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1、不明原因疾病的流行病学调查方法不明原因疾病的流行病学调查方法The Epidemiologic Approach to Disease of Unknown Cause.2调查调查+控制控制+调查调查+控制控制+未知未知调查调查+控制控制+调查调查 +控制控制+已知已知未知未知已知已知传染源或传播模式传染源或传播模式病原体病原体3疾病聚集疾病聚集报告增多原因报告增多原因 健康知识的传播健康知识的传播 电影:电影:“Erin Brockovich”(布罗克维奇(布罗克维奇/ 永不妥协永不妥协/ 伊人当自强)伊人当自强) 互联网:互联网: 信息渠道信息渠道 分享信息分享信息 传播谣言、怀疑、恐慌传

2、播谣言、怀疑、恐慌4“A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.” “一知半解,更加危险一知半解,更加危险”(英谚)5疾病聚集疾病聚集报告增多原因报告增多原因 健康知识的传播健康知识的传播 对政府的不信任对政府的不信任 (美国)政府刻意掩盖(美国)政府刻意掩盖 个别流氓科学家的作为个别流氓科学家的作为 Tuskegee(Alabama) 事件(事件(1943-1973) 一粒老鼠屎害了一锅粥一粒老鼠屎害了一锅粥6疾病聚集疾病聚集报告增多原因报告增多原因 健康知识的传播健康知识的传播 对政府的不信任对政府的不信任 非传染病发病率增加非传染病发病率增加 传染病

3、的减少传染病的减少 人均寿命增加人均寿命增加 疾病监测的加强疾病监测的加强 环境污染、行为危险因素环境污染、行为危险因素 报告能力和发现意识报告能力和发现意识7种类种类ClassificationTotalPercent胃肠道胃肠道Gastrointestinal12523肿瘤肿瘤Cancers8015命名的综合症命名的综合症Named syndromes7514神经神经Neurological5510其他其他Other509呼吸道呼吸道Respiratory458出生缺陷出生缺陷Birth defects407不明原因死亡不明原因死亡Unexplained death204医疗反应医疗反应M

4、edical reactions204实验室人为错误实验室人为错误Laboratory artifacts153群体反应群体反应Mass sociogenic reactions102皮疹皮疹Rashes102所有不明原因所有不明原因All unknown cause545100美国美国CDC调查的不明原因疾病调查的不明原因疾病Investigations of diseases of unknown etiology, US CDC 1946-19998不明原因综合症不明原因综合症Syndromes of unknown cause identified in sample Kawasaki

5、 Disease, Brainerd diarrhea, 传染性单核细胞增多综合症传染性单核细胞增多综合症Infectious mononucleosis 格林巴例综合症格林巴例综合症Guillian-Barre Syndrome 系统性红斑狼疮系统性红斑狼疮Systemic Lupus erythematosis 雷氏综合症雷氏综合症Reyes syndrome 溶血性尿毒综合症溶血性尿毒综合症Hemolytic-Uremic Syndrome 海湾战争综合症海湾战争综合症Gulf War Syndrome9不明原因死亡调查不明原因死亡调查Unexplained death investig

6、ationsUnexplained death investigations 婴幼儿突然死亡综合症婴幼儿突然死亡综合症Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) 夜间突然死亡夜间突然死亡Sudden unexplained nocturnal death 家族性肾上腺脑白质营养不良聚集性家族性肾上腺脑白质营养不良聚集性Familial clusters 医疗错误医疗错误Medical malpractice 10现场流行病学现场流行病学(暴发疫情)(暴发疫情)调查步骤调查步骤 组织准备 核实诊断 确定暴发或流行的存在 建立病例定义 核实病例并计算病例数 描述性分析(

7、三间分布) 建立并检验假设 迅速采取控制措施 完善现场调查 报告交流反馈一般是一般是10个步骤个步骤1112131415美国四个州的无痛性甲状腺炎调查美国四个州的无痛性甲状腺炎调查南达科他南达科他 明尼苏达明尼苏达 艾奥瓦艾奥瓦内布拉斯加内布拉斯加 16内布拉斯加内布拉斯加 Nebraska 1984Nebraska 1984 42 个病例个病例 Elevated T4 and symptoms(焦虑、呼吸短促、(焦虑、呼吸短促、心悸、心跳加快、体重减轻)心悸、心跳加快、体重减轻) 6 Counties Case control study for Dietary iodine Cold an

