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1、对话填空题型指点课件调查的目的调查的目的1. 阅读了解的才干,尤其是跳读阅读了解的才干,尤其是跳读才干;才干;2. 归纳、判别、分析和推理的才归纳、判别、分析和推理的才干,找准主题、话题以及了解篇干,找准主题、话题以及了解篇章构造的才干;章构造的才干;3. 熟练扎实的词汇和语法知识。熟练扎实的词汇和语法知识。 4. 必要的文化、风俗习惯等背景必要的文化、风俗习惯等背景知识知识 5. 一定的英美口语表达才干一定的英美口语表达才干 题型特征:题型特征: 1.整体性强整体性强 中选择答案时,要结合文章中出现中选择答案时,要结合文章中出现的详细人或事,根据文章提供的时间、地点和语的详细人或事,根据文章

2、提供的时间、地点和语境去领会人物的动作和感情。这要求考生可以把境去领会人物的动作和感情。这要求考生可以把握文章所反映的语境及根据语境选择适当单词。握文章所反映的语境及根据语境选择适当单词。 2.综合性较强综合性较强 此题调查的是考生英语根底知识此题调查的是考生英语根底知识和综合运用言语的才干这种试题既要求我们能把和综合运用言语的才干这种试题既要求我们能把握文章的总体语境,又要求我们具有较好地运用握文章的总体语境,又要求我们具有较好地运用语法,文化背景知识及英语口语习惯表达法来对语法,文化背景知识及英语口语习惯表达法来对词语进展琢磨。词语进展琢磨。 3.填空特点明显填空特点明显 以实词为主,虚词

3、为辅;填空以实词为主,虚词为辅;填空单词的首字母已给出单词的首字母已给出Step by stepStep by step单句练习单句练习对话填空练习对话填空练习句义句义 词义词义巧借句型VolunteerVolunteer 1.Can you recommend a r_? My friends are very interested in the local food. 2.Would you please help me post the letter if it is c_ to you?3.I have to prepare food for seven people i_ me.4.

4、It is the f_ time that I have found him working here. estaurant onvenient ncluding irst 单句填空解题战略单句填空解题战略1. 阅读全句,了解句义阅读全句,了解句义, 判别词义判别词义2. 分析句子构造,判别所填词的词性分析句子构造,判别所填词的词性3.根据语法根据语法 ,判别词形判别词形4.借助惯用法、句型或口语表达法, 判别所填单词5.It is good m_ to behave yourself at the party. 6.Would you please put the book w_it wa

5、s. 7.When you go a_, you better adapt yourself to foreign customs.8.The local g_ carried out a new law to its citizens. here broad overnment annersPracticePractice9.After she was told that her daughter got sick , she h_ to the school to take her home. 10.Tom expected to be i_ to the dinner, but he w

6、as not. 11.A she met many difficulties, Helen was not discouraged. She continued struggling with the disease.12.Some students are s as much as 200 yuan a month on their cellphones. lthough pending nvited urriedDialogue1W: Can I help you ?M: Yes. I havent finished r the book. Can I renew it?W: Yes. Y

7、ou can k it for another two months. eading eep对话填空练习对话填空练习Dialogue3W: What time is Susan c ?M: She wont finish work u 4:30. It will take her 15 minutes to get here. oming ntilDialogue2M: Hello, this is Jack. May I speak t Tom?W: Sorry, hes o . May I take a m for him? o ut essage解题步骤解题步骤3.借助首字母、惯用法、句

8、型或口语表借助首字母、惯用法、句型或口语表达法,达法, 断定所填单词断定所填单词Gerry: Hello. Gerry speaking. John:Hello. Gerry, its me John here. Why arent you here at the meeting? Gerry: Well, Im (1)t sorry, but Im not feeling very well. John: Is that all? We thought you might have had an (2)a or forgotten the day or something. Gerry: N

9、o. Im sorry. I was (3)s all night. I think it must be the fish I (4)a last night. Practice erribly ccident ickteJohn: Well. I think you should have at least phoned Kate and told her you werent coming to the meeting. Gerry: Yes. I suppose I should have done so. Im sorry about that. Anyway, I think Il

10、l be able to get in to work tomorrow. John: Ok. Take (5)c and dont eat any more fish.Gerry: I wont. Thanks for (6) c .John: Thats all right.areallingPracticeMrs Jackson: Hello?Richard: Mum, its Richard. How are you?Mrs Jackson: Oh, Richard. Is everything all right with you?Richard: Yes, yes, fine. M

11、um, I was (1)w do you think you could (2)l me some money till the end of the month? ondering endMrs Jackson: Oh, Richard. Dont tell me youre buying another (3)e computer. You really must learn to plan your money properly.Richard: Look, Mum, if you can just help me (4)o this time. I (5)p Ill be more

12、careful in future.Mrs Jackson: Well, well see about that. Listen, Ill do it this time. This is (6)r the last time. Richard: Oh, thanks, Mum. xpensive utromise eally高考新题型:对话填空阅读下面对话,掌握其大意,并根据所给首字母的提示,在标有题号的右边横线上写出一个英语单词的完好、正确方式,使对话照射。 Computer voice: Welcome!Joe: Welcome!Computer voice: Youve got mai

13、l!Joe: Thanks. Who does it come (1)f_?Computer voice: A friend called Catherine.Joe: Oh, Catherine? This is the (2) f_time Ive got her mail. Let me see.Catherines voice: Hi, dear friend, Id like to start (3) m_ notes to you as if were already in the middle of a (4) c_ . I pretend that we are the (5)

14、 o_ and dearest friends although we are (6) a_ peopleromirstyonversationldestctuallywho dont know each others names and meet in a chat room (7) w_ we both claim weve never been before. What will you, NY152, say to me today, I (8) w_ ? I turn on my computer, I wait impatiently as it connects, I go on

15、line and my breath (9) c_ in my chest until I hear the three little words: “Youve got mail!I hear nothing , not even a sound on the streets of New York, just the beat of my own heart. Im (10) e_ mail, from you!Joe: Hello, my new friendhereonderatchesxpectingPractice:Mum: Jack!Jack: Yes?Mum: Come and

16、 look!Jack: Whats (1)u _, Mum?Mum: Umm, your room is a mess. Im sorry, but you must get it (2)t up (3)b you go out today. p idied efore: Jack: But why didnt tell me that my room is too dirty before now? This is so unfair! Ill never have enough time! You are (4)o_ saying that (5)m room is a mess beca

17、use you want me to stay home. Mum: Dont you talk to like that! Im really very angry with you. If you(6)k your room looking tidy, then it wouldnt(7) t you so long to clean it up. Hmm, Dad and I live in this flat too. We shouldnt have to look at your mess all the time. ept ake y nlyJack: Why cant I cl

18、ean up when I get home? Mum, two hours wont make a bit of (8)d . Mum: Im not arguing (9)a this with you.(10)E you clean your room or you dont go out with your friends. You should start cleaning now if you plan to leave! Jack: Fine. But I dont think you are being fair at all! bout ither ifferencePrac

19、tice Mom: Daniel, I need to talk to you about your behaviour. Dad and I realize there is probably an (1)e for why the house is so dirty, but you shouldnt have run out of the room and slammed the door(2) l that. Daniel: Mom , Im sorry, but I was so angry! You want me to act like an adult but you and Dad(3)t me like a c


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