



1、新概念五年级英语下学期填空题真题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 将下列基数词变为序数词。1one  2two 3three 4four 5five 2. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1_ (one), they buy a Christmas tree.2I can _ (fly) a kite. I like _ (fly) kites.3How many _ (library) are there in your school.4Tom usually _ (have) a

2、 _ (swim) lesson after school. But Tim _ (do).5There _ (be) any milk in the fridge, but there _ (be) some bananas in it.6She _ (teach) English in a middle school.3. 用on/at/in填空。1I usually go to bed _ 22:00.2What will you do _ Sept

3、ember?3What do you do _ the weekend?4The party will start _ 7:30.5The weather is cold and snowy _ winter.4. 根据句子意思,用所给单词的适当形式填空。1Can I have _ (some) cakes? Im hungry.2Doing exercise _ (be) good for our health.3_ (Tom) mother is a writer. She wri

4、tes _ (story) for children.4Where _ Helen _ (live)?She _ (live) in a small town.5Would you like _ (go) _ (swim) with me?6Bobby _ (have) a drink now.7Its too late. He has _ (go) home.8Dont _ (be) late again.5. 按

5、要求填空。1child(复数) _ 2left(对应词) _3she(宾格) _ 4candies(单数) _5have(-ing形式) _ 6aunt(对应词)_7help(形容词) _ 8want(同义词) _9come from(同义词)_ 10speak(单三形式) _6. 根据提示写出单词的正确形式。1Mike_(learn) Chinese three years ago.2This man is an English teacher. He _(teach) us English last

6、year.3 What did you write? I_ (write) a story about dogs.4My grandma was a dancer. She_(dance) in lots of Chinese cities.5Amy didnt _(make) a cake yesterday.7. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1Those rabbits eat _ (they) carrots.2The book is not _ (his).3Those shoes are _ (Yifan)

7、.4Is it _ (her)?Yes, its _ (her) hat.8. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1The soup _ (smell) nice.2My sister Nancy is _ (wash) the dishes in the kitchen.3Yang Ling and Nancy often come _ (help) me.4There isnt _ (some) milk in the fridge.5He wants _ (p

8、lay) the piano.6Dont _ (catch) the ladybirds.7Here _ (be) some meat for you.8He is looking for some _ (bread).9. 根据句意及首字母或中文完成句子。1What are you doing the kitchen?Im _ (烧饭) for my family.2She is _ (帮助) Miss Li in the teachers office.3Can you _

9、0;(洗) it some fruit for me, Helen?Sure.4Many children are in the _ (商店) today.5What are you doing? Im _ (看) TV.6You shouldnt eat anything _ (甜的).7These _ (葡萄) are not good. I dont like to eat them.8His brother is doing the d_.10. 按要求写词。sad(反义词)_ fit(第三人称单数)_tr

10、y(第三人称单数)_ hurt(第三人称单数)_foot(复数)_ can(否定形式)_read(动名词)_ come(第三人称单数)_11. 将下列基数词变为序数词。1twenty-one 2twenty-two 3twenty-three  4thirty 5thirty-one12. 写出下列节日所在的月份及其缩写形式。例:  November  Nov.          13. 看图,补全句子。1The two monkeys are&

11、#160;_. 2My family are _ _ _. 3He is _ _ _. 4Teachers Day is on _ _. 5I usually _ _ _ at 7:00. 14. 用所给单词的正确形式填空。1I like vegetables. They are _ (health).2She often _ (do)her homework on Sundays.3_

12、 (be)she kind?4_ (she)favourite drink is orange juice.5He often _ (wash)his clothes on the weekend.15. 选择方框中正确的短语填空,将序号填在横线上。A. showaround   B. so heavy   C. One the otherD. Thats great.   E. a factory1Shes a worker. She works in _. (_)2-He helps sick people.

13、-_(_)3Sam is_. Bobby is tired. (_)4I have two pets. _ is a fish _is a dog. (_)5Shes new here. Lets _ her_.(_)16. 根据句意选择合适的单词填空。1Does Mike _ (have) a toy?2The girl _ (have) a rabbit.3Let _ (I) go and have a look.4There is _ (a) art room on the first floor.5How many _ (bus) are there in the street?17. 用所给动词的正确形式填空。1Our sports meeting will _ (hold) in the coming week.2She would rather _ (have) the small one than the


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