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1、学生姓名 年级 授课时间 教师姓名 课时 教学目标重点难点非谓语动词的句法功能主语宾语宾语补足语表语定语状语不定式动名词现在分词过去分词非谓语做题步骤解答语法填空时,首先分析句子结构,若句子已有谓语动词且不是并谓语时,所给动词必定用非谓语动词;然后分析该非谓语动词在句中作什么句子成分,初定作该成分的应是哪一种或几种非谓语动词形式;最后再根据非谓语动词各自的特点和用法,同时看谓语动词有没有特别的要求,再结合与逻辑主语的关系,确定该填哪种形式。可以按照以下四步来解答一、分析句子结构,辨别“谓与非谓”二 找逻辑主语非谓语动词虽不能作谓语,但仍具有动词特点,其逻辑上的动作执行者就叫做逻辑主语。_the

2、se pictures, I couldnt help thinking of those days when I was in Beijing ._ from the top of a thirty-storeyed building, Beijing looks more magnificent. ( see)三、分析语态分析语态就是在确定逻辑主语之后,分析非谓语动词和逻辑主语在搭配使用时是主动还是被动关系。1. The dirty clothes _ , the girl hung them up outside .2. _ the dirty clothes ,the girl hun

3、g them up outside .A. was washed B. washed C.were washed D.having washed四、分析时态1. The building _now will be a restaurant .2. The building _ next year will be a restaurant .3. The building _ _last year is a restaurant.A. having been built B .to be built B. being built D. built 作业教学效果/课后反思学生自评针对本堂收获和自我

4、表现(对应指数上打) 学生/家长签名非谓语动词(done)的用法一 作宾补当宾语与作宾补的动词在逻辑上是被动关系时,用-ed形式。例如:While she was getting me _ _ (settle) into a tiny but clean room思路分析:注意:1)·在with的宾语后,若用-ed形式,表示宾语与-ed形式在逻辑上是被动关系, 且意味着该动作已经完成2)·getdone=have sth. done请人做/遭受(被动)。3)·make oneself 后常用understood, heard, seen, known等作宾补,表示

5、让别人明白自己的意思/让自己讲的话被别人听到/让自己被别人看到/让自己被别人认识。例如:Alexander tried to get his work _ (recognize) in the medical circles. recognized。二 作状语(1)在表示时间、让步、方式或伴随情况时,若与句子主语在逻辑上是被动关系,用-ed形式。(2)在“连词(如when, while, if, though等)+分词”结构中,当分词与主句主语是被动关系时用-ed形式。例如:1.Though _ (surprise) to see us, the professor gave us a war

6、m welcome. 2._ (see) from the top of the tower, the south foot of the mountain is a sea of trees. 3.The experiment shows that proper amounts of exercise, if _(carry) out regularly, can improve our health. 三 作定语分词作定语:被修饰的名词与分词是被动关系时用-ed形式。例如:1.Im calling to enquire about the position _ (advertise) in

7、 yesterdays China Daily.2.So far nobody has claimed the money _ (discover) in the library. 四 作表语分词作表语则说明主语的性质 像puzzled, surprised, excited等-ed分词表示“(人)感到的”。 实例解析1 Mrs. White showed her students some old maps _ (borrow) from the library. borrowed, 2 The living room is clean and tidy, with a dining tab

8、le already _(lay) for a meal to be cooked. 3 A great number of students _ (question) said they were forced to practice the piano. 4 Lucy has a great sense of humor and always keeps her colleagues _(amuse) with her stories. 5 Almost 33 ( freeze), the old man could not get off the ground.6 It was a pr

9、esidential talk 33 (deliver) at a time of economic uncertainty for many American families.非谓语动词可能出现的考查点及易错点:一)使用非谓动词的语言结构。1) 在“句子, and/or/but +句子” 的并列句结构中,可能会考查“以动词原形开头”的祈使句,四个答案表面上象非谓语,其实考查的是谓语。1._hard and you will succeed in the exam.2._hard or you will fail in the exam.A. Study B. To study C. Stu

