1、按程密级理口 min2020年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(模拟卷)英语本卷须知:1. 答ttiit考生务。株白己的0.名,力生*等境二在答建试卷椅定位收xftitiiifa时,近出初也答案后,用俐隹把答地卡上对碰的答案版.弓襟眼.如需改动,用稼段悔干后.再 逸涂Ktfe存*百号.得实半透弁恩可.将答案与在祚场卡上.与在本谈苍上无通.3.今试究中后.豹本试卷和答l R-并交巨.-阅诙以卜短艾.从何瓯所请的A. B、C、D四个老康中选出M”:确逸项.AWhy ko Io Madrid?There may be a sli;h( hil塞力)in lhe air. uiih (cntpcYUlur
2、cs uayin wound I5T in March, bui Spuinx hanO*oiK capiul i% skiwly suiting to wxrm up. Even mere attrictive are the cuhuml extent%.A new cxhibilkm un lhe living wkJ *wkinj ifuces or Spxin,% gnraleM artist. Pkmsa. has juxt upmed in lhe studio al (he Fvnduci*n Mapfre al Pii心 de Rcvolcio* 23 h runs umil
3、 11 NUy with rurcly seen picvc twrfowod from his family.loccrihis summer, (he 40Chh Miniwa, of lhe deMh of (he Rcnaissaooe 文艺 M 咒)pninccr El Greco will X marked w ith on cKciling cxhibilkm al (he Muo del Prado al PiiM:o del Prado fnxn 24 June Io 5 OctubcT.Ho* (o jjd?The widest range of Gjhu is offer
4、ed by EsyJctfrom BrmoL Edinburgh. Gni*xi. Liverpool and Luton. Bri(t$h Airways and itx dtcr airline Iberia cocnbinc fnrca Hi” frvni Gatwick.Bwa jici aifpon is 13km txinlxyM ot the city mrc nd ts w、M by frequent iruins on Mcuo line & bui the Ukihcsi underground journey a bit complex with at IftiM one
5、 ctungc at Nuem Miniunat station und take% about 女)minutes. The larv to any Malkm in lhe cil) entrv is 4.50. The airport expn: bu* runs every IS to 35 minultrs anmnd lhe ckxrk; u( clow?B.On II May.C. On 24 June.D. On 5 October.2. Whkh airline ofcnitcs High!% frvni Manchester u Madrid?A. EasyJetB R 户
6、nan.C Air Eun)p*L Ekiiwh Airu*a*s,3. Whut is the wuy to rcoch centml Mmirid fmm Buraji uiqxin?A. Tike a taxLB. Take a city bux.C. Take Metro line 8.D. Take the aiqxirt exprew bw.M、school appeared ixi ihe news Um uxxk bemuse we had rnndc an imponunt chanjjc in our IocaI area Our class had planced a l
7、arge garden in *tuc wa% once only a vacant kx. It wax,kx af work but it wj all worth it. I gx Niucni I 水泡) Inwii digging, and all gut inwi biteK loo.I learned a Ich aboutrd coHabociiKm frtl h and then I learned about (he inedia. Out iCKhcr (cleplioiKd the TV xtaixrn and informed them af what we had
8、accomplKhed. She spoke with ibe producer. The pnxiucer cbeaked with (he direvUifi. bul (hey said liiere uw plenty of similar to oun. They wunicd Io kni*w whai )|xcud about cur panicuUr 4irUen. since nwny ahooL plan them.The teacher expUined chai, after going on the Inumef io learn ntwxit the prairie
9、 (大草初 we had mack a pruirie garden. We hxd gone Io a prairie and gxillen xh fnxii lhe plant%, and lhen we pUnlcd ihtnv We did nul waler the garden, but we did weed K. W ikcidod iq lei ruiwrc waler with min. wncc lhai was how paiiric j*rcw in lhe We sent a picture of the garden to the new% $ucio). In
10、 the picture, theso high that it stood Lxllcr thin the femnh gudestiKknls.A$ a result, the pnxluccf cni a rqxncr oour vhool He imerviewed (he hciKlimstcr and asked him many qucMion$ jboiK the gatnien. After that, they interviewed m. and we explained to them wlut we had Icjmcd thivueh th pcwjcct.That
11、 night, we woichcd the new、and there we w. The new* reporter toM our slory. It wa$ only two minuter long, bul i( was us. We were limiMri. All ihM work, all ihotc blriiets. i( wi wonti t(. * knew M wlwn we ww ibe garden every 血贝 hue mw we kne* that the whole city thought so. too.A. On 23 March.4 Whin
12、Mxmcd(obciheTVdirecior*initial rvacikmlhe殷Men?A They exeked.B. They were surprised.C. They were worried.D. They were unintended.5. What w pecuJ atxxst the garden?A. Weh zrv allowed k 中rwd nMunilly.B. Ihe gf gre* farter Uuin commonC. The enme fnxn the of a puiric.D. Undcrynxind uaur wm used far the p
