



1、2019-2020 年高中英语必修 6Module6Period2Function-TalkingaboutmemoriesGoalsTo lear n to talk about memoriesProceduresLearning to express memoriesAt the start of the 20th cen tury 20% of those killed in war were civilia ns. Today the reverse is true:80% of those killed in war are civilian. As individuals or

2、groups, there is a lot we can do to savesucceedi ng gen erati ons from the scourge of war Preamble to the UN charter)Hello, class. Where have you bee n this weeke nds? What did you dothis weekends? What impressed you most? Could you talk to us about your memories? But how could we talk about ourmemo

3、ries? Look at the follow ing examples.1.This is Carla. Do you remember her?2.I don remember my first day at school.3.He still remembered her as the lively tee nager hed known years before.4.As far as I can remember , this is the third time weve met.5.Do you remember switching the lights off before w

4、e came out?6.I vaguely remember hearing him e in.7.I can still vividly remember my grandfather teaching me to play cards.8.(formal) I can remember his taking a single day off work.9.I remember (that) we used to go and see them most weekends.10. Irm sorryI caremember your name.11. Can you remember ho

5、w much money we spent?12. You were going to help me with this. Remember?13. Remember that were going out tonight.14. Remember (that) you may feel sleepy after taking the pills.15. It should be remembered that the majority of accidents happen in the home.16. Remember to call me when you arrive!17. Di

6、d you remember your homework (= to bring it)?18. I remember posting the letter.19. I remembered to post the letter.20. a church service to remember the war dead.21. My aunt always remembers my birthday (= by sending a card or present).22. His grandfather remembered him (= left him money) in his will

7、.23. He is best remembered as the man who brought jazz to England.24. Remember me to your parents.25. I have nt got a pen to write dow n your pho ne nu mber - Ill just have to mit it to-memory.26. I remember where I first saw her - it was at Tim Fishers party about ten years ago. Yes, youre right -

8、youve got amemory like an elephant r27.ve never known anyone so forgetful - shes got a memory like a sieve.28. Areas of southern Italy are experiencing some of the worst storms in living memory. (= the worst storms that peoplecan remember)29. Some of these houses still had outside toilets within liv

9、ing memory.Police are hoping to jog peoples memory by showing them pictures of a car that was used in a robbery.We were just taking a stroll down memory lane and recalling the days of our youth.If you want to learn a language well, you have to mit to memory long lists of vocabulary and grammatical r

10、ules.The boys read the holy book several times, mitting it to memory .For older people, visiting the old-fashioned stores in the town was a trip down memory lane .If memory serves, there will be flags and parades for the Olympic opening ceremonies.Water levels on the Mississippi River havent been th

11、is high in living memory .A service was held in memory of the earthquake victims.Donations can be made to the Heart Association in Dianes memory.I use the photos to remind me of what Ive seen, to jog my memory.McNamara has refreshed his memory by listening to a tape recording of the meeting.“Will th

12、is photograph I now show you refresh your memory ?”Id pletely forgotten aboutthe money he owed me.Before I forget, there was a call from Italy for you.I never forget a face.Who could forget his speech at last years party?She keeps forgetting (that) Im not a chniyldmaore.I was forgetting (= I had for

13、gotten) (that) youve been here before.Ivfeorgotten where they live exactly.I forget how much they paid for it.Ill nevefrorget hearing this piece of music for the first time.It should not be forgotten that people used to get much more exercise.Why werent you at the meeting?Iforgot.SorryTake care, and

14、 don forgett to write.I forgot to ask him for his address.I forgot my purse (= I did not remember to bring it).Hey, don forgtet me (= dont leave without me)!Arent yofuorgetting something? (= I think you have forgotten to do sth)Ive left my book at home. Ivfeorgotten my book at home.Try to forget abo

15、ut what happened.Could you possibly forget about work for five minutes?Forget him!Letfosrget our differences and be friends.Forget (that) I said anything!If I lose this job, we can forget about buying a new car.I was hoping you might be able to lend me the money.forgetthat!You canYOURSELFImforgettin

16、g myself. I havent offered you a drink yet!Youre a suspect, not a detective, and don forget it.t youI still owe you for lunch yesterday. Forget it. Now, what were you saying about John? Forget it,it doesnt matter.Any chance of you helpingout here? Forget it, Ive got too much to do.Just forget it, wi

