



1、Unit3Topic1SetionCI. 学情分析本节课的教学对象是农村中学的九年级学生,大部分学生对英语学习的自信心不足,尤其在说的能力和阅读理解能力方面较薄弱,同时他们的课外知识面较窄。但学习动机一旦被激发,且所学内容的难度适合,他们的参与热情会被激发,能够在教师的帮助下策划、组织和实施英语学习活动。经过七、八年级两年的学习,学生的认知和分析水平较之前有了进一步的提高。但他们在把握段落的主旨大意及口语表达、信息重组的能力上还有些欠缺。同时他们对信息的加工、提取、运用的能力还有待提高。.教材分析:本课是阅读课,主要培养学生的阅读理解能力,能独立完成各项任务。主活动是1a和2。学生通过阅读1a

2、,继续学习以书面形式呈现的一般现在时态的被动语态。1b则让学生运用阅读策略,找文章的中心句。1c让学生学习怎样归纳总结文章的主要内容。2是对1a 的补充,换个角度来说明英语的重要性。3a是小组活动,需要学生查找资料才能完成,3b是在3a的基础之上进行的写作活动。若时间不够,把这两个部分作为课后作业来处理。通过学习English Around the World,让学生进一步了解英语的重要地位。让学生认识到要成为一个现代社会的有用之才,学好英语的重要性。.Teaching aims1.Aims of basic knowledge: 掌握本课的重点词汇和短语,继续学习一般现在时态的被动语态。2.

3、Aims of abilities: 能读懂用一般现在时态的被动语态表达的文章。能找出段落、文章的中心句。能归纳,总结文章的主要内容。能运用一般现在时态的被动语态,以口头和书面的形式来表达自己的观点,写出小短文。3.Emotional aims: 通过学习,激发学生对英语的需求,让学生自发地从“要我学”变为“我要学”,实现从外驱动到内驱动的转变。. The key points and difficult points1. Key points: Words and phrases: speaker, foreign, European, tourist, base, tourism, con

4、ference, kingdom, native, mother tongue, as well as, play an important part in.Sentences: It is clear that the English language is becoming more important. The English language plays an important part in our lives.Grammar: the simple present passive voice 2. Difficult points: 能记住不规则动词的过去分词。培养学生的阅读理解

5、能力。. Learning strategies 能合理运用网络资源,学会运用资源策略。 能积极地加入小组进行讨论,勇于表达自己的观点,在合作中相互学习。. Teaching aids图片/幻灯片/含有多种语言的音频片段、视频资料。.Teaching time1课时. Teaching procedures 教学环节教师活动师生交往设计意图Revise 1.Revise the new words.2.Let the Ss discuss in groups and then speak out the names of the languages and countries they kno

6、w. 1.Read the words one by one .2.Speak out the names of the languages and countries they know. 先呈现音标,英文,汉语,学生齐读,小组竞赛。Pre-reading1.Discuss the questions in groups.When and where do you use English?(We use English when we -)2.Discuss the two questions in 1a and then answer them.Discuss in groups and

7、choose some students to answer. (We are at school ,enjoy the English songs and American movies, read English books, see films, watch international matches, watch TV programs)导入,学生讨论。While-reading 1. Let the Ss read 1a quickly, circle the new words, the numbers .2. According to the passage ,finish th

8、e table.Read and circle the new words and numbers. Find the tasks.第一遍初读时,不要布置太多任务,让学生找找生词。找数字是为了解决pre-reading 的问题,同时为1b 做准备。Post-reading1. Let the Ss read 1a alone carefully, find out the difficult points 2. Listen to the tape and explain the difficult points.Read 1a alone carefully, find out the di

9、fficult points, discuss in groups. If they cant solve, give them to the teacher.对于学生的问题,先鼓励学生在组内解决,解决不了的再提交给老师,这样才能培养学生的能力。老师要在这个环节处理好学生不能解决的词、句子。FinishingTask 21. Let the students finish the passage using the correct forms of the verbs.2. Let the students write a short passage according to 3a,finis

10、h 3b.1. Finish the task.(Finish 2)2. Students write down the composition about the important of Chinese. 链接中考让学生课上完成(给出一些短语),在课堂上把学生的作文展示出来。Summary and homework 1. Let the students retell the passage in 1a.2. Read 1a and finish the exercises.1.Go over together and speak out what they have learned today.2.Look at the numbers and retell.Blackboard designEnglish is widely spoken throughout the world.Section


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