1、Unit 5 Theme parks新题型短文语法填空There are two basic ways to see growth: one as a product , the other as aprocess.People have generally viewed personal growth as an external(外在的 )resultor a product that can easily be identified and measured.The worker who gets a rise , the student whosegrades improve ,the
2、 foreigner who learns a new language all these examples of people who havemeasurable results to show for their efforts.By contrast( 对照 ) , the process of personal growth is much more difficult to determine , since itis a journey and not the specific signposts or landmarks along the way.The process i
3、s not the roaditself , but the attitudes ,feelings people have, and their caution or courage , as they meet withnew experiences and unexpecteddifficulties.In this process , the journey never really ends ;there are always new ways to experience theworld, new ideas to try , new challenges to accept.In
4、 order to grow, to travel new roads , people need to have a willingness to take risks ,to facethe unknown , and to accept the possibilitythat they may “fail ”atfirst.How we see ourselves as we try a new way of being is necessary for our ability to grow.Do we seeourselves as quick and curious ? If so
5、,we tend to take more chances and be more open to unfamiliarexperiences.Do we think were shy and indecisive?Then our sense of fear can cause us to hesitate ,to move slowly , and we think we are slow to adapt(适应 )change or that were not smart enough to deal with a new challenge.Thenwe are likely to t
6、ake a more passive role or not try at all.These feelings of insecurity( 不安全 )and self-doubt are both unavoidable andnecessary if we are to change and grow.If we protect ourselves too much stopgrowing.We become trapped inside a shell of our own making., then we2Title; 36Product or Processlhe attitude
7、s, feelings people haveexperience lhe world in竝accept new 43*a willingness to take ths unknownthe pnsihility that they may fail Lend to lakemore chances and be more open lo 45 experiences【语篇解读】本文说明了对于成长来说究竟是过程重要还是结果重要。36.Growth 从第一句就可直接看出。37.measured 从第一段第二句.thatcan easily be identified and measured
8、 直接得出。38.difficult 据第二段第一句.is much more difficult to determine 直接得知。39.rise从第一段第三句 The worker whogets a rise可直接得知。40.grades从第一段第三句中.the student whosegrades improve可知。41.caution从第二段第二句.and their caution orcourage可直接得出。42.new从第二段最后一句 there are always new ways to experienee the world直接 得知。Product:easil
9、y identified and37Process: much moreio determine never really ends The workers gel a39 The students jjnprovfitheir 40 The ibreigners learns newlanguagesor couragewaystry new ideas343.challenges从第二段最后一句 newchallenges to accept直接得知。44.risks从第三段第一句people need to have awillingness totake risks 可知。45.unf
10、amiliar从第三段第四句.and bemore to unfamiliar experiences可直接得出。、单句语法填空1.(2014 广东,阅读_D)He is most famous for(make)records for any lostobjects on the sea.2._ (2015 湖南,阅读C)The inspection at the light station was oftenannounced _ advanee.3.(2013 湖北,阅读C) wonder it ranks as the worlds most body consciouscoun tr
11、y.4. You_ (work)in front of the computer too long.lt is no wonder you havegot a headache.5.(2014 重庆完形_ B)Cultural differences occur(where)you go.6.(2015 重庆,阅读_ D)On horseback it is possible(get)quite close toelephants , giraffes and many other animals.47.(2014 安徽,阅读_ D)However, theremay be other rea
12、sonsthey should bepreserved.8.(2015 北京,阅读 A)When he heard about Nicholas _ (amaze)deeds , he wassuper impressed.9. (2015 重庆,阅读 D)As the suns rays pass through the dust kicked up by the horses ,the roma nee of Africa comes_ life.10._ I was close to(knock)down the other day when a car passed by mewith
13、full speed.答案1.maki ng 2.i n 3.No 4.have bee n worki ng5.wherever6.to get 7.why8.amazing9.to 10 . being knocked二、完形填空A young girl , Hattie , stood outside a small church from where she had been turned awaybecause it was too crowded.A ki nd pastor carried her_1_and found a place for herto sit in the
14、back.He also told her they could build a_2_Sun day school by rais ingmon ey.The pastor did nt see_3_again un til he heard from her pare nts some two years5later.Hattie had sadly died and her parents called for the kind-hearted pastor , whohad treated their daughter_4_ , to handle the final arrangeme
15、nts.As her poor little body was_5 , aworn and wrinkled purse appeared in front of them.lnside was found57 cents and_6_, reading “This is to help to build the little church bigger_ _7_more childre n can goto Sun day school. ”For two years she had saved for this offeringof _8_.When the pastor_9_read t
16、hatnote , he knew immediately what he would do._10_this note and the cracked, redpocketbook to the pulpit , he_11_the story of her unselfish love and devotion.He challe nged his deacons( 助祭)to get busy and raise eno ugh money for the largerbuilding._12_the story does nt end there!A n ewspaper lear n
