1、文档来源为:从网络收集整理.word 版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持1必修四模块 4语法学案课题Great Scie ntists课时1 课时教学目标1.Revise some Ian guage poin ts.2. Lear n more about Grammar of the module .3.Learn to use this Grammar.教学重点Revisi on of passive voice教学难点Deal with some importa nt exercises about it.课堂导学被动语态复习Revisi on of passive voice(一)语态分类英语
2、动词有两种语态,主动语态和被动语态。主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者,被动语态表 示主语是动作的承受者。如:They will build a new bridge over the river.( 主动)A new bridge will be built over the river.( 被动)汉语中常用“被”、“给”、“由”、“受”等词用来表示被动,而英语用:be+过去分词构成。(二)被动语态的时态、人称和数的变化主要体现在 be 的变化上,其形式与系动词be 的变化形式完全一样,列表如下:一般现在时am/is/are + done一般过去时was/were + done一般将来时Shal
3、l + will +be+ done现在进行时am/is/are+ bein g+do ne过去进行时was/were+be ing +do ne过去将来时Should/would+bre+do ne现在完成时Has/have+bee n+do ne过去完成时Had +bee n + done注被动语态没有将来进行时和过去将来进行时。(三)被动语态常用的八种时态1. 一般现在时People grow rice in the south of the states._(改为被动)T he school does nt allow us to en ter the chemistry lab wi
4、thout a teacher.We_ enter the chemistry lab without a teacher.(被动)2. 一般过去时He had a stra nge way of making his classes lively and in teresti ng.And the stude nts did nt forget his less ons easily.文档来源为:从网络收集整理.word 版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持2He had a stra nge way of maki ng his classes lively and his lessons_3. 一般
5、将来时They will send cars abroad by sea.Cars_ abroad by sea.They will give ple nty of jobs to school-leavers.Plenty of jobs_school-leavers.4. 过去将来时The man ager said they would complete the project by the end of the year.The man ager said the project_5. 现在进行时The radio is broadcasti ng En glish less ons.
6、En glish less ons”_6. 过去进行时This time last year we were pla nti ng trees here.Trees_7. 现在完成时Some one has told me the sports meet might be put off.I_ the sports meet might be put off.8. 过去完成时People had con sidered him to be a great leader.He_9. 含有情态动词的被动语态含有情态动词的被动语态是由“情态动词+ be+及物动词的过去分词”构成。e.g. The t
7、eacher said,“ You must hand in your compositi ons after class.”The teacher said, “Your compositions must be handed in after class. ”He can write a great many letters with the computer.A great many letters_ ”_(四)被动语态的使用1. 当不知道或没有必要指出动作的执行者时,常用被动语态,这时往往不用by 短语。“ Mr. White, the cup with mixture was bro
8、ken after class.(只是告诉老师杯子坏了,不知是谁弄坏的,或不想说出谁弄坏的)。2. 突出或强调动作的承受者,如果需要说出动作的执行者,用by 短语。These records were made by Joh n Denver.The cup was broke n by Paul.3. 当汉语句子的主语既不是动作的执行者,也不是动作的承受者时,这时常用 in+名词作状语,而代替 by 短语。These cars were made in China.15, 000 cars will be produced each year in the new factory.英译汉:_
9、(五)主动语态变被动语态的方法1. 把主动语态的宾语变成被动语态的主语。2. 把主动语态的谓语变成被动语态的be+过去分词,时态要与原句保持一致。3. 把主动语态的主语变为介词by 的宾语,放在被动语态里谓语动词之后,by 短语可以省略。如果文档来源为:从网络收集整理.word 版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持3原句主语是地点名词,在被动语态中用in+地点名词作状语。如:My aunt in vited me to her dinner party主语 谓语 宾语丄 was in vited(by my aunt )to her dinner party.主语 谓语宾语The school set u
10、p a special class to help poor readers.- A special class to help poor readers was set up in the school.(六)语态转换时所注意的问题1. 把主动语态变为被动语态时,其谓语动词的时态要与原句时态保持一致,其谓语动词的数要与新主语保持一致。We have bought a new computer.A new computer has been bought.(正确)A new computer have been bought.(错误)2. 含有双宾语的主动句变被动句时,可分别将其中的一个宾语变
11、为主语,另一个不动,一般变间接宾语为主语时比较多。My uncle gave me a prese nt on my birthday.I was give n a prese nt on my birthday.如果把直接宾语(指物)改为主语,则在间接宾语(指人)前加适当的介词,如上句还可以说:A prese nt_注意:一般在下列动词后,常在间接宾语前用介词to,如:bring, give, hand, lend, offer, pass, pay, promise, sell, show, take, teach, tell 等。The magazine was passed on to
