



1、初中英语专题讲解-形容词形容词 高考考试双向细目表 考试内容教学模块命题内容考查频度考查方式弱中强选择完型形容词与副词形容词1形容词的作用   2形容词的分类  3形容词的比较级  副词1副词的作用  2副词的分类  3副词的比较级  形容词的作用 教学起点 对于比较级的考查,淡化了结构,注重深层语义。“比较”的意思并不是直接能够从“结构”中看出。题干中有时出现比较级的标志词than,有时则需要考生根据语言环境去判断;加强形容词、副词词义的辨析考查,尤其是那些常用的

2、形容词、副词; 互动研学 1. 形容词作表语The Summer Palace is very beautiful.颐和园非常美丽。 2. 形容词作宾语补足语We found the text very difficult. 我们觉得这篇课文很难。You should keep your class room clean. 你们应该保持教室清洁。3. 形容词相当于副词,作状语We arrived at home very late,sate and sound.我们到家很晚,安然无恙。He came home,dead tired. 他回到家来,累得要死。4. 形容词作定语This

3、is beautiful rose. 这是二朵美丽的玫瑰花。Let me tell you something interesting.我来告诉你一些有趣的事。注意:(一)形容词作定语的位置 (1)            修饰something,anything,everything,nothing,everyone, anybody等复合不定代词时要后置。如: Is there anything important in the article?这篇文章里有什么重要的东西吗There

4、 is something difficult in the lesson.这堂课里有些东西很难。 (2)形容词后面有介词短语或不定式短语时,要后置。如: He is a worker worthy of praise.他是一个值得表扬的工人。It is a problem difficult to solve.这是一个难于解决的问题。 (3)and或or连接的两个形容词通常后置,起强调作用。如: We will turn our motherland into a country,strong and modern. 我们要把我们的国家建设成一个强大的现代化的国家。Power station

5、s,large and small,have been set up all over the country. 在全国各地建了大大小小的发电站。Every nation,big or small,has it's strong points and weak points. 每个民族,无论大小,都有自己的优点和缺点。 (4)修饰指示代词those的形容词放在它后面。如: Those present were a11 surprised at the news.Those who were present were all surprised at the news. 在场的人得知那个

6、消息都不胜诧异。Among those invited were some women.Among those who were invited were some women.在被邀请的人中有些是妇女。 (5)else常置于不定代词和疑问代词之后。如: Was anybody else absent 还有谁缺席了What else do you want 你还想要什么 (6)形容词enough可置于名词的前面或后面。但修饰副词时只能后置。如: I have enough money/money enough to buy a car.我有足够的钱买辆车。He can run fast eno

7、ugh to catch a bus.他跑得很快足以赶上公共汽车。 (7)多个形容词用来修饰同一名词时,一般按照各形容词与被修饰词间的紧密程度排列,关系越紧密,越靠近被修饰词。如: that very well-mannered young child那个很有礼貌的小孩that warm red silk dress那件暖和的红绸衣服注意:(二)不同层次的形容词作定语时,一般按下列词序排列:限定词表示说话人评价的形容词表示大小、长短、高低的形容词表示形状的形容词表示年龄、新旧的形容词表示颜色的形容词表示国籍、地区、出处的形容词表示物质、材料的形容词表示用途、类别的形容词或分词、名词+名词中心词

8、。如:a beautiful small round old black French wooden writing desk.巩固提升    小窍门贤婿激官妒,行令宴国才。(贤限定词,婿序数词,激基数词,官外观(评价),妒度量(大小,长短、高低),行形状,令年龄,宴颜色,国国籍,才材料。)e. g. a dirty brown wooden tablean expensive Japanese sports cara well-known German medical schoolthose tall young British policemen 拓

9、展训练Mr Smith, _of the _ speech,started to read a novel.A. tired;boring    B. tiring;boredC. tired; bored      D. tiring; boring点拨:A。boring是前置定语,修饰speech。tired of短语作后置定语,相当于一个非限定性定语从句who was tired of the boring speech,修饰Mr Smith.Have you got my c-mail today?Oh,t

10、here's、_with my computer. It doesntA. something wrong    B. anything wrongC. nothing wrong      D. everything wrong点拨:A句意是:“你今天有没有收到我的电子邮件”“哦,我的电脑出了些毛病,坏了;”肯定句中不定代词要用something,形容词wrong要放在不定代词的后面作后置定语。I have always done it this way and I do not know _it cou

11、ld be done.A. what else    B. how C. how other    D. how else点拨:D  因know后面是被动结构,不缺宾语,可排除A;other不能与疑问副词how连用,可排除C;再根据句意“我总是用这种方法,但不知道还能另外怎么做”,可排除B,否则全与前句产生矛盾。 (2005·北京)This _ girl is Linda's cousin.A. Pretty little Spanish    B. Spanish