17、ll you! I share the house with Jim, lan and Sam, not forgetting Spike, the dog.Talking about memories of the D-Day landingsA: Dad, when did Britain declare war on Germa

18、ny? And why?B: In September 1939, Brita in declared war on Germa ny after Germa ny in vaded Pola nd.C: How long did the war last? What is the name of that war?B: The war lasted until 1945. It is kn ow n as the Second World War.D: I remember that during the war, Germany occupied many countries, inclu

19、ding France.A: What was the most important battle of the war in Europe?B: If I remember correctly, the most important battle of the war in Europe was Operation Overlord, the military operati on in1944 to in vade France.D: When did it start?B: If memories serve, Operation Overlord started when boats

20、full of soldiers Ianded on the beaches of Normandy in Fran ce,known as the D-Day landin gs.C: By the way, how many ships get crossed the cha nn el?B: I remember that more than 5,000 ships crossed the English Channel, carrying 130,000 troops to the French coast.C: Did troops from the United States, B

21、ritain and Canada take part in the D-Day landings?B: Yes, they did.B: For older people like me, telling you about the war is like taking a trip down memory lane.A: Thank you, dad. Was the operati on extremely dan gerous?B: Yes, it was. And many soldiers were killed before they even got off the boats

22、.C: Which soldiers Ian ded at the most dan gerous place?B: American soldiers attempted to land at the most dangerous place, known as Omaha Beach.D: You are right. The situation at Omaha Beach was so bad that the US army manders thought about abandoning theinvasion. Eventually, the soldiers made a br

23、eakthrough and the D-Day landings were successful.C: I remember that my history tells us it was the begi nning of the end of the Second World War.B: Operatio n Overlord started as a story of dan ger and con fusi on and en ded as a story of bravery and acts of heroism.A: Dad, you have got a memory li

24、ke elepha nt!Write a paragraph describ ing your memories of some eventsMy Memories of YesteryearEvery summer duri ng my early tee ns, I spe nt a month at a camp in Norther n China on the Zhanghe River. It was a run bya family of farmers who during the rest of the year grew vegetables and made specia

25、lty farmer food that they would sell in thecity. It was, in fact, a working farm, with chickens producing eggs and goats making milk and cows being butchered for meat.The summer camp was just one small part of the entire operation, and for those few weeks, each of us felt like we were a partof keepi

26、ng the farm working. We would have our chores in the mornings and afternoons, and would rotate jobs every 2 days.Some were more pleasa nt tha n others: Moving irrigation pipes early at dawn was dreaded, but milking the goats was ahighlight. After breakfast there would be arts and crafts or swim ming

27、 in the river or play ing pin g-p ong. In the eve nings therewould be campfires and singing with guitars.Childhood and YouthMy memory goes back for more tha n eighty years. I recall disti nctly whe n about five years old my mother took me to theschool of Mrs. Wang Hongsang, wife of a well-known prof

28、essor fromBeiji ng Uni versity, who had a school in her house, with in a few doors. The lady was a highly educatedwoman, and her husband, Doctor Wang Hongsang, a man of letters as well as a professor. Hespecialized in ancient history, and the interest he aroused in Chinese culture and achieveme nts

29、hascon ti nued with me ever since.My Memories of Old BeijingMore than half a century ago, Lin Yingzi came to Beijing from Taiwan with his parents. They lived in alane in the souther n part of the city. As a little girl from south of China, Lin Yin gzi is curious abouteverything here: dilapidated cit

30、y walls of the ancient capital, ringing bells on a camels neck, busystreets and side Ianes. The mad woman at the door of a guildhall, her playmate Niuer who wasmal-treated, the thief hiding himself in a deserted courtyard, Amah Song who was a wet nurse in herfamily and her loving father who was seri

31、ously ill and died in the end. all these people had eitherplayed, talked, laughed or lived with her. However, in one way or the other they had quietly left her oneby one. Now they only live in her memory. Why is the world full of miseries? The naive girl Yingzi thinkshard but cannot find the answer. It is over fifty years since the n, Yin gzi is an old woma n now. Thoughfar away from Beijing, she n ever forgets this period in her life. Her heart is heavy, and she is homesickaga in.2019-2020 年高中英语必修6Module6Period4CulturalCor ner-HowtheU ni tedNationstriestoKeeptheP


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