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1、学习资料收集于网络,仅供学习和参考,如有侵权,请联系网站删除小学英语优秀教学设计(一)时间:2010-12-22 09:49:02来源:蓬莱南王中心小学作者:包晓晴小学英语第五册(外研版)Module 8 SchoolUnit 1 What time does school start?蓬莱市南王中心小学 包晓晴一、教材分析Module 8 Book 5 的主题是 "School,” " Unit 1 What time does school start?的语言功能是'描述学校生活;学 习任务为 "What time does school start?

2、 What time do you get up? ”二、学情分析本课的教学对象是五年级学生,他们已经掌握了一定的英语词汇,具有一定的英语学习的积极性与主动性, 具备了一定的英语语言运用能力,求知欲增强。因此,在新知识传授的同时,教师要尽可能多的为学生创造良 好的语言环境,给学生充足的语言习得”机会,让学生在学习中积极参与、大胆发言,从而形成积极的情感态度和自主学习的能力。三、教学目标(一)知识目标1 、 能听懂、会说并认读下歹U单词:exercise, before, playground, skip, coffee, tea.2、能听懂、会说并认读下列句子:What time does s

3、chool start? My school starts at 9 o' clock. Whatget up? I get up at half past seven.(二)能力目标能口头运用 "What time does school start?这类语句询问发生的时间,并能口头运用 "My school starts at 9 o' clock这类语句回答。(三)情感目标为学生创设轻松、愉悦、和谐的英语课堂学习氛围,使学生在学习中敢于开口说英语,并了解西方小学学 校日常生活习惯,从而对英语学习产生更为浓厚的兴趣。四、教学要点分析(一)教学重点2 .

4、单词: exercise, before, playground, skip, coffee, tea 的认读。3 .运用“What time来询问事情发生的时间。(二)教学难点能够在真实的语境中正确运用“Whattime描问事情发生的时间。五、教学准备多媒体课件、录音机、磁带、单词卡片、跳绳。六、教学过程Step 1 Warming-up1. Chant: «I like coffee, I like tea. » (第二册中 M3 U2 4)教师一手拿coffee 一手拿tea的英语单词卡片示意学生一起拍手说Chant,并教授单词:coffee, tea。(教授单词时尽

5、量提供一些学过的词汇,鼓励学生自己读出来,培养学生的拼读能力。)Step 2 Presentation2. Leading-in.(1)课件出示学校的图片介绍说:This is our school. Do you read a book in your classroom?(2)课件出示学校学生跳绳和做操的照片T: What are they doing? They are skipping. Do you skip in the playground?They are doing morning exercises.(3)课件出示学校作息时间表引出句型:What time does our

6、 school start?及回答:My school starts at eighto' cccT : We know the school life in China, how about the children in England? Today , let ' s go and visit their school with Amy.【设计意图】出示自己学校的照片,学生感觉熟悉,同时渗透 playground , skipping , exercise的单词的教学,为下边的教学活动做好相关铺垫。通过介绍自己的学校引出Amy的学校生活是什么样的?与我们的学校有什么不同?

7、3. Text.(1) Listen to the tape.T: Our school starts at 8:00. What time does Amy' s school start? Do you know? Let' s listeanswer the question:What time does Amy ' s school start?【设计意图】由学校生活自然要谈到几点上课的问题,学生对此问题的提出不会感到唐突。由教师对Ourschool starts at 8:00.的讲解,孩子们也一定急于知道英国学生的上课时间,从而初步感知课文内容,了解课文大

8、息。(2) Listen to the tape again.T: I get up at 5:30. What time do you get up?T: You get up at And you go to school by schoolbus or walk to school and so on. How about Amy? Let listen again and answer the following questions: What time does Amy go to school? How does Amy go to school?A. She walks to s

9、chool. B. She goes to school by schoolbus.【设计意图】由于中西方孩子上学时间的不同,学生起床时间的早晚必然不同。通过对问题的回答,让学生 对中西方学校生活的差异有更深的了解。(3) Look and say.课件出示 get up/watch TV/go to bed/have English/read a book/go to school 的图片让学生进行交流。A: What time do you get up?B: I get up at .询问小伙伴的起床时间、上学时间等。【设计意图】通过对小伙伴们作息时间的询问,使学生对本课重点句型有了进一

