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1、2019中考英语补全对话+写作阅读新练(一)及答案一、阅读理解A(2019 中考教育类选练)“I dont like my parents.They always tell me I should do this , and should not do that.It sometimesmakes me angry,” said Zhang Hua, a middle school student in Guangzhou.Do you have the sameproblem ? Perhaps your parents had the same problem when they were

2、 your age long ago.Why does itseem that some parents are not so friendly in their childrens eyes?One of the biggest problems is when someone becomes a parent, he/she likes worrying aboutthings.They worry about everything about you from the time you were born.They do a lot for you , thoughsomething w

3、ould make you angry , because they care about you and worry about you.They worry aboutyour choice of friends , food you eat, your work at school ,how much sleep you get , etc.All thesethings are part of your life.They want you to grow up healthily and happily.So how can you make things easier on you

4、rself ? Its easier than you think.Just make sure your parentsknow what youre doing.Get them to know your friends.Phone them if you stay somewhere else late sothat your parents dont call every hospital in the phone book looking for you.Say sorry to them when youmake mistakes.Take responsibility( 责任 )

5、for what you have done.Talk about your ideas with them.Theymay talk about theirs with you.Most of all , try to think about why your parents do this or do that.They are still practicing being parentsand need help you can give them.Some day,when you become a parent,they may be able to help youknow how

6、 to get on with your children.1._ The writer thinks one of thebiggest problems for parents is to _ A worry about themselves B worry about their childrenC hate their children D be friendly with their children2._ All the things that parents do is toA make their children angry3.The writer thinks we sho

7、uldif we go back home later than usual.B want their children to love themC want their children to grow up healthily and happilyD want their children to do everything well in the futureD make a telephone call to our parents4.The writer thinks _ A its wrong for parents to worry about their children to

8、o muchB some parents are unfriendly , which makes their children angryC children should do everything as their parents sayD parents love their children very much and the children should understand them5.What is the best title of the passage?A Parents responsibilityB How to get on with parentsC Zhang

9、 Huas problemD What are parents worrying about参考答案 1B 2C 3D 4D 5BBNowadays people have many fashionable entertainments, such as playing online games, traveling around theworld, having picnics outside and so on. But have you heard of gardening? Over the years it has become one ofthe most fashionable

10、entertainments all over the world. For many people, young and old, gardening is somethingthey love. More and more people enjoy making a perfect garden even though they may get their hands dirty whiledoing it. Many of us may pu zzle, “ Why has gardening become millions of peoples favorite thing?”Firs

11、t, for many people gardening is a good way to relax. When you have a day working nervously all the time, youmay feel tired after you go home. Planting new flowers and vegetables along with a number of other gardeningallows you to keep active and energetic because you are doing something you are inte

12、rested in. It not only gives apleasant garden for your home, but also give you time to enjoy your work with your family or your friends together.Second, a well kept garden can bring joy to your life. It is a great place to spend sunny afternoons. Imagine you arein a comfortable and peaceful garden,

13、with a cup of tea in one hand, enjoying the relaxing sound of garden waternearby. How fabulous it is! As the sun slowly sets in the sky, you can enjoy the sunlight, too. How are you feeling?Its so perfect!Of course, it is true that gardening can take you much time and you need to work all year round

14、, but putting timeinto it as a hobby will give you unusual results. So this is why plenty of people enjoyit.()6.From the passage above, fashi on able en terta inments may in elude the follow ing exceptA tell our friendsB tell the teacherC say sorry to our parents3.The writer thinks we shouldif we go

15、 back home later than usual.A. playi ng on li ne gamesB. traveli ng around the worldC. havi ng pic nics outsideD. singing songs in the singing club()7. The first reas on for people to like garde ning is that_ .A. it is a good way to relaxB. they like to get their hands dirty while doing itC. it can

16、bring joy to their lifeD. they can enjoy their work with workmates()8. What does the underlined word fabulous” mean in Chinese?A.糟糕的B.凉快的C.极好的D.热烈的()9. Which of the followi ng is TRUE accord ing to the passage?A. Garde ning is the most fashi on able en terta inment in the world.B. Doing some garde n

17、ing can keep your friends en ergetic.C. You cant enjoy the relax ing sound of water outside the garde n.D. Its true that garde ning can take you much time all the year round.()10. The best title for this passage might be.“_”A. Enjoy Your Special HobbyB. Garde ning Many Peoples FavoriteC. What Is Gar

18、de ning AboutD. A Good Place to Spe nd Time参考答案 610 D A C D BC(2019 中考保健与健康类选练)Cola isn t good for our health. Cola is sweet, because it has sugar in it. Too much sugar can makeyou get fat. Drinking one bottle of cola each day can make you get fifteen pounds( 磅)eachyear.And because the sugar in cola

19、 can make you feel full,you should eat much healthy food,suchas fruit,vegetables and rice.And cola is bad for your teeth and bones(骨头).Drink water,please.Water is very important to our body.It keeps us healthy.We get water fromdrink and food,especially(特另 U 是)from fruit and vegetables.But it s bette

20、r to drink water.If youdon t like plain 清淡的)water,you can put a little 100% fruit juice into it.I.How many pounds can you get each year by drinking one bottle of cola each day?A.5 poun ds.B.10 poun ds.C.15 poun ds. D.25 pounds.2. The un derl ined word“ full ” meansA.饥饿的B.饱的 C.健康的 D.甜的3. How can we g

21、et water? By drinking milk. By drinking soup. By playing basketball. By eating fruit and vegetables.A.B.C.D.4. What can we do if we don t like plain water?A. Put some tea into the water.B. Add some ice cream to the water.C. Add some sugar to the water.D. Put a little 100% fruit juice into the water.

22、5. Whats the best titH(目 ) for the passage?A. My Favourite DrinkB. Cola or WaterC. Cola Is Bad for UsD. Why Is Water Importa nt?参考答案1C 2B 3D 4D 5B二、补全对话根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话意思完整、正确。Alice: Hello, Daisy.Daisy: Hi Alice. I m going to have a party next week. 1 ?Alice: A party? 2_! What s it for?

23、Daisy: It s my birthday on Wednesday. I m going to be sixteen.Alice: Oh, Dear! 3_Daisy: It doesn t matter. My birthdayWednesdas.dBut the party s on Friday.Alice: Oh, that s4OK.Daisy: At eight thirty.Alice: Right, that should be no problem.Daisy: It s going to be at the London HO 旅馆),near the town center on Shindy Street.Alice: OK. 5_. I ve got a map.Daisy: Won derful! See you the n.Alice: See you.【参考答案】1. Would you like to come 2. That s great / Wonderful3. I m afraid I can t come on Wednesday4. What time


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