8、d cough medicines “viral illness” 53% vs 32% p=0.05 Viral cultures, HLA typing, Urinary Iodine17南达科他南达科他 明尼苏达明尼苏达 18June 1985 a specialist reports 8 cases June 1985 a specialist reports 8 cases from a neighboring statefrom a neighboring state Onset Max. 24 hr. Age Sex Residencedate T4* RAIU (%)53MVa

9、lley Springs, S.D.3 84 20 0.634FValley Springs, S.D.5 85 18 17.057MBeaver Creek, S.D. 5 85 22 1.041FValley Springs, S.D.5 85 18 2.676FValley Springs, S.D.6 85 14 7.8 ?MLuverne, Minn. 6 85 high 1.029MValley Springs, S.D. ? 27 2.2 ?MLuverne, Minn. ? high low*normal range = 5 12.RAIU 甲状腺低放射性碘摄入甲状腺低放射性碘

10、摄入; normal range = 10% 35%.19Initial stepsInitial steps Verify the diagnosis Is this a laboratory error? Will other specialists confirm the diagnosis? Interview Patients Notify adjacent states Find more hyperthyroisism2021Symptoms of 28 patients with elevated Symptoms of 28 patients with elevated T4

11、T4 Symptom PercentFatigue 92Weakness 83Tachycardia or palpitations79Shortness of breath 68Weight loss 66Tremor 62Nervousness 60Sleeplessness 51Headaches 45Heat intolerance 38Excessive sweating 34Diarrhea 1622Widened Case FindingWidened Case Findingl Survey of patient records from medical clinics (4

12、states) for past 18 monthsl Telephone survey of doctors in areal Letters to all doctors in arealDescribe the outbreaklRequest reporting23Case definition applied to all reportsCase definition applied to all reports T4, free T4 or T3 25% higher than upper limit of normal for the laboratory 2 of the fo

13、llowing: Sleeplessness, nervousness, headache, increased heart rate, palpitations, short of breath, fatigue, sweating, tremor, diarrhea, heat intolerance, weight loss. Excluded Graves disease, T4 replacement24Case finding identified 121 cases that Case finding identified 121 cases that fit the defin

14、ition.fit the definition.Age group M F Total (years) #(%) 0 9 112 (2)10 19 358 (7)20 29 7815(12)30 39 151429(24)40 49 81018(15)50 59 16622(18)60 69 9514(12) 70+ 31013(11)Total 6259 121(100)25ThyrotoxicosisThyrotoxicosis by month by month 26Incidence of Incidence of thyrotoxicosisthyrotoxicosis per 1

15、0,000 per 10,000 by countyby county27New informationNew information Experts opinion Viral cause Iodine-induced hyperthyroidism Information from new cases Family of 5 4 cases ate meat 1 non-case a vegetarian Food from one store all national except local “beef trimmings” Was beef contaminated with iod

16、ine? 28The second case control study showed a The second case control study showed a very specific associationvery specific association调查暴发的调查暴发的1010个步骤个步骤 10 steps of an outbreak investigation准备现场工作准备现场工作 Prepare for field work证实暴发存在证实暴发存在 Establish existence of an outbreakTimeVerify the diagnosis

17、验证诊断验证诊断Define, count, and interview cases 定义,计数,采访病例定义,计数,采访病例确定人、地点和时间特征确定人、地点和时间特征 Characterize person, place and timeDevelop a hypothesis 提出假设提出假设Develop analytic study to test hypothesis 通过分析研究验证假说通过分析研究验证假说Reconsider, refine, retest hypothesis 再推敲,修正和再检验假说再推敲,修正和再检验假说实施控制措施实施控制措施 Implement Con

