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1、第1页,共 7 页2018-20 佃年淳安县汾口镇龙川小学三年级上册英语模拟练习题无答案一、我会选一选(选择题)1.How many_ ?A.cakesB.cakeC.a cake2.rm Li Pi ng.()A、 你好!李萍。B、 我是李萍。3. Its a dog. I like it.A. Cool!B. Wow!C. Tha nks.4._ 你想向父亲介绍自己的朋友马兰,你会说: _A . This is my friend. Ma Lan. B . Ma Lan, this is my father.C . This is my father, Ma Lan.5 .当你做错事,向别

2、人表示歉意时,应说: _A . Thank you! B . I m sorry.6 . -_ are you?-Im fine. Thank you._A. How oldB. HowC. What7 . -Goodbye, Miss White!A . Bye, Mr Black! B . OK!8 . _Mr Jon es.A. ImB. ThisA. meB. IC. my11.当你想知道他人有什么宠物时,你应该怎样问:_A . What pet do you have?B . What s its name?12.你想知道对方是谁,可以问:()A .How are you?B . W

3、ho are you?13.I am ill. I fell.C . Hello!A. Whats this? Its a hall.10 . This is_ gran dpa.B. Whats this? Its a ball.第2页,共 7 页A .happyB.sadC.late第3页,共 7 页14 你要告诉别人你有一支蜡笔,你应该说 _A I have a ruler. B . I have a crayon.15. I am nine,_ .A. to B. two C. too二、想一想,填一填(填空题)16.读一读,将与图片对应的单词的序号写在图片下面的括号里。A ballB

4、 bikeC bookD dollE rulerF shipG pencilH bagI eraser J kite17._ Its summer. Its . We ice creams. We go swimming. We likesummer.18. 将下列字母的大小写正确书写在四线三格内。BbDdFfJjTt _19. Now, the boys are_ (play) basketball.20. T_you, Tomy.21. 根据图片写出单词。第4页,共 7 页22.给句子排序,让它们变成一段通顺的对话,把字母标号填在相应的括号内。A. Hi, Sarah.B. Tha nks

5、.C. Its a pan da.D. Cool! I like it.E. Whats that?F. Hello, Mike.1.( F)2.() 3.()4.() 5.()6.()23. 写出下列字母的左邻右舍(前后相邻的字母),注意大小写书写要认真。(1)Dd(2)-Kk(3)= Oo(4)Gg24.正确抄写句子,注意大小写和标点符号 look what are they theyre pigs25. 写一写,写出下列字母的左邻右舍。_ Cc_ Ff_ Ii _Ll_ OoRr_Uu_ Xx二、手牵手,找朋友(连线题)26. 选出下列句子对应的汉语意思。连线How old are yo

6、u?A .你好吗?(第5页,共 7 页Happy birthday!B .惊喜!How are you?C .你多大了?Surprise!D .我们吃蛋糕吧。Lets eat the cake.E.生日快乐。27.选出下列句子对应的汉语意思。连线Have some eggs,too.A :需要帮忙吗?.rd like some milk.B :天哪,我的鱼!Here you are.C:给你。Oh, my fish!D :我想喝些牛奶。Can I help you?E:也吃些鸡蛋吧。28.读一读,选一选。(连线)1.How are you?AFine, tha nk you.2.Nice to

7、 meet you.BNice to meet you, too3.Colour it brow n.COK!4.Good after noon.DGood after noon(1)29.巧手连连看。(看图, 将图片与对应的城市连线)A . HongkongB.Beijing30.选择正确的译文。连线1AmyA .健康的2goodbyeB .埃米3fineC .再见4tha nk youD .谢谢你5ImE.我是C.HainanD.Shanghai四、我是翻译家(英汉互译)31 .中英互译。1. rain _ (多雨的)3. _ (太阳)sunny5.冷的_7. cool_32. 翻译下列单

8、词或者短语:1.黑板_ 2.窗户_4.女孩_ 5.男孩_7.再见_ 8.桌子_33. 翻译。2._ (雪)snowy4. wind _ (刮风的)6. warm_8.热的_3.门_6.指向_9.椅子_第6页,共 7 页1. 我的爷爷 _2. 你的姐姐_3. 高个子父亲_4. 矮个子母亲_5. 两个胖婴儿_6. 一个瘦老师_五、我是小法官(判断题)36.判断图片和单词是否相符,打“或打“X。”37.Read and judge.阅读短文,判断下列句子正(v)误(X)”A PicnicToday is Sun day. It s a sunny day. Mike and Tonyfarea pi

9、c nic. They go to a park. It s big and cleamany (许多的) people. They can see many green trees and flowers. Near (在.近旁) the gate, there is a lake.Some ducks are swimming in the lake.Mike and Tony bring(带来)many foods to eat: cakes, eggs, apple pies, sweets and some juice. Tony has a camera.They take man

10、y pictures. They have a good time.(1)Today is Mon day.()(2)Mike and Tony are out for a picnic.()(3)It s a small pafk. )(4)Near the gate, there is a farm.()(5)They have apple pies.()38.我会圈。(根据图片提示,圈出藏在字母中的单词宝宝)elepha ntlionpandamon keytiger(1)_你好!(2)_我是(3)_小姐34 根据汉语提示选择单词填在横线上。动物园里真热闹,(1)_(猴子)想吃桃,(2)

11、_ (老虎)啊呜叫,(3)_ (大象)鼻子甩,(4)35.翻译词组(狮子)真威风,还有(5)(大熊猫) 是国宝。)第7页,共 7 页39.阅读短文,判断对(T)错(F)。Little Johnny is a good boy. He studies very hard.He enjoys swimming, singing and playing football. He often watches footballon TV . He wants to be a football player in the future. His father likes watching football

12、 matches,too. Play ing football is theirfavourite.(1) Little Johnny is a good girl.()(2)Little Joh nny does nt like singing son gs.()(3) Little Johnny often watches football matches on TV .()(4) His father enjoys watching football , too.()(5) Their favourite is playing basketball. ()六、阅读理解40.野外大派对:今

13、天小朋友们去郊游,他们正在野餐,仔细读一读,看看他们都各自喜欢什么食物,填在表格的相应位置。Mike: I like chicken. John, what do you like? Joh n: I like hamburgers.Mike: Here you are, hamburgers.Joh n: Thank you.Mike: What do you like, Sarah?Sarah: I like Hot dogs.Mike: OK! Here you are.Sarah: Than ks.Mike: What do you like, Bai Lin g?Bai Ling:

14、Pass me bread.Chen Jie: Me too!Mike: OK! Have some bread.第8页,共 7 页Bai Ling, Chen Jie: Thank you.人名MikeJoh nSarahBai LingChe n Jie食物41 阅读对话,判断正误(正确打错误打“X”)A: Good morning, Mr Wang.B: Good morning, Miss Li.A: Mr Wang, what are they?B: They are small. They are yellow. Theyre chicks.A: How many chicks?B: One, two, three. There are ten.A: Do you like chicks?B: Yes, I like chicks.A: What are they on the flowers?B: They are ladybirds.A: W


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