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1、初中英语外研版七年级下册高 效课堂资料M7U徵学设计.doc初中英语外研版七年级下册高效课堂资料教学内容教学对象英语外研版初一下册 Module7 unitl七年级学生教学项目词 语born strict friendly nice primary town village good difficult课 文 结 构对话含有动词 “be(was/were)”的一般过去式教学方法任务教学法小组合作多媒体教学 学生中心教学法教学目标语言知 识词汇及一般过去时语言技 能能用动词“be的过去式表 述自己过去的经历,并能 询问对方过去的经历。语言运 用文化意能通向他人介绍自己过去 的生活。了解英式英语和

2、美式英语在某些单词拼写上的不同 之处。通过对童年的描述增进同 学之间的了解,培养对家 乡和生活的热爱。学习策 略教师引导,小组合作,进 行有深度的合作学习。教学重点教学难点能够熟记本课的单词和掌握本课的 句型结构。能准确运用本课的重点句型进行会 话练习。学习技能听说词汇教学 结构教学 课文教学学习层次写知道教学媒体课件G7BM7U1 I was born in a small village.、教学内容分析二、课堂教学过程教师活动生活动Pre-listenJngTask I.Teacher asksthe students: Goodmorning, class! I likeListen t

3、o a song.Answer the teacher ' s questions.A新 课。music veryyou likeThere ' samuch.Domusic?beautifulsong. Do you want tolisten? Now letto the song. Afterlistening to the song,ask the studentsanswer: What'name of theThenleadModule7Unit1.listens thesong?inTask 2. Now let ' snislisten and

4、answer.Work in pairs.a game. Look at the pictures. Which word is it? Can you guess? 单词猜猜看 Practice the dialogue. What is/are sb like? Task 3. Let ' introduce Teacher introduce :I was born in Changle. I was born in December,1975.Where were you born? When were you born? Ask the students to work in

5、 pairs. Then act out. Ask the students to introduce some people.总结提示:I ' mMr. Was and Were I was living in the past.20山 While-li 分钟 stening过去式am / iswaswasnot wasn' t arewerewere not一weren ' t Teacher:There are two people. They are talking about the past life.What are they talking about

6、?Do you want to know? First readthequestions,then listen and number.Ask the students to answer. Task 1. Listen and number(给排序)the questions as you hear them.()a) Who was your first teacher?()b) What was yourListen to Activity 1.2 carefully and answer the questions.Go through all these questions and

7、get the answers by listening。Listen again and check (V he true sentences.Get the better under standi ng of the conve rsatio n.first school like?()c) Where were you born?()d) Was she strict? Task 2.Readthesentences,make sure the students know the meaning of the sentences.Listen again and check ( V) t

8、he tr sentences. Ask theFirstueread t hstudents to answer.()1) Betty was born in the US.()2) Betty was born in a small town.()3) Betty ' sirst school was a big school.()4) There were twenty-two studentsin Betty ' s class. ()5) Betty ' sirst teacher was strict. 读前听 Dialogue learningTask I

9、.Tony and Lingling are talking the past life. What are theytalkingabout ?Do you want to know? First read thequestions,thenlistenandnumber(给排序).听对话,获取对话的主 要谈话内容。()A.What was the name of your first school?()B. Who was your first teacher?()C. Who wereyour first friends?()D. What were they like?()E. Whe

10、re were you born?10,钟Post-list ening听后读 & 说Pair-work :Read quietly and choose.One ask and one answer.1) Was Lingling born inXucun?Yes, she was./No, she, £ wasn t.2)Was Tony' s first school called Darwin Primary School?Yes, it was./No, it, £ wasn t.3) Was his teacher ' name Mrs

11、Smith?Yes, it was./No, itRead and answers读.。过话化代代停。 话息练 、等 默对狄细信迪对发和音叫, £ wasn t.4) Was Mrs Smith Lingling ' steacher? Yes, she was./No, she, £ wasn t.5) Was Ms Yao very friendly?Yes, she was./No, she, £ wasn t.6) Were Becky and Adam Tony ' s fiends? Yes, they were./No, they w

12、eren ' t.7) Was Becky good at school?Yes, she was./No, she , £ wasn t.8) Was Tony difficult atschool?Yes, he was./No, he, £ wasn t.小结:Be动词构成的Read quickly and complete.昼生自主学读卷 话 息 部羹信一般过去时 ,般疑问句:将 提至句首。肯定回答:Yes,主语+.否定回答:No,主语+.Read quickly and complete.速读对话) 获取关键信息(人物、 地点)。s会* 学看点Born i

13、nFirst teacherFirst schoolFirst friend-inglingTonyRead and learn by yourself. 自主学习 1 . Where were you born?你出生在哪里?born 是动词 bear 的) beborn是的意思,一般只用于过去时态, 通常在be born的后面 接或:be born in 十 年/ 月/地,be born on+具 体的某T。练一练:a.我的妈妈出生在1963年5月1日。b.我出生在海南省。2. What were they like?他们是怎样的 人?be like意为像”。 “Whatbe sb. li

14、ke?”句 型用来询问某人的性 格特征。回答时用“be 形容词”。E.g. What were you like?一 I was very good.比较:A:What does he look like?B:He is tall and thin.What do/does + sb. + look like?句型用来询 问某人的长相。练一练:1. 一 What was your first teacher like?A. She was nice. B.She was tall with black hair.2. 一What did your first teacher look like

15、?A. She was nice.B. She was tall withblack hair.3.She was strict but nice.她很严厉但很和 善。strict严格的,严厉 的be strict with sb. 对某 人要求严格bestrict in sth.对某事要 求严格料Test练一练:1.我父亲对我要求很 严格。(翻译)Do exercises练会主要 知识,通过 训练,活学 活用。2.他对工作很严格。(翻译)3.她是一位严格的老 师。(翻译)单项选择1. 一 were you born? I was born in a small village.A. What B. How C. When D. Where 2. 一Were you born in China?一Yes, I.A. were B. is C. was D. am3. 一Was he a teacher?一 No, he.A. weren ' t B. wasn' t C. isn ' D. was4. Mr. Black


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