已阅读5页,还剩8页未读 继续免费阅读




1、21年天津市初中毕业生学业考试试卷英语本试卷分为第I卷(选择题)、第I卷(非选择题)两部分。第卷为第页至第8页,第II卷为第页至第1页。试卷满分12分。考试时间100分钟。 答卷前,请你务必将自己的姓名、考生号、考点校、考场号、座位号填写在“答题卡”上,并在规定位置粘贴考试用条形码。答题时,务必将答案涂写在“答题卡”上,答案答在试卷上无效。考试结束后将本试卷和“答题卡”一并交回。祝你考试顺利!第I卷注意事项: .每题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把“答题卡”上对应题目的答案标号的信息点涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号的信息点。 2本卷共五大题,共8分。一、听力理解(本大题共20小题,

2、每小题分,共20分)A)在下列每小题内,你将听到一个或两个句子并看到供选择的A、B、三幅图画。找 出与你所听句子内容相匹配的图画。AB23.ABCB)下面你将听到十组对话,每组对话都有一个问题。根据对话内容,从每组所给的A、 、C三个选项中找出能回答所提问题的最佳选项。.Wh isthewmn lookingfor?A.Tom. .Mike. C. Peter.6Wh es ety likeng i here tme? . Pin baketbal. BLitenig to usic.C.aying the piao7. Whe didth grl go t heew mseu? A Th d

3、ys agoBTwo ag. Yesterday.8 Wat doesth mawan ea? A oodls. . Bd.C.Dumplings9.Whoekis his? A. Bo.B. Davids. C.Johns.1. hreethemaant o go?A.Te libraryB.Th inema. .Th stadum1 Which festival des the boy like? . Chisms.B.y Da. .irens ay.12. Ho wi the wmn gett terain statin? A. On fot B.By s. C.axi.1.Which

4、is aigsforiteject? Aaths B.Hsory C.yics.1. How long does Bruce lyotal every ay?A. hur. B.Two hou. C.hre hour.C)听下面长对话或独白。每段长对话或独白后都有几个问题,从题中所给的、 B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听下面一段材料,回答第5至第17题。15. Wht is Lnglg ding? . Shescking e mel. BShes swnge foor. . hes making igredlanterns16. Wh is orking nthe offie? . oy. B

5、.inglins mother CLining father.1.Why oes Tonyt to oin Linlig? e i inestedinping Fesval. B. eants kawith Lling. C H likes todooewor wihLingig. 听下面一段材料,回答第18至第20题。 18Whn ill David ravel toiajn? . Ti sumer. B.Thi aun C.hsite.9 Ho higis h Tianjin Ey? . ou 50 metres. B. Abu 12 metes C About 00metes.20. W

6、hdoes Li ing advieavid to viit te Tianjn Eye at igh? .The tkt cheap. . Thlights re beautifl CTh retakesto hours 二、单项填空(本大题共15小题,每小题1分,共分)从下列每小题所给的A、B、D 四个选项中,选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21. I gingto avpi onunda. .the; an B.; the.a; D.an; /22We avent otmeat r dnnr. Lbuy_icken A sme; some .me; any C.an; ayDny;om

7、e3. Thefhis ctityist rase oeyfor new osita Asilenc B.urpe .cultr Dlngage4. soldmaking noie i he librar. A.avid .prefer C.prctise D.njoy. Din.I fogetnewword ckly. Hocan remember thm?Don wory. Isto rt n words!I uggesyou eadewords and try o usethem. A. rde B.exciing .pefc D.ntural.Jny will getupthan us

8、ul in order to tch he first s.A. ealy .very eal.eai D.erliest7 You ako e t hill pahbeuseofal andhrtyourslf. A.mus; might not . mutt;mit C. nednt; ned . st; must8.What i your plan fo nxt weeknd, Lnging?olunteer wrkin te museum. A. a dong B d C.hav doe D.m going to9. TheHongKngZhuhaiMaco Brdge i 18. W

