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1、21. 某人来说很熟悉he familiar io sb.22. 因为.而将名 be famous fur作为.iff 并名 be tumours23. 为全世界的人所知名 be fomou% to pcopk aII over the wwldJKftWMl far I know26被.吸引住 be (um:inMed *nh/by sth.27.拳行&,圳会 hold a Girrwdl party28 过时 CWKf bciMitoffajWott29. 火宠失利:late favour史料$ 曲成 be in favour of30. #;J£A 忙 ask a fa

2、vour of sb-3X用来唱倬t«d.0Qwith.33. 吃.以为仅物fccdott把用屹 feed «th. to%b.34. 闩网睡作斗争 lightaimldinkulitiCH3d。出知fift figure out37. 传询 be Hlkd with决,Ok fWuils38. INW(某十旬。某人孜 finesb. fordoing rth.39. tt 火 c*h fire把火扑犬 pul out a fire4L f be firvd'diMniMcd试宗 Hton43. 法伽ft). be fit for.'to do rth.44

3、. 保ypm46 注她. fix one's eyes on upon47. KIVA Hi a long dignee flight4K流利的英洛fluent English49. 柴中注怠力 focus Micncitm Miind onfocu$ alicnlkminind un50. tW F as follows5X 听从.形告follow one's advice53. CtW rood train 某人做菜小是IB套的fool«hof%b.todorth.54. M止某人燃事 fMid»b.lodosih56fiwbki »k

4、7;inx «h.57. 地心引力的力 JU the farce of gravity咨迫某人做弟事fotvc sb. todostft58. 灭气fitltt the wcuiher ftYevatJfPJ表格 fill in a furm59. tt.的形式 m ihe form of61 i|9tf 统 farmer prcvklcnc tfudenewife63. %cttmake a fortuneKtHput forward64. 期盼漕化look fbru-vd Io »th.66 WtttK人 sei b. freeiftft的:免障的 befreeoffr

5、om67. 冰企 frvezing pu«l冷ift tf 物 frozen food68. 欢水 fre»h waler71 勺女册友 imAc friends with7L JC ML 人吓死 frighten %b. to death73.fruni then un74. 充满的:有很多的be full of为了的道(<>cfun75. Jf fit5? make fun of在#近,长延的将来 in the near .'ditLinc future76. Jft < ain weigh!77. 一软说来 generally <peu

6、kmg代徇 jenmtion gap78. 抑削,从(版科i,患位等>中佛陵 RSB在某方面ff Xtt have a gift for79. 投降:总,!H:上交give inM.发出(燕K光等)give off、:.gi、ginXft# give 叩86. (i / gLmcc jt/towshWH习:走到另-*边去, < ft goo*vrH9. itti&i 灯火)<®火 goo«tl.lttl oupto90. 5tSiAH 标 udiicve a gculil球 score a gad91. 黄佥时代golden ageM 对某人物有好

7、处be food far $K95. 好务.good many认为理丽当姚 ukc H for framed tfun96. W.事蜜 ME A be grateful to %b. for xthNoing %th. 购.:彩 iQJMl * ith jinrtituik用渔幻响来迎按溯呼某人trccb withamiletiM100. 人 11 的增长 the growth of population1.芥或做戈事的习廿1 form u habit of doing Mh/ gel in co u hubii of doing2.切戒四半cut by half' into KHvc

8、g3.手li手hand by hand4.上交hand in5.碰巧做sb. happen% to da- It m> luppent that6凯苦工作be hard al work7.do hinn to= be harmful lo8.侦阪枷处live in harnumy9.在 J£方伽 ff 何慝麻雄have pcobJems.' inmblc, difficulty with10.的往bead far11.分体安uua好in good bcuXh12.所说.S.8.hear ub»Mil13.bead Inxible14.全心全意地hcan and

9、 NOUl15.用。记忆.iftidlearn ah. by heart16.心打的讨论heated diurusMon17.偌助某人做某事help <b. with' (co) do、ih.18.在的ffMTwith the help of19withouc (gy) hcMlKlion20.K)Ahide uh. fnxn = conceal xth. from21以Rj*度al hih 卬(322.高度评州费扬tpeok* ihinl highly of2 V历史性会见histone meeting24.历史H冗hK(or»cAl reseMvh25.打在某人的鼻

