



1、Communicative competence consists of knowledge a nd ability for.of rules of pronunciation, vocabulary a nd grammarof grammar/form a nd rules of language use,words, a nd grammar a nd writing答案: B2第2 题In Hymes ' s words (1979), there are 'without whichthe rules of grammar would be use less'

2、;, which simply means, besides grammaticalrules, language use is governed by rules of use, which ensures that the desiredor intended functions are performed a nd the language use d is appropriate to thecontext.of formsof use答案: B3第3 题One of the problems in vocabulary learning is that students often

3、_.A. u s e context for their vocabulary learninghard to understand the wordsnew words in isolation of contextD. u s e a variety of vocabulary building strategies答案: C4第4 题According to Nation (2001) receptive knowledge of vocabulary involves the following except _.1: ) being able to recognized the wo

4、rd when it is heard;2: ) being familiar with its written form so that it is recognized when it is met in reading3: ) recognizing that it is made up of some parts a nd being able to relate these parts to its meaning;4: ) being able to decide to use o r not to use the word to suit the degree of f o rm

5、ality of the situation.A.(1)B.(2)C.(3)D.(4)答案: D5第5 题The words "head, eyes, ears, mouth, arms" a nd "legs" are under the category of “body parts答案: B6第6 题“Try to provide a visual o r physical demonstration whenever possible, usingto show meaning " is oneof the ways of presen

6、ting new w o rds suggested in Wang Wiang ' s book (2005).verbal contextsets o r hyponyms,photos, video clips, mime o r gesturesformation rules a nd common affixes答案: C7第7 题Theories concerning language learning include the theories, the theories, the theories,and the theories.; Goal-oriented; Beh

7、aviourist; Cognitive; Interactional; Constructivist; Socio-constructivist; Behavioural; Cognitive; Constructivist; Cognitive; Constructivist; Socio-constructivist答案: D8第8 题When we are teaching pronunciation, we should not lead students to focus on reading a nd writing phonetic transcripts of words,

8、especially young students, because phonetic transcripts are _. easy to learn hard to remember for young learners hard to write for young learnersabstract a nd less meaningful than sounds答案: D9第9 题When teaching pronunciation, we should _.students confidencestudents confidencestudents feel anxiousstud

9、ents distracted答案: A10第 10 题When teaching pronunciation, the goal of Consistency means that the pronunciation should be _.a nd natural答案: B 11第 11 题When practising sounds, the activities “listen a nd repeat" , " make up sentences" , " using meaningful context" , "using

10、pictures" a nd "using tongue twisters belong to the category of.practice practice a nd production practices o r production practice答案: B 12第 12 题 As far as pronunciation is concerned, students benefit from both _.a nd meaning a nd grammar a nd writing practice a nd meaningful practice答案: D

11、 13第 13 题According to j. willis (1996), tasks are activities w here the target language is used by the learner for a communicative purpose (goal) in order to achieve _. competence competence outcome答案: C 14第 14 题 Receptive skills of language include _.a nd reading a nd speaking a nd writing a nd wri

12、ting 答案: A 15第 15 题When teaching grammar, if the teacher follows the sequence of teaching activities of “ teacher s presentation of an example - explanation of the rule - students' practice with given prompts ", Professor Wang Qiang would believe that the teacher is using the _ method.disco

13、very答案: B 16第 16 题Which of the following is NOT among Ellis (1990) six criteria for evaluating how communicative classroomactivities arepurpose desire material control intervention 答案: D17第 17 题One language form may express a number of communicative functions a nd one can also be expressed bya varie

14、ty of _. dialects languages form communicative functions function language forms 答案: D 18第 18 题Which of the following are not one of the principles of communicative language teaching proposed by Richards a nd Rodgers (1986) principle principle principle principle答案: D 19第 19 题According to littlewood

15、 (1981), identifying pictures, discovering sequences o r locations, discovering differences a nd reconstructing st o ry-sequences are examples of.practice language communicative activities interaction activities 答案: C20第 20 题Look at the following activity in the classroom, a nd decide what kind of p

16、ractice it is. chain of events teacher: now lets play a game. the first student starts a sentence with a second conditional clause. the next student takes the result of the sentence, reforms it into another condition a nd suggests a further result.for example, the first student says,“ if i had a mil

17、lion dollars, i would buy a yacht” . the ssays, “ if i bought a yacht, i would go for a sail. the students may come up with sentences like these:53: if i went for a sail, there might be a storm.54: if there were a storm, my yacht would sink.55: if my yacht sank, i would die.56: if i died, my parents

18、 would cry.57: This is an example of _.practice practice mechanical practice a nd meaningful practice together of the above答案: C21第 21 题The _ view says that knowing how to do what you want to do also involves knowing whether it is appropriate to do, a nd where, when a nd how it is appropriate to do

19、it. in order to know this, you have to study the patterns a nd rules of language above the sentence level to learn how language is used in different speech contexts.答案: C22第 22 题Those words that one is not only able to recognize but also able to use in speech a nd writing are considered as one s _.

