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1、磴妙广州雅思吳鬲学校GZIESGU只IUGNH口U IEI_TS EfVGSCH口口 1_表单说明:1,表1-3:凡新签课程签署单的教师作为教学授课依据和凭证,纳入教学管理和考核范畴,各项按 要求填写,此表单须在签约授课通知书前上交学校邮箱,以便学校对教师授课任务的审批及效果跟踪,感谢您的配合与支持!教学进度表:按各类班次的次数计,小时为一次;周末班,每周按上午,下午各一次记录;晚班,每周按实际次数记录;全日制班,按每天上午,下午分别记录;授课进度表表一校区:公元前 授课班级:一对一杨俊新概念:2022年4月13日-2022年7月27日14周 授课教师:郭苗苗授课教材、科目:新概念英语1、2课

2、程周数:14次数:35次数日期课程进度内容备注1新概念英语第一册73-78课2新概念英语第一册79-84课3新概念英语第一册85-90课4新概念英语第一册91-96课5新概念英语第一册97-102课6新概念英语第一册103-108课7新概念英语第一册109-114课8新概念英语第一册115-120课9新概念英语第一册121-126课10新概念英语第一册127-132课11新概念英语第一册133-138课12新概念英语第一册139-144课13141516授课教师教案表二校区: 公元前 授课阶段:2022年4月13日 2022年7月27日14周详细教案填写栏:要求: 课的中英文运用比率陈述;一、

3、教学内容及要求Lesson91-92: Lesson 911请按教学大纲填写下表 2符合班级整体学员情况;第 4次课3不少于600字;4按个人实际上-Poor Ian & Lesson 92 - When will.? The going to.94 - When didshall/willfuture is in troducedhere with related poi nts of time. It is compared withLess on93-94: Less on 93 - Our new n eighbor & Less on with the shall/will futu

4、re and the past con trast ing Less on95-96: Less on 95 - Tickets, please. & with shall/willand related point of time.Lesson 96 - Whatyou / willyou go to.? Practicenext and last .s the exact time? Further practice教师中文名郭苗苗教师英文名Hele n授课教材新概念英语1学生人数1上课日期4.21授课时间:4月21日5小时授课任务为:新概念英语第弟一册91-96课任务1听课文录音,要求学

5、生跟读。2讲授同一词汇与不同介词搭配构成的不同意思,请同学造句3听偶数课文的音频,请同学答复以下问题互动环节设置二、教学重点、难点及解决方法Lesso n91-92: 时态:一般将来时。句型: -What will you do tomorrow?-I lido. tomorrow.-When will you do.? -I ll do it tomorrow.-Will you do.tomorrow? -Yes, I will. / No, I won t.Lesson 93-94: 词汇:城市 VS国家。时态:一般现在时VS 般过去时 VS 般将来时。句型:When did you g

6、o to.? When will you go to.?Lesson 95-96: 时态:一般将来时in +时间段+time。句型:-When did you/he/she/they.? -I/He/She/They did .时间段 +ago.-When will you/he/she/they.? - I/He/She/They will do . in + 时间段 +time.三、教学设计Lesson 91 - Poor Ian & Lesson 92 - When will.?1、引入话题.2、听一遍音频,掌握大意。3、 生词解读,纠正发音详见课本。4、提出问题: Who in dee

7、d wan ted to sell the house?听一遍录音,解答问题。5、 精讲课文,板书和笔记详见下文。6、再听一遍音频,逐句跟读。7、学生自己大声朗读。8讲解一般将来时。9、分析Lesson 92框框中的时间状语。10、布置作业:练习册,背课文和单词。 精讲课文1、 -Has he moved to his new house yet?疑问句尾move to 搬至U-No, not yet. = No, he has not moved to his new house yet.否认句尾2、 He still here. = He is still here.副词still也可用于

8、一般现在时,注意位置在be动词之后。3、 He going to move tomorrow. 一般将来时。be going to do 方案、打算做某事。4、When? Tomorrow morning?【口语】省略句。5、 I llmiss him. = I will/shall miss him.一般将来时。miss 想念。例句: I miss home very much.miss 错过。例句: He missed the train yesterday.经典:I miss you because I missed you.6、He has always been a good nei