10、子hit kb. co the nay隅档1 WMhM buck27.(用诰)别牡断:抓牢;坚持hold on28.花退:掖嫉::boid«(r29.on holidayi'老实说bonculy spcakinc31.混示Cftt为了招待:为 了史仓:in bcinur of31为机国?光win honor for one's motherland33.«KIwpc fur34抱织观的希您.火呆往好处想hope如(he bc“35.东iBW.财国hoM tutioa* country36.(»>/ chufc g the bout37.伤咨某

11、入的淳情hun one's feding38.(夹然)4到一 M 意come up with an idea39.不怪.无知的he igngmi of40.对来人来说的某事*非纨的It i% illegal far%h. to do41.对产生齿响have an ini|xicl on41中留卜藻刻印象impress sih on cmc mind4.V被保深嫁动:对贸下秘刻卬钦be响获3 咛with44在五十几岁时ai one% fifties45.我不万使做英小Ic is inconvcnicM for inc to dn小个入萍讨运功项individual xpoctx47.妃果

12、W通知Jf人infoan $b. of rth.4S位某人为到通知keep »b. informed of49送步的洒恩.史多的伯息further.nnwimtiort机从处海承inherit Mh. fnxn51.be badly injured52-做的茉人做Jf事inspire sb. doS3.求牛的本能an instinct fur MirvivjJ54tt.指导.指示某人做某少iiwuwi ib. «>»Jo55.tfrWKffi火险insure one's house against fire5】、打。做臬事inland to do57

13、.对成兴建<Mc inwrcM in = be imcrcstcd m58.iG求利播look far ifUcrcM»59.统隔 WW«.结鬲 W»?Wai mvaJs60.把引il: ft入;把.冽入;Mi入intnxiuce一intoM场拒她iffdecline one's inviutiua61蚩妥做,包含做一involve dotng slh.介入.卷入be involved in = involve ancvclf in64新伽条目ne*s iiemi65.把从.隔庚升isolate from3、女通阻*Iniffk jam67.join

14、 (he army迁接be joined to69.共口努力a joinl effucVjoinl effurts70-怒作剧a poet 心 joke71.供泉人大为快乐的还to onc great joy71从外去判断judge from,' by one's *pcwa,*x73.比小.地色*be junior to74.M.I <1 和迷be keen on75.敏!的头宿a keen mind76.keep a diaryV.阻止,防止keepfrv»n>7H.逸守:保持keep to79.浦材时间kill Itnic«0, 一位知识旅

15、博的81. 理解:认识82. 快车道83. 并非很不8井M(-A>84. 过后.后来败峭笑86.突费大关起来8?.犯祛88. 讲使某人做茉串89. 通Ah导玫90. 斜亭91. 依拳某人燃某事92. 至少I妣岐以埋93. 讲授;作美干的讲座N.给某人,个校训95. 位于7在于96. 娓电松97. 耍成拓车98. .*«的火柴99. 很可能100 .(由生活1. 产峦世蔽某物2. 湛堡需到某物3. 沔求燃某串4. 很久以莉5. 不久.不久以寂6. 照蛇7. »tt.看不Ma. iU ft9. 把常作10. 注11. MS; Kfi12. 恰梭IX称了一场比株14. 输了

16、一个球15. 灰心16. SUS P.17. 茫然不巧所拾18. 停车场19. 帝运气20. 使其人发蜩21. a*22. 寄航空邮付23. 寄信饴某人24. 保外公路25. 主任(工程学)26. 多账半数以Jt27. (WII的H快速恤)冲向28. 的;带着.总跑29. (I)开出:写出30.«0, 一位知识旅博的85. 理解:认识86. 快车道87. 并非很不8井M(-A>88. 过后.后来败峭笑86.突费大关起来8?.犯祛94. 讲使某人做茉串95. 通Ah导玫96. 斜亭97. 依拳某人燃某事98. 至少I妣岐以埋99. 讲授;作美干的讲座N.给某人,个校训100. 位

17、于7在于101. 娓电松102. 耍成拓车103. .*«的火柴104. 很可能100 .(由生活8. 产峦世蔽某物9. 湛堡需到某物10. 沔求燃某串11. 很久以莉12. 不久.不久以寂13. 照蛇14. »tt.看不Ma. iU ft13. 把常作14. 注15. MS; Kfi16. 恰梭IX称了一场比株30. 输了一个球31. 灰心32. SUS P.33. 茫然不巧所拾34. 停车场35. 帝运气36. 使其人发蜩37. a*38. 寄航空邮付39. 寄信饴某人40. 保外公路41. 主任(工程学)42. 多账半数以Jt43. (WII的H快速恤)冲向44. 的

