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1、3/24/2022师大商学院外国语学院1TEM 4 系列辅导系列辅导 -TEM 4-TEM 4语语法法综综述述Grammar 第一讲第一讲劉曉康老師制作3/24/2022师大商学院外国语学院2 2TEM 4 系列辅导系列辅导九大常考语法点:九大常考语法点:1. 虚拟语气2. 非谓语动词3. 定语从句4. 状语从句5. 名词性从句(定语从句、宾语从句、同位语从句)6. 情态动词7. 反义疑问句8. 时态9. 一些特定功能词汇的用法(much, more, such, anything but, enough等)劉曉康老師制作3/24/2022师大商学院外国语学院3 3TEM 4 系列辅导系列辅导

2、1. 虚拟语气虚拟语气Subjunctive Mood劉曉康老師制作3/24/2022师大商学院外国语学院4 4TEM 4 系列辅导系列辅导A. 虚拟语气概要:虚拟语气概要:现代英语中有三种语气:现代英语中有三种语气:1.陈述语气(indicative mood)2.祈使语气(imperative mood)3.虚拟语气(subjunctive mood)劉曉康老師制作3/24/2022师大商学院外国语学院5 5TEM 4 系列辅导系列辅导A. 虚拟语气概要:虚拟语气概要:专业四级考试语法与词汇部分(除2001年外)每年至少有一道相关试题涉及虚拟语气,平均下来达到每年2题,总计有30题。年年

3、92939495969798990001020304050607合合计计题题数数3 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1/2 1 3 3 4 230劉曉康老師制作3/24/2022师大商学院外国语学院6 6TEM 4 系列辅导系列辅导虚拟条件句结构表虚拟条件句结构表If 从句主句与现在事实相反动词的过去式(be 为were)Would (should) + 动词原形与过去事实相反动词的过去完成式(had +动词的过去分词)Would (should, could, might) + have + 动词的过去分词与将来事实相反 动词的过去式(be 为were)2. Were + 不定式3. Shoul

4、d + 动词原形 Would (should, could, might) + 动词原形劉曉康老師制作3/24/2022师大商学院外国语学院7 7TEM 4 系列辅导系列辅导B. 考点分类考点分类 - 从句省略连词从句省略连词if的虚拟语气的虚拟语气1. be动词动词were提到从句主语的前面。提到从句主语的前面。Were I you, I would take an umbrella with me. There is a real possibility that these animals could be frightened,should there be a sudden loud

5、 noise.劉曉康老師制作3/24/2022师大商学院外国语学院8 8TEM 4 系列辅导系列辅导B. 考点分类考点分类 - 从句省略连词从句省略连词if的虚拟语气的虚拟语气2动词动词should / had提到从句主语的前面。提到从句主语的前面。Should I have time, I would call her。Had I known it, I have told youHad the damage been worse,the insurance company would have paid more。劉曉康老師制作3/24/2022师大商学院外国语学院9 9TEM 4 系列辅

6、导系列辅导B. 考点分类考点分类 - 从句省略连词从句省略连词if的虚拟语气的虚拟语气真题举例及分析真题举例及分析例1: _ for the fact that she broke her leg,she might have passed the exam.(2002:50)A. Had it not beenB. Hadnt it beenC. Was it not D. Were it not劉曉康老師制作3/24/2022师大商学院外国语学院1010TEM 4 系列辅导系列辅导B. 考点分类考点分类 - 从句省略连词从句省略连词if的虚拟语气的虚拟语气真题举例及分析真题举例及分析例2:

7、 _, he would not have recovered so quickly.(199565)Hadnt he been taken good care ofHad he not been taken good care ofC. Had not he been taken good care ofD. Had he been not taken good care of劉曉康老師制作3/24/2022师大商学院外国语学院1111TEM 4 系列辅导系列辅导B. 考点分类考点分类 - 从句省略连词从句省略连词if的虚拟语气的虚拟语气真题举例及分析真题举例及分析例3: _ their h

