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1、人教版八年级英语下 Unit1-Unit2 检测卷姓名_ 分数_I.单项选择(共 40 题,每小题 1 分,共 40 分)1.Many people play with mobile phones all day in stead of read ing books.Thats too bad. Every one_ be a book lover. Readi ng is more enjo yable.A.may B.should C.would D.must2.Why are you so tired these days?Well, I have_homework to do.A.to

2、o much B.too many C.much too D.many too3. At the farewell party, Kobe Bryant said, “_ e support of my fans, itwould be hard for me to achieve such great success.”A.With B.Un der C.Through D.Without4.rm sorry. My money_.A.ran out B.ran out of C.ran away D.got out of5.I did nt feel like_in bed, so I d

3、ecided_ around the room.A.stay; walk B.stayi ng; walki ng C.stay ing; to walk D.to stay; to walk6.Taia n is a beautiful city. All of us are used_here.A.to live B.in livi ngC.livi ng D.to livi ng7.If you dont mind_,youre sure to succeed one day.A.take risks B.have risk C.taking risks D.having risk8.T

4、he teacher speaks very loudly_ all the stude nts can hear her.A.so that B.because C.since D.when9 . _ the heavy snow, she had to walk there by_.A.Because of; herselfB.Because; herselfC.Because; herD.Because of; her10.They were tired and hun gry, so they had problems_.A.to keep workB.to keep worki ng

5、C.keep ing work ingD.keep ing to workII.The girl would visit the sick kids to_ .A.clea n them upB.cheer them upC.cheer up themD.clea n up them12.We n eed to_a pla n on Clea n-Up Day.A.come up with B.keep up with C.work upD.cheer up13.Sam_his pla n to work in an after-school cen ter till n ext term.

6、He is toobusy with his homework these days.A.puts on B.puts off C.puts out D.puts up14.ril_ fin ish my homework tomorrow.A.am able to B.can C.is able to D.be able to15.You are doing great Ive never had_ answer before.A.better B.best C.a better D.the best16._ Many college stude nts are onlygett ing g

7、oodjobs in stead of thinking about their self-improveme nt.A.worried about B.worry about C.care forD.trying out17. A friend of_ said that he might have the ability to_ .A.mine; help me out B.my; help I with C.I; set me upD.myself; letme dow n18.A lot of old people are_because they usually have to li

8、ve_.A.alone; alone B.Ionely; alone C.alone; lonely D.Ionely; Ionely19.I no ticed him_ the room just now.A.to enter B.enter C.is entering D.entered20. My gran dfather_ live in the coun tryside, but now he_ liv ing inthe city.A.used to; used toB.got used to; gets used toC.used to; gets used to D.was u

9、sed to; used to21. In order to com muni cate with foreig ners, many people in Guizhou show an_ in learning English.A. interested B. interest C. interesting22. Put up your hands in class if you have_ questions.A. some B. any C. many23. There are 100 teachers in the school. Eightee n of them are men t

10、eachers andarewomen teachers.A. the other B. the others C. others24. We did a survey last week, we found only_ our students exercise every day.A. percent fifteen of B. fifteen percent of C. fifteen per cent25. When officers announced that the story was a hoax,_ people had left theirhomes.A. thousand

11、s of B. thousands C. thousand26. About _ of the students in our class were born in the_.A. two fifths; 1990s B. two fifths; 1990 C. two fifth; 1990s27. -“Whats the date today?t ”-.A. Tuesday B. June Fourth C. June the fourth28. “What time is it now?”Tihe7:s7 :h7re isread_.A. seve n and seve ntee n B

12、. seve n seve ntee n C. seve n one seve n29. He s_ the plan.-So am I. It costs too much and we have no eno ugh time.A. for B. against C. with30. The story reminds us that you can never know whats possible_ you try tomake it happe n.A. uni ess B. un til C. since31. This problem is_ difficult _ most o

13、f the students cant understand it.A. such; that B. so; that C. too; to32. Tom is active and outgoing_ his sister Rosa is shy and quiet.A. while B. after C. Whe n33. We should help other people_ they are in trouble.A. untilB. since C. when34. I was playing soccer on the playground_ my sister was doin

14、g chores.A. whe n B. while C. before35. _ Li Ling _ Wu Dong likes singing and they write lyrics themselves,too.A. Not only; but also B. Neither; nor C. Both; and36. _ kids learn to be independent,_ it is for their future.A. The earlier; the best B. The earlier; the better C. earlier; better37. They