9、e are proud ft icomple . is compleg C. waspeted D. cmpltes30. The gormenissetingup nure parks potet pans. hep B. el C. elped . helps31 hile th ligtstored, car suddenyape roud h corner A. chnge B. ave chnd C were chaging D il cange32.Ifyouwa to jon the Msic Cub. the , lae. Agot . illout C.etup . warm

10、 up 3. Shas ired. she coinud erwor. A. o B. until b D. hat. Cou o tl mfr thefrit?By ping ovr the Intrnet. . how much will pa B omuc Iwill py C.howl I py D. w I wil pay35.Will youjoin nthe discussiotomr? Mayb l avea meeti A. ell, Im t sure. B.Thatll be gat! C.ertainly. D.Ye welom.三、完形填空(本大题共1小题,每小题1分

11、,共10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的、 B、 C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。Miss han,ur cass tee,s favri tachr.We ar gong to3tis cooand I l miss e er much. iss Can s vy patient.Weever e37uestios inclas. she explins to svery refuly.She is also38beause heares uc aboutus. Sheftesasto us. “Tellm immediey if you fel unhappy. Share y

12、our3wih me nd d otust try to leitbyusel.” Mi Clrn is very generus(慷慨的)ne da, heeach o usa boo,Three Days toSe, and tol0 We shouldread more She once chose ourmonio as the t helultent,adgav him a st of statinery(文具)as a 41 .hen sheis free, he 42helps us with our udie and wveade gea res. Nt onydal of s

13、 ik ss Cha,but MissChan als liks y clas becasse tinksal us re 43 She alwaysays sethinksheself very4 tobthe teherof mycssnfct, MsChan s the ot huhtul (体贴的) techer hav ever mt. he wsthins about our felingI hpe Iwl got a hig scolit 4 agd a MissChn.6. . leav kw . e D. oose7 A.peB.train ask Dremember38.A

14、.surrsed .huoous C.strag .kin9. A.chace B.problm Cadvatae D.skil40. A.them B.you .us D.him41. .ift B.mark C.mile .jok42. A selo B. ofn C never D.aly3.difcult B.rles C. neD xcellet44. A.lky Bsil C.gry D.wrrie4. A.sas B.turist .eacers sientit四、阅读理解(本大题共5小题,每小题 分,共0分)阅读下面的材料.从每小题所给的 A、B、 、 D四个选项中选出最佳选项

15、。 ADaruc, ow are you? It ha been month since my faily et ongogfor Engandand wa fne. glad v difereromHng Kong.The wethe i terbe and it rais a ot Thebildsae uny They ar in rows andnot hih. I lov them becuse the ro rmuchlrgeIm hviga wondrful atmy ne school andy new o! uand Dd are hppy w teir ewobs. But

16、 m brother Jack oetlike movig tongnd becasee mises his riends o uch Ie mde ots of ne friendsat shool. Meacers re really nice to mygshhas impoed a lt.r schol,e ca ake a in relaxing actiies suc aor, wachngilmo layincmputegmes. heaaka th schol whee I tn go withtotherstudentsat the eed. e aetravllin ack

17、to Hog Knfor th smer holiday. will is and brnyouprsent! Write bak son! LoveSandy46. ere did Sanysfamily iv befoe? A.Hng Kong. B. Sydney. C. Newor D. London.47. Sndlovs te builins in England bece hei rooms are . A.cper .wrme .newer rg48How mapeolaethere in ndy fail? A 2. B. 4 C. 6 D. 9.Wo oes ntlike

18、mong to land? A.ad B Mum C. Jak. D.Sady.5. What i th r ma abot? Sandy sumer holdy B Sandy paent. C. Snd ne lmates D. Sadv new lieB One day,oms teche, Miss Ma, he aas mein. “her wi beaflagday nextatuy. Doe yo watto jintismeangfulven (活动)?”asked Miss Mak Tom asiieeste n isn mefor homlescilr bute as no

19、t bravuh to talk to tesrgers, o he keptuiet i i sa.“om. uhaentsod flags befoe,”iMissMk uddnly. “uld yu lketo hvea tr?”omwashsitant(犹豫的),butfialynod On he flag y,Tm n Angela od flags in a by steet. “Ex-ceme, Cd yo-u l-easey .?” sad Anela sfy tothe firt pern she me. Themnsmiled ndutivedolrconinto Ange