12、little prettyC. Spanish pretty little    D. little pretty Spanish点拨:A本题考查多个形容词作定语时的排序问题。几个形容词修饰一个名词时,按“限定词+数词+描绘词+特征词+类属词+名词”的顺序,依次应为pretty(描绘形容词),little(特征形容词),Spanish(类属形容词中的专有形容词);句意是:这个漂亮的西班牙小姑娘是琳达的表妹。 The dish tastes _ Don't you think so?A. good    B. well

13、 C. fine     D. pleased点拨:A  taste是连系动词,后面常接形客词作表语。well作形容词时表示“身体好的”;fine表示“外表好看”;pleased表示“喜悦”句意是:这菜尝起来不错,你不这样认为吗,此处选good作表语,也可用nice或delicious.形容词的分类 互动研学 形容词的分类1. 只作表语或补语的形容词2. afraid害怕的  alike相似的 alive活的    alone单独的asleep睡着的    ashamed惭愧

14、的 awake醒着的    aware知道的content满足的    drunk醉的 ill生病的    liable易于的subject易于    sunk沉没的 sure确信的,有把握的  unable不能的well好的,健康的    worth值得的注意 表语形容词前的程度状语(be)wide awake完全清醒(be)sound/fast asleep酣睡(be)quite alone非常孤独(be)still alive仍然

15、活着(be)much alike非常相似(be)quite sure/certain非常肯定(be)well worth doing很值得做(be)well/quite willing to do非常愿意做(be)full/well/quite aware of充分意识到,对非常清醒,完全知道 2. 只用作定语的形容词wooden木制的    woolen毛质的golden金色的    elder年长的upper上面的    former以前的latter以后的   

16、; outer外面的inner里面的    mere仅仅only唯一的    utter完全的main主要的    certain某一utmost最远的   drunken醉的leaden铅制的    beaten被打败的 very同一的,恰好的3. 作定语和作表语意不同的形容词certain(表)当然的,确定的;(定)某一,特定的complete(表)完成的,完美的;(定)完全的ill(表)有病的;(定)坏的late(表)晚的,迟到的;(定)新

17、近的present(表)出席的,参加的;(定)目前的ready(表)准备好的,愿意的;(定)现成的All the people present burst into tears. (表)所有在场的人都哭了。The present situation is encouraging. (定)目前的形势令人鼓舞。4. 复合形容词(1)形容词+名词斗+-eda small-sized boxa box of small size小号的箱子a high-prized goodsgoods with high prize极受赞赏的货物(2)形容词+动词+-inga slow-burning candlea

18、 candle that burns slowly慢慢燃烧着的蜡烛an odd-looking mana man who looks odd长得很奇怪的人(3)名词+过去分词a hunger-weakened mana man who is weakened by hunger因饥饿而虚弱的人a man-made satellitea satellite that is made by man人造卫星5. 形容词用作名词the+adj. 作为复数名词,表示“的人们”。the poor穷人    the diligent勤奋的人the deaf聋人 

19、60;  the old老年人the married已婚者    the brave勇敢的人the wise聪明的人    the foolish傻子the rich富人    the dead死者the sick病人    the blind盲人the strong强壮的人    the black黑人We should respect the old and lov, e the young.我们应该尊老爱幼。In old Chin

20、a education was only for the rich.在旧中国,教育只是为有钱人服务的。形容词的比较级 互动研学 形容词的比较级(一)1. 形容词比较级和最高级的规则构成(1)单音节的在词尾加-er或-est。例如:old    o1der    oldestkind    kinder    kindest直false(虚假的),just(公正的),wrong(错误的),real(真的)虽是单音节,通常加more或most。 (2)单音节的词其最后一个字母为辅

21、音字母,而其前  又为单元音时,要双写该辅音字母,再加-er或-est。如:hot    hotter    hottestfat    fatter    fattest (3)双音节的词也可加-er或-est,尤其词尾为-er,-ow, -ple,-tle等时。如:narrow    narrower    narrowestsimple    simpler &

22、#160;  simplestgentle    gentler     gentlestproper的比较级却为more proper。 (4)词尾为“辅音字母+y”时,先将y变成i,再加-er或-est。如:merry    merrier    merriestugly    uglier      ugliest但词尾为“元音字母+y”时,y不变,直接加-er或-est

23、。如:gay     gayer    gayestgray    grayer    grayestgrey    greyer    greyest (5)双音节词中特别由-ful,-less,-able,-ous, -ive, -ing等结尾的词,及三音节以上的单词,通常加more,most。如:beautiful    more beautiful  