9、ghbour.现在完成时指 Ian自从在这住开始到现在一直都He a very n ice person.表达人的人品很好可以用good或 n ice。person强调的个体的人,可以有复数形式perso nspeople通常是人的统称,单复数形式相同people7、 Weall miss him. = We will/shall all miss him.一般将来时。all三者或三者以上。注意位置在助动词之后,实义动词之前。both 两者。例句:My husband and I will miss him.8 When will the new people move into this h

10、ouse? 一般将来时。这里的 move to = move into 搬进。这里的people = neighbours,因为不知道有几个人,所以用 people比person好。 例句: Shes the right person for this job.There re a lot of people in the park.9、I think that they move in(to the new house) the day after tomorrow. 宾语从句。 这里的 move to = move into = move in 搬进。10、-Will you see Ia

11、n today? -Yes, I will. / No, I won 一般将来时的一般疑问句及其答复。11、Please give him my regards.【回忆 Lesson 81/86】祈使句。give sb. sth. = give sth. to sb.给某人某物=把某物给某人特别用法:give A B regards = give B regards to A 把 B 的问候带给 A例句: Please give your mother our regards. = Please give our regards to your mother.12、 Poor Ian!同情某人

12、时的常用语。=How poor Ian is! = What a poor person Ian is!13、 -He didn twant to leave this house.-No, he didn , but his wife did!第二句话是对第一句话的证实,要根据事实来说。因为第一句话是否认句,所以第二句话也要用否认形式, 短句要用“ No但翻译成“是的,他不想。反意疑问句:-He didn tgo to school yesterday, did he?-No, he didn .是的,他没去。/ Yes, he did.不,他去了。注意没有混搭形式:Yes, he didn

13、t. / No, he did.中英文的区别。总结和练习1、一般将来时:时态用法动词形式时间副词例句一般 将来时将要/方案 发生的事will/shall do am/is/are going to dotomorrow/in ten minutes the day after tomorrow this afternoon/at 7 o clockThey will move in tomorrow.What are you going to do this after noon?We will have dinner at 7 o clock.Less on 93 - Our new n e

14、ighbour & Less on 94 - When did you / will you go to.?1、引入话题。2、让学生描述图片,中英结合。3、 听一遍音频,答复以下冋题:Which cities did you hear? 34、 生词解读,纠正发音详见课本。5、提出冋题: Why is Nigel a lucky man?听一遍音频,解答冋题。6、 精讲课文,板书和笔记详见下文。7、再听一遍音频,逐句跟读。8复习一般现在时 VS 般过去时VS 般将来时。9、Lesson 94生词解读城市 VS国家。10、布置作业:练习册,背课文和单词。精讲课文1、Nigel is our ne

15、w next-door neighbour. = Nigel lives/is next door.next-door 隔壁。【回忆】 合成词:homework , ice-cream2、He is a pilot. He was in the R.A.F.他一直是个飞行员。他只是曾经在R.A.F.任职。the R.A.F. = the Royal Air Force 英国皇家空军3、 He will fly to New York next mon th.【扩展】n ext week, next yearfly to. = go to. by pla ne/air 开飞机去,乘飞机去4、 t

16、he month after next 再下个月【扩展】the day after tomorrow, the year/week after next5、at the mome nt = at this mome nt = now 此刻,现在【回忆 Less on 77】6、 in Madrid 在城市、国豕等大地方之前用介词in。在小地方之前用 at,例如:at the station7、return to.返回某地8、He only forty-one years old, and he has already bee n to n early every country in the

17、world.He sonly forty-one years old. 注意副词 only 的位置。注意 forty-one 的拼与。 have/has been to.已经去过了某地已回。注意nearly的位置。every每一个,后面用可数名词单数。in the world在世界上。注意:这句话中的and表示转折,可以用 but代替。例句: She moved to this n aighbourhood a week ago, and she has already known every one.9、His wife isn t very lucky. = His wife is uni

18、ucky.名词 luck 例句:Good luck! = I wish you good luck!10、She usually stays at home!注意频率副词 usually的拼与和位置。总结和练习1、一般现在时 VS 般过去时 VS 般将来时:时态用法动词形式时间状语标志词例句般P在时一般、经常、 习惯、真理原形/三单am/is/are; do/doesalways, usually, frequently, often, sometimes, every dayI am a teacher. I teach En glish. Do you usually get up ear

