1、PETS 5 WritingIntroductionby Huijuan SHUPre-course Questions What are the difficulties in English writing?考试简介 写作形式:议论文写作 写作时间:40分钟 字数:约250字 要求: 1. 观点明确,论证充分,有理有据 2. 使用较正式文体,避免口语化 3. 书写规范、整洁 4. 争“五”保“四”(参看写作评分标准)PETS5写作评分原则总分总分2525分,按分,按5 5个档次给分,每档个档次给分,每档5 5分。分。阅卷时根据总体评分标准与具体评分细则评分。阅卷时根据总体评分标准与具体评分
3、以考虑,英、美拼时,视其对交际的影响程度予以考虑,英、美拼写均可。写均可。6 6书写较差,以致影响交际的文章,分数将降低一书写较差,以致影响交际的文章,分数将降低一个档次。完全无法辨认得个档次。完全无法辨认得0 0分。分。第五档(21-25分)很好地完成了规定的任务。 开头得体,结尾有力; 内容完整,层次分明,具有说服力; 使用了丰富的语法结构与词汇,显示出较强的语言驾驭能力; 条理性强,段落清晰,采用了多种衔接与转折手法; 语言自然流畅,极少语言错误; 对目标读者产生了很好的预期效果。写作要求 观点明确,切忌态度暧昧,人云亦云(p.9) 论证合理,合乎逻辑(p.10) 结构正确,衔接顺畅(p
4、.11) 语言自然、流畅(p.11) 标点符号使用规范(p.12)高分作文的特点: 1. contact 1. contact 紧凑的紧凑的 2. concise 2. concise 简洁的简洁的 3. concrete 3. concrete 具体的具体的 好作文一定是结构紧凑、用词简好作文一定是结构紧凑、用词简洁、内容具体的文章。此外,好作文洁、内容具体的文章。此外,好作文通常使用较多的关联词、动词短语和通常使用较多的关联词、动词短语和形容词,并且能够熟练运用复杂语法形容词,并且能够熟练运用复杂语法。评分标准评分标准构思 表达构思构思不偏题 如何审题 As the development
5、 of modern science and technology, some aspects of traditional culture are being lost, so some people think that the traditional culture and technology will be replaced by the modern science and technology such as computer or internet, what is your opinion? 不一段表达表达 书面 字迹 整洁字数(100-150),( 100 功底第五档:开头
6、得体,结尾有力 内容完整,层次分明,具有说服力 使用了丰富的语法结构与词汇,. 采用了多种衔接与转折手法 .极少语言错误三点一线三点一线 内容点踩分点 语法点扣分点 亮点加分点内容点全内容点全 主旨观点主旨观点 小观点小观点1 1、2 2、33语法点对语法点对不要在关键的地方犯恶心的错误 关键地方各段句首头尾两句 恶心错误主谓一致时态问题名词单复Common mistakes in writing Unnecessary words Sentence structure Supplementary examples 中式英语之鉴中式英语之鉴亮点多亮点多 词句漂亮词句漂亮 有效连词有效连词 名人
7、名言、谚语名人名言、谚语词句漂亮词句漂亮词高级词高级 名词中心 importantof importance poorof poverty beautifulof beauty词句漂亮词句漂亮词高级词高级 这个很重要。 It is of great importance. 你真漂亮。 You are of beauty. 他们都很穷。 They are of poverty. 他们都很饿。 They are of starvation.词句漂亮词句漂亮句子难句子难 中无英有There be结构 it 做形式主语、宾语 中有英高倒装 强调 从句 非谓语 虚拟语气名人名言、谚语名人名言、谚语 有志
8、者事竟成。 Where there is a will, there is a way. Kant Nietzsche一篇好的作文应基本达到:一篇好的作文应基本达到: 1.结构清晰,布局合理,过渡自然。结构清晰,布局合理,过渡自然。 2. 遣词造句丰富多样化,语言地道,遣词造句丰富多样化,语言地道, 出现亮点。出现亮点。 3.说理清楚,内容充实,符合要求。说理清楚,内容充实,符合要求。 一篇较差的作文表现为:一篇较差的作文表现为: 1. 文章不通顺,无段落,无结文章不通顺,无段落,无结构,无明显主题;构,无明显主题; 2 出现很多基本语法错误,出现很多基本语法错误,拼写错误;拼写错误;3 词汇
9、量很小,词不达意,词汇量很小,词不达意,缺乏英语表达能力;缺乏英语表达能力;4 不像一篇文章,仅是把一不像一篇文章,仅是把一些不连贯的词语拼些不连贯的词语拼 凑到一起凑到一起。关于命题: 1)经典话题)经典话题 例如:例如:friendship and love , environmental protection, cultural exchange, health, education, economy 2)热点话题)热点话题 例如:例如:indulgence of computer network, honesty and mutual trust, international issu
10、es and concerns, teamwork, traffic, housing命题范围命题范围 (P3-7) (P3-7) 环境环境 科技科技 教育教育 家庭家庭 文化文化 生活生活 社会社会 娱乐娱乐 经济经济 国际问题国际问题命题形式命题形式 阐释文阐释文 评论文评论文 分析文分析文 议论文议论文2011年6月考题 A mother wrote to a newspaper inquiring whether her son should go abroad to study as an undergraduate or he should go to a Chinese univ
11、ersity before going abroad to study as a postgraduate. Write a letter to the editor of the same newspaper to give your suggestions to this confused mother, and give reasons to justify your suggestions.10年真题 You have read in a magazine an article on the positive and negative aspects of the present ex
12、amination system Write an article for the readers to clarify your points of view about this issueYou should use your own ideas,knowledge or experience to generate support for your argument 09年真题 You have read an article in a magazine with the following statement in it. Write an article for the same