8、elp, we would not have succeeded。 (1992:55)AHadnt been forB. Had it not been forC. It hadnt been forD. Had not it been for劉曉康老師制作3/24/2022师大商学院外国语学院1212TEM 4 系列辅导系列辅导B. 考点分类考点分类 - 从句省略连词从句省略连词if的虚拟语气的虚拟语气真题举例及分析真题举例及分析例4: _ you were busy, I wouldnt have bothered you with my questions.(1994-62)A. if

9、I realizedB. Had I realizedC. I realized that D. As I realized劉曉康老師制作3/24/2022师大商学院外国语学院1313TEM 4 系列辅导系列辅导B. 考点分类考点分类 - 从句省略连词从句省略连词if的虚拟语气的虚拟语气真题举例及分析真题举例及分析例5: _ you _ further problems with your printer, contact your dealer for advice. (200563)A. If, had B. Have, hadC. Should, have D. in case, had

10、劉曉康老師制作3/24/2022师大商学院外国语学院1414TEM 4 系列辅导系列辅导B. 考点分类考点分类 - 从句省略连词从句省略连词if的虚拟语气的虚拟语气练习:练习:1: _ right now, she would get there on Sunday A. Would she leaveB. If she leavesC. Were she to leaveD. If she had left?劉曉康老師制作3/24/2022师大商学院外国语学院1515TEM 4 系列辅导系列辅导B. 考点分类考点分类 - 从句省略连词从句省略连词if的虚拟语气的虚拟语气练习:练习:2: _

11、before we depart the day after tomorrow, we should have a wonderful dinner party A. Had they arrivedB. Would they arriveC. Were they arrivingD. Were they to arrive劉曉康老師制作3/24/2022师大商学院外国语学院1616TEM 4 系列辅导系列辅导C. 考点分类考点分类 - 与过去事实相反的虚拟语气与过去事实相反的虚拟语气结构:结构:在描述与过去事实相反的非真实条件句中,需要使用虚拟语气。条件从句的谓语动词通常用had过去分词,结

12、果主句的谓语动词用should(第一人称)或would(第二、三人称)have过去分词;劉曉康老師制作3/24/2022师大商学院外国语学院1717TEM 4 系列辅导系列辅导C. 考点分类考点分类 - 与过去事实相反的虚拟语气与过去事实相反的虚拟语气Examples:* If I had left a little earlier, I would have caught the train. If I hadnt taken your advice, I would have made a bad mistake. She would have come, if she hadnt bee

13、n so busy. 劉曉康老師制作3/24/2022师大商学院外国语学院1818TEM 4 系列辅导系列辅导C. 考点分类考点分类 - 与过去事实相反的虚拟语气与过去事实相反的虚拟语气真题举例及分析真题举例及分析例1:All of us would have enjoyed the party much more if there _ quite such a crowd of people there.(2000:49)A. werent B. hasnt beenC. hadnt beenD. wouldnt been劉曉康老師制作3/24/2022师大商学院外国语学院1919TEM 4

14、 系列辅导系列辅导C. 考点分类考点分类 - 与过去事实相反的虚拟语气与过去事实相反的虚拟语气真题举例及分析真题举例及分析例2:I _ the party much more if there hadnt been quite such a crowd of people there. A. would enjoyB. will have enjoyedC. would have enjoyedD. will be enjoying劉曉康老師制作3/24/2022师大商学院外国语学院2020TEM 4 系列辅导系列辅导C. 考点分类考点分类 - 与过去事实相反的虚拟语气与过去事实相反的虚拟语气

15、真题举例及分析真题举例及分析例3:I was to have made a speech if _ . (19975 1)I was not called awayB. nobody would have called me awayC. I had not been called awayD. nobody called me away劉曉康老師制作3/24/2022师大商学院外国语学院2121TEM 4 系列辅导系列辅导C. 考点分类考点分类 - 与过去事实相反的虚拟语气与过去事实相反的虚拟语气真题举例及分析真题举例及分析例4:If you _ in such a hurry you _