24、;  most beautifullaughable   more laughable    most laughablediligent     more diligent     most diligentleisure      more leisure      most leisuresatisfactory  more satisfac

25、tory  most satisfactory (6)“劣等”比较,是在原级形容词之前加less,least,而构成比较级与最高级。kind    less kind    least kinduseful    less useful    least usefulYou are less tall than she. 你没有她高。His brother is less diligent than he.他哥哥没有他用功。 (7)一些复合形容词的比较等级bad-t

26、empered   worse-tempered    worst-temperedcold-blooded   more cold-blooded  most cold-bloodedfine-looking    finer-looking       finest-lookinggood-hearted   better-hearted     

27、60; best-heartedhard-working   harder-working     hardest-working2. 形容词比较级和最高级的不规则构成good /well       better           bestbad / ill/ evil     worse    

28、;       worstmany / much     more           mostlittle           less             leastold

29、            older/elder       oldest/eldestlate            later            latestfar   &#

30、160;        farther/further    farthest/furthestwell作“健康的”解,只能作表语或补语,不能作定语。He has been ill since a few days ago.他病了好几天了。But he is a little better today. 但他今天好一点儿了。比较等级变化歌诀比较级要变化,一般词尾加-er。词尾若有哑音e,直接加r就可以。一辅重读闭音节,辅音字母要双写。辅音字母加y;要把y改i。最高级加-est,前面加the莫忘记

31、。形容词若是多音节,只把more,most前面写。还有一些不规则,我们还要多总结。不规则变化有:“两多”"many,muchmoremost“两好”good,wellbetterbest“两坏”ill,badworseworst“一老”oldolder/elderoldest/eldest“一远”farfarther/furtherfarthest/furthest(二)句式1,基本句式(1)as+原级+asShe is as beautiful as her mother (is).她和她的母亲一样漂亮。(2)as+原级+名词+asShe has as much money as

32、I (have).她有和我同样多的钱。(3)复数主语+系动词+the same(或similar,alike,different)。如:These books are the same. 这些书都一样。(4)单数主语+系动词+the same as(或similar to, like,different from)+代(名)词等。如:This book is the same as that one.这本书和那本一样。2. “超过”的比较(1)比较级+thanHealth is more important than wealth.健康比财富更重要。(2)more than与其说不如说She

33、is more wise than diligent.She is wise rather than diligent.与其说她勤勉不如说聪明。(3)比较级+and+比较级  越来越She is growing fatter and fatter. 她长得越来越胖了。(4)the+比较级,the+比较级  越就越The more he reads,the less he understands.他越读越不明白。3. “不及”的比较(1)less+原级+than (not so+原级+as)Helen is less busy than Mary. 海伦没有玛丽忙。Helen

34、 is not so busy as Mary. 海伦不像玛丽那样忙。(2)no moreonly 不过,仅仅not more thanat most最多I have no more than ten dollars in my pocket.我口袋里只有10美元。I have not more than dollars in my pocket.我口袋里量多也不过10美元。(3)no morethannotany more than和样不not morethannotas没有到的程度,像那样He is no more generous than John.He is not generous

35、 any more than John.他和约翰一样不大方He is no more a fool than John.He is not a fool any more than John.他和约翰一样不是傻瓜。注意:no+比较级+than表示前者和后者一样不,往往表示前后都否定。(4)no less thanas much(or many)as多达,那样多not less thanat least最少He has no less, than five children.He has as many as five children.他有5个孩子之多。He had not less than

36、 five children.He has at least five children. 他至少有5个孩子。(5) no lessthanasas和一样not less+原级+thanperhaps+比较级+than至少不比差;也许比更He is no less busy than a beeHe is as busy as a bee. 他像蜜蜂一样忙。小窍门:级与级转换·原级与比较级之间的转换:可用“less+比较级+than”替换“not so/as+原级”。·比较级之间的转换:常改变比较对象的位置或使用反义词。·最高级与比较级之间的转换:用“比较级+th

37、an + any other+名词单数”。用“比较级+than+a11 the other+名词复数”。用“比较级+than +anyone/anybody或anything + else”。用“否定词+比较级+than"。用“否定词+as/so+原级+as”。4. “最”的比较(1)the+最高级(+单数名词one) +of+人或物(复数)/in+场所(单数)The Yangtze River is the longest river in China.长江是中国最长的河。(2)thee+最高级+单数名词+that (ever)He was the greatest musicia

38、n that ever lived.他是世上最伟大的音乐家。(3)be +one of + the+最高级+复数名词(表若干最高级中之一)She is one of the most beautiful girls in our school.她是我们学校最漂亮的女孩之一。一句多译  罗丝是她们班上最高的女生。Rose is taller than any other girl in her class.Rose is taller than any of the other girls in her class.Rose is taller than the other girls

39、 in her class. Rose is taller than the rest of the girls in her class.Rose is the tallest girl in her class.Rose is the tallest of the girls in her class.Nobody is taller than Rose in her class.注意:英语中表达最高级意义的几种特殊形式比较级+than any other+名词Hydrogen is' lighter than any other chemical element of all.

