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1、第1页,共 10 页2018-20佃年苏州高新区新浒学校三年级上册英语模拟复习题无答案、我会选一选(选择题)1._当你想询问别人的身体状况时,可以问:_A.How are you ? B.I m fine ,too. C.What colour?2.Cathy_ my n ame.A . areB . you3._告诉别人你不是苏海,应该这样说: _A. No, I am Su Hai.A. Is NoB. Are No4._ the door.A. Ope n B. Three C. Chairs5.当你告诉别人你有一把尺子时,说 _A. I have a rulerB.I like a r

2、ulerC. Look at my ruler6.Stamp your_.A. feetB . armC. head7._ 下列哪种动物吃竹子?8 . A: How ma ny books?B:_A. Thank you.9.选出正确的选项。A.pandaB. catC. dogA fiveB fourC twoD threeE sevenF nine(1)(2)(C. isB. No, I m not Su.HaiC. Are YesB. Im seven.C. Ten.第2页,共 10 页24.第3页,共 10 页10. ruler _A . Hi, I m Linda.B . I m f

3、ine, thanks.C.12. 妹妹在洗手间,你说: _A. She is in the livi ng room.B. She is in the bathroom.13. 你送礼物给朋友时,可以说: _A.Thank you.B.This is for you.C.It s for Mike.14. I have an_ .A. eraser B . pencil15. Look_ my new coat.A. in B. to C. at二、想一想,填一填(填空题)16. 依据课文把下面的句子重新排列,连成一个完整的故事()1. Relax, Mum! Ly nn is okay.(

4、) 2. She is still at school. She cut her fin ger.()3. Oh, no! Poor Lynn! Is she okay?()4. Hi, Mum! Hi, Dad!()5. Hi, Je nny!()6. Hello, Je nny! Where is Lynn?17. - What_ that?18. _Good morning.m HanTiB.第4页,共 10 页19. Danny isnt a girl. He is a_22.写出下列英文的缩略形式,再从缩略形式中选择合适的内容把句子补充完整A.1._ what is_ 2.it is

5、_3.she is_ 4. he isB.(注意:句子首位单词的首字母须大写)5. _ that? It s a sweet.6. _ great.7. This is Su Hai. _ my good friend.8. This is Wang Bi ng. _my brother.23.选择适当的单词填空。Thankthese this Whose isn tDanny: Hi, Ken. Is 1._ your walkma n?Ken: Let me see. No, it 2._ .Danny: 3._ walkma n is this?Ken: Sorry, I don t k

6、now.Danny: Are 4._ your pen cils?Ken: Oh, yes, they are. Thank you.Danny: You are welcome. But whose walkman is this?Ken: You can ask Ann. Maybe she kno ws.Danny: 5._ you._ _ _ 耳七20. He is_21. Look and write.请按字母表的顺序写出下面字母的大小写。24.第5页,共 10 页例句:When s Teachers Day?It s September the ten th.1. When is

7、Susan bihsay?12345I 67Monday_ E32. Is the first class Maths?3. Is the third class Art?4. Is the fifth class PE?、手牵手,找朋友(连线题)4. bite尾巴 手8. tailA. Hi, Im Liu Tao.B. Good after noon, Wang Bing.C. Goodbye, Mike.Nice to meejtar26. Link (连一连)1. nose2. kick3. wet5. hair6. foot27.找出对应答语。连线 Hi, Sam. Hello! A

8、re you Liu Tao? Goodbye, Miss Li. Good after noon, Su Hai. Hi, Im David.7. hand25 仿照例子,看图回答问题。6581220181925260 11SeptemberMon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat 12头发 鼻子 脚 踢 湿的 咬第6页,共 10 页D. Yes, I am.E. Hi, Bobby.第7页,共 10 页28 .把下面人物的各个身体部位和表示该部位的单词用线连起来。nosemouthhandbodvfinger29.选出相对应的答语。连线 Would you like an egg?

9、A.Its great. Look at my skirt.B.Yellow. What colour?C.Hello, Ya ng Ling.(4) Orange or yellow?D.Its red and black Hello, Mimi.E.Hello, Tim.(6)This is my friend, Tim.F.Yes, please.30.将下列图片与相应的句子连线。eyeearlegamifoot第8页,共 10 页A- Stamp your foot.B. Show me your pen.C. Cany your bag.D. Toudi your head.E. S

10、hake your body四、我是翻译家(英汉互译)31.Complete the words (根据汉语意思完成单词)1.老师-t_ cher2.你的-y_ r3.午饭-l _ _ ch4门-d_ _r32.写出下面单词的意思。(1) window_(2) van_(3) uncle_33.写出下列句子的意思。(1) How much is it?_(2) This is a big pear._34.请写出下面的英文单词。1. 好的_2. 遇见_3. 早上_4. 来_5. 再见_6. 叔叔_35.照样子,计算。第9页,共 10 页例:Eighty minus twenty is sixt

11、y.1._i 1 0一400 !6 02.7025 03.904-101 0op4.+ 407 0五、我是小法官(判断题)36.选选看。(选择与图片相符的句子,在前面括号里打对勾)()A.The boy is playing football.()B. The boy is play ing basketball.(2)5.(1)第10页,共 10 页() A.I am a teacher. I can teach Chin ese.() B.I am a doctor.(3)() A. I m from Chi na.()B. I m from Janpan.(4)() A.We like

12、winner.() B.We don t like winner.37.我是生活小博士。(判断下列物品的颜色是否正确。)(1)(2)第11页,共 10 页is black.(第12页,共 10 页is green.(38.根据中文意思圈出单词1.生病的A. wellB. ill2 商店A. shopB. school3.杯饮料A. drinkB. hamburger4.冰激凌A. drinkB . ice cream5 糖果A. cakeB . sweets9判断下列对话与图片是(v)否(X)相符。()1. Do you have a lot of rain in spri ng?Yes, w

13、e do.()2. Lets make a sno wma n.()3. I love Warm days.()4. Do you have a lot of snow in win ter?Yes, we do.六、阅读理解40.阅读理解,选择正确答案。It s eight o clock. The children go to school by car every day. But they are walking to school today. It(4)is yellow.OK.Me too.第13页,共 10 页Mrs. Green usually stays at home i

14、n the morning. But she is going to the shops thismorning. It s nine oclock第 14 页, 共 10 页Green usually reads his newspaper at night. But he is reading an interesting book this evening.1 When do the children come to school? ()AAt 8:00.BAt 7:00.2 How are they come to school today? ()A By car.B By bus.3

15、 When is Mrs. Green going to the shops? ()AAt 8:00.BAt 10:00.4 When does Mr. Green read his newspaper?()AAt 8:00.BAt 7:00.C At 9:00.CWalkingC At 9:00.C At 9:00.5 What is Mr. Green do this evening? ()A Reading a book.B Writing a letter.C Watching TV41读一读短文,选择最佳答案。My name is Peter. These are my friends. They are Jim, Sam ,Jjack, Bill and Williams. We often play football after school. Thisweekend we ll go to the zoo. Next week we ll go to see the film are very“haHpapryreyvPeoryrterday.()( 1) How many friends does Peter have?A. 4 B. 3C. 5()( 2) What do they often do after schoo


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