18、trol将调查结果进行交流将调查结果进行交流 Communicate Findings30知道病原体有很大的优势,比如:伤寒知道病原体有很大的优势,比如:伤寒Knowing the etiology is a major advantage. E.g. TyphoidKnowing the etiology is a major advantage. E.g. Typhoid 食物或者水源传播食物或者水源传播Transmission by food or water 人是唯一宿主人是唯一宿主Human reservoir only 人传人罕见人传人罕见Person to person tran

19、smission very rare 70%病例是隐形感染病例是隐形感染70% infections asymptomatic 潜伏期潜伏期8-24天天8-24 day incubation period 治疗方法明确治疗方法明确Treatment well defined 病例定义和确诊方法病例定义和确诊方法Case definitions and confirmatory tests31受关注的程度不一样:领导关注度受关注的程度不一样:领导关注度l 截至截至5月月19日第日第362人次人次 国家类专家:国家共派国家类专家:国家共派49批批170人次,人次, 国家临床国家临床29批,批,12

20、2人次人次 流行病等专家流行病等专家20批,批,48人次。人次。 省级类专家:总共派省级类专家:总共派43批批105人人 临床专家临床专家30批批75人人 流行病学等专家流行病学等专家13批批30人。人。 行政领导和司机行政领导和司机87人(列表)人(列表) 花名册,文件、简讯、工作报告花名册,文件、简讯、工作报告 流调信息组、临床救治组、宣传教育组、样本采集运流调信息组、临床救治组、宣传教育组、样本采集运输组、综合组输组、综合组32Unexplained respiratory disease and death in four states Other individual persons

21、 with similar illness in same large area.May 14 1993, two members of the same family die within 5 daysFever, myalgias, headache, and cough, Rapid development of respiratory failure.Tests for plague and other respiratory pathogens yielded no cause.333435363738 新浪、雅虎、腾讯对阜阳的报道新浪、雅虎、腾讯对阜阳的报道调查暴发的调查暴发的10

22、10个步骤个步骤 10 steps of an outbreak investigation准备现场工作准备现场工作 Prepare for field work证实暴发存在证实暴发存在 Establish existence of an outbreakTimeVerify the diagnosis 验证诊断验证诊断Define, count, and interview cases 定义,计数,采访病例定义,计数,采访病例确定人、地点和时间特征确定人、地点和时间特征 Characterize person, place and timeDevelop a hypothesis 提出假设提

23、出假设Develop analytic study to test hypothesis 通过分析研究验证假说通过分析研究验证假说Reconsider, refine, retest hypothesis 再推敲,修正和再检验假说再推敲,修正和再检验假说实施控制措施实施控制措施 Implement Control将调查结果进行交流将调查结果进行交流 Communicate Findings要重点考查实验室检测要重点考查实验室检测 已经做过什么检测?已经做过什么检测?What diagnostic tests have been done 什么应该做的检测还没有做呢?什么应该做的检测还没有做呢?

24、What diagnostic tests have not been done什么检测做了?什么检测没有做?什么检测做了?什么检测没有做?What tests were done or not done?What tests were done or not done?检测检测Test ResultTiming痰涂片痰涂片Sputum smearND血培养血培养Blood CultureND鼠疫鼠疫F1抗体抗体Plague F-1 antibody-earlySARS PCR-OKAI PCR-OK兔拉热免疫荧光兔拉热免疫荧光Tularemia CF-early鹦鹉热免疫荧光鹦鹉热免疫荧光P

25、sittacosis CFND呼吸道合呼吸道合 胞病毒胞病毒IgM RSV IgM+-early426期的麻疹期的麻疹阜阳的第一份流调报告阜阳的第一份流调报告43要敢于怀疑他们的同质性癌症村2002年9月14日南京汤山中毒事件42人死亡,最终确诊为毒鼠强和氟乙酰胺联合中毒;44要注意假疫情癔病空姐的皮疹小孩身上的沥青调查暴发的调查暴发的1010个步骤个步骤 10 steps of an outbreak investigation准备现场工作准备现场工作 Prepare for field work证实暴发存在证实暴发存在 Establish existence of an outbreakT

