Mobility is described in terms of s

20、peed or travel time.机动性是用速度或旅行时间来描述的。Productivity refers to some measure of the total amount of transportation provided per unit time. 生产力是指单位时间内提供的运输总量。Costs are described in terms of capital costs and operating costs.成本按资本成本和经营成本来描述。Markets are described in terms of the extent to which the modein

21、question carries passengers or freight. 市场是根据所讨论的模式运载乘客或货物的程度来描述的。运输方式:(p10-13) 19-22Highway (高速公路)Urban transits (城市交通)Air (航空)Rail (铁路)Water (水运)Pipelines (管道) 每种运输方式的特点运输空缺如何填补:(P15) 241、 Society s spatial organizat ion may have to be altered to fill these gaps.社会的空间组织可能不得不改变以填补这些空白。2、 There is a

22、lso the possibility of a model shifts from actual trip making throughconventional transport to artificial trips through telecommunication.还有一种可能性,即模型可以从通过传统交通进行的实际旅行转变为通过电信进行的人工旅行Notes to the Text (P16) 251、 Door-to-door ( 门到门):The way to hand over cargoes, i. e. loads in thewarehouse of the consign

23、er and unloads in the warehouse of the consignee directly without such middle operations.门到门:货物交接方式,即在发货人的仓库装货,在收货人的仓库卸货,不需要中间操作。2、 Intermodal transportation ( 联合运输):The transportation integrating two ormore transport modes, such as land-water, air-land ect. which is not a new kind of transportation

24、 but a new transport management mode.联合运输:集陆、水、空、陆两种或多种运输方式于一体的运输方式。这不是一种新的 运输方式,而是一种新的运输管理模式。1.3 Transportation Planning运输计划是何行为:(P17)26Transportation planning is an act of laying out a transportation system aiming to predict the needs/demands for a particular service.交通规划是一种规划交通系统的行为,旨在预测特定服务的需求。运

25、输计划包含什么:(P17)26Transportation planning may involve any transportation mode or combination of modes. Different modes tend to be important at different geographical levels.运输规划可以包括任何运输方式或多种运输方式的组合。在不同的地理层次上,不同的模式往往很重要。交通规划的演变:(P17-18)26-27As a result, the transportation studies concentrated on the pre

26、diction of peak-period flows on major facilities.因此,交通运输研究主要集中在主要设施的高峰期流量预测上。At the time, transportation development was viewed as being largely non-controversial, so that the planning process was viewed as a technical process to be carried out primarily by engineers and transportation planners. Out

27、 of these efforts was developed a concept of transportation planning as a rational intellectual process that moved from defined values, goals, and objectives to concrete decisions.在那个时候,交通运输的发展基本上是没有争议的,因此规划过程被视为主要由工程师和交通规划者执行的技术过程。通过这些努力,人们形成了一个概念,即交通规划作为一个理性的智力过程,从定义的价值、目标和目标到具体的决策。Taking the Unit

28、ed States as an example, by the 1960s, the urban transportation began to be involved in government s work. Also, beginning at about this time, there began to be negative public reactions to the building of urban freeways.以美国为例,到1960年代,城市交通开始参与政府的工作。同样,大约从这个时候开 始,公众对城市高速公路的建设产生了负面反应。The resulting pol

29、itical conflict, which reached its peak in late 1960s and early 1970s, represented a challenge to both the political and intellectual foundations of transportation planning.由此产生的政治冲突在 1960年代末和1970年代初达到顶峰,这对运输规划的政治和思 想基础都构成了挑战。交通规划的步骤:(p18)27Diagnosis and Date Management诊断和日期管理Information on the tran

30、sportation运输信息;Information on the urban activity system有关城市活动系统的信息;Information on the polity, organization and fiscal environment有美政体,组织和财政环境的信息;Analysis and Valuation分析与评估Identify feasible policies, projects or strategies确定可行的政策,项目或策略;Analysis分析;Evaluation评估;Scheduling and Budgeting计划和预算Scheduling

31、and budgeting计划和预算;Project development and implementation项目开发与实施;Monitoring监控Operations monitoring运营监控;运输规划决策步骤:(p19)281、 Goal definition 目标定义2、 Identification of needs确定需求3、 Development of alternative solutions to address each need identified开发替代解决方案,以满足所确定的每一种需求。4、Evaluation of alternative solutio

32、ns备选方案的评估5、A decision process决策过程运输规划作用:(p20)291、Transportation planning is the process of making decisions related to the future of the transportation system.运输计划是与运输系统的未来有关的决策过程。2、Transportation planning may take place at any geographical level运输计划可以在任何地理级别上进行。3、Finally, some of the activities in

