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1、2021-2022学年度第一学期七年级期末监测英 语 科 试 卷注意事项:1答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息2请将答案正确填写在答题卡上3. 考试时间:80分钟;满分:120分一、听力理解(共25分)A. 1(本题1分)Whats his full name?ABC2(本题1分)Which is the right (正确的) picture? ABC3(本题1分)What does the boy have? ABC4(本题1分)Whats your telephone number?ABC5(本题1分)What is eight dollars? ABCB. 6(本题1分)What

2、 is Dales friends name?AJane.BJenney.CJessica.7(本题1分)What is the womans fathers job? AA hotel manager.BA policeman.CA bus driver.8(本题1分)What are they talking about(谈论)?AA game.BA photo.CA book.9(本题1分)Does Gina like sports?AYes, she is.BNo, she doesnt.CYes, she thinks its relaxing.10(本题1分)What does t

3、he boy buy at last?AGreen trousers.BYellow trousers.CBlack trousers.11(本题1分)When was Ann born?AIn 1997.BIn 1998.CIn 1999.C. (本题4分)听下面一段对话,回答下列四个小题。12(1分)What does the man buy for Lucy?AA green T-shirt.BA black T-shirt.CA yellow T-shirt.13(1分)How much is the T-shirt?A5 yuan.B15 yuan.C25 yuan.14(1分)Wh

4、en is Johns birthday?AThis week.BNext week.CTomorrow(明天).15(1分)What fruit does John like?APears.BApples.CStrawberries.(本题5分)听下面一段对话,回答下列五个小题。16(1分)Where does Cindy want to go?ATothe book shop.BTo the school.CTothe lab.17(1分)What does Cindy want to buy?ASome English books.BSome Math books.CSome Chine

5、se books.18(1分)What do we know about Cindys Chinese teacher?AHe is handsome.BHe is a great fun of Chinese.CHe is kind.19(1分)Does Cindy have Chinese on Monday?AYes, she does.BNo, she doesnt.CWe dont know.20(1分)How is Davids Chinese?AVery good.BNot good.CNot bad.D. (本题5分)你将听到一篇短文。请根据短文内容,写出下面表格中所缺的单词,

6、每空仅填一词。短文读两遍。NameTony.Age31(1分).Birthday32(1分)9th.SportsHe plays basketball every day and 33(1分) basketball games on TV.FoodHe likes eating 34(1分).Birthday giftsA basketball from his father and a(n) 35(1分)and nice schoolbag from Jenny.二、完型填空(共10分)(本题10分) One small thing changes Sonia. She always rem

7、embers(想起) the boy, but why doesnt she help him?The boy wants to buy a book, but he cant, 21 he has no money. He is very sad. He looks at the money in Sonias hand. He can buy the 22 with it. But Sonia walks away. Sonia doesnt 23 his idea. Then she comes back home. She tells it 24 her brother, David.

8、 David says, Why not give him money? He needs 25 and you can help him.Sonia 26 to that shop to find that boy, but 27 never waits for someone. On that day, Sonia gets a 28 , Many people are like Sonia. We can help people a little sometimes, but we 29 want big ones. We want big opportunities(机会)and mo

9、ney. Big opportunities dont come at any time. But we have small ones every day.Sonia waits for 30 opportunities at first, but she changes a lot. She also helps people with little things now.21(1分)AbutBbecauseCandDso22(1分)AclothesBfoodCwaterDbook23(1分)AknowBfindChaveDgive24(1分)AforBtoCatDfrom25(1分)Am

10、eBusCitDthem26(1分)AwantsBasksCleavesDruns27(1分)AtimeBmoneyChelpDbook28(1分)AclassBlessonChabitDhand29(1分)AneverBalwaysConceDsometimes30(1分)AgoodBsmallCbigDsome三、阅读单选(共30分)A(本题10分) Two men are walking in the park. One is Mr. Brown, a worker, the other is Mr. Black. Mr. Brown is going to a chair. It is