20、la collection a. Thnshe aansnd put a fla nerhis ul“ d i!” said nglahpil“Itsyr turnnow” eeli nrvous. Tom bega to sha. Son, he saw oung lay wlng twrds hm.The la wssmilin anholdg a e coinsinher hand.h ad,“Areyuellig flagsf Fudfor te HmeesChldred?” Tomfaebce ed adsa ye.Te the lady madethe donatio(捐赠) ad

21、 Tomgav e afag “Youmade it!”laughedAngela. In the netcole ohour, Angela a Tm d flas qucy and brly. l last, theircollcton ags wer so hvy tha hyhad to hold hem w both ams. The felt ey roud.5 Wy did omke uei his seat? A. Hehother plans B. He didt like Miss Mak. C. H s ot interested in th acivi. D.He as

22、 t rave enugh to tal tohe strangers.52hMssMak aked Tom to haa ty, he inlly.A.augd .nodde C.fsed D.crie53. Were did and ngela sel flags? A I a busy treet B. Intir hool. C. I tall buildng. D. In a smalgrdn.5. How much did theisa paAngel forthe fg? Aivedolls. B. Tn dolars C. Fitn lars. D. Twnt dollars.

23、55. Hddm nglafee after heysolthe lag? A Bed. . Sy. C. Cfidnt. . SaC Te ar y ways thelp iro y eat lk eatn helh o.taking exeisend getin edica elp. ut he eist andcheapest wayto imrove your hlt is just tsleghthr o more evy night. The general slepng uleis at the yonger you are. Theonger lep ned Bu rgrdls

24、s (不管)age, som eope edo sleep mre while forsom a fewousinough. The problm th leep is ha moreand mor peoplein the wrld ar not slei enoug.Accrdng to the Wd ealthrganzaion or half thepeople nthe wold maybeslp-dprived. aiglessslpnot oly makes opefel tir bt alo cses accident.In the niedSaslon, seepydrive

25、rs caus at est100,000traficacidens a yer lsleep robes an ue medal rblmssuc a highood rssure(血压).hy aresomany peopleeepdeived? tof th easons maybecutual. n theAmrican cultur,peop pt a highr l n work han on eep. n fct, peopeleh sleep a lt ar usuallv se s “la”.so,yu cn soeims ar some peope say prouy th

26、tthey ot have muchime to sleeptheyonly seep fouo five hours nigh I ems tat the ess you sep,th more ork yul do. owdo e tach these people to ear t alu of lep? Peraps hyma listn o tadi of D.Jms Maas. exprt(专家) in ep.H sa,”le i ik rit (信用卡) d.Whe o leep le. you ae onlyborrongtm. Yo away avt yit back. mo

27、rehours yudot slep,the mehors youhuldt se o “pa bck” ehrs n your slepcredit ard” Fose ho vaue wk e hanslp, tey should lstentowhaafmous prsone i “Dont thik ywill boin ess wok beaue you sleep uringte nigh. Tht is foolish(愚蠢的) ideawhihis hld b people wo ave no imagiation. You wll be abledo ore.”56. Ard

28、ig othe writer, heasie and heapet ay o mrve healt is t . ea helthyfood every d B. tke exrisc asmuc aspoble e eialhelphenever necessy D. sleep igh hurs me ery g7. What dos “slece-depred”mea nParagrah 2? Having a goolep B. Excidabout slep. C.Hvg less seep D. Interested in slep5. Accordin toDr. mesMaas

29、 whatis slep ike? A. An or. B. A rpor C. Acrei crd. D. A piee o paper.59.What o te wds of he aous pers mea in Pragrah 5? A. Sleepin durng he ight i foolish. B Sleepidurin teniht i hlpu. C. eoeaven ouage. D. Peole away o lsswork60. Wha is bt tile of theassg? A. TheVale eep B. he lu of Study C hysf Ea