13、lunts.6. What docs the undcriincd wordhat refer to m the last paragraph?A. We giM bliMcrs m our luuuS$.B. Our hm! uwk wux wtxthwhik.C. lhe jUiMcn would be (tfn.D. The project would be UntihcdWo* did the tiuihor feel ubowi the paytr*A_ Aaniyed. B. Curkg. C. Proud. D. Regretful.CHeads up! Avrow lhe ce
14、unlr). *pov* injuries arc a safely wncem tkx young Mhlcte*. Nou; (he AiiKricun Medtail AsKMCion hts n new g of giiifclinc* Aimed M preceding plaw from (he danger of oncussiixw riou rnjunex caused by a How to the head.By ruining au-arvnc of lhe svriix risk, aasucialed with cuncuiunx and ensuring Ihal
15、 the upprcipviale guidelines anr in pUcc. can redux (he number of younf mhWs *ho imy raum cn pcniible. Ihcn. (hex* urc only io return(o ihar 5pon w(h a AciorS *nncn approval The policy abo y,agc-pccifk rules (be health care profeskinak and athletic CMvh and Policy showed thm as nuny 4(1% of high chi
16、MI athletes return io playing before they should. The AMAS new guiddine shmild help to bring thuwe numberi wn_8 Why docs the AMA set (he new guddmc?A. lb mix safety uanctard of spotv.B. To protect Mhlctcs from concukxiom.C. To *el rule* for hcukh care oulualkm.D. Io Iwlp pbm return co the uiik quick
17、ly.9. Whai should younj* aihlcics who mny have a condition do?A. Avoid uung the head.B. Ixavc the field forever.C. Get treatment in time.D. Switch to Another xpoct.10. WhM i% purarjph 4 mainly about?A. Whaia ancuw*iott B.B Whm c加心 daniage (o bwin v1ls.C Hy* (he CfX? wxtis.0 How a cixKmoon cun be pre
18、vented11. Which M the fnlkiwing k the beu title tr the text?A. Rules far Sifcr PlayB. Spans Injuries in the USC. Advice k AlhktoD. New Ptrfidei fur DoclgOrganic food very popular. It is ak expensive. Some orjmic fbod co心 twice much non oqpnic fkxxl bu new ixifcnih and pct outxt* mc willing io pay up
19、 to 2 rown Originally this wm(ne. Over lime evganic farming becaiiic mcKC ditTicuh. The denumi fee crgsic hxd grew larger ttun lhe supply. Snull wxnpanQ hud u sdl mil co laqre companies. Then: arent enough ormic inrcdicncs (KIHk such a% r,in and cattle. Thix made it dinkuk fcr rrany oceanic companie
20、s(o in buMOCik Tixhy. many lar ontnics have n oq;anc line of poucu.k orfanic food more nucriiioux? This is pn of the dcbtiic. Mim)fnnevx nd comumcrs bclcvc it is They think ugrkuhuml chemicak cauw: bealch pfobkim ch as cancer. Many health pro(c%iknak dixaerve. Rw studies prove that organic kxMh |xev
21、en( hejiUh ptobkfn*. Health gvialis nuxv alxu( McieriiH 舫寿).uxh 4 Ecoli and wlmortdh. These can gel into onnuct with Jixi non-orHnic food. IXkiocx reviwnmetki rushing pnniuoe very carefully. Handling meal carefully is important loo.Mom pcuplc aree dial naturally grvu n fwxl UiMe* teller, h lauief tb
22、od wotlh (he extra rm*y ? This is a mawer if ofinkin Whether ic food conuMncri?A. Price. B. Safety. C. Frwhncs*. D. Wricty.13. What ii the dixtorV suggestion?A. Grow your wn (bed.B. Reduex: che uxe af perticidc%.C. Make Mire (he food i,dean.D. Buy lar aiinpwics pnxJucis.14. Whkh ot the fol lowing* d
23、o nst people ajircc g or(unic food?A. h umc beticr.R. It is easier io grow.C. It contains nwxr fit.D. It more nutritious.15. Where dixr% (hw text pcvhibl) cunu: fruai?A- A recipe book.B. A cbenihio paper.C. A mcdKuJ reportD. A hculih marine.第二节供5小US 2.5分,怠分位12.5分)阅读下面短文.从短交后的透项中迭由可以场入空臼处的狄正确培琐.迁攻中在西