11、 next to the road. Mr. Black is in front of him. Mr. Black finds Mr. Brown. Then Mr. Black begins to walk faster (更快的), because he wants to get to the chair before Mr. Brown. Now Mr. Brown begins to walk faster because he also wants to get to the chair first. Then they both run. Mr. Black runs faste

12、r than Mr. Brown. So he gets to the chair first and sits down on it. Mr. Brown runs after Mr. Black. When he gets to the chair, he sees Mr. Black sitting on it. He is sorry to show a notice (告示) with the words Wet Paint to Mr. Black. Now Mr. Black knows why Mr. Brown is going to the chair.36(2分)Wher

13、e are Mr. Brown and Mr. Black?AIn the garden.BOn the chair.CIn the park.DNext to the road.37(2分)What are Mr. Brown and Mr. Black doing?AThey are talking about the chair.BThey are walking to the chair.CThey are holding a notice.DThey are sitting on a chair.38(2分)_is after _at first.AMr. Black; Mr. Br

14、own BThe worker; Mr. BrownCMr. Brown; Mr. Black DThe worker; Mrs. Black39(2分)What does the underlined word It refer to ?AThe park.BThe chair.CThe notice.DThe garden.40(2分)Mr. Brown goes to the chair because_.Ahe wants to sit thereBit is his chairChe wants to talk to Mr. Black on the chairDhe wants t

15、o tell people Wet PaintB(本题10分) For many foreigners. Chinatowns give them their first impression (印象) of China. What are Chinatowns like in their eyes? Three foreign writers share their stories.LIFESTYLEJordon Shinn, 28, USIn a local public park, groups of middle-aged Chinese women dance in rows in

16、loud music. Next to the big lake, some people are playing different instruments, like guitar, violin and erhu. Two women sing along to the music in Cantonese(粤 语).At that time, I feel like I am in a public park in China.FOODMurray Wenzel, 29, AustraliaAlmost every big city in Australia has a Chinato

17、wn. Chinatown in Brisbane is full of restaurants, just like Beijing. But the food is quite different from “real” Chinese meals.Both of fortune cookies and prawn crackers ( 薯 片 ) are in every Chinatown restaurant. But I seldom saw them in Beijing.BUILDINGHani N. Khan. 26. SingaporeWhen you walk into

18、Singapore, you can see different signs ( 招牌) in Chinese everywhere. Three-floor houses stand along the streets. They are like the qilou buildings found in Guangdong and Fujian provinces. In the past, homeowners would live on the upper floors. They would run a small shop on the ground floor.41(2分)How

19、 many people are sharing ideas about Chinatown?A1B2C3D442(2分)Where does Jordon come from?AChinaBAmericaCAustraliaDSingapore43(2分)What does Murray think of the Chinatown in Australia?ASomething is different.BEvery city has a Chinatown.CChinese women are interesting.DThere are many qilou buildings44(2

20、分)What does the underlined word “upper” mean?ALowBTopCFrontDBack45(2分)What is the best title of the passage?AHow to go to Chinatowns.BA Chinatown in Singapore.CGood places to visit in Chinatown.DChinatowns in foreigners eyes.C(本题10分) Our eating habits are very important for good health and a strong

21、body. There are times when most of us would have sweets and icecream rather than eat meat and rice. Sweets and icecream are not bad for the stomach if we eat at the end of a meal. If we drink beer at meals, it may take away our appetite. It is important for us to eat our meal at the same time each d

22、ay. When we feel hungry, it is a sign that our body needs food. When we feel angry or excited, we may not want to eat. A long time ago, in England, some judges used to decide whether a man was telling the truth by giving him some dry bread. If the man could not swallow the bread, it was a sign that

23、he was not telling the truth. Although this seems very strange and rather foolish, it is indeed an excellent way of finding out the truth. A man who is worrying about something has difficulty in swallowing anything dry. Because he is worried, he loses his appetite and does not want to eat.46(2分)Why

24、do we have to form good eating habits?ABecause we want to eat more. BBecause we enjoy our meal.CBecause we want to save time. DBecause we want to keep fit.47(2分)When do you think it is good to eat sweets and icecream according to the passage?AWhen we are happy. BWhen we have a good appetite.CAfter a