30、ting Lss D. Th ays ofMaki Money五、补全对话(本大题共小题,每小题1分,共5分)根据对话内容,从方框内选择恰当的句子将对话补充完整。(选项中有两项是多余的)AAreurs?B. Whee re yougoin?C. Have oulos ayhig?D. Tony sloking for his goves.Lok! Hees yname “n”!F.When dopeoplofen le thins? hr gre.A: Tony. re in a ury. 1 B: Hello. Ms L. Im i totheLostand FundOfic.A: 6 B:

31、es. Ive ostm glovs.A: What clour are they? B: Myat ae masirthday pesnt.A: Lok! l undair on the loojustow. 4 B: et e se . Oh.Thyrmie. 65 Thnk Ms LiA: Youre welcome! Loo t is nic watc. s itourstoo, o?B:No.it sn.:Plae be caeful wih youhig.: K Il.19年天津市初中毕业生学业考试试卷英语第卷注意事项:l.用黑色字迹的签字笔将答案写在“答题卡”上。2本卷共四大题,

32、共4分。六、完成句子(本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)根据所给中文意思完成句子,每空限填一词66.他拿出相机开始拍照。 Hetoouthiscmera adstated67上周,我的朋友大卫带着一本新书到我家来访。 ast ek. myfriend Daidwith a newbo.68火车再一次晚点。, he trai wasate.69.很高兴收到你的来信。Is great to ou70.奶奶喜欢缝制衣服而不是去服装店里买。Ganmoher ikes making clohesbyingt inte s.七、任务型阅读(本大题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)阅读下面短文,根据短文内容

33、完成句子。 Frens re a importa part four lives. Wesped tie wit hm, havf ogthe.an share ou piions, felins nd een scres.Life wuld be boingwitut freds.es inee who we e.lpus la, suppt(支持)sin od an bad tme. andarefor s eve wnware nt hapy. Often w ve any appyomtswth o friend. Wened someon oshretingswittomaketem

34、 ore njoyabe. ein lnel f og perioof ti is ot a great eeighat is hisipont tspen time mking riensadurtring(维持),a os group offrend. Itis imprtattohavefiedto talk o,whether(不论) itisbout a sad or hpy sbjet.I goodis,it isoderul o beal t elebrate wth someoe. Itis aso imporant tohavsomeonespportu if y hveju

35、s dnunleasant exeience. rends ar iortantpilars(中心人物)ofsupport. Frnds eah u impornt lesns. o one prsoni he se.A tme gos by, wlato espect on anothers ifernes This cetanc o other ferces s mpot as meetmr andmorepeoe in ur lives, such as ne family membes,neighbours an nwends1. Lifewithout frieds. Bng loe

36、ly forlong per of tim7 I siotant tohve frend tl to, hehr4 You ned somone o supportyou if.7. Noosn is he sme,soe sul八、综合填空(本大题共1小题,每小题分,共1分)根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,使短文意思完整。每空限填一词。 Te villaes in Mhangeni, Africa. faedaey bighallenge(挑战)Teydidnt h choo fteir kd hn thevilae lder hogh of an 6 .He sad tha the

37、ws an old, abandne(废弃的)famhous. Itcould bechange io clasrms after lean and furnishing(装设备). All villagers er p77 wth hissuggesti ad strteh prject immediately heparens repide rokenwlls. Someilerd 7theouse no threeclassroom busing peces o wood he ohers heed make eskand is forthe studnts.Sll, tere was

38、muchmoe woto o.B the rains wee comig.ey d tos 7woking for he school as it was nwthe bst tim for tht plant Sohe chiln f Mangni dcided to fiish the hu by t0 .Theyhdo hurrs summe had endan other chools hd alrady opeed. heyidwt to dela(耽搁)thirstudes.erv ay ty wee busywith cuttng t ras and clearngtheushe

39、(灌木). The ews abou th oret s 81 ad many people neit wo techcr woed for the counts Deprtme ofducatnarivedto e out. and two orn vtorwere aso touche (感动)ythchildrena 82 .Theydonted oney fthem to by textboks andtatinery. Afte 10 days ofharwork,the newshos r8 .The kds wre er ayba i orriedtheywr bhnd in their studie. Bedes(除之外)is, eylso a may d 8 .Thee were noeoughcassrooms o old a dents.Andtwo or threesudnts a to share


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