已阅读5页,还剩3页未读 继续免费阅读




1、第1页,共 7 页2018-2019年沧州市民族大街社区居委会育才小学三年级上册英语模拟复习题无答案、我会选一选(选择题)1 找出单词中不同类的词()A. dogB. duckC. ten2 This is_ sweater.A. SamsB. Sam C. Sam s3 The oran ges are_ .5 Whats this?10 _ n ames Amy.11. -What that?A It aselephant.B It asbird.12. I see white.B. Good afternoo n.C. Me too.13 _ is your birthday?A. Wh

2、atB. WhenC. WhereA. YouB. MyC. IA. redB. green4 Are you Li Hua?C. orangeYes, _A. ImB. I amC. I am notA. Oh, really?6 _ .Bye-bye, Lin Tao.A. Good morningB. Its a pen cil.B. GoodbyeC. Oh, its nice. I like it.C. Good evening7 Lin Lin is_frie nd.A. I8初次相识的朋友对你说B. myC. youNice to meet you,你应该说: _A. Nice

3、to meet you, too.9 Look at me. This is my_B. How are you?B. eyeC. faceC. Eat some eggs.A. How are you?A. ear第2页,共 7 页14. Good morning.A. Hello.B. Good morni ng.15.读一读,选一选。(1)你好,我叫 Mike.()(2)你好!()(3)我是 White 小姐。()(4)你好,我是吴亦凡。()A. HelloB.I m MSs WhiteC.Hi, I m WuyifanD.Hello, I m Mike.二、想一想,填一填(填空题)17

4、.连词成句。(将重新排序的数字写在横线上。)(1)旳 u Thank boyg1234(2) are vnu And huvrQ1 2343) afternoon SanGood ,12344) )Im HlHi Shao ,1 234( (5) )zpod A“Hl1 231V18 .选择 a 或 an 填空。Its_ oran ge.19. nine three =_20. 写出所给单词的汉语意思及对应词。1.left ()C. Hi16. His hair isand her hair is第3页,共 7 页2.happy ()第 4 页, 共 7 页3.hot (- )21 我来比一比

5、,选择合适的词补全句子。1 The boy is_. The girl is_2 The boy is_ . The woman (女人)is_3 The man (男人)is_ . The boy is_.22 Good a_ , everybody.23 读算式,选答案,将序号写在横线上.three + four =_ 2.eight fotir =_3.four-_= one4.twoxfour =_5._ - three = six6.two five =_24 正确抄写句子,注意大小写和标点符号:look what are they they re pigs、手牵手,找朋友(连线题)

6、26.应答配对 Is this a hall? What colour is the hall? Where is the hall? How many halls? What do you like?(6) What can you see?27 中英文连线。A. Its yellow and black.B. There are two halls.C. Its in the school.D. I can see nice halls.E. Yes, its the hall.F. I like big halls.tall, shorttall, short第5页,共 7 页这里展览。

7、小兔子带着满( 3) _ (箱子)蔬菜刚到动物园就下起了瓢泼大雨, 幸好它准备了 (4)_(雨伞),才没有被淋湿。但是雨太大了,到处都是(5) _ (水),看来这次蔬菜展览会要延期举行了。32根据汉语拼写单词Good _ (下午) , Liu Tao.33翻译下列各句。( 1) Look at my jacket. (翻译成汉语) _(2)How nice ! (翻译成汉语) _( 3)看我。 (翻译成英语) _34汉译英( 1)红黄相间 _( 2)一件橙色的夹克 _( 3)一条绿色短裙 _( 4)什么颜色 _1. eraser2. hand3. juice4. girl5. ice crea

8、mA 冰淇淋B 橡皮C 女孩D 果汁E 手掌28给下列单词找到正确的翻译1. welcome2. boy3. girl4. first5. September29数字连连看。eight1two3three2one8four6six4并连线。A 男孩B 第一c.九月D 欢迎E. 女孩30读句子,连答语。1.How old are you?2.Happy birthday to you.3.Let s eat the birthday cake.4.How are you?5.Thank you very much.A Thank you.B You re welcome c I m nine.D

9、 Great!E I m fine.四、我是翻译家(英汉互译)31根据汉语提示填写单词,填在横线上。1)动物园)里举办了首届( 2)蔬菜)博览会。小动物都带着自己种的蔬菜来到第 6 页, 共 7 页(5)顶蓝色棒球帽 _(6)橙色的或是棕色的 _35.根据汉语提示补全单词。(1) rbt (机器人)(2) ty (玩具)(3) bl (球)(4) dl (玩具娃娃)(5) c(小汽车)五、我是小法官(判断题)36.判断下面说法是否正确。(Alice 和 Peter 都是女名。37.请你来当评委:判断下面的对话是否合理,正确的给(()1. How are you?Very well, tha n

10、k you.()2. Let s paint!Goodbye!()3. Good morning.Fine, tha nks.()4. Nice to meet you.Very well, tha nk you.()5. What s you name?I m Lucy.38.看图,圈出正确的答案。-Eleve n. / Twelve.(4) -How many lions?-Two. / Three.(2) - How many cats?),错误的给(一_一| )。(1) - How many dogs?-Four ./ Five.(3) -How many pencils?七g*第 7

11、 页, 共 7 页39.件红色的短裙a red skirt 判断对错(六、阅读理解40. 读对话,回答问题。In a shop, a woma n wants to buy a dress.Clerk: May I help you?Woman: Yes, please. I d like to buy a dress.Clerk: What color do you like?Woma n: I like red.Clerk: OK. Here you are.Woma n: Thank you. How much is it?Clerk: Ninety yuan.Woma n: OK. I

12、 will take it.()1. The woma n is_ .A . in a fruit shopB.in a clothes shopC.in a bookshop()2. The woma n wants to buy_ .A.a dressB.a skirtC.a sweater()3. She likes_ .A.blueB.yellowC.red()4. The dress is_yua n.A.nineB.nineteenC.ninety() 5.The woma n buys_ .A. one dressB two dressesC three dresses第8页,共 7 页41阅读文章,并根据文章内容填空This is my father. He is a cook. He likes to coo


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