已阅读5页,还剩5页未读 继续免费阅读




1、第1页,共 8 页2018-20佃年淮安市周老师快乐教育科技学校三年级上册英语模拟复习题无答案 一、我会选一选(选择题)1. What color is it?A. It s a cat.B. It s an oran ge.C. It s oran ge.2.is my grandmaA. HesB. Shes3.如果你刚认识了陈洁,你应该怎么向她问好呢? _A. Good morning. B. Nice to meet you. C. Good after noon.4.选出下列单词的汉语意思。( )1.fatherA. 母亲B. 父亲( )2.doctorA .护士B .医牛( )3.

2、familyA . 家庭B. 房子( )4.gra ndpaA.(外)祖父B .(外)祖母( )5.sisterA . 兄弟B. 姐妹5.当你想知道书包在哪里时应该说:A. Whats this?B. Whats that?C. Wheres the schoolbag?6.给下列每组对话选择相对应的图片,将序号写在题前括号内。()1. Is it a chair?Yes, it is.()2. Whats this?Its a bird.()3. Where is the book?Its on the desk.()4. Whats that?Its a pen.()5. Is it a

3、bag?E.C.E.第2页,共 8 页No, it isnt. Its a cake.7. Hello! !A. ByeB. GoodbyeC. Hi8._ n ame is Peter.A. MyB. IC. Im9. I have a pen cil.A. This is a pen cil.B. Me too.10当你看见别人手受伤时你应该说: _A . I am sorry.B. Not very well.11. Listen_ the cat.A / B. at C. to12 . They are big. They are pink. They are_ .A. pigsB.

4、catsC. dogs13 . Sta nd _ , please.A. dow nB. upC. and14 .你想问对方是否想要吃一个蛋糕,你会问:_A. What colour is the cake?B. What is a cake?C. Would you like a cake?15 . _ up, Sam.()A.Stand B.Please C.What s二、想一想,填一填(填空题)16 . _, Lin gli ng.17 .动脑筋猜出它们是哪些大写字母?(1)哪个字母是胜利的象征?()(2)哪个字母表示曲折的小路?()(3)哪个字母表示双赢?()(4)哪个字母表示一株小

5、树?()(5)哪个字母表示错误?()(6)哪个字母表示水杯?()18 .请你在第一行给他们重新排排队,并在第二行写出相应的小写形式。第3页,共 8 页19. Mum, I can see two cats. One is thin, and the other one is20. This is a(男人).21 .Read and write (读一读,填入适当的内容完成句子)It isThey areIt has_a tree,_big._ some bran ches,_long._many leaves,_gree n._ a trunk,_big and brow n.22.对号入座

6、,用 How Where what 填空。(1) _is your name?(2) _old are you?(3) _are you from?(4) _class are you in?(5) _are you?23.写出下面字母的左邻右舍:1._ J_2. L_N3._l_ 4.k_m 5._ M_24.Ff _ Hh25.b_二、手牵手,找朋友(连线题)26.Sarah: How old are you, Tom?Tom:I m six years old.Sarah: How old are you, Joh n?John: I m seven.Sarah: How old are

7、 you, Mike?Mike: I m nine years old. What about you?Sarah: I m ten.阅读对话,将人物与相符的年龄连线。第4页,共 8 页1.SarahA62.MikeB103.Joh nC9第5页,共 8 页4.TomD 727 看一看,连一连。(看图,连线)28.将下列图片与相应的句子连线。%DaTou i s第6页,共 8 页A- Stamp your foot.B. Show me your pen.C. Cany your bag.D. Toudi your head.E. Shake your body29.选择对应的答语。连线(1)

8、Good mornin g. Im Ms WangA I m fine, tha nk, you.(2)What s your name?B Good after noon.(3)How are you, Sam?C I m Amy.(4)Good after noon.D Bye-bye!(5)Goodbye!E Good morning, Ms Wang31.I can see many_ (人,人们) in the park.32.写单词。1. My father is a_ (医生).2. She is a_ (护士)3. Is this a_ (农民)?4. The_ (司机) is

9、 a strong man.30.情景交际,连一连。1. Whose radio is this?2. Is this your CD?3. Whose pen cils are these?4. Are these her videos?四、我是翻译家(英汉互译)A They are DannyB It s Jim s.C Yes, it is.D No, they arens.t.第7页,共 8 页5. He is a_ (警察).33 根据汉语提示选择单词填在横线上。elepha nt lion panda mon key tiger动物园里真热闹,(1) _(猴子)想吃桃,(2) _(

10、老虎)啊呜叫,(3) _(大象)鼻子甩,(4) _ (狮子)真威风,还有(5) _ (大熊猫)是国宝。34. I am 10_ (年) old.35 根据提示写单词。(1) 黑板 _ (提示:labkcobrad)(2)_ 门(提示:odor)五、我是小法官(判断题)36.下列个组字母读音如有相同的用表示,没有用X表示。(1) HK()IR()3)TV()5) )FSY( ()WQU( ()(T) EK( ()AEI()38.看图片,判断下列的对答是否与图片意思一致。用“诚“X表示。1. -Let s go to schoo-.OK. Let s go. )pF2. -How many flo

11、wers? -Five.()37.(看图,)读句子,与图片相符的打“V,不相符的打“X。4. How much are they? Six yua n, please.1. Four banan as, please2. How much is it? Two yuan, please. 3. The pear is small. The apple is big.o第8页,共 8 页六、阅读理解40.读对话,选择正确的答案。3. -Good morning. -Good morni ng. ()5. -Joh n, this is my brother, Sam. -Hi, Sam.()A.

12、 twoB+ threeA. tenB. nineA. fiveB, fourA. oneB+eight第9页,共 8 页Chen Jie: Hello. Look! I have a bear. It s brown.Mike:Oh, really? May I have a look?第10页,共 8 页Chen Jie: Sure. Here you are.Mike:Thank you. Oh, it s nice. I like it.Chen Jie: Thank you.Mike:This is my pan da. It s white and black.Sarah:Me t

13、oo.Bai Ling: Wow! I like bear and pan da.()1.Chen Jie has (有)_ .A. a birdB. a bearC. a panda() 2.The bear is_.A. blueB. blackC. brow n()3.M ike has_.A. a bearB. a pig()4. The panda is_ .A. white and brow nB. white and black()5.Sarah has_ .A. a pandaB. a bearC. a rabbit41.Read and judge (阅读短文,判断句子,用T 表示相符,F 表示不相符)Hello, I am Tom. I am a boy. I am nine. I am fat. I can run, but I can t run fast. I like meat and ssister, Mary. She is five. She is thin. She can sing and dance. S


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