15、can_ finish the work on time today because its too late.A. almost B. rarely C. Hardly38. He said he would come to see u_ the n ext after noon.A. sometime B. some time C. sometimes39. How lucky I am! I saw a UFO _ over my head at ten last night.A. to fly B. flew C. flyi ng40. Whenever you have a chan

16、c_ English, you should take it.A. speak B. to speak C.spokeII.根据首字母提示或语境完成句子。(40 小题,每小题 1 分,共40 分)41. We got a stro ng feeli ng of_ (satisfy) whe n we saw our patie nts get better.42. Can you imagi ne_ (fly) in space?43. I have no deep_ (feel) in the matter.44. You can come here for help if you have

17、_(difficult)45. Believe us, Mr.Li.We can do it well_ (our).46. Im afraid you are hav ing a fever. Let me take your t_47. In the book, the writer tells us the_(importa nt) of lear ning En glish.48. The police are now in c_of the whole situati on.49. The word“dumpling ” _(m“ao)zi.50. I think James is

18、the_ (active) of all.51. _ (lucky), he failed to get rid of the unhealthy habits.52. _ (be) a professional athlete sometimes can be very dangerous.53. My father_ (read) a newspaper in the dining room when I came homeyesterday.54. Today, people may gain some_ (information) form many modern media.55.

19、If it _ (not snow) tomorrow, I _ (go) to Mountain Taibai.56. I think the best way_ (relax) is through exercise.57. Many people volunteer_ (clean) up the city parks.58. Though I was_ , I didnt feel(alone, lonely).59. -Why donyou go out to play, Rose?-Im afraid I cant. I have much homework (do).60. It

20、 is polite _ (take) a gift when you visit somebody for the first time.61. Try to sing more English songs, and you will find it interesting_ (learn) a foreig n Ianguage.62. Tell him _ ( shut) the window.lts a little hot here.63. If prices rise too high, the government has to do somethin _ (stop) it.6

21、4. My wish is _ (become) a teacher.65. This summer Im going to the(train) center to learn music.66. The movie was making a big_ (different) to our life.67. Its rather difficult for the blind and deaf in everyday life. All the people shouldhelp the_ (able) people.68. Danny used to_ (ride) an old bike

22、 to the school.69. Danny is used to_ (walk) to school.70. The knife is used to_ (cut) the bread.71.0n my way home, I found a wallet_ (lie) on the ground.72. Do you know how many _ (foot) a spider has?73. Take it easy. Take some _ (medicine) and have a good rest, then you llfeel better very soon.74.

23、He had a bad_ (head). It made him very painful all night.75. His mother _s_ (die) made her very sad.76. Don t let your small sister play with the knife, or it may hurt_ (her).77. Keep on_ (learn) English. It will be useful to you in the future.78. When the old man was walking along the street, uniuc

24、kily he_ (fall)dow n.79. My brother likes taking _ (risk) very much. He often goes mountainclimb ing with his frie nds.80. While Tom was playing computer games, his sister_ (do) homework.III.根据语境或句意,从方框中选择合适的词并用其正确形式填空(20 小题,每小题 1 分,共 20 分)Asituati on; fall; write; keep on; so that;because of; take;

25、 who; run out; dieAron Ralston is an American man 81._is interested in mountainclimbi ng. As a moun tai n climber, Aron is used to 82._ risks. This is one ofthe excit ing thi ngs about doing dan gerous sports. There were many times whe n Aron almostlost his life 83._ accide nts. On April 26, 2003, h

26、e fo und himself in avery dangerous situation when climbing in Utah. On that day, Arons arm was caught un der a360-kilo rock that 84._on him whe n he was climbi ng by himself inthe mountains. Because he could not free his arm, he stayed there for five days and hoped thatsome one would find him. But

27、whe n his water 85._,he knew thathe would have to do somethi ng to save his own life. He was nt ready 86._that day. So he used his knife to cut off half his right arm. Then, with his left arm, he ban dagedhimself 87._ he would nt lose too much blood. After that, heclimbed dow n the mountain to find

28、help.After losi ng his arm, he 88._ a book called Betwee na Rock a nd HardPlace. This means being in a difficult 89._that you cant seem to get out of.In this book, Aron tells about his own story and how to grasp ones own life. His lovefor moun tai n climbi ng is so great that he 90._climbi ng mountains eve n afterthis experie nee.even; support(支持);how; a lot; organization;with; disable; able; don ati on; exciterd like to tha nk you for sending money to“Animal(IHe91ers ”set up to help disabled people. For sure you have


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