25、 meal. DBefore a meal.48(2分)Whats the meaning of the underlined word swallow?A吞咽 B闻 C听说 D触摸49(2分)When does the writer think it would be better to have our meal?Awhen our work is over Bat the same time every dayCwhen we feel happy Dwhen every family member is home50(2分)What could a man do if he told

26、a lie(说谎)according to some judges in old England?Ahe could eat a lot of food Bhe could hardly need any foodChe could swallow some dry bread easily Dhe could not swallow any dry breadD(本题10分)配对阅读。左栏是5个人的情况描述,右栏是7个相关的信息,请为每个人选择合适的信息,并将答案的字母填写在题号前括号里。1. Paul, 18 years old, plays basketball well. He stu

27、dies in No. 11 Middle School.2. Kate lost her schoolbag yesterday. Its blue. There are some books and a pencil case in it.3. Peter came to study in Beijing last week. He needs a small and clean room .4. Sandra, 21 years old, swims well. She is a nice and kind girl. She likes children very much.5. Ve

28、ra has great sports collection. He likes to play sports. He always buys some sports things from different places.ASports SaleA lot of sports things are on sale. Basketballs, baseballs, volleyballs, skateboards and more. Im sure you will buy something that you like here.BRoom RentNear the Beijing Lib

29、rary, not very big. There is a bed, a sofa and a desk in it. You can play computer in it.CSwimmer wantedCan you swim well? Do you like Children? Call # 659-8346DLostA blue schoolbag. My name is Jim. Call # 282-6592.E. FoundA new schoolbag, blue. Call Allen at 324-8566.F. Beijing TV StationLook for a

30、 reporter. Work every day. Can speak English well.G. Basketball Player WantedAre you good at playing basketball? Please call Mr Lee at 356-8546.51(2分)_ 52(2分)_ 53(2分)_ 54(2分)_ 55(2分)_四、语法选择(共10分)(本题10分) My name is Ji Zhen. There are(有)_ _ in my family. My grandfather is sixty-eight _ old and my gran

31、dmother is sixty-five. My father likes to play _ sports. And my mother likes to watch sports on TV. I like _ play soccer. My grandfathers birthday is on New Years Day-_. My grandmothers birthday is on November 26th. September _ is my _ birthday. They have the same birthday! When is my birthday? Its

32、on June 1stChildrens Day! We have _ on our birthdays every year. I have a _ family!56(1分)AthreeBfourCfiveDsix57(1分)ApeopleBpeoplesCpeoplesDpeoples58(1分)AyearByearsCyearsDyears59(1分)AaBanCtheD/60(1分)AinBonCatDto61(1分)ADecember 25thBOctober 1stCAugust 15thDJanuary 1st62(1分)AnineBninethCninthDnines63(1

33、分)AparentsBparentsCparentsDparent64(1分)ApartiesBpartiesCpartyDpartys65(1分)AbadBwellCterribleDhappy五、完成句子(共2分)66(本题1分)Mark often plants flowers at home. Now he has a big g_ with lots of beautiful flowers.67(本题1分)The Stevens love sports very much. They s_ lots of time going hiking.68(本题1分)广州有许多名胜,例如有广

34、州塔和白云山。There are many places of interest in Guangzhou, _ _ the Guangzhou Tower and the Baiyun Mountain.69(本题1分)这家酒店为我们提供免费的晚餐。The hotel will _ us _ free dinner.70(本题1分)对于我们来说,完成这项工作很困难。Its _ _ _to finish the work.六、短文填空(共10分)(本题10分)根据下面短文内容,在短文的空格处填上一个恰当的词,使短文完整,通顺。Dear Ronald,Do you want to know 71

35、(1分) my Friday? I am not very 72(1分) on Friday. I 73(1分) have six classes on Friday-five in the morning and one in the afternoon. The 74(1分) class is math from 8:00 to 8:40. It is not easy for me, but I try(努力) to learn it 75(1分). At 8:50, I have P. E. It is very relaxing. The last class is art. I l