13、magazine. You should use your own ideas, knowledge or experience to generate support for your argument and include an example. Economic development will inevitably generate industrial waste which in turn will cause pollution to the living environment. Economic prosperity and a clean environment can
14、not coexist. You have to make a choice between the two. To what extent do you agree with the statement? PET5写作题型写作题型特点 现实性 思辨性 对策性思辨练习思辨练习 On the Importance of a Name 有人说名字很重要 也有人觉得名字无关紧要 我认为 There is no denying the fact that it is a controversial topic whether names are important or not. Some hold
15、the positive view. They claim that a good name, or a name that can be easily remembered, can bring one a lot more opportunities than others. Some Chinese may also believe that a name designed according to the traditional theory of five elements can bring good luck. Others, however, hold the opposite
16、 view. They argue that a name is nothing but a code to distinguish one from another. A person “good” name may not be as successful as the name indicates. In the same way, a person who has a common or casually given name can also achieve tremendous success. Personally, I believe that both sides have
17、something right, so we should not go to extremes. On the one hand, we have to admit that a well designed name can help a person to some extent. On the other hand, we should not exaggerate the effect of a name on a persons fate. Anyway, a persons success mainly depends on his hard work and desirable
18、personalities.11年考题回顾 Whether her son should go a b r o a d t o s t u d y a s a n undergraduate or he should go to a Chinese university before going abroad to study as a postgraduate?对策练习How to improve students mental health大学生的心理健康十分重要因此,学校可以.我们自己应当. There is no denying the fact that mental health
19、is of great importance to college students. Nowadays, many students in college suffer from mental illness, which severely affects their life and study. Taking a look around, we can find examples too numerous to list. Reports are often heard that some students committed suicide or murdered their room
20、mates. Typical examples include the case of Ma Jiajue and that of a girl stabbing her schoolmates. In view of the seriousness of the situation, effective measures must be taken before things get worse. On the one hand, due attention has to be paid by colleges to students mental health. First, lectur
21、es on psychological health should be frequently given to students to prevent problems from happening. Secondly, psychological clinics should be set up to provide troubled students with timely help. As to students, we should keep the channel of communication open among ourselves and between us and ou
22、r teachers and parents. Besides, in case of mental illness, we should not hesitate to go to psychological counselors for help. Only with these measures taken can we expect sound growth of college students.复习建议 单词: 重点掌握写作中出现频率高的核心词汇,结合句子,在句子中记忆这些单词,总结常用搭配。(提高写作词汇的最好办法是用词,而非背词) 多读范文,研习范文的结构、思维乃至逻辑论述。多
23、背模板框架和经典句型并转化为自己的语言,培养语感。 多读,多思考,多总结。 掌握衔接与过渡。复习建议 多写,多练。对看过背过的文章进行词语替换、句式转换、句子重组、翻译练习等,以及对某一主题展开写作。作文一定要自己动手写。 构思提纲、关键词提纲或粗略提纲。对原始材料分析归纳后要形成一个基本的框架。 将内容分类,了解相关知识,掌握相关的词汇及表达方式。 分析错误,概括总结,博采众长以补己短。 不要分割各项训练。听、说、读课程互补。5 steps to be a confident writer Adjust your frame of mind Have a positive attitude