24、玦 为多奈透戌,Thv Hold Wukv-up Call Ge“ PitmhimIa *akcup cull The hotel fnxw will 也 better than rinfiitf ymir phone inthe morning. Tbcyll send un actiul human being K your mom. Ikint wnrry. They wontconw in and ki you good mocning. _ 16Never inind (hut muM innxrkri ngudiys ha、v smart phuor* with built-in
25、alarm clucks. _17Here arv umiicexamples. Al (he Wokx Hoed, if a wHeep call k ununsuwd. lhc will send n cniplojw(o vur door. At Uh Vnunns 以 PmuR,. an empkiycc $bow up al your roam to uike you up with tcA. onflcc and breikfixt bevad. At the Mandarin Orienul. a penun rMher Ihan an aulumaled Mem will ca
26、ll lo,血 you up. _ I8_f1o11 youd get was a rin and siteev. In ihe evcrcompcmive rice tor loyal cust Zk 2 the M kvpcrwa syMtrm of wake up oil、Bui they might bring you coffee.A. If you dont unxwcr. youll gel a w jkc-up knock.B. Crwn PIuza. for imtaiwc. tux a wake-up call euanintcc.C. Bui (he *ukc-up ca
27、ll txvufne kr, perMinal over lhe yeaiKThe hotel pein I5(o30 requeas 如 wake-upculbeach *Uy.D. The luinwn wnkc-up cnll is a way io pcrMxulizc cvver. Su.n M IXcenibcr 2011.1 pxkcd up my life,_ 25_ of my job plunx. and climbed 60 metcrx id (he lop of this tree. I hmc been here ever since.Life in the tre
28、e tops cun be_ 26_ at times. I have times when I feel fntniicd (、mg hc_ 3l_.Living on lhe tree been intpirins,I am willing to_ 32_ up here for “ lang ax it ukc._ 33_ I boncrtly hope it uxint h: (o_ 34_ bclcirc I can pul my tl * and sUnd in a (ckv*I (hat will never be _ 35_.21.A. wh.B. whenC.bowD. wh
29、ere22.A. waterB. amnwkC. mfnoyD. lourhbi23.A. bearB. helpC. keepD. spare24.A. widB. xtokflC. protectedD. lost25.A. grew outB. fell UrtC. ran outD. lei fo26.A refrcMnngB. risk)C. challengingD rcuaidmg27.A d urB. g wyC. give inD. five up2S.A.changeB. kx)kC. hcon:hD. touch29.A. confutedB. oenxiuvC. irr
30、yD. lonely30.A. Be冲idB. WidiuulC. IXspileD. Unlike31.A heightB. expenetKVC. tuc即代,undD. posiiton32.A. returnB. MopC. MayD hide33.A. hutB. thoughC. becauseD. M34.A. wonB. IcingC. nearD.bad35.A. movedB. loggedC. burnedD. mX父d第二华(共10小慝:趾四1.5分.塔分Vi 15分)MiJ blW文,在玄白姓坝入I个遥当的辑诃或括号内敢列的正碉形式.On the morning of
31、 her grandtot)% wedding. Peg McCormack received Mime had new、. The 91 -ycar-M in the hotipiul after a fall *hen Hie found uul she would be unable lo aciciid (he 56 (idebfate) in Madnwi. New kney.Unkfx*n io McCormack, her Brian. 3?_ his wife Uuren hud made a horfdi plan _ 38_ (include) her in the Aiy
32、*q a:tiviticK_ 39- (fo4lou by a adding phoiinipher. the couple imde a surprise visit. 40_ the btMpiul before bexlinj 2 (he rvceptiun.*Sbc u* so excited io 炒 41 (wcj get maif icd?* lhe bndc 颂 d. She ww siitly living tor ihi weddinf. So z brought the wedding to her.*Wbcn we walked into (hat room, she
33、was _ 42_ (dn ioui) shocked. the phixugrapbcr *aid.*Shc just kcpl_ 43_ vu*re here md thnking ihcm fix conimg co see her. The way she ltdd (heir hand!._ 44. (lauch) (heir Cleet and just looked M them, wu could tell they had Mich a tpevial bond. I don, think she rclcucd Briant hind 45_ entire time tha
34、t we wm in the rcMjm/1( itxanc lhe wculd io bring lhe sodding io her.” lhe groom id/ h wa。such a squall portion of lhe day io trade in for guch a special moment. ,第三局部与作共两董.Q分加分)第一节(总分仇ISO)说定0:是李咆 你的英HMZtJohn来侑洵问中国人日作廿的风偌习请低姑合fl己8多的实际fft况始他间信,内容包括:1. 林节的简作:2. HWMM.俗习慑:3 .也诵他来中谊辱节.注意:1. 诃数网左宿;2. 可以尚勺增加细节.以使打文途贸:Dear Jutin.Km glad that you,re interested in (he Chinese Spring Fmi、aL YburjLi Hua说.节(6t25 )8MTFifi材料.租帐K少书印所价段博开头IS就耳哲段.!之构成一篇完整的短文堆巨的词故曲为150左右.Ihough i( is *hcn I rcmcnbcf his tl*cc clearly. ct hit eye*. As he lud yellow on hi* eyes we called him
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