20、o r active o r passive o r passive o r active答案:D23第23 题At beginner level, most new words learned by students usually have immediate practical use a nd quickly become one s _ vocabulary.o r active o r active o r passive o r passive 答案: A 24第 24 题 According to Archambault (1964), a constructivist sch

21、olar, teachers must balance an understanding of the habits, characteristics as well as personalities of individual learners with an understanding of the means of _.the learners forward in their imitation the common rules of language the learners memorize the structures of language the learners'

22、interests a nd curiosity for learning 答案:D25第25 题According to Morm Chomsky, a large part of language acquisition is the learning of the rule-based system of language, a nd a language learner acquires language competence which enables him language.imitate produce repeat drill 答案:B26第26 题Ways of conso

23、lidating new words suggested in Wang Qiang s book (2000) include the following EXCEP _a nd drawinga nd drawing word series the words without any context 答案:D27第27 题Ways of consolidating new words suggested in Wang Qiang s book (2000) include the following EXCEP _the words word net-work categories th

24、e Internet resources for more ideas答案: A28第 28 题The activity of “ describing a nd drawing “ for vocabulary consolidation is often done. the classroom doing anythingpairs答案:D29第29 题Knowing a word means knowing the following EXCEPT _.meaning a nd how a nd when to use it to express the intended meaning

25、 origin a nd history pronunciation a nd stress spelling a nd grammatical properties答案: B 30第 30 题When teaching vocabulary we must take into consideration two kinds of meaning. for example, in the english culture the word “ dog” with its _ meaning referring to the animal itself has a _ meaning often

26、related to friendship a nd loyalty, but in a different culture the word may have different relations. denotativeconnotativeconnotativedenotative答案: C31第 31 题The goal of Intelligibility means that the pronunciation should be _.a nd natural答案: D32第 32 题According to Wang Qiang, to answer the question“

27、Can the students achieve the goal of ac-qliukiering nativepronunciation ” we must take into consideration three things: _.devotion, professional qualities, a nd personal style age, amount of exposure, a nd differences of individual ability factors, learner factors, a nd school factors,phonetic trans

28、cripts, a nd sounds 答案: B33第 33 题According to Ur (1996), as for the use of grammatical terminology, for younger learners, use of complex terminology _. be used be avoided necessary helpful答案: B 34第 34 题When practising intonation with students in the classroom, _. can explain the intonation to the st

29、udents never make the students know which part is a rise, a nd which part is a fall can use hand o r arm movement, use arrows, o r draw lines under/above the w o rds just let the intonation take place without our attention答案: C 35第 35 题According to Ur (1996), if the structure is not easy for the lea

30、rners to discovery themselves even with a context provided, it is better to teach the rule _.an abstract way a simple way 答案: B 36第 36 题When teaching grammar, some forms of using prompts for meaningful practice include using pictures, mimes o r gestures, information sheets, key phrase o r key w o rd

31、s, a nd f o r sto ry telling.phrases objects答案: A 37第 37 题When teaching grammar, “You are a stranger in this town " a nd "A policeman was asking some questions are two examples of using.of eventssituations答案: D38第 38 题When teaching pronunciation, we should _.an individual sound for more th

32、an a few minutes a timeB. c reate a pleasant, relaxed, a nd dynamic classroomthe students to imitate for a long timeauthoritative in our teaching答案:B39第39 题Examples of pronunciation perception practice include _.pictures a nd tongue twistersminimal pairs, a nd “odd one out”a nd discussionof the abov

33、e答案:B40第40 题When practising sounds, the activities “using minimal pairs , “which order" , "same o r different a nd “odd one out"belong to the categ o ry of.practicepracticea nd production practiceso r production practice答案: A41第 41 题Adjectives such as ' hardworking ' ,' wa

34、rm-hearted ' , a nd ' caring ' can be used to describe ateacher s _, one of the three elements of a good foreign language teacher.styleproficiencydevotionquality答案: A42第 42 题Actually pronunciation is an umbrella term covering many aspects besides sounds a nd phonetic symbols, such as _.,

35、intelligibility, a nd communicative efficiency,fluency a nd complexity,intonation, a nd rhythm,pronunciation a nd lexical meaning答案:C43第43 题As far as pronunciation is concerned, consistency a nd intelligibility in real communication.be enoughnot be enoughnot exitgo together答案:B44第44 题According to littlewood (1981), discovering missing information, discovering missing features, a nd following directions are examples of _.practicelanguagecommunicative activitiesinteraction activities答案:C4


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