10、dying D. Studied 2) 在“句子,非句子”结构中,非句子部分用非谓语:3. The teacher devoted his life to his career, _ most of his students successful in study.A. make B. to make C. making D. made 3) 在“非句子,句子”结构中,非句子部分用非谓语:4. _with children, I know what is needed most.A. Working B. Having worked C. Worked D. To work 4) 在“with

11、 + 宾语+ 宾语补足语”结构中,宾语补足语可能用非谓语动词:5. With her baby _ on her back, the woman was cleaning the rich mans house.A. sleep B. slept C. to sleep D. sleeping 6. With his hair _ like a role in the film, the boy felt very cool.A. cut B. to be cut C. cutting D. to cut 5) 在drive/leave/keep/make/have/let/get/find/

12、hear等使让动词或感观动词后面作宾语补足语时,也可能用非谓语动词。7. He made his sister _ by taking away her toy.8. His sister was made _ by his taking away her toy.A. cry B. to cry C. crying D. cried 9. the policeman found the thief _ his hand into an old mans pocket and arrested him. A. put B. putting C. to put D. being put 二).

13、非谓语动词考点易错点:1) 表面上考分词,实际上考形容词的情况:10._ , he fell asleep quickly.A. Tire B. Tiring C. Tired D. To tire 11.The man won a big prize, _and _.A. surprised ; happy B. surprising ; happy C. surprised ; pleasant D. surprising ; pleased 12. _ in thought of the problems, the man didnt realize his girlfriends co

14、ming in.A. Losing B. Lost C. To lose D. Having lost 13. The students _ in art can sign in the form and be a member of our school.A. interest B. interesting C. interested D. To interest 2) 在“被动形式表主动”情况中出题:14. _ a white skirt, the girl looks like a angel.A. Worn B. wear C. dressed in D. dressing 15. _

15、 in a armchair, he is always surfing online, eating fish and chips.A. Sit B. Sat C. Seating D. Seated 3) 在“主动形式表被动”的情况中出题:16._ tired and weak, the woman should have a day off to see a doctor.A. Look B. Looking C. Looked D. Looking (系动词在非谓语中用主动式表被动。)17. With many problems _ _ , the newly selected pre

16、sident will have a hard time. A. remain; unsettled B. remaining; unsettled C. remained ; unsettling D. remained; unsettling 18. Having some clothes _, I cannot join you to see the film.A. to wash B. to be washed C. washed D . washing (当句子主语与不定式为主谓关系时,我们用主动形式表被动。) 19. _ smooth, this kind of pen sells

17、 well in our school.A. To write B. Writing C. being written D. Written (动词如果不是表示动作,而是表示物体具有某种性质或特征时,往往用主动形式表示被动。)4)从“主语一致或主语不一致”角度出题:逗号分开的前后两部分有时逻辑主语一致,有时逻辑主语不一致。逻辑主语不一致时,非谓语动词一般要自带逻辑主语,这种现象叫做“分词的独立主格结构。”20. _ from this angle, the mountain looks like a face of a man.A. To see B. Seeing C. Seen D. Sa

18、w 21. _, I'll go there with you tomorrow afternoon. A. Time permits B. If time permitting C. Time permitting D. Time's permitting(permit与I没有主谓关系,也没有动宾关系,permit自带了逻辑主语time(“时间允许的话”),而time与permit为逻辑上的主谓关系,所以用现在分词的独立结构。)三)注意的几点:1)有些分词有时可作分词有时又可作形容词。22. _ enemy, Liu Hunan was very brave. 23. _ w

19、ith difficulties, we should not give in.A. To face B. Faced C. Facing D. face24. The president of South Africa flied to Libya, _ to help solve the crisis.25. The president of South Africa flied to Libya, _ at helping solve the crisis.A. aim B. aiming C. aimed D. to aim 26. Though _ money, his parent