10、步的理解。4 4) Listen, repeat and answer.T: What do you do before 8:00? Teach: beforeS:T: I know you clean the classroom and read some books before 8:00. What about Amy? Listen, repeat and answer. What does Amy do before 9 o ' clock? Does Amy do exercises every morning?Teach: exercise morning exercis

11、es/eye exercises/exercise book playground blackboard/classroom/football/bedroom/postcard (使学生理解合成词的含义,有助于单词的记忆。)T: Does Amy do exercises every morning? What does Amy do in the playground?S:T: Yes. Let ' s take our skipping ropeH币手拿期偿H)and skip with Amy and Lingling. Let ' s chant together.li

12、ke coffee, I like tea" You can skip with your good friend after class.【设计意图】学生模仿、跟读课文,加深对课文的理解,同时在词汇教学中培养学生的归纳整理能力,初步 感知英语合成词的构词规律。Step 3 PracticeFill in the blanks with the following words.exercises, starts, before, playground, gets up, walks, likes skippingAmy' s school at 9 o ' clock

13、. She at 7:30. She to school. They don ' tdo every morning.They play in the 9 o ' clock.Amywith Lingling.【设计意图】让学生在理解课文的基础上完成以上题目,训练学生写的能力的同时,锻炼了学生的应用能 力。Step 4 Consolidation与小组同学谈谈你们理想中的学校生活。A: What time does the school start?B: It starts at .A: What time do we get up?8: We get up at .【设计意图

14、】通过小组同学谈论理想的一天作息时间,既调动了学生的学习积极性,又使所学知识得到了 有效地运用。Step 5 Summary教师针对板书,引导学生以Amy在校的学习生活为线索进行归纳小结。Step 6 Assignments1 . Listen to the tape for three times.2 .采访一下你的好朋友的一天时间安排。3 .找出中英小朋友学校生活的差异。In China, we start school at . We go to school at .And we . But in England, they start schoolat . They .(后两个为选做

15、作业)【设计意图】语言源于生活,又应用于生活。因而在作业的布置上,我给学生充分的施展空间,让他们自 主选择,选自己想做的,说自己想说的,使他们能更好的将所学知识合理应用,培养他们的综合语言运用能力。 分层次作业,可以满足不同学生的需求,使每一位学生都有事做,都能体会到成功的快乐。七、板书设计Module 8 SchoolUnit IWhat time does school start?coffee What time does school start? What time do you get up? exercisetea Her school starts at 9 o I g1 et

16、oipckt half past seven.skipbeforeplayground牛津小学英语 5BUnit8 A camping trip学习资料学习资料收集于网络,仅供学习和参考,如有侵权,请联系网站删除一、教材依据牛津小学英语5B Unit8 B and D二、设计思路本课时主要围绕 What do you have ? I haveWhat does he/she have ? He/She ha句型展开的节活动式英语教学课,通过听做、说唱、玩演、读写等活动的设计,让学生一边玩一边学。教师充分设置各种教学场景,营造浓厚的口语氛围,突出“以学生为主体”的教学思想,让抽象的内容变得直观

17、形象。最后延伸环节中 “爱的奉献”的设计不仅提高了学生的口语能力,更让每一个学生对这世界都充满了爱心,并体验到了助人为乐的喜悦。三、教学目标1 、认知目标:、 能听懂、 会说、 会读: a telescope, a tin-opener, a pot a stove ,a blanket, a towel、能听懂、会说、 会读并在实际中加以运用:What do you have ? I have What does he/she have ?He/She has 2、思想情感目标:通过本节课语言操练,学会用英语询问别人有什么,并能介绍自己有什么,养成助人为乐的好习惯。四、教学重点2 、句型与词

