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1、三年级下册英语期末模拟试卷Final Test (A)姓名得分听力部分30%一、听录首,选出你所听到的内容。(听两遍)5%()1 AforB fourCfloor()2 AthoseB thisCthat()3 AeveningB afternoonCmorning()4 AthereB threeCtree()5 AonB inCunder一、听录首、为卜面的图片排序。(听两遍)5%b、听录音,选择所听到的句子对应的中文意思。(听两遍)10%()1 A那个妇女是谁?B那个男人是谁? ()2 A你几岁? B 你身体怎么样?()3 A 尺子在桌上。B 尺子在桌上吗?()4 A这是什么? B这是谁

2、? ()5 A请坐。B 请起立。四、听录音,给下面的句子排序。(听两遍)10%()His cat and mouse are also small.()Welcome to Toy Museum.()Pigs on the farm go “ oinkoink ".()They are in the tree.()Close your book and off we go.笔试部分30%、根据中文,在四线三格内写单词。5%1 蜡笔2早餐3窗户5喝、读句子,选择适当的回答。 5%()1How old is your little sister?()2Is this a cake?()3

3、Would you like a cake?()4Don' t run in the library.()5What time is it now?、根据所给情境,选择恰当的表达。10%A I'm sorry.B It ' s two.C Yes, it is.D Yes, please. E She' s two.)1想要知道远处的东西是什么,你可以说:A What is that?)2告诉别人那是自己的叔叔,你可以说:A That man is my father.B What is this?B That man is my uncle.)3 想知道几点了

4、,你可以说: A What' s this?B What' s the time?()4告诉别人不要说话,你可以说:A Don' t talk.B Don' t run.)5让别人开门,你会说:A Close the door, please.B Open the door, please.四、连词成句。10%1 not, shout, do (.)2 at, book, look, my (.)3 this, grandma, my, is (.)4 a, book, has, Mike (.)5 in, please, come (.)Final Test

5、(A)听力原文 一、1This is for my mother.2 What' s that?3 Good afternoon.4 It ' s an apple tree.5 The pen is under the desk.二、1 Don ' t run.2It ' s time for dinner.3That man is my uncle.4St down, please.5The little bird is in the tree now. 三、1 Who is that man?6 How are you?7 The ruler is on

6、the desk.8 Who is this?9 Please stand up.四、1 They are in the tree.2 Welcome to Toy Museum.3 Close your book and off we go.4 His cat and mouse are also small.5 Pigs on the farm go " oink, oink参考答案听力部分一、1 5 ACBCC e 1 三、1 5 BBABB 四、42513笔试部分一、1 crayon 2 breakfast 3 twelve 4 window 5 drink1 5 ECDAB

7、 三、15 ABBAB班级 姓名小学英语三年级第二学期期末试题(第一大题至第五大题为听力题,每个小题听两遍。一、 Listen and Match (听单词并连线)(20 分)1. jacket2. sweater3. coat4. trousers5. cap6. orange juice7. fish8. vegetables9. rice10. chicken二、Listen and Circle听录音圈出听到的单词或词组)(10 分)1. A. tiger2. A. thirteen3. A. art room4. A. bedroom5. A. get up6. A. singB.

8、elephantB. fourteenB. music roomB. kitchenB. go to schoolB. draw题号一二三四五六七八,九十成绩学校成绩四、Listen and Draw 所录百7. A. monkeyB. rabbit8. A. schoolB. library9. A. behindB. under10. A. breakfastB. lunch三、Listen and Order所录音编序号)(10分)五、Listen and draw Vor x)(10 分)录首判断对错)10分)1. The book is in the bag.()2. The cat

9、 is behind the door.4. The books are on the desk3. Danny is on the bed.()5. Jenny is under the desk.()学校 班级 姓名 成绩(第六大题至第九大题为笔试题,请同学们仔细读题、认真答题,)六、Read and circle帔一读找出不同类的词)(6分)1.()A.eggB. breadC.book2.()A.sweaterB. lunchC.coat3.()A.lionB. milkC.monkey4.()A.doorB. dinning roomC.bedroom5.()A. libraryB.