12、 me. _The cup with mixture_(show)the class. _一般在下列动词后,间接宾语前用介词for,女口:build, buy, cook, cut, choose, do, fetch, find, fix, get, keep, make, order, paint, play, sing 等。Mother mad re me a new skirt. _有些既不用 to 也不用 for,根据动词与介词的搭配关系。People all over the world know the Great Wall.The Great Wall is known to
13、people all over the world.( 不用 by 短语)3. 由动词+介词或副词构成的短语动词,要把它们作为整体看,即把它们看成一个及物动词,介词或副词不可拆开或漏掉。这类动词有:不及物动词 + 介词,女口 : agree to, ask for, laugh at, operated on, listen to, look after, think of, talk about 等。The patie nt is bei ng operated on. _The problem is solved. It n eed nt be talked about. _及物动词 +
14、副词:如: bring about, carry out, find out, give up, hand in, make out, pass on, point out, put away,put off, think over, tur n dow n, work out, tur n out 等。他的请求被拒绝了。 _The sports meet will be put off because of the bad weather. _4. 带复合宾语(宾语+宾补)的动词改为被动语态时,一般把主动结构中的宾语改为主语,而宾语补 足语保留在谓语动词后面。如:We always keep
15、 the classroom clea n.文档来源为:从网络收集整理.word 版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持4The classroom is always kept clea n.注意:在 see, watch, hear, notice, listen to, look at, make, feel 等动词后作宾语补足语的动词不定式都 不带 to,但改成被动语态后都带to,这时不定式为主语补足语,也就是说不定式作主语补足语不存在省略 to 的问题。We ofte n hear him play the guitar.文档来源为:从网络收集整理.word 版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持5He is
16、ofte n heard to play the guitar.注意:带有复合宾语的句子,如果宾语补足语是名词,变被动句时,应将宾语变为主语,不要误把 宾语补足语的名词作主语。如:Tomatoes were first take n back to Europe and people called them love apples.误:Love apples were called them.正: They were called love apples.5. 还有一种短语动词由动词 +名词+介词构成,变被动语态有两种形式,如下:1)We take good care of the books
17、.The books are take n good care of.Good care is take n of the book.2)You must pay atte nti on to your pronun ciati on.Atte nti on must_Your pronun ciatio n_用于这类结构的短语动词常见的有:catch sight of, make use of, pay atte ntion to, set fire to, take care of,take hold of, take notice of, keep an eye on 等。6. 当主动句
18、的主语是nobody, no one 等含有否定意义的不定代词时,被动句中将其变为 anybody,作by 的宾语,并将谓语动词变为否定的被动语态。如:Nobody can an swer this questi on. 误:The questi on can be an swered by no body. 正: The questi on can notbe an swered by an ybody.7. 当否定句中的宾语是anything, anybody, anyone 等不定代词时,在被动句中应将其分别变为noth in g, nobody, no one 作主语,并将谓语动词变为
19、肯定的被动语态。如:They have nt done anything to make the river clea n._ _ -误: Anything has nt bee n done to make the river clea n.正: Noth ing has bee n done to make the river clea n.8. 以 who 为主语开头的疑问句,变被动时,用by whom 放在句首:Who wrote the story误: Who was the story written正: By whom was the story writte n9. 有些动词既
20、是及物又是不及物,当它们和 well, badly, easily 等副词连用时,表示主语内在品质或性能,是不及物动词,用主动表示被动, 这时不用被动语态,常见的有:write, read, clean, sell, wash,cook 等。如:The cloth washes easily._The new product sells well._The pen writes smoothly._厂The books sell well.(主动句)对比:The books were sold out.(被动句)The meat did nt cook well.(主动句)文档来源为:从网络收
21、集整理.word 版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持6The meat was cooked for a long time over low heat.( 被动句)10.下列情况主动句不能改为被动句:第一,感官系动词一般用主动形式表示被动意义如:feel, look, seem, taste, sou nd, rema in 等。The food tastes delicious.The pop music sounds beautiful.第二,谓语是及物动词leave, en ter, reach, suit, have, ben efit, lack, own 等。如:He en tered t