16、sugar into the sauce instead of salt.(199250)A. were not, would not putB. were, would putC. had been, would have put D. had not been, would not have put劉曉康老師制作3/24/2022师大商学院外国语学院2222TEM 4 系列辅导系列辅导C. 考点分类考点分类 - 与过去事实相反的虚拟语气与过去事实相反的虚拟语气真题举例及分析真题举例及分析例5:_ if I had arrived yesterday without letting you

17、know beforehand?(200444)A. Would you be surprisedB. Were you surprisedC. Had you been surprisedD. Would you have been surprised劉曉康老師制作3/24/2022师大商学院外国语学院2323TEM 4 系列辅导系列辅导C. 考点分类考点分类 - 与过去事实相反的虚拟语气与过去事实相反的虚拟语气【补充】混合虚拟式,或交错虚拟式:有时,从句的动词所表示的动作和主句的动词所表示的动作不一致,这时就要使用混合虚拟式。* If I had taken my raincoat whe

18、n I came out this morning, I would not be wet now. * If I were you, I wouldnt have missed the film last night. 劉曉康老師制作3/24/2022师大商学院外国语学院2424TEM 4 系列辅导系列辅导C. 考点分类考点分类 - 与过去事实相反的虚拟语气与过去事实相反的虚拟语气真题举例及分析真题举例及分析例6:If you explained the situation to your solicitor, he _ able to advise you much better than

19、 I can.(2005:51)A. would beB. will have beenC. was D. were劉曉康老師制作3/24/2022师大商学院外国语学院2525TEM 4 系列辅导系列辅导D. 考点分类考点分类 - 结构结构“It is (high, about, the) time.”中的虚拟语气中的虚拟语气在句型“It is (high, about, the) time”虚拟语气中的谓语动词通常用过去式,指现在或将来的情况,表示“早该做某事而已经有些晚了”。劉曉康老師制作3/24/2022师大商学院外国语学院2626TEM 4 系列辅导系列辅导D. 考点分类考点分类 -

20、结构结构“It is (high, about, the) time.”中的虚拟语气中的虚拟语气Its the time the children learned how to behave properly.Its about time people took notice of what women did during the war.劉曉康老師制作3/24/2022师大商学院外国语学院2727TEM 4 系列辅导系列辅导D. 考点分类考点分类 - It is (high, about, the) time真题举例及分析真题举例及分析例1:-“What courses are you g

21、oing to do next semester?” -“I dont know. But its about time _ on something.”(200251)A. Id decide B. I decidedC. I decide D. Im deciding劉曉康老師制作3/24/2022师大商学院外国语学院2828TEM 4 系列辅导系列辅导D. 考点分类考点分类 - It is (high, about, the) time真题举例及分析真题举例及分析例2:If you have really been studying English for so long, its ab

22、out time you _ able to write letters in English.(199949)A. could be B. wereC. must be D. are劉曉康老師制作3/24/2022师大商学院外国语学院2929TEM 4 系列辅导系列辅导D. 考点分类考点分类 - It is (high, about, the) time真题举例及分析真题举例及分析例3:That was not the first time he _ us. I think its high time we _ strong actions against him. (200560)A. b

23、etrayedtake B. had betrayedtookC. has betrayedtookD. has betrayedtake劉曉康老師制作3/24/2022师大商学院外国语学院3030TEM 4 系列辅导系列辅导D. 考点分类考点分类 - It is (high, about, the) time真题举例及分析真题举例及分析例4:Its high time we _ cutting down the rainforests. (2006. 54)A. stopped B. had to stopC. shall stopD. stop劉曉康老師制作3/24/2022师大商学院外国

24、语学院3131TEM 4 系列辅导系列辅导E. 考点分类考点分类 - 让步状语从句中的虚拟语气让步状语从句中的虚拟语气Though, if, even if, even though, whatever, however, granted that 等连接代词或副词引导的让步状语从句中可以使用虚拟语气,但是主句一般用直陈语气。劉曉康老師制作3/24/2022师大商学院外国语学院3232TEM 4 系列辅导系列辅导However dangerous it might be, I would have a try.We wont change our plan even if the rumor