40、氢比其他任何化学元素都轻。比较级+than+anyone else/anything else/ever beforeHe is brighter than anyone else in his class.他比班上所有其他同学都聪明。单数名词+of+同一名词复数It is well-known to a11 that grain is the treasure of treasures. 众所周知,粮食是宝中之宝(最宝贵的东西)。more+形容词原级+than the+同一形容词的名词Xiao Li is more Chinese than the Chinese.小李是最地道的中国人。as

41、+原级+as any+(名词)He is as foolish any (man) in the world.他是世界上最愚蠢的人。as+原级+as ever+动词过去式It was as disagreeable a task as had ever fallen on his lot. 那是他一生中所遇到的工作中最不愉快的工作。never+so/such+原级+名词Never had such high honors been awarded to a nationalized Chinese in the USA过去从没有将这样高的荣誉授予一位美籍华人。否定意义的词+so+原级+asNo

42、thing is so easy as this.没有比这更容易的事情了。否定意义的词+比较级No other book has had a greater influence on my life任何其他书籍对我一生的影响都不如这本书大。否定意义的词+比较级+thanNever have l read a more interesting book than this one. 我从未读过比这更有趣的书。11be stone's+形容词最高级He is at his happiest in his description of country life.他描写农村生活最拿手。5. 其

43、他形式的比较级句式(1)be senior to 比年龄大(类似于be older than)I am five years senior to Jane. 我比简大5岁。(2)be junior to比年轻(类似于be younger than)Jane is five years junior to me. 简比我小5岁。(3)be superior to比优秀(类似于be better than)This computer is superior to the one you bought,这台电脑比你买的那台要好。(4) be inferior to比差(类似于be worse tha

44、n)This photo is inferior to that one.这张照片比那张差。 (三)注意事项:形容词比较级8注意(1)asas结构如果变为否定句,第一个as可改句so。She is not as/so beautiful as her mother.她不像她母亲那样漂亮。(2)not so much asnot even连都不He can not so much as spell his own name.Hecan not even spell his own name.他连自己的姓名都拼不出来。(3)在“比较级+them”结构中,非正式用法用I am taller than

45、 him. (此时than被视为介词),正式用法为I am taller than he(is)。但是than后用主格或宾格的意义不同。如:I like you better than he(likes you),我喜欢你甚于他喜欢你。I like you better than (I like)him.我喜欢你甚于我喜欢他。(4)有时用of the two代替than,不过要在比较级前加the。如:Which is the more useful(metal),iron or gold?铁和金,哪一个比较有用些(5)原级之前不可用much,要用very;比较级之前不能用very,要用much

46、或far等。如:正:Thisis much/far bigger than that.这个远比那个大。正:This is very much bigger than that.这个远比那个大。误:This is very bigger than that. 这个远比那个大。(6)最高级之前有所有格名词或代词时不加the。如She is my/John's youngest sister.她是我/约翰的最小的妹妹。(7)most若作“大部分”或“大多数”解时,则不用the。如:Most People think so. 大部分人都这么想。(8)能够修饰比较级的词语主要有:much,far

47、,a great deal,a little,even,still,yet,a lot,a bit,rather,twice,many times及分数、百分数以及数词等。如:He is three years older than I.He is older than I by three years. 他大我三岁。 (四) 形容词常用习语1. 含形容词比较级的习语sooner or later迟早more or less多少,有点none other than不是别人,正是much less更不必说了否定on more没有剩了once more(once again)再一遍more tha

48、n once(often)不止一次some more还有一些,再来一些a little more还有一点点plenty more还很多no more than仅仅notany more than和一样不not morethan没有那样no less than和一样多not less than至少more than(over)超过one more还有一个,再来一个any more还有一些,再来一些a few more还有几个no morethan和一样不not more than至多less than不到,少于no lessthan不比差not lessthan至少不比差a11 the+比较级&

49、#160; 格外,越发2. 含形容词最高级的习语at first起初at last最后at (the) latest最迟at (the) most最多不过at least至少at best充其量不过at one's best尽力for the most part多半,大部分make the most(or best)of善为利用not in the leastnot at all丝毫也不at (the) worst最坏也不过at (the) longest最久不过“at one's best 在全盛时期,在最好的状态get/have the best of击败拓展训练(2006 ·福建)Green products are becoming more and popular because they are environmentallyA. friendly         B. variousC. common          D. cha


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