17、ed of the story and_13_it.lt was_14_by a rich man who offeredthem a parcel of land worth many thousands.When told that the church could nt payso_15_, he offered it for a(n)_16_payment.Church members made large donations.Checks17_from far and wide.Within five yearsthe little girls_18_had_increased to
18、 $250,000.00.Her un selfish love had paid large shares.When you visit Philadelphia , look up Temple Baptist Church , with a_19_capacity of 3,30O.ln oneroom may be seen the_20_of the sweet face of the little girl, whose57 cen ts made such remarkable history.1. A.awayB. offC. in sideD. out答案:C 根据上文中 o
19、utside , crowded 以及空格后的 found a place for her to sit.可知这个好心的牧师把她领进了教堂。2. A.newC. higherD. modern答案:B 根据第二段最后一句中 bigger,可知此处的答案是 larger。募捐建一所更大的周日 学校。3. A.HattieC. church答案:A 根据上文提到的女孩子的名字,以及下文她的父母给牧师写信,可知牧师两年没有B. largerB. childrenD. school6见到 Hattie。7B badlyD equally答案: C 根据上文一个好心的牧师把她领了进去,她的父母又给这个好
20、心的牧师写信,可推 知这个牧师当时对小女孩很好。5A.buriedB hiddenD moved答案: D 根据后文,当把女孩瘦小的尸体 _ 以后,露出了一个磨损的有褶皱的钱包,可推知是把她的尸体移开,故用moved.6A.a noteB a letterC a purseD a box答案: A 根据第三段第二句中的that note ,可推知在钱包里有 57 美分和一张纸条。7A.in caseB now thatC even ifD so that答案: D 根据空格前后出现的 build , bigger 和 more children 可知,建造更大的学校的目的是让更多的孩子来上学,
21、所以用 so that 目的是.”。now that 既然”;in case 以免”; even if “既使”。8A.moneyBloveCfriendshipD donation答案: B 根据第五段最后一句话中的love 得出答案。9A.hopefullyBtearfullyCquietlyD excitedly答案:B 根据文章的整个内容,可知小女孩为了扩建教堂学校,已经攒了女孩的爱感动地流下了热泪,因此牧师是泪流满面地在读那张小纸条,故用4A.fairlyCwellCburnthopefully “满怀希望地”; quietly静静地”; excitedly “激动地”。10 A.C
22、arryi ngBHoldingCSeizingDCatching57 美分, 牧师被小tearfully 。答案: A 根据空格后的宾语 thisnote ,可推知牧师拿着纸条朝教坛走去。carry “携带,拿着”; hold “举着,举起”; seize抓住,夺取”; catch “抓住”。11A.statedBannouncedCspokeDtold答案: D 根据文章提供的情景, 牧师站在教坛上向众人讲述了这个故事,故用 tell 。 state “陈8述,说明”; announce 宣布”;speak 说”。12A.SoBButCAndDOr答案: B 根据空格后的 doesnt e
23、nd there 以及下文发生的故事,可知此句与上句构成的是 转折关系,故用 but 。13A.publishedBinterviewedCbroadcastDreleased答案: A 根据空格前的 a newspaper ,可推出用 publish 发表。 broadcast “广播”; interview “采访某人”; release 发行”。14A.discoveredBheardCreadDwatched答案: C 根据上文,这个故事在报纸上出现了,因此它应该是被人们读到,故用read 。15 A.m u chBlittleCmoreDless答案: A 根据空格前的 many t
24、housands 以及 couldnt,可推知付不起那么多,故用much。16A.$1,000B57-centCnothingD$100答案:B 上文中提到在女孩的钱包里有57 美分,此处又说教堂无力承担此费用,可知这位富人只要了 57 美分。17A.filledBpaidCranDflied答案: D 根据空格前的 large donations ,可知捐款的支票就像雪片一样飞了过来, 故用 flied 同时它用在这里又非常生动形象。18A.giftBhelpCideaDthought答案: A 根据上文女孩捐出了 57 美分, 这是她献给教堂的一份礼物, 可推知现在这份礼物已 扩展到了很多
25、很多。19A.sittingBcoveringCseatingDincluding答案: C 现在小教堂已经变成了大教堂,能容纳 3,300 人,表示“容纳”的是动词 seat 。20A.memoryBpictureD expression答案:B 根据下文的 the sweet face , 可知女孩的照片被挂在了其中的一间屋子里, 故用 picture 。三、阅读理解Cbill9A阅读下列短文 , 从给的四个选项 (A 、 B、C 和 D) 中, 选出最佳选项。A punctual person is in the habit of doing a thing at the proper
26、time and is neverlate in keeping an appointment.The unpunctual man, on the other hand, never does what he has to do at the proper time. He is always ina hurry and in the end loses both time and his good name. A lost thing may be found again, but lost timecan never be regained. Time is more valuable
27、than material things.In fact, time islifeitself. Theunpunctual man isfor ever wasting and mismanaging his most valuable asset as well as others . Theunpunctual person is always complaining that he finds no time to answer letters, or return calls or keepappointments promptly. But the man who really h
28、as a great deal to do is very careful of his time andseldom complains of want of it. He knows that he can not get through huge amount of work unless hefaithfully keeps every piece of work when it has to be attended to.Failure to be punctual in keeping ones appointments is a sign of disrespect toward
29、s others. If a personis invited to dinner and arrives later than the appointed time, he keeps all the other guests waiting for him.Usually this will be regarded as a great disrespect to the host and all other guests present.Unpunctuality, moreover, is very harmful when it comes to doing one s duty,
30、whether public or private.Imagine how it would be if those who are put in charge of important tasks failed to be at their proper placeat the appointed time. A man who is known to be habitually unpunctual is never trusted by his friends orfellow men.1. What is an unpunctual person like?A. He always d
31、oes a thing when it should be done.B. He is always very busy.C. He always does a thing at the wrong time.D. He always keeps the appointments.2. Why is unpunctuality very harmful?A. Because it makes a man lose many chances of doing important affairs.10B. Because it makes a man lose friends.C. Because