18、;带着.总跑45. (I)开出:写出30.a man of knawlede= a knokdfejle nun have a good kncrnkdc of(he fast Unelast but not lca«ikiwrun Uu£h at IxihI inlo laughter be against Ok Uu'/ brcuk the lu* kud %b. o do lead 10 loinlean an %b. to doul Sgive a lecture on “h. icuch sb. a 屿 Rnlie in ukcaliA ask fora

19、lift a lighud much !l w likely IkH- be lAcly k> do live by doing keep uh under Imzk and key |g£ for Mh l<»g la do sth lung hrfuevbefewe longlock after look (Sown on look into look upu<V on as-. lookout look throughlook to = depend on = rely on - kn on I<kc a gumelow by a goal l

20、ewe ha»rtlose one s h<artbeat a low be at sol the parking lot Uy one s luck' fbctunc理 Hmake out(U编造 化地(3)构囱淮足inAeupnuke up for ntande k>(k»31. 补偿:弥补32. 找功地做某十dnvc / send A n%id go mid by air imil mail 痢 h w> sb mainUin a highzy major in cnmccfing a/ the nujocity of make tbr ma

21、ke off with33.上市;出侔on the nwket34.吸:«:与枷marry *b - yet rrurricd Io %b354实上m a maitcf of foci 二 in fact36.不要紧It doesn't matter.37.觉咋祈做一iikuii doing3&*食为;打n)eun lodnW用:ft*by meuns of-inPJM. MfflJin ihe mcnntinic41Like mcature to do42.纪;fein nxnioo of43.提及做某十mcDiion doinx44.更不用说:比外not k>

22、; mention45.谿泉人带个口信give 4b a mcsae46.省某人佃个条leave a message (iw *b47.牢记某事keep,' bw slh in miml小拿定主口做柴卓nwke up onc< mind to do49.昉止做某手mwi dc>in uh50椎谟地做某事do Mh by misukc51.把谀认为mistake A for B52.刻和混仑mix with 5181动图书!8n mobile librar>*54.5好舟in a puod<, bright1, hid mood55.没有心情做其事be in no

23、 mood for &i 堡:(oOouh56.轮新月a new ITKMM)57.菲常乐煎傲某不be incirc limn happ> <,kid,pkuscdlre4dySKillin ludo脸以的名义in the nurnc of59.以的名字企名be named after60打个帕儿lake/ have a napf>l土产的he native ta62.如必要的话if wssuy if il i% newwarj'63.need Mh 2dly64.对神噌紧张的be nervous about65向某人为无at' io 4>66.

24、(表示恢奇1不是洌的,正是no(ne)mhcrthan67记鲍记lake note*仪仅;只不让nothing but69.(有意)注意uke notice of70.到现任为止by now up to now up (ill now - so tar71.KB:由于nou* ihM72.许名(性馅可取名词Ja good? grvat truny- a nunitxr of73.反对做装耶。丽to 如叫 Mhbe opposed t«> doi” Mh74.»iOXAMX«oblige xb to do =: farce %b to do75.因泉事而感谢某

25、人be obligxxl1 lhankful, gnileful (o sb (ordoing) uh76u么observe ike rule*77.庆祝入的牛.Hob«nv one's birthday78.个±s.An iiku oevurred co inc79某人夹物恕起一It occur to .tb that-80.提供某入某物ofRrt %b slh - offer 5i to sbXI主动提仗做斐事offer io do82.型时公众开故open Uh to the pubik:83为某人动手木opcwic on84.依阪某入的G法in one

26、9;s opinion85.对面的Z uppwitc Io“.有次序:整齐keep “h in £<xxi i)n4er87.湛乱:发4故障be out <> unfcr以.金小某人做某事order sb io iSo甜.文明的发波the origin of ci、HSiii»a90.换吉之in oilier word*91.阵了other chan92.的几天the other da.铝.10MWA/W4ow(xnc one's fmiM' difflcuhicsN.悦人的R光,pleasant outlook95.开 WWJfbroad

27、en* widen <hics uullook96.把.归功Fown (o97.由于awin to脸某人自己的书a book of one's own99.机独地:独立无援地an one's awn100.界上时代keep pave with (he lifiurs- keep up with the cimc?»1-双,一时a p«ir ofx 引 feSHttcause a punk3.平行的1类!的be pMuIkl【W with4.般谅某人做某串pnfcmJ excwc«, forgive / for doing sth5. A1止停