18、结合在具体情景中运用。五、教学难点结合句型与词在具体情景中进行综合语言运用及其书写。六、教学准备3 、多媒体课件(课前收集国家部分贫困地区的资料及单词实物投影等)2、录音机、磁带、课文挂图、单词卡、句型条。3、歌曲:爱的奉献、兔子舞。4、一个募捐箱、一个“爱心大使”证、一个话筒。5、实物:启子、毯子、手巾、望远镜、玩具锅和炉子、罐头七、 Teaching stepsStep1 组织教学1 、 Warm up : Listen and do设计意图:活跃气氛并集中注意力,让学生以轻松愉快的心情学英语。2 、 Greetings设计意图:师生之间互相问候,使学生心情放松。Step2 Present

19、ation1、Learn "a pot " and "What do you have ? I have ” Listen to a songT: First,let s listen to a sWonhgat do you have, then you must tell me : What do you have ?设计意图:为下一步教学作铺垫。(放课文中H部分的歌曲,让学生从中听出 I have a pot,以便引至ij I have和a pot的教学)T : Tell me,please. What do you have ?点评:教师指着录音机边问边说

20、示意学生回答歌曲里的内容S1: I have a pot. What do you have ? I have a pot.Practise:Pot Pot Pot.I have a pot.What do you have ?I have a pot.设计意图:以学生喜闻乐见的“数来宝 ”形式练习两句话,学生说起来朗朗上口,更容易较快掌握。2、 Learn “ a stove ”T: Boys and girls. I m hungry, let s cook some foodS,so: k O?K.T: I need a stove to cook some food.But where

21、 sWmhyerseto ves ?my stove ? Oh, it s here.点评:引出此单词的教学,事先将模型炉子放在一隐蔽处) Practise: 点评 :教师声音大,学生声音小;教师声音小,学生声音大。 Play a game: Pot.stove.quickly.T : Let s play a game, ok ?Ss: OK.T:Let s cook some food.I put the pot on the stove but you must say“ pot.stove.quickly点评:学生边拍巴掌边说pot .stove. quickly)T : How de

22、licious ! Do you want to eat ?点评;学生练的差不多时,师拿出小锅里事先准备好的食物Ss: Yes.T: If you want to eat you must say : What do you have ? I have a pot /stove点评:同桌练说,说的流利者即赠送锅里的食物尝一尝)3、 Learn “ a t-ionpener ”T:) I m sorry,but I have some tins of fish. Do you want to eat ?点评:教师将锅里的食物分完即说。Ss: Yes.T: But I can ' t op

23、en it. Who can help me!?出 tin-opener) Practise:设计意图:师出示左手学生说 tin,出示右手学生说 opener,拍手说tin-opener,要求站起来抢答,活跃课堂气氛 Play a game设计意图:教师找两个学生上来开罐头,下面学生不停地说tin-opener,open it ! 即活跃了学生课堂气氛,又巩固了新单词4、Learn “a tovea blanket a telescope What does he/she have ? He/she has ” Have a rest: DanceT : I m very tired. Let

24、 s listen to music and dance设计意图:师生共同跳兔子舞,活跃课堂气氛,为下一步教学做铺垫。Ss: Yeah ! Let s go !T : Are you hot ? Here s a towel for you.点评:待学生跳得出汗时,教师拿出毛巾问,引出a towel 的教学T : What do you have ?点评:教师对有毛巾的几个学生发问S1: I have a towel.设计意图:让学生在不知不觉中接受新知识)T : He/she has a towel.点评:并让学生跟说,同桌练习 Guess: What does she have ?T: L

25、ook,she s my daughter,beautiful ? Ss: Yes 设计意图:教师出示一张照片,设疑,激发学生兴趣。T : She has a big towel. Guess ! What ?(引出 a blanket 的教学) Play a game: blanket boy/girl; What do you have ? 游戏规则:请两位同学上台前,用毯子将他们的头盖住,用刚学过得实物给他们摸,下面同学边拍巴掌边问Blanket boy/girl ;What do you have ?在不知不觉中引出 a telescope的教学,教师不停地发问 What does he/she have ?学生回答He/She has a telescope. Practise: What does he/she have ? He/she has 设计意图:用今天所学的单词分小组自由练习,培养学生合作精神拓展练习;说说你和你的朋友有些什么?比一比谁说的多。


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