32、 it makes a man work quickly.D. Because it makes a man be more respected by others.3. According to the passage, which is right?A. The punctual person has no much work to do.B. The unpunctual person is very rich. (from )C. The unpunctual person is often respected by his friends.D. The unpunctual pers
33、on loses what can t be regained again.4. According to the passage, what are good manners when you are invited to a party?A. Arriving at the appointed time. B. Arriving before all other guests.C. Arriving after all other guests. D. Keeping all other guests waiting.5. Why is a person always unpunctual
34、?A. He is too busy.B. He has too much work to do.C. He does care much about time. D. He doesn t manage his time properly.【参考答案及解析】1. C 事实细节题。 根据文章第 2 段第 1 句 The unpunctual man, on the other hand, never does what hehas to do at the proper time可知,答案选 C 。2. B 推理判断题。根据文章最后一句A man who is known to be habi
35、tually unpunctualis never trusted by his friends or fellow men可知,答案选 B。3. D 推理判断题。根据文章第 2 段第 3 句 A lost thing may be found again, but losttime can never be regained time is more valuable than material things可知,答案选 D。4. A 推理判断题。根据文章倒数第 2 段可知,答案选 A。5.D 推理判断题。根据文章第 2 段中间的一句 The unpunctual man is for ev
36、er wasting and mismanaginghis most valuable asset as well as others 及下文内容可知,答案 选 D。B【2016 高考训练】 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项( A B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。11The Doll and the White RoseI was walking around in a mall, when I saw a cashier hand this little boy some money back. The cashiersaid, Im sorry, but you dont have e
37、nough money to buy this doll The little boy seemed verydisappointedI walked toward him and asked him who he wished to give this doll to Its thedoll that my sister wanted so much for Christmas She was surethatSantaClaus wouldbring it to her: But Santa Claus cant bring it to her where she is now I hav
38、e togive the doll to mymommyso that she can give it to my sister when shegoes there Hiseyes were so sad My sister has gone to be with God Daddy says that Mommy is goingto see God very soon too, so I thought that she could take the doll with her to give it to my sister My heart nearly stopped The lit
39、tle boy looked up at me and continued, I told Daddy to tell Mommy notto go yet I need her to wait until I come back from the mall I quickly reached for my wallet and said, Suppose we check again, just in case you do have enoughmoney for the doll.OK, I hope I do have enough, he said I put some of my
40、money with his without him seeing and westarted to count it There was enough for the doll and even some spare moneySurprisingly, the little boy cried, Thank you God for giving me enough money! Then he looked at me andadded, I asked last night before I went to sleep for God to make sure I had enough
41、money to buy this doll,so that Mommy could give it to my sister.He heard me! I also wanted to have enough money to buy a white rose for my mommy, butI didnt dare to ask God for too much But he gave me enough to buy the doll and awhite rose ! Then I remembered two days before a local newspaper report
42、ed an accident in which a woman and a littlegirl were badly injured The little girl died right away, and themother was left in a critical state Was this the family of the little boy?12Two days after I met the little boy, I read in the newspaper that the womanhad passed away. I couldntstop myself fro
43、m going to the funeral Teary-eyed, I felt that my life had been changed forever 1 The boy wanted to buy the doll because _ .A he had always been eager for such a dollB Santa Claus didnt give him any Christmas giftC he would give it to his mother as a birthday surpriseD he wanted to turn his sisters
44、Christmas wish into reality2 We can learn from the story that _.A the boys sister died after staying in hospital for two weeksB the boys family were all seriously injured in a car accidentC the author gave the boy some extra money without his noticeD the boys mother always wished to receive a white
45、rose on Christmas3 The story most probably conveys the message that _ .A a kind act can bring joy and hope to othersB a gift is a perfect way to express love for othersC losing a family member is a heavy blow to childrenD a religious belief can help one solve problems in his life参考答案 1 3、DCA四、七选五【黑龙
46、江省哈三中 2014 模拟】信息匹配(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余 选项。How to Love Your Pare ntsEven if you think that your pare nts are mean-spirited at times, lovi ng yourparents is a normal and fulfilling part of life. You love them for the fact that13they created you, raised you, and are in part, a source of who you are._36Tell them you love them every morning . A gentle good morning and I love you will warma coldestheart . Remember that they broug
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