26、imeVerify the diagnosis 验证诊断验证诊断Define, count, and interview cases 定义,计数,采访病例定义,计数,采访病例确定人、地点和时间特征确定人、地点和时间特征 Characterize person, place and timeDevelop a hypothesis 提出假设提出假设Develop analytic study to test hypothesis 通过分析研究验证假说通过分析研究验证假说Reconsider, refine, retest hypothesis 再推敲,修正和再检验假说再推敲,修正和再检验假说实施

27、控制措施实施控制措施 Implement Control将调查结果进行交流将调查结果进行交流 Communicate Findings疾病的标识符:疾病的标识符: Disease Identifiers:Disease Identifiers: 症状症状Symptomatology 体征(物理检查)体征(物理检查) Signs (Physical examination) 临床评价(肌电图,脑电图,等)临床评价(肌电图,脑电图,等)Clinical evaluations (EKG, EEG, etc.) 不符合其他疾病不符合其他疾病Lack of compatibility with oth

28、er diseases 对治疗的反应对治疗的反应Response to treatment 实验室检测(病毒分离、血糖等)实验室检测(病毒分离、血糖等) Laboratory tests (virus isolation, blood sugar, etc.)使用能使用能够够包括多数病例或者所有病例的一个症状包括多数病例或者所有病例的一个症状Use one characteristic that will include most or all cases 腹泻腹泻Diarrhea 发烧发烧Fever 皮疹皮疹Rash 皮疹皮疹+发烧发烧 Rash+fever 黄疸黄疸Jaundice 咳嗽咳

29、嗽+发烧发烧 Cough + fever使用一些更特异的症状使用一些更特异的症状Use a number of more specific characteristics 草莓舌草莓舌Strawberry tongue 柯氏斑柯氏斑Koplicks spots 脑脊液脑脊液Spinal fluid WBCs 50/ml 冠状动脉瘤冠状动脉瘤Coronary artery aneurisms与其他疾病不符与其他疾病不符Lack of compatibility with other diseasesLack of compatibility with other diseases 不是其他已知病

30、因的皮疹不是其他已知病因的皮疹Rash not known to be due to another etiology 没有那些能明确引起嗜酸性粒细胞增多的原因的没有那些能明确引起嗜酸性粒细胞增多的原因的记录记录No record of any known cause of eosinophilia 尸检不能发现死亡原因尸检不能发现死亡原因Postmortem examination fails to demonstrate an adequate cause of death Epidemiologic criteriaEpidemiologic criteria流行病学标准流行病学标准 时

31、间时间Time 地点地点Place 人人Person 宿主因素(基础疾病)宿主因素(基础疾病) Host factors (underlying illness) 与其他病例的关系与其他病例的关系Linkages to other cases 与危险因素的关系与危险因素的关系Associations with risk factors避免包括怀疑的暴露避免包括怀疑的暴露Avoid including suspected exposureAvoid including suspected exposure 吃过吃过A牌爆米花后牌爆米花后72小时出现腹泻或者呕吐小时出现腹泻或者呕吐 diarrhe

32、a or vomiting occurring up to 72 hours after eating Brand A popcorn. 暴发期间,特异度增加暴发期间,特异度增加During outbreaks specificity improves90% Specificity50% Specificity在封闭人群中的病例定义在封闭人群中的病例定义Case definition in a closed groupCase definition in a closed group真正的病例真正的病例True Case类似的病例类似的病例Similar disease在开放人群中的病例定义在

33、开放人群中的病例定义Case definition in an open groupCase definition in an open groupTrue CaseSimilar disease调查暴发的调查暴发的1010个步骤个步骤 10 steps of an outbreak investigation准备现场工作准备现场工作 Prepare for field work证实暴发存在证实暴发存在 Establish existence of an outbreakTimeVerify the diagnosis 验证诊断验证诊断Define, count, and interview