33、the course of large-scale land developmentcan be considered to be transportation planning. 最后,在大规模土地开发过程中的某些活动可以视为交通规划。运输规划追求的六标准:(p20)29whichSix criteria listed below are presumed to be the popular ones toward transportation planning should strive:下面列出的六个标准被认为是交通规划应该努力实现的最受欢迎的标准:(1) Greater speed ;

34、(2) Increased safety ;(3) Lower operating costs(4) Economy in new construction(5) Minimizing pollution;更高的速度; 增加安全性; 降低运营成本; 新建经济; 减少污染; 促进土地开发。(6) Promoting better land development.Chapter 2 Road Transportation2.1引擎的组成:(p26)35凸轮车阀燃烧室活塞活塞环连杆摇臂V4llv«cytender bead气缸盖plfllMlblock缸体cylmder气缸曲轴飞轮Hyw

35、hcclFig. 2* 1 Kninc componentscombuition chamberpi woo nn辛tormccting rod发动机四冲程:(p27)36top dead center ( TDC) toPiston stroke is the distance the piston slides up and down from bottom dead center(BDC).活塞冲程是活塞从上止点(TDC )到下止点(BDC )上下滑动的距离。This takes one-half turn of the crankshaft. The crank rotates 180

36、 during one piston stroke.这需要半转曲轴。在一个活塞行程中,曲柄旋转180度。Four separate piston strokes are needed to produce one cycle, which is intake stroke, compression stroke, power stroke and exhaust stroke.四个独立的活塞冲程需要产生一个循环,这是进气冲程,压缩冲程,做功冲程和排气冲程。引擎子系统:(p29)381、Oiling System燃油供给系统2、Engine Cooling 冷却系统 air-cooled/ li

37、quid-cooled 风冷/水冷3、Valve Trains 配气系统4、 Engine Balance 平衡系统配气系统的组成和工作:(p30)39The valve train consists of valves, rocker arms, pushrods, lifters, and camshaft ( s ).气门机构由气门、摇臂、推杆、升降机和凸轮轴组成。Valve train opening/closing and duration, as well as the geometry of the valve trains, control the amount of air

38、and fuel entering the combustion chamber at any given point in time.气门机构的开启/关闭和持续时间,以及气门机构的几何形状,控制在任何给定时间点 进入燃烧室的空气和燃料的数量。Timing for open/close/duration is controlled by the camshaft that is synchronized to the crankshaft by a chain, belt or gear.开启/关闭/持续的时间由凸轮轴控制,凸轮轴通过链条、皮带或齿轮与曲轴同步。底盘的组成:(p33)42The

39、 chassis itself is divided into transmission system, steering system and brake system.底盘本身分为传动系统,转向系统和制动系统。转向系统(transmission system)的主要部件与功能:(p34)43 Clutch (离合器)The clutch is a device used to provide smooth engagement and disengagement of the engine and manual transmission.离合器是一种用于提供发动机和手动变速器平稳接合和分离

40、的装置。Impost cars equipped with a manual transmission use a single plate, dry clutch disc, a diaphragm type pressure plate and cover assembly, a clutch release bearing, and a clutch release fork.配备手动变速器的Impost汽车使用单板、干式离合器盘、膜片式压力板和盖总成、离 合器释放轴承和离合器释放叉。(2) Transmission (变速箱)A transmission is a speed and

41、power changing device installed at some point between the engine and driving wheels of the vehicle. It provides a means for changing the ratio between engine rpm (revolutions per minute) and driving wheels rpm to best meet each particular driving situation.变速器是安装在发动机和驱动轮之间的速度和功率变化装置。它提供了一种方法 来改变发动机转

42、速(每分钟转数)和驱动轮转速之间的比率,以最好地满足每种特殊的驾驶情况。(3) Steering System (转向系统)The function of the steering system is to provide the driver with a means for controlling the direction of the vehicle as it moves. The steering system consists of steering wheel, steering shaft, worm, gear sector, pitman arm, drag link,

43、steering knuckle arm, king pin, steering arms, tie rode front axle and steering knuckle.转向系统的功能是为驾驶员提供一种控制车辆行驶方向的方法。转向系统由方向盘、转向轴、蜗杆、扇形齿轮、转向摇臂、拉杆、转向节臂、主销、转 向臂、拉杆前桥、转向节组成。(4) Steering Gears (转向器)The steering gear converts the rotary motion of the steering shed into straight-line motion. The rack-and-p

44、inion steering gear is used mostly on smaller cars. 转向器将转向的旋转运动转 换为直线运动。齿轮齿条式转向装置主要用于小型汽车。Power rack-and-pinion steering assemblies are hydraulic mechanical unit with an integral piston and rack assembly.助力齿轮齿条式转向总成是具有一体式活塞和齿条总成的液压机械单元。一体式旋转阀引导动力转向液流并控制压力以减少转向力。齿条和小齿轮用于在动力转向动力故障或发动机(驱动泵)失速的情况下操纵汽车(5