28、车no puiking6 (在中屉作用play a piv role in7.参与:参加prtkripatc in*' take part in'* join in8.(过于)讲究的.键剔的,畋五求建的bewixicuhraboui9.去世puM away10. <1( X人)W耐心have pulkiKV with »b - be pulknl *ilh sb11.为为平道路pave (he wiiy for12.归还次款)pay hack13.还iff债务payolt'ilK dd»i14.与某入和解:只某人n H I W make |on

29、c) pexe with15. 一所特仃的bepeailiar lei16.in peni7.询求r利Jftk foe permiKtianIK 允iittK*permit doing 必19.允许某人做某事permit >h iodo sth20.孜孜不倦炮呼习pcrtvcnc in doing Uh21. (EH侦ft)坚伟persist in doing22.彼圾某人做某事persuade sb to do= penuade %b into doing23.说取某人不做*persuade ibmx (odo- ixrMUdc U> out ot dwng24.分辨,挑出pic

30、k mil25.拾上:快符:学会:买到:用车.船)ttApkk叩26.去野黄l>i>onap>cnic27.洁是地了就eel a clear pkturv of28. -<: - W pile of29.lake/ have pity on sb30. AKMAtLPl.A nuin31 .川荷明的英讷in pUm 珈Mh32.荷先in the fiwt place = first of all= to begin with33.发生,早行Ukeplacv34. RH;取代ukc (he pUcc of35.技方案u$> planned36.快乐找菜串be plc

31、awd co do37.大置的:充足的plenty of38.跳入.峪入plunge imo39. ffiffpoint lev at40.指出point out41做某K没有。义There k no point* xnsc in dotnj* Mh41改革开the nrfbnn And open-door policy43.受的火送be piipubr wiN among44推堪.实期做茉JdtfUy.' pntiponc' pul off doing Mh45.上 Ikrtcome in«x, in power46停电pou'etevt'* fai

32、lure47.礼会丈技wial pnclicc4&妹习做某*prucikv A>inj:49为某4费扬J£人prac Q> (or dmng Mh50.为了架事而闩某人布捋 pniytoAfaruh51 析 «teK*p<uy (o do Mb51宁恩做也不做prefer to do dun todn >53.为某准*prqxirv Ar sth54.在某人而靛in ibe pcewncc of A = in sb* presence55.出席be prc%ml at56帝送,岫present Mh co hb - pcccni sb wit

33、h uh57.现政府the pevtent govemmcm58.记者招忤会prw' news coorervncc59.保g休免遣火抢preserve fore心 fr<xncxnnciK»n60.假装做柴怕,在此某事死2牧果那prctoul io do sib* (o be doinglo have Arne61.阻止某人做某事pre'etrt hb from doing Mh62. T/ttffrregular* npcvial price63为一自豪be pnMxJ of = take pride in64.坚色primary colour65 BUU久

34、上in principleg妃来人关iSKKcm> chn" pm* sd *b in(u»l prtwn67.在址眼中in proeeHf阪获杆make u prvtfil69.在诅假中in pKigrct%70队叫逃步mukc pro琪 z71.送背诺言hreik a promise71呼拘keep' slick to one's promise73.许诺架入某事pmmtc «b 讪.74. WWMM*promise to do sth75.保护策入免殳.的侵;* pnM(xi sb. from'nth7A为来人提供Jt物prov

35、ide xb with sth77.岂众.公开地in public?a.对公众<o the publk79.囚架卵恁罚某人punish »b. &)r uh., i doing *th80购胃力purduxin; pvutrXI.放心地;有地purpose8X型收起敏”put awuy83 ttTi 记下,W1I;pul down时.提出:建议:puthcunl«5.关拘.您灭8皎去.BUdipuioff86- 9上;上演;收音机等Z,m87. »X:出版:公布:伸由pert out88年折«tti提出(方案等h WW pul up89.容忍put up with90. MffiSftX作be qualilkd fur lhe jub91. »t£W 名牧师be qu-ilitled as a taicher = be qualiGoci ta leach92.(使IWI.资格qualify, »b. as93. M»be M 畋山 high quAlicyN.囚弗小1可某人吵架quarrel with sb. abixit ah.95.下侦故大U1Giin


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