20、s sent him to a key university.27. Though _ in money, his parents sent him to a key university.28. Though in _ of money, his parents sent him to a key university.A. lack B. lacking C. lacked D. to lack 2)作结果状语时,doing与(only)to do的区别。表示结果状语时,现在分词(v+ing)表示意料之中的结果;而不定式(to do/ only to do)表示意料之外的结果:29. Hi

21、s parents were killed in the accident,(thus )_ him an orphan.A. leave B. leaving C. left D. to leave 30. I hurried to school, only _ that it was Sunday. A. find B. finding C. found D. to find3)作主语时,非谓语动词之to do 与doing 的区别。31. _is a good form of exercise for both young and old. A. The walk B. Walking

22、C. To walk D. Walk4)演变成了介词或连词的分词。英语中有些词表面上看是分词,但实际上已经变成了介词,因此应该用ing形式还是分词ed形式已经变得约定俗成了。这时往往不适用非谓动词规则,而是看英美人士的习惯。32. _her age,she looks quite youngAConsider B. Considered C. To consider D. Considering高中阶段我们还学过的有:介词concerningregardingaccording toincludingowing to关于关于根据;按照包括因为;由于连词givensupposingseeing

23、(that)imagingproviding/provided鉴于假如因为;既然假如假如5)有些非谓语动词是省略而来的,有些则不是。33. _ by her mother, the girl burst into tears. A. Be scolded B. Scolded C. Scolding D. To scold34. _ the tomb for 5 years, he is now called an expert more or less. A. Studying B. Having studied C. Having been studied D. To study(解析:逗

24、号前面部分不是句子省略而来,由于he 与study是逻辑上的主谓关系,加上study在先(有5年了),被 叫做“专家”在后,所以用非谓语动词的主动完成式)6)“连词+分词”和“介词+动名词”的区别。35. if _ another hour, I would have finished it better.(give的恰当形式填空)。36. While _ homework, the boy likes listening to light music.(do的恰当形式填空)37. After _ , he found a job as a secretary in a company.(gr

25、aduate的恰当形式填空)38. Before_ a proper person to be the new president, the old president wouldnt resign.(select的恰当形式填空)选择题( )1 For breakfast he only drinks juice from fresh fruit _ on his own farm. A. grown B. being grown C. to be grown D. to grow ( )2 not to miss the flight at 15:20, the manager set ou

26、t for the airport in a hurry. A. Reminding B. Reminded C. To remind D.Having reminded( )3 _ the right kind of training , these teenage soccer players may one day grew the international stars. A. Giving B. Having given C. To give D. Given ( )4 Now that weve discussed out problem, are people happy wit

27、h the decisions ?A. taking B. take C. takenD. to take( )5 With the governments aid, those _ by the earthquake have moved to the new settlements. A. affect B. affecting C. affected D. were affected ( )6 Ladies and gentlemen, please remain _ until the plane has come to a complete stop.A. seated B. sea

28、ting C. to seat D. seat( )7 _ by the advances in technology, many farmers have set up wind farms on their land.A. Being encouraged B. Encouraging C. Encouraged D. Having encouraged( )8 _and short of breath, Andy and Ruby were the first to reach the top of Mount Tai. A. Tire B. TiredC. TiringD. Being

29、 tired( )9 Michaels new house is like a huge palace, _with his old one. A. comparing     B. compares C. to compare    D. compared ( )10 We finished the run in less than half the time.A.allowingB.to allowC.allow

30、edD.allows( )11 The trees in the storm have been moved off the road.A.being blown downB.blown downC.blowing downD.to blow down( )12 It is one of the funniest thingson the Internet so far this year.A.findingB.being foundC.to findD.found( )13 To learn English well,we should find opportunities to hear

31、Englishas much as we can.A.speakB.speakingC.spokenD.to speak( )14 “Thingsnever come again!”I couldnt help talking to myself.A.lostB.losingC.to loseD.have lost( )15 There have been several new eventsto the program for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. A.addB.to addC.addingD.added( )16 A good story does