25、be true.Though everyone desert you, I will notE. 考点分类考点分类 - 让步状语从句中的虚拟语气让步状语从句中的虚拟语气劉曉康老師制作3/24/2022师大商学院外国语学院3333TEM 4 系列辅导系列辅导真题举例及分析真题举例及分析例1:Much as _, I couldnt lend him the money because I simply didnt have that much spare cash。 (199952)A. I would have liked to B. I would like to haveC. I shou

26、ld have to like D. I should have liked toE. 考点分类考点分类 - 让步状语从句中的虚拟语气让步状语从句中的虚拟语气劉曉康老師制作3/24/2022师大商学院外国语学院3434TEM 4 系列辅导系列辅导真题举例及分析真题举例及分析例2:Home is home, _ ever so homely (199252)A. it is B. it wereC. be itD. it beE. 考点分类考点分类 - 让步状语从句中的虚拟语气让步状语从句中的虚拟语气劉曉康老師制作3/24/2022师大商学院外国语学院3535TEM 4 系列辅导系列辅导在叙述与

27、将来事实相反的情况时,需要使用虚拟语气。条件状语从句谓语动词一般结构为:一般过去式,werewas十不定式,或should动词原形。主句的谓语动词一般用wouldshould十动词原形。F. 考点分类考点分类 - 与将来事实相反的虚拟语气与将来事实相反的虚拟语气劉曉康老師制作3/24/2022师大商学院外国语学院3636TEM 4 系列辅导系列辅导If she were to marry Jack, she would be happyIf it should rain again, what else could I do?If it snowed tomorrow, I shouldwou

28、ld stay at home. F. 考点分类考点分类 - 与将来事实相反的虚拟语气与将来事实相反的虚拟语气劉曉康老師制作3/24/2022师大商学院外国语学院3737TEM 4 系列辅导系列辅导真题举例及分析真题举例及分析例1:If your car _ any attention during the first 12 months, take it to an authorized dealer.(199843)A. shall need B. should needC. would needD. will needF. 考点分类考点分类 - 与将来事实相反的虚拟语气与将来事实相反的虚

29、拟语气劉曉康老師制作3/24/2022师大商学院外国语学院3838TEM 4 系列辅导系列辅导真题举例及分析真题举例及分析例2:I _ writing the paper as scheduled, but my mothers illness interfered. I hope you will excuse me。(199354)A. am to have finished B. was to have finishedC. was to finish D. ought to finishF. 考点分类考点分类 - 与将来事实相反的虚拟语气与将来事实相反的虚拟语气劉曉康老師制作3/24/

30、2022师大商学院外国语学院3939TEM 4 系列辅导系列辅导1 1表示主表示主观观判判断断、推、推测测和表示命令、和表示命令、决决定、要求、建定、要求、建议议之之类类的的词词的相的相关从关从句中。句中。如:ask(要求,advise(劝告),beg(请求),command(命令),consent(同意),demand(要求),desire(要求),determine(决意),decide(决定),deserve(值得提起),expect(期望),insist(坚持),intend(打算),maintain(主张),move(移动),order(命令),prefer(情愿),propose(

31、提议),recommend(劝告),request(要求),require(要求),resolve(决意),suggest(建议),urge(极力主张),vote(提议)。G. 考点分类考点分类 - 几种常用几种常用“(should)+动词动词原形原形”表示虚拟语气的结构表示虚拟语气的结构劉曉康老師制作3/24/2022师大商学院外国语学院4040TEM 4 系列辅导系列辅导宾语从宾语从句:句:He suggested that we (should)take notes while listening to the lecture.In the past men generally pref

32、erred that their wives (should) work in the home. G. 考点分类考点分类 - 几种常用几种常用“(should)+动词动词原形原形”表示虚拟语气的结构表示虚拟语气的结构劉曉康老師制作3/24/2022师大商学院外国语学院4141TEM 4 系列辅导系列辅导(b) 部分上述动词名词形式的同位语从句:(包括部分上述动词名词形式的同位语从句:(包括necessity必必要性,要性,pray恳求,恳求,preference偏爱,偏爱,plan计划,计划,idea主意)主意)He put forward the suggestion that we(sh

