



1、第1页,共 9 页2018-20 佃年苏州香雪海小学三年级上册英语模拟练习题无答案一、我会选一选(选择题)1.This is _ sweater.A. SamB. Sam s2._ This isoran ge.A. anB. aC. some3.选择正确的译文。1good_ A .上午2morning_ B .好的3I_ C.你好4you_ D .我5hello_ E.你4.你的同学夸赞你的衣服很漂亮,你会说: _A . Its nice.B . Thank you.5 .当老师想让你打开书时会说: _A. Open your book, please.B. Close your book.

2、C. Show me your book.6. _I m fine, thank you.A. How are you?B. Here are you.C. Here you are.7 . Ken, how many apples ?()A . nice B . nine C . eight8 . I cant go_ school.A . to B . of C. /9.当你想知道别人有几岁时,应问: _A. What do you like?B. How are you?C. How old are you?10 . _ is my sister.A. SheB. IC. You11.读

3、一读,找到不同类的单词,将单词前面的序号填到括号中。()(1)A. pleaseB. girlC.boy()(2)A. n ameB. MsC.Mr()(3)A. moringB. fineC.after noon()(4)A. youB. IC.what()(5)A. toB. theC .door(4)第2页,共 9 页(1)(2)()(6) A. sitB.doorC. sta nd()(7) A. blackboardB. upC. window()(8) A. catB. poi ntC. bird()(9) A. capB. gree nC.blue()(10)A. helloB.

4、 hiC.goodbye12.A.aB. anIt isorange desk.It is_ blue desk.13. Its green. Its a_ .A. leafB. leafsC. leaves14. Can I have some water, please?A. Tha nks.B. Here you are.C. OK.15. Whats her name?、想一想,填一填(填空题)16.看图,从方框中选择合适的单词填在四线三格中。birthday party cake giftA. My n ame is Wan Hong.B.Her n ame is Wu Jing.(

5、3)第3页,共 9 页17 根据图片补全单词。_ ose18 将下列句子排列成一段通顺的对话,并说一说。() OK, I won t. I II be good.() No, you can t.()Can I climb the trees?()Good after noon,Ben.()Good after noon, MissLi.19.Read and complete (将句子填完整)(1)_ Good morning, Miss Fang. Good ,Peter.(2)_ Ia bird. I m two years old.(3)_ Lookthe clock. It s on

6、 the wall.(4) Who is the woman?_is my grandmother.(5)_ Is it an umbrella? , it is.20.Fill the blank with the given words.选择合适的单词,将句子补充完整。bad hurts hand noon afternoonIn the morning, My_hurts. At_ , my ton gue hurts. In the_day for me.,my leg.This is a_(4)第4页,共 9 页21.Complete the dialogue 完成下列对话,一格一词

7、Jack:_ Good after noon.n ame is Jack. What s your ?Bill : _ Good afternoon. I Bill. How are you?Jack:_ Very well, . And you?Bill : _ too.Jack:_ old are you?Bill : _ I m tenoId. Today is my birthday.Jack:_ , Bill.Bill : _ Thank you.22.单词变变变,单数变复数。1. glass_ 2. coat_3. skirt_ 4. sock_5. dress_ 6. cap_2

8、3.Complete the sentences.(连词成句,注意大小写)1.want I and potatoes meat some2.di nner a they big have24.用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. How many_(plate) are there?第5页,共 9 页2.1 am six_(year) old.3. Can I_(have) some juice?4. What_( be) they?5. What is_ (you) name?25.Good_ , Tom.二、手牵手,找朋友(连线题)26.阅读,想一想,这些动物与什么有关并连线。bird duuk

9、 ra bbit elephant 27.我会为下列图片选择相应的单词并连线。(1)A . bread第6页,共 9 页H. potato28.读一读,选择正确的答案,连线。1Good ni ght,Mum.2Not so good.3Hello.A. Im sorry.B. Good ni ght, dear.C. Hello.29.搭配连线1. What s yoname?2. How many baby ducks?3. Good morni ng!4. Hello, I m Lily.5. How are you?30.把左右两边对应的句子连接起来(2)ice -cream(3)fis

10、h(5)(7)(6)cakeE. tomatoF. fruitG. chicken(8)A . Good morning!B . I m fine, thank you.C. My name is Lucy.D . Eight baby ducks.E. Hello, I m Li Ming.第7页,共 9 页ABHelloiNly name is Jenny s your name?Hello *VhatJs this?Fin&j thank ycni.Where is the scho口1甘s book.How axe you ?I have two books.How nany

11、banks do you have?There it is.四、我是翻译家(英汉互译)31 写单词完成句子。1. It is a_ (怪物)2. Our classroom is_ (新的)3. This is a_ (风筝).4. I don t_ 口道).5. That girl says,“(救命)”32 把它涂成红色吧!(翻译成英语)33 读一读,写出汉语意思。1 pen2 pen cil3 pencil box4 ruler5 eraser6 crayon7 book8 bag34 照样子,计算。例:Eighty minus twenty is sixty.8 01-206 01.1

12、 0 o4 0 s6 02.7 0205 0 i第8页,共 9 页3.第9页,共 9 页4._I 3 0 7 02莉莉六岁了。3你多大年龄了?4这只猴子三岁了。5王涛八岁了。五、我是小法官(判断题)36 根据汉语意思在正确的句子后面画“V”(1) 下午好。Good after noon.(2) 你叫什么名字?How are you?(3) 我是李老师。I m Mr. Li.Good morni ng.What s your name?I m Lili37大写字母 C 和 D 都是一笔写成的。判断对错()38.判断句意与图片是(T)否(F)相符。()4. Point to a desk.()5.

13、 I have two red apples.()1. Open the door.(H)2. Close the book.()3. Show me W.35 汉译英1我九岁了。第10页,共 9 页39.根据图片提示圈出正确的一项,补全句子。Its (a pencil/two pencils )4.I have ( one pencil box/three pencil boxes)5. ( Good-bye/Hello) , Tom.六、阅读理解40.阅读理解。Hello! My name is Xiaohong . I am ten. He is my father . She is m

14、y mother. This is my brother. He is four. His name isXiaowei . He s funny I love (爱) my family (家).根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。()1. Xiaohong is ten .()2. Xiaowei is four .()3. Xiaowei is a girl.()4. Xiaohong is funny .()5. There are four people (人)in Xiaohongs.family41.阅读理解,判断正误。There is a zoo in our city. Its very big. In the zoo, there are many ani mals. Look, the birds are singing in the tree. A bear isridi ng (骑)a bike. A tiger is eat ing meat (肉).Two mon keys are climb ing (爬) a tree. They are happy in the zoo.1.W


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