32、 not necessarily have to have a happy ending,but the reader must not be left.A.unsatisfiedB.unsatisfyingC.to be unsatisfying D.being unsatisfied( )17 _for the breakdown of the school computer network,Alice was in low spirits.A.BlamingB.BlamedC.To blameD.To be blamed( )18 Five people won the “Chinas

33、Green Figure”award,a titleto ordinary people for their contributions to environmental protection.A.being givenB.is givenC.givenD.was given( )19 The prize of the game show is $30,000 and an all expensesvacation to China.A.payingB.paidC.to be paidD.being paid( )20 _into use in April,2000,the hotline w

34、as meant for residents reporting water and heating supply breakdowns.A.PutB.PuttingC.Having putD.Being put填空题1 The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see _ (carry) out the next year. 2 To learn English well, we should find opportunities to hear English _ (speak) as much as we can. 3

35、 He is very popular among his students as he always tries to make them _(interest) in his lectures. 4 John received an invitation to dinner, and with his work _ (finish), he gladly accepted it. 5 He had it _(fix), because he doesnt know much about computers. 6. Jenny hopes that Mr. Smith will sugges

36、t a good way to have her written English _ (improve) in a short period. 7. Helen had to shout to make herself _ (hear) above the sound of the music. 8 _ (blame) for the breakdown of the school computer network, Alice was in low spirits. 9 When _ (ask) why he went there, he said he was sent there to

37、be trained for a space flight. 10 The flowers his friend gave him will die unless _(water) every day. 11 The trees _(blow) in the storm have been moved off the road. 12. Can those _ (seat) at the back of the classroom hear me? 13.The children went home from the grammar school, their lessons _(finish

38、) for the day. 14 _ (give) the general state of health, it may take him a while to recover from the operation. 15 _(look at) in this way, the situation doesnt seem so disappointing.16 Most of the photographers _(invite) to the conference were from north Europe.17 The speaker raised his voice but cou

39、ldnt make himself _.(hear)18 In order not to be disturbed, I spent three hours _ my study.(lock)19 Mrs. Bush stood _(surprise) for a moment when an old soldier suddenly appeared before her.20 _ (determine) to complete the job on time, they set out to work immediately翻译题:1考虑所有事情之后,之前计划好的旅行不得不被取消。(con

40、sider, have to)2 . 看到那条巨蛇后,小女孩站在树下害怕的要死.(see, out of ones life)3一般来说,当采取根据方向时药物没有副作用.(side effect)4这项研究被设计为 一旦开始 任何事情都无法改变它(的进行)。(so.that; once)5建于1613年的哈佛,是美国最著名的大学之一。6你要是去西安,你会发现那里的宫殿比一般认为的壮丽得多。(magnificent; than)7给予更多的关注,树可以生长更好8当和整个地球相比时,最高的山根本就不算高。9被单独留在漆黑的房间里,小男孩吓哭了10以友善的方式解决,他们的争吵也结束了。(settle

41、;come to an end)语法填空I was always told that the three Ps, patience, positive thinking and perseverance, were a sure path 1_success.But this advice does not always work as planned. My high school maths exam is one example. The exam, 2_was originally to be held in our classroom, 3_(change) to the libra

42、ry at the last minute. This, 4_, didnt bother me because maths had always been my strongest subject. I patiently walked to the library, took my seat and did some deep breathing to help relax 5_. But my mood changed quickly when I saw the first question. I had no idea how to do it. I tried to stay 6_

43、(positive) and persevered  7_I finally found the solution. With the problem 8_(solve),I felt proud of my achievement.9_(fortunate),I then noticed that I had just 10 minutes left 10_ (complete) the rest.语篇填空 用所给动词的适当形式填空。Freud was one of the first scientists 1_(make)serious research of the mind. The mind is the collection of activities 2_ _(base) in the brain that involve how we act, think, feel and reason. He used long talks with patients and the study of dreams 3 _(search) for the causes of mental and emotional problems. He also tried hypnosis. He wa


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