33、ould)take notes while listening to the lecture.This is their resolution that extra-curriculum activities be made part of their school lifeG. 考点分类考点分类 - 几种常用几种常用“(should)+动词动词原形原形”表示虚拟语气的结构表示虚拟语气的结构劉曉康老師制作3/24/2022师大商学院外国语学院4242TEM 4 系列辅导系列辅导(c) 部分上述动词名词形式的表语从句:部分上述动词名词形式的表语从句:His suggestion was that

34、 we(should) take notes while listening to the lecture。G. 考点分类考点分类 - 几种常用几种常用“(should)+动词动词原形原形”表示虚拟语气的结构表示虚拟语气的结构劉曉康老師制作3/24/2022师大商学院外国语学院4343TEM 4 系列辅导系列辅导(d) 主语从句:(另主语从句:(另: It is arranged that)It was suggested that we(should)take notes while listening to the lecture.It was arranged that they(sho

35、uld)leave the following weekG. 考点分类考点分类 - 几种常用几种常用“(should)+动词动词原形原形”表示虚拟语气的结构表示虚拟语气的结构劉曉康老師制作3/24/2022师大商学院外国语学院4444TEM 4 系列辅导系列辅导2 2“ “It isIt is形容形容词词+ that+ that从从句句” ”结构结构中。中。这些形容词分别为:advisable(适当的),adamant(坚定不移的),appropriate(适当的),better(较好的),desirable(向往的),essential(基本的),imperative(迫切的),Import

36、ant(重要的),insistent(坚定的),incredible(难以置信的),keen(渴望的),natural(自然的),necessary(必要的),obligatory(规定的),possible(可能的),preferable(更可取的),probable(可能的),strange(奇怪的),urgent(紧迫的),vital(极其重要的)。 G. 考点分类考点分类 - 几种常用几种常用“(should)+动词动词原形原形”表示虚拟语气的结构表示虚拟语气的结构劉曉康老師制作3/24/2022师大商学院外国语学院4545TEM 4 系列辅导系列辅导It is desirable t

37、hat the agreement be signed before MayI dont think it advisable that he (should) be assigned to the lob since he has no experience at all.G. 考点分类考点分类 - 几种常用几种常用“(should)+动词动词原形原形”表示虚拟语气的结构表示虚拟语气的结构劉曉康老師制作3/24/2022师大商学院外国语学院4646TEM 4 系列辅导系列辅导3“It is a pityshameno wonderones wishthat从句”结构中。如:It is a g

38、reat pity that he should be so conceited. G. 考点分类考点分类 - 几种常用几种常用“(should)+动词动词原形原形”表示虚拟语气的结构表示虚拟语气的结构劉曉康老師制作3/24/2022师大商学院外国语学院4747TEM 4 系列辅导系列辅导4以lest, in case, for fear that(以免)引导的目的状语从句。如:* You should exercise vigilance lest you should be killed. * Take your coat in case it(should)rainG. 考点分类考点分类

39、 - 几种常用几种常用“(should)+动词动词原形原形”表示虚拟语气的结构表示虚拟语气的结构劉曉康老師制作3/24/2022师大商学院外国语学院4848TEM 4 系列辅导系列辅导真题举例及分析真题举例及分析例1: It was recommended that passengers _ smoke during the flight.(1994. 58)A. not B. need notC. could notD. wouldG. 考点分类考点分类 - 几种常用几种常用“(should)+动词动词原形原形”表示虚拟语气的结构表示虚拟语气的结构劉曉康老師制作3/24/2022师大商学院外

40、国语学院4949TEM 4 系列辅导系列辅导真题举例及分析真题举例及分析例2: The opening ceremony is a great occasion. It is essential _ for that.(2003, 47)for us to be prepared B. that we are preparedC. of us to be prepared D. our being preparedG. 考点分类考点分类 - 几种常用几种常用“(should)+动词动词原形原形”表示虚拟语气的结构表示虚拟语气的结构劉曉康老師制作3/24/2022师大商学院外国语学院5050TEM 4 系列辅导


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