24、and be willing to take academic risks, like ask questions, try new strategies, think for yourself and be creative. Schedule time for writing A project will go undone if you never get started. Take control of your time by knowing when assignments are due and by scheduling time to complete them. By ma
25、naging your time effectively, you will always have time for writing!5 steps to be a confident writer Motivate yourself Do not depend on the instructor to make writing enjoyable. Find your own sources of enjoyment. Develop your powers of observation Become more aware of your surroundings. Pay attenti
26、on to current events. A good writer has highly develop senses. Develop yours!5 steps to be a confident writer Read Reading is a springboard for writing. Reading is a source of knowledge and wisdom. Writers get many of their ideas from reading. Get the rhythms and syntax of English by reading. Readin
27、g and writing are intimately connected.Who can be a good writer? 养成写作习惯的人,往往没话找话说,养成写作习惯的人,往往没话找话说,而没有写作习惯的人,有话没处说。而没有写作习惯的人,有话没处说。 张爱玲张爱玲Basic Skills of Writing Narrating and Describing Explaining a Process Choosing Classification or Division Comparing and Contrasting Explaining Causes and Effects
28、Using Definition Arguing PersuasivelyNarrating and Describing When you tell the story of how you got your drivers license or how you survived a car accident, you are narrating. When you begin a sentence with “It smells like,” or “It tastes like,” or “It feels like,” you are describing. You use both
29、narration and description in everyday conversation to talk about people, places and events.Explaining a Process Learning to drive a car, registering for classes, or following a recipe. You may be able to explain the steps involved in processes such as changing the oil in your car, or ordering someth
30、ing from an online store. You may have had to learn a process on the job, such as how to use a cash register, stock inventory in a store, or enter data into or retrieve information from databases.Choosing Classification or Division You can easily identify the three parts of an essay. You know how to
31、 find an item in a store by looking in the section where it belongs. You are familiar with each part of your campus, and you know the types of students who attend your college.Comparing and Contrasting When you shop at a supermarket, you compare prices and contrast ingredients on the labels of diffe
32、rent items. To explain why you prefer one restaurant over another, you discuss their similarities and differences. When choosing a college, you may have considered the advantages and disadvantages of commuting from home versus living on campus.Explaining Causes and Effects When you express an opinio
33、n and explain the reasons why you think that way, you are explaining causes. If you do not study for an exam, and you earn a poor grade, you know what effect this grade will have on your average in the course.Using Definition You know that someone who asks, “What do you mean?” may be seeking a defin
34、ition. You know that the words you choose can arouse either positive or negative feelings in others. You probably have had experience of being misunderstood because you did not choose your words carefully.Arguing Persuasively You are aware of topics or issues such as global warming, and the high cost of health care. Like most people, you probably believe that everyone has a right to an opinion, but you may also recognize that some opinions are better informed than
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