34、cases 定义,计数,采访病例定义,计数,采访病例确定人、地点和时间特征确定人、地点和时间特征 Characterize person, place and timeDevelop a hypothesis 提出假设提出假设Develop analytic study to test hypothesis 通过分析研究验证假说通过分析研究验证假说Reconsider, refine, retest hypothesis 再推敲,修正和再检验假说再推敲,修正和再检验假说实施控制措施实施控制措施 Implement Control将调查结果进行交流将调查结果进行交流 Communicate Fi

35、ndings5631例重症病例年龄分组年龄分组死亡年龄死亡年龄3岁以内岁以内平均平均1.5岁岁5718例死亡病例发病到死亡发病到死亡1-11天天 平均平均3天天58Person to person transmissionPerson to person transmissionTimePlace5935% did know the person with whom they 35% did know the person with whom they had contacthad contactTimePlace6035% did know the person with whom they

36、 35% did know the person with whom they had contacthad contactTimePlace6110% are pneumonia and 90% Upper 10% are pneumonia and 90% Upper respiratory infectionrespiratory infectionTimePlace6290% of infections are asymptomatic (e.g. 90% of infections are asymptomatic (e.g. polio)polio)TimePlace63Witho

37、ut identification of asymptomatic Without identification of asymptomatic infection you see thisinfection you see thisTimePlace64A A zoonosiszoonosis 10% of animal infections 10% of animal infections transmit to man.transmit to man.TimePlace65Without knowledge of the animal disease Without knowledge

38、of the animal disease it will look like thisit will look like thisTimePlace66在阜阳手足口病中差点发挥更大的作在阜阳手足口病中差点发挥更大的作用(或可能发挥了重大的作用)用(或可能发挥了重大的作用)补补阜阳日记阜阳日记6768l 阜阜阳市阳市2008年年14月份手足口病发病情况月份手足口病发病情况l 而且不少病例有手足口皮疹症状(而且不少病例有手足口皮疹症状(50%) 1983-1985 1983-1985 马里兰州各季度马里兰州各季度PGH重症监护病房心跳停止病人重症监护病房心跳停止病人Cardiac arrests

39、, by quarter and year, PGH ICU, Maryland, 1983-1985198319841985Number of Cardiac Arrests季度和年度季度和年度 Quarter and Year020304010心跳停止病例数心跳停止病例数1983198419850151052520季度和年度季度和年度 Quarter and YearNumber of Cardiac Arrests1983-1985 马里兰州各季度各班次马里兰州各季度各班次PGH重症监护病房心跳停止病人数重症监护病房心跳停止病人数Cardiac arrests, by shift, PG

40、H ICU, Maryland, 1983-1985夜班Night shift晚班Evening shift白班Day shift心跳停止病例数心跳停止病例数00-0304-0708-1112-1516-1920-23020406080每日各时段每日各时段 (军队时间)(军队时间)Hour of Day (Military time)Number of Cardiac Arrests1983-1985 马里兰州每日各时段马里兰州每日各时段PGH重症监护病房心跳停止病重症监护病房心跳停止病人数人数 Cardiac arrests, by time and period, PGH ICU, Mar

41、yland, 1983-1985流行前Pre-epidemic流行中 Epidemic流行后 Post-epidemic心跳停止病例数心跳停止病例数不同护士管理病人的心跳骤停的危险不同护士管理病人的心跳骤停的危险Relative risk of cardiac arrest by nurse护士护士Nurse1983-85EpidemicEpidemic PM143.95.011.2131.91.62.41961.40.75.01061.31.72.81181.00.65.0300.70.40.71290.70.91.7心跳骤停的重复发生心跳骤停的重复发生Recurrent cardiac a

42、rrests病人病人Pt日期日期Date护士护士Nur病人病人Pt日期日期Date护士护士NurA1983/07/1026D1984/05/17 14A1983/08/04118D1084/06/05 14B1984/01/0214E09/01113B1984/01/0214E09/0314B1984/01/0514F10/0214C1995/03/15154F10/1114C1995/03/1933F10/1214同一个病例的心跳骤停:发生多次心跳骤停的病例同一个病例的心跳骤停:发生多次心跳骤停的病例Arrests on same patient: patients with multipl


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