10、 art roomC.time6.()A.timeB. get upC. go to bed七、Choose the right answer (单项选择)(10 分) 1.() -Do you like milk?Yes, I.A. do B. have C. don ' t2 . () - Would you like a hamburger?A. No, I don ' t. B. Yes, ICdoYes, please!3. () - Is this your cap , Liming?A. No, It isn B. N o, it is. C. Yes, it i

11、sn ' t.4. () -jacket is this?-It ' s Peter ' s.A. Who B. What C. Whose5. ( ) - What are these?-They ' re.A. tiger B. elephant C. pandas6. () -Where' s Jenny?-She ' s the bathroom.A. under B. on C. in7. () The cap is. A. Danny B. Danny' C. Liming8. () The music room is on

12、the floorA. one B. two C. first9. () We sing in the A. music room B. art room C. library10. () -What time is it?-. It ' s 9 o ' cloBk .I ' m fine. C. Yes, please!Choose the correct name and match处择单词,连线)(4 分)study living room 九、Read and match俅一读,连1. We read in the library.dinning room be

13、droom连)(10分)2. We sing in the music room.rWnr|jn3. We draw in the art room.4. We do experiments(实验)in the lab.5. We have classes(:课)in the classroom.十、Write the letters.(写出相应的大小写)(10 分)jJJ! 工B D |d 胃 F 詈 I s WP三gv x |三y听力试题录音第一大题至第五大题为听力题,每个小题听两遍。Part 1. Listen and Match (听单词并连线)(20 分)1. jacket 2. s

14、weater 3. coat 4. trousers 5. cap6.orange juice 7.fish 8.vegetables 9.riceChicken10.Part 2. Listen and Circle听录音圈出听到的单词或词组)(10分)1. elephant 2.fourteen 3. art room 4. bedroom1. go to school 6.sing 7. monkey 8. school9. under 10.lunchPart 3 Listen and Order所录音编序号)(10 分)No.1. -What are these?No.2. -Wha

15、t are these?- They re monkeys.- They re pandas.No.3 -What are those?No.4. -What are these?- They re rabbits.- They re elephants.No.5. -What are those?- They re lions.Part5.Listen and Draw (听录音画出正确的时间)( 10 分)No.1 Danny: I get up at 7.No.2 Danny: I go to shool at 8.No.3 Danny: I go home at 4: 30.No.4

16、Danny: I watch TV at 6:20.No.5 Danny: I go to bed at 9.Part6. Listen and draw Vorx (听录音判断对错)(10 分)No.1. The book is in the bag.( V )No2 The cat is behind the door. ( x )No.3. Danny is on the bed. (/ )No.4. The books are on the desk. ( V )No.5. Jenny is under the desk. ( x )第六大题至第九大题为笔试题Part7. Read a

17、nd circle 读一读找出不同类的词()( 6 分)1-6. C B B A C APart8. Choose the right answer (单项选择)(10)1-10 A C A C C C三年级下册英语期末模拟试卷Final Test (A)姓名得分听力部分30%五、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(听两遍)5%()1 AforB fourCfloor()2 AthoseB thisCthat()3 AeveningB afternoonCmorning()4 AthereB threeCtree()5 AonB inCunderK、听录首,为卜面的图片排序。(听两遍)5%b七、听录

18、音,选择所听到的句子对应的中文意思。(听两遍)10%()1 A那个妇女是谁?B那个男人是谁? ()2 A你几岁? B 你身体怎么样? ()3 A 尺子在桌上。B 尺子在桌上吗?()4 A这是什么? B这是谁? ()5 A请坐。B 请起立。八、听录音,给下面的句子排序。(听两遍)10%()His cat and mouse are also small.()Welcome to Toy Museum.()Pigs on the farm go “ oinkoink ".()They are in the tree.()Close your book and off we go.笔试部分

19、30%五、根据中文,在四线三格内写单词。5%1 蜡笔2早餐窗户5喝六、读句子,选择适当的回答。 5%()1How old is your little sister?()2Is this a cake?()3Would you like a cake?()4Don' t run in the library.()5What time is it now?七、根据所给情境,选择恰当的表达。10%A I'm sorry.B It ' s two.C Yes, it is.D Yes, please. E She' s two.)1想要知道远处的东西是什么,你可以说:

20、A What is that?)2告诉别人那是自己的叔叔,你可以说:A That man is my father.B What is this?B That man is my uncle.)3 想知道几点了,你可以说: A What' s this?B What' s the time?()4告诉别人不要说话,你可以说:B Don' t run.A Don' t talk.)5让别人开门,你会说:A Close the door, please.B Open the door, please.八、连词成句。10%1 not, shout, do (.)2 at, book, look, my (.)3 this, grandma, my, is (.)4 a, book, has,


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