22、he room and got his book.第三,一些不及物动词短语没有被动语态,女口: take place, break out, belong to, lose heart, consist of, addup to 等。如:The fire broke out in the capital build ing.第四,不及物动词没有被动语态,如:rise, happe n, succeed, remai n, lie 等。1) Whe n we got to the top of the mountain, the sun had already rise n.2) After t
23、he earthquake, few houses rema in ed.第五,宾语是反身代词,相互代词,同源宾语,不定式,v-ing 形式及抽象名词等,不能变为被动句子的主语,如:I taught myself En glish.误: Myself was taught English.We love each other.误:Each other is loved.11.汉语有一类句子不出现主语,在英语中一般可用被动结构表示,如:据说.It is said that 据报导. It is reported that 据推测. It is supposed that希望. It is hop
24、ed that 众所周知. It is well known that 普遍认为. It is gen erally con sidered that 有人建议. It is suggested that1) It is reported that it is going to rain tomorrow.2) It is well known that Thomas Edis on inven ted the electric lamp.咼考链接:1. The church tower whichwill be ope n to tourists soon. The work is almo
25、st fini shed.A. has restored B. has bee n restoredC. is restori ngD. is being restored2. This coastal areaa n atio nal wildlife reserve last year.A. was n amedB. n amedC. is n amedD. n ames3. Every year a flood of farmers arrive in Shen zhe n for the mon ey-mak ing jobs they _ before leavi ng their
26、hometow ns.A. promised B. were promisedC. have promisedD. have bee n promised4. You ve failed to do what you to and I m afraid the teacher will blame youA. will expectB. will be expectedC. expectedD. were expected5.ln the spoken English of some areas in the US , the “ r” sounds at the end of the wor
27、ds_ .A are dropped B drop C Are being dropped D have dropped针对训练:1. It is said that a new robot_by him in a few days.文档来源为:从网络收集整理.word 版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持7A. desig nedB. has bee n desig nedC. will be desig nedD. will have bee n desig ned2. We are late. I expect the film by the time we get to the cin ema.文
28、档来源为:从网络收集整理.word 版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持89. Ill have to push the car to the side of the road because we_if we leave it here.A. would be finedB. will be finedC. will being finedD. will have bee n fined10.“_two tickets for the new play at the Grand Theatre on Saturday. Shall we go and see it togetherA. They hav
29、e bee n give nB. I have bee n give nC. I am give nD. They have give n to me11. The subject of these lectures_ by the lecture committee.A. is announ cedB. have bee n announcedC. are announcedD. has bee n announced12. I found an aspiri n bottle_ dropped on the floor of Davids room.A. wasB. hadC. had b
30、ee nD. is13. The goods_ when we arrived at the airport.A. were just uni oad ingB. were just bee n uni oadi ngC. had just uni oadedD. were just being uni oaded14. If one_ by pride, he will reject useful advice and frien dly assista nee.A. overcomesB. is overcomeC. has bee n overcomeD. overcome15. Mos
31、t environment problems exist because adequate measures for preventing them_taken in thepast.A. was notB. were notC. were not beingD. had not bee nA. will already have started B. would already have startedC. shall have already startedD. has already bee n started3. She will stop show ing off if no not
32、ice_of her.A. is take nB. takesC. will be takenD. has taken4. Diamo ndin Brazil in 1971.A. is foundB. has bee n foundC. was foundD. had bee n found5.“ Have you moved to the new flat“ Not yet. The room_.”A. has bee n pain tedC. pai nts6. My pictures_ un til n ext Friday.A. wont developC. dont developB.
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