36、ike art best 76(1分) its fun. Our art teacher, Miss Wen makes(让) art very interesting. She teaches us how to cut paper(剪纸) and how to draw people, things, animals and so on(等等). Then I have two hours for 77(1分) . I like rice and vegetables. I dont eat ice-cream or meat. I dont want to 78(1分)fat. In t

37、he afternoon, I have science. Sometimes, it is very boring because the teacher drones(唠叨) on and on about something or another. After school, I play basketball with my classmates. I like playing sports very much. I like Friday. I am happy that the next day is 79(1分). I have no more classes for two d

38、ays. 80(1分) about you? Do you like Friday?Your friend,Selena七、阅读回答问题(共10分)(本题10分)Im Paul. I have three good friends. They are Jim,Frank and Nancy. We all like sports.I like playing volley ball. I have four volleyl.Playing volleyball is relaxing.But Jim and Frank dont play volleyball They like basket

39、ball They play it at school with.their classmates. They have four basketballs. Nancy likes playing tennis. She plays it very well.She doesnthave any soccer balls.ts easy for her to play tennis.根据短文内容,回答下列问题。81(2分)How many good friends does Paul have?_82(2分)Is playing volleyball relaxing for Paul?_83

40、(2分)What sport do Jim and Frank like?_84(2分)Does Nancy have four soccer balls?_85(2分)What sport does Nancy play well?_八、材料作文(共10分)86(本题10分) 假如Jack是你的好朋友,请根据下面内容用英语写一篇短文来介绍他。 要点如下:1)Jack在七年级4班,他今年12岁,他的生日是9月3号; 2)他热爱运动,最喜欢踢足球,每周都和同班同学一起踢足球; 3)他喜欢吃蔬菜和水果,他不爱吃汉堡包,他认为快餐食品不健康;4)补充一两条有关Jack学习的其它事情。要求:1)要求包

41、括内容要点、语句通顺、意思连贯;2)文中不得使用你的真实姓名、校名;3)语句通顺、语意连贯;词数:6080词(文章开头已给出,不计入总数)。参考词汇: 年级grade 快餐食品fast food I have a very good friend. His name is Jack. _第9页 共10页 第10页 共10页参考答案1A【原文】略2A【原文】略3A【原文】略4A【原文】My telephone number is 265924.5B【原文】略6B【原文】W: Whats your new friends name, Dale?M: Her name is Jenny Green.

42、7A【原文】M: What is your fathers job?W: He is a manager of a hotel.8B【原文】W: Where is our family photo, Dad?M: Oh, it is on the desk.9C【原文】M: I like sports. What about you, Gina? Do you like it?W: Yes. Its very relaxing.10C【原文】M: I dont like green trousers, mom. I like those yellow ones.W: But theyre to

43、o short. Lets take the black ones.M: Yes, mom.11A【原文】略12A13C14B15C【原文】M: Lucy, the green T-shirt is for you. Do you like it?W: Yes. Its nice. I really like the color. You know I like green and yellow best.M: I think green is the right color for you. W: How much is it?M: 25 yuan. I buy a black T-shir

44、t for me and a brown baseball hat for my brother, John.W: Great. Next week is Johns birthday. I need to buy a baseball and a bat for him.M: Sounds good. John likes baseball very much. W: Yes. I think he must be happy. How about buying some fruit? M: He doesnt like eating pears or apples. Lets go to

45、the store and buy some strawberries.W: OK. Lets go.16A17C18B19A20B【原文】M: Hi, Cindy! What do you want to buy?W: Hi, David! I want to buy some Chinese books in the book shop.M: Is Chinese your favorite subject?W: Yes, and I like it very much.M: Why do you like Chinese?W: Because my Chinese teacher is

46、a great fun of Chinese. He tells a lot of interesting stories to us.M: When do you have it?W: I have it on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.M: My Chinese is not good. Can you help me?W: Sure!M: Thank you very much.W: Youre welcome.21B22D23A24B25C26D27A28B29B30C【分析】本文主要讲述了索尼娅为了等待大的机会,而错过了帮助一个小男孩。生活中很多人像索

