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1、第一部分第一部分 教材知识研究教材知识研究七年级(下)七年级(下)Units 10-12考点一考点一 Would you like句型句型考点二考点二 辨析辨析the number of与与a number of考点三考点三 辨析辨析answer与与reply考点四考点四 worry的用法的用法考点五考点五 辨析辨析interested与与interesting考点六考点六 辨析辨析hear, listen与与sound考点七考点七 as的用法的用法 教材例句讲考点 高频话题作文指导周末活动周末活动 从云南近四年与从云南近四年与“周末活动周末活动”相关话题书面表相关话题书面表达的命题来看,命题

2、角度均为:描述快乐时光。如:达的命题来看,命题角度均为:描述快乐时光。如:2015年昆明年昆明“The good old days”和和2014年昆明年昆明“A happy time”;2012昆明昆明“Enjoy_”享受享受_;2012年玉溪年玉溪“A _ weekend”对周对周末活动的评价。预计末活动的评价。预计2016年若继续考查此话题,则年若继续考查此话题,则考查描述快乐时光的可能性很大。考查描述快乐时光的可能性很大。命题探索命题探索 高频话题作文指导1.示例句:示例句:Would you like to go to the beach this weekend?仿写句:仿写句:Wo

3、uld you like to go to the zoo with children on Childrens day?2. 示例句:示例句:What about playing the guitar at 8 am on Saturday?仿写句:仿写句:What about working as an environmental volunteer on Friday evening?开头句开头句1. Let me tell you something about my weekend.2. This weekend we are going to take a bus to go to

4、 the Great Wall.3. Dont you want to go to the beach this weekend? I cant wait.中间句中间句1.We can surf the Internet, read novels, watch TV and play balls on weekends.2. Why not fly a kite with me on Sunday afternoon?3. I often do some reading, go shopping and go hiking on weekends or holidays.4. I help m

5、y parents with the housework at weekends.结尾句结尾句1. I have a good time during the weekend.2. I hope you will have fun this weekend.提示提示:在忙碌的学习之余,周末生活是同学们盼望在忙碌的学习之余,周末生活是同学们盼望 已久的。我们所度过的周末,有些是愉快的,已久的。我们所度过的周末,有些是愉快的, 有些是难忘的,有些是令人烦恼的。你是怎有些是难忘的,有些是令人烦恼的。你是怎 样度过周末的?你的周末生活有趣吗?请你样度过周末的?你的周末生活有趣吗?请你 以以“A (An

6、)_Weekend(一个一个的周末的周末) 为题写一篇小短文来叙述你的周末生活。为题写一篇小短文来叙述你的周末生活。典例剖析典例剖析 (12玉溪玉溪) 要求要求:1. 词数不少于词数不少于60个;语言流畅、条个;语言流畅、条 理清楚书写规范、卷面整洁;理清楚书写规范、卷面整洁; 2. 文中不得使用你的真实姓名、校名文中不得使用你的真实姓名、校名否则否则 以零分计。以零分计。 【审题指导审题指导】细读所给的文字提示,提取信息:细读所给的文字提示,提取信息: 1. 本篇书面表达考查的是半命题作文。补全题目本篇书面表达考查的是半命题作文。补全题目 “A (An) _ Weekend”。 2. 本篇作

7、文的体裁以记叙为主,适时点题并辅以适本篇作文的体裁以记叙为主,适时点题并辅以适 当议论。当议论。 3. 人称为第一人称,词数不少于人称为第一人称,词数不少于60。【写作导图写作导图】A Pleasant WeekendI had a pleasant weekend last weekSaturdaySundayhad breakfast,went to the park,played sports,played computer games,cleaned rooms,did some washingplayed basketball,went to the beach,enjoyed th

8、e sunshine,listened to pop music A Pleasant Weekend School life is very busy. Teenagers are looking forward to the coming weekends. So am I. Now Id like to tell you something about my weekend. I had a pleasant weekend last week. On Saturday morning, I got up and had breakfast. After breakfast, I wen

9、t to the park with my father to play sports. Everyone knows that doing sports is good for health. Then I returned home to do my homework. In the afternoon, I had fun playing computer games. While my mother was cooking dinner, I cleaned the living-room and did some washing. On Sunday morning, I played basketball with my classmates till 11:30. Then I wen


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