19、ly?般去时过去发生的 事,不强调对 现在的影响过去式was/were, didyesterday, last mon th, ten years ago, after 6 oclockI had lunch an hour ago.He went to London last year. She washed her hair yesterday.般1来时将要或方案 发生的事shall/will do am/is/are going to dotomorrow/in ten minutes this after noon/ afterHe will be a lawyer after gra

20、duati on. Were going to shopp ing this after noon.2、城市VS国家VS国家的/人:Beijing - China - Chinese ; Tokyo - Japan - JapaneseLondon - England - English ; Stockholm - Sweden - Swedish Copenhagen - Denmark - Danish ; Madrid - Spain - Spanish Fin la nd - Fi nn ish ; Turkey - Turkish ; Pola nd - PolishNew York

21、 - America - American ; Rome - Italy - Italian Berlin - Germany - German ; Seoul - Korea - Korean Oslo - Norway - Norwegian ; Moscow - Russia - Russian Sydney - Australia - Australian ; Vienna - Austria - Austrian Toronto - Canada - Canadian; Bombay - India - Indian Brazil - Brazilian ; Nigeria - Ni

22、gerian ; Egypt - EgyptianParis - France - Fren ch; Amsterdam - Holla nd - DutchAthens - Greece - Greek; Geneva - Switzerland - Swiss ; Thailand - ThaiLess on 95 - Tickets, please. & Less on 96 - What1、引入话题详见右框。2、让学生描述图片,中英结合。3、听一遍音频,掌握大意。4、 生词解读,纠正发音详见课本。5、提出问题: Why did George and Ken miss the trai

23、n? 听一遍音频,解答问题。6、 精讲课文,板书和笔记详见下文。7、再听一遍音频,逐句跟读。8比照一般过去时 VS 般将来时详见下文。9总结本课重点,让学生标注详见上文。10、布置作业:练习册,背课文和单词。精讲课文s the exact time?引入话题:Have you ever taken a train?你乘坐过火车 么? Today George andKen are going to London by train.今天的小故事 中,两位朋友有没有顺利 地坐上火车呢? Lets see1、Two return tickets to London please.【回忆】 祈使句。i

24、t together. Please close your books and listen to the audio and try to main idea2、return ticket = round-trip ticket往返票 VS 单程票 single ticket =0%1乜艇 t十么时时!间story.3、4、5、6、7、9、What time (=When) will the next train leave (the station)?具体什At nin etee n minu tes past eight. = At eight nin etee n.【下文】-Which

25、 platform? -Platform Two.中英语序区别 站台票 platform ticket Over the bridge.在天桥那边。Weve got ple nty of time. 【回忆 Less on 79】have got = have 充裕的、足够的、大量的:plenty of +不可数名词/可数名词复数。例句: Theres ple nty of rain in the west of En gla nd.There re ple nty of vegetables for the dinner.Its only three minutes to eight. =

26、seven fifty-seven 。仅仅 only。Lets go and have a drink.【回忆 Lesson 83】 Lets go and do sth.让我们去做某事。例如: have a drink n. = have someth ing to drink v. Theres a bar n ext door to the stati on. 【回忆】Let祈使句。Lets go and see a film/movie.喝点什么。There be 句型:There is/are + sth. + 地点。bar酒吧百度吧。next to的旁边;next door to的

27、隔壁。 例句: Theres a butchers n ext door to the grocers.10、We had better go back to the station now.情态动词had better +动词原形,表示最好做某事。否认式:had better not do sth.例句: Wed better be careful. You had better not go to bed so late.go back to.回至U去。11、Porter: Tickets please.【回忆】祈使句。火车站的售票员:porter VS汽车上的售票员:con ductor

28、12、We want to catch the eight nineteen (train) to London.want to do sth.想要做某事不定式。catch a/the train 赶火车,乘火车。13、Youve just missed it!现在完成时。miss 错过: miss the train/bus/flight扩展: You can miss it!miss 思念:1 miss you. 扩展:1 miss you because I missed you.14、What!这里不是疑问,而是感慨、惊讶。15、That clocks ten minutes slow.表示钟表慢了多长时间:The clock is . slow.表示钟表快了多长时间:The clock is . fast/quick.16、 -Whens the next train?-In five hours time! (=The next train will le


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