47、尼娅一样为了等待大机会,而错过了很多小机会。21句意:这个男孩想买一本书,但他买不到,因为他没有钱。but但是;because因为;and;so因此。根据空后的“he has no money”,可知是因为他没钱买。故选B。22句意:他可以用它买这本书。clothes衣服;food食物;water水;book书。根据前文“The boy wants to buy a book”,可知他想买书。故选D。23句意:索玛不知道他的想法。 know知道;find找到;have有;give给予。根据“Sonia doesnt his idea”,结合后“Then she comes back home.

48、”可推出此处是说“索尼娅不知道他的想法”。故选A。24句意:她告诉了她哥哥大卫。for对于,为;to到;向;at在;from从。根据tell的用法tell sth.to sb,结合前后文语境可知,此处用介词to。故选B。25句意:他需要它,你可以帮助他。me我;us我们;it它;to他们。根据前文“Why not give him money”可知是男孩需要钱,money是不可数名词,用代词it代替。故选C。26句意:索尼娅跑到那家商店找那个男孩。wants想要;asks问;leaves离开;runs跑。根据空后的“to that shop to look for that boy”,结合后文

49、句意可知,此处是指索尼娅跑来那家商店寻找那个男孩。故选D。27句意:但是时间从不等待别人。time时间;money金钱;help帮助;book书籍。根据句意结合前后文可知,此处是说错过了机会,所以应填“时间”符合语境。故选A。28句意:那天,索尼娅得到了教训。class课;lesson课,教训;habit习惯;hand手。根据前文所说,索尼娅错过了帮助一个小男孩,时间不等人。所以此处是说索尼娅得到了“教训”。故选B。29句意:有时我们可以帮助一些人,但我们总是想要大的机会。never从不;always总是;once一次;sometimes有时。根据前面“We can help people a

50、 little sometimes”及空前的but可知,此处是说我们“总是”想等待一个大的机会。故选B。30句意:索尼娅起初等待着大的机会,但她改变了很多。good好的;small小的;big大的;some一些。根据前文所讲结合后文“She also helps people with little things now现在她还帮助人们做一些小事”可知,此处是说索尼娅开始时等待大的机会。故选C。31Twelve/1232December33watches34fruit35big【原文】Hi, Im Jenny. I have a brother. His name is Tony. He is

51、 a middle school student, and he is 12.December 9th is his birthday. My mother wants to have a birthday party for him. Tony likes sports. He plays basketball every day and watches basketball games on TV. And he likes eating fruit. My father wants to buy a basketball for him. I will buy him a big and

52、 nice schoolbag. I think Tony will be happy.36C37B38C39B40D【分析】本文讲述了布朗先生和布莱克先生都朝着公园里的一个椅子走去。最后布莱克先生走得更快些,坐在那个椅子上。布朗先生感到抱歉,因为他走向椅子是想展示一个牌子,上面写着 “油漆未干”。36细节理解题。根据“Two men are walking in the park. ”可知,布朗先生和布莱克先生在公园。故选C。37细节理解题。根据“Mr. Brown is going to a chair. It is next to the road. Mr. Black is in fr

53、ont of him. ”可知,布朗先生和布莱克先生都正在走向椅子。故选B。38细节理解题。根据“Mr. Brown is going to a chair. It is next to the road. Mr. Black is in front of him. ”可知,布朗先生起初在布莱克先生后面。故选C。39词义猜测题。根据“Mr. Brown is going to a chair. It is next to the road. ”可知,下划线词“It”指的是上句的the chair,椅子。故选B。40推理判断题。根据“ He is sorry to show a notice (告示) with the words Wet Paint to Mr. Black. Now Mr. Black knows why Mr. Brown is going to the chair. ”可知,布朗先生走向椅子,因为他想告诉人们“油漆未干”。故选D。41C42B43A44B45D【分析】对于许多外国人来说,唐人街是他们对中国的第一印象,他们眼中的唐人街是什么样的?这篇短文中三个外国作家分享了


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