45、) Brake System (汽车制动系统)Functionally, an automotive brake system can be divided into wheel brake mechanism and parking brake mechanism. 汽车制动系统在功能上可分为车轮制动机构和驻车制动机构。Basically, all car brakes are friction brakes. When the driver applies the brake, the control device forces brake shoes, or pads, against

46、the rotating brake drum or disks at wheel Friction between the shoes or pads and the drums or disks then slows or stops the wheel so that the car is raked. 基本上, 所有的汽车制动器都是摩擦式的。当驾驶员使用刹车时,控制装置使制动蹄片 ( 或制动垫)向旋转的制动鼓或制动盘施加压力,从而使车轮减速或停止,从而使汽车倾斜。Notes to the Text(p38)471、 The transmission is designed for ch

47、anging the torque transmitted from the engine crankshaft to the propeller shaft, reversing the vehicle movement and disengaging the engine from the drive line for a long time at parking or coasting.变速器被设计用来改变发动机传递到传动轴的转矩,实现汽车的倒向行驶,在停车或滑行 时中断发动机和传动系之间的动力连接。2、 To release brakes, the driver release the

48、 pedal, the pull back spring retracts the shoes, thus permitting free rotation of the wheels.解除制动时,驾驶员松开制动踏板,回位弹簧拉回制动蹄片,这样,车轮就可以自由转动。Chapter 3 Rail Transport System3.1 Public Transporatation公共运输的定义:Public transport, public transportation or public transit is a shared passenger transport service whic

49、h is available for use by the general public.(p66)75 或者是Public transit is a shared passenger transport service which is available for use by the general public, as distinct from modes such as taxi cab, car pooling or hired buses which are not shared by strangers without private arrangement. (p66)75公

50、共运输的好处:(p66-67)75-761、 Energy conservation2、 The reducing of traffic congestion3、 public transportation helps people stay mobile4、 Public transportation offers mobility for residents of rural people, particularly people withoutcars.5、 Public transportation systems can play a vital role in creating a

51、 healthier nationNotes to the text(p69)781、 People living in households within one-quarter mile of rail and one-tenth of a mile from a bus stop drive 4 400 fewer miles annually than persons households with no access to public transit.居住在距离火车站1/4 英里和距离公共汽车站1/10 英里的居民比远离公共交通的居民每年少驾驶4 400 英里。2、 New inf

52、ormation technologies alert passengers by e-mail or RSS feed when the next bus or train is coming.新信息技术通过电子邮件或者简易讯息告知乘客下一班公共汽车或者火车的到来。Chapter 4 Public Transit4.1运输在北美扮演的角色:(p144)153The first is to accommodate choice riders those riders who choose to use transit for their trip-making even though they

53、 have other means of travel, in particular, a motor vehicle. 第一个是 容纳选择性乘客,即那些选择使用交通工具进行旅行的乘客,即使他们有其他的旅行方式, 特别是机动车辆。The other major transit role of transit is to provide basic mobility for those segments of the population too young, too old, or otherwise unable to drive due to physical, mental, or fi

54、nancial disadvantages. Such transit users have been called captive riders .交通的另一个主要作用是为那 些太年轻、太老或由于身体、精神或经济上的不利条件而不能开车的人群提供基本的流动性。这些乘客被称为俘虏乘客。两种基本服务类型:(p145)154Fixed-route service occurs where there is sufficient population or employment density to support higher transit volumes. 当有足够的人口或就业密度来支持更高的过

55、境量时,就会发生固定路线服务。Demand-responsive service occurs where transit trips are served on demand or by reservation, typically in lower-density areas and/or to accommodate riders unable to use the fixed-route service. 需求响应服务发生在按需或通过预订服务(通常在密度较低的地区)和/或为无法使用固定路线服务的乘客提供服务的情况下。统计 (p146-147)155-156American Nation

56、al Transit Database( NTD) counts unlinked trips (非关联旅行)Canadian The Canadian Urban Transit Association ( CUTA) reported as linked trips (关联旅 行)表格 4.1(p147)1561、 A small number of systems carry nearly 90% of the total U. S. transit ridership.少数系统载有近90的美国乘客2、 Most U. S. transit agencies operate in areas with populations under 200 000.大多数美国运输机构在人口不足20 万的地区开展业务。Notes to the Text( P150) 159Chapter 5 Logistics Engineering5.1物流的定义:(p195)204logistics is the process of planning, implementing, and controlling the efficient, cost-effective fl


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