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1、- 1 -高三英语语法专题复习讲义(10)1. Emergency line operators must always calm and make sure that they get all thein formati on they n eed to send help. 2007年湖北卷functionsA. prefer B. expect C. suggest D. supposeA. look ing dow n B. look ing up C. look ing awayD. look ing onA. make B. ope n C. con sider D. mindD.

2、 repliedPart 2 Grammar: Adverbial ClauseI An alysis一、时间状语从句二、地点状语从句三、方式状语从句四、程度状语从句五、原因状语从句六、结果状语从句七、目的状语从句八、条件状语从句九、让步状语从句十、比较状语从句A. growB. appearC. becomeD. stay2. If the firms failed to make eno ugh mon ey, they would. 2007年湖北卷offA. close dow nB. call offC. tur n downD.set3. People try to avoid p

3、ublic transportationdelays by using theirown cars, andthiscreates further problems. 2007年湖北卷A. in shortB. in caseC. in doubtD. i n turn4. If we can ourpresent difficulties,then everythingshouldbe all right.2007年湖北卷offA. come acrossB. get overC. come overD.get5. Surely it doesnmatterwhere the student

4、associationsget theirmoney from;whatis what they do with it. 2007年湖北卷A. countsB. appliesC. stressesD.6. Does this meal cost $50? Isometh ing far better tha n this! 2007年全国一7.“Goodbye, then, ” she said, without evenfrom her book. 2007年全国一8. I haveall my papers but I still cant find my notes.2007 年全国卷

5、 IIA. looked through B. looked forC. looked after D. looked out9. Why don t you justyour own bus in essandleave me alone?2007 年全国卷 II10. Mumto us ,Be quiet! Your little sisters sleeping .” 2007年四川卷A . whisperedB. shoutedC.explain【考点 1】when, while 与 as 的用法均可表示“当的时候”,但有区别:when:既可接-2 -表示动作性或短暂性的动词,也可接表

6、示状态的动词,不强调主从句谓语动作同时发生。有 时还有“这时”的意思。while :常接持续性的动词,强调主从句谓语动作同时发生,常用进行时。有时还有对比意义,意为“然而”。_ as :强调同时发生或伴随进行。常用一般现在时_或过去时,意为“一边.一边. ”。有时还有“随着”含义。1I do every sin gle bit of housework_my husba nd Bob just does the dishesnow and the n.A. since B. while C. when D. as(2004广西)【考点 2】 “-.就”几种表达法 once, as soon a

7、s, the moment/ minute , immediately/ directly /in sta ntly引导的从句常用一般现在时或过去时。hardly / scarcely wher禾口 nosoonertha n结构中,前句常用过去完成式(常用部分倒装形式),后句用过去式。On doing sth., each / every / the first / the last + time后也可直接接从句,一起作时间状语。2- Did you remember to give Mary the money you owed her?- Yes. I gave it toher_I s

8、aw her.A. while B. the mome nt C. sudde nly D. once【考点 3】because , as , since 与 for 的用法比较:because :表示直接的原因或理由。用于 回答 Why的问题。because 与 so 不能同时并列使用。si nee :表示对方已知的,无须加以说明 的既成事实的理由。译为“既然”。as:表示十分明显的原因,一般说明因果关系for :常出现在并列句中,不说明主句行为发生的直接原因,只提供一些补充说明,且不可位于句首。3_ you are leavi ng tomorrow, we can eat dinner

9、together toni ght.(2004江苏启东)A. For B. Si nee C. When D. while【考点 4】no matter 后可接 who, whom whose, which , what, when, where, how, whether 引导的让步主语从句可用 whoever, whomever, whenever, whichever , whatever , wherever , however 替换,但在 ever 引导其它从句时不可用 no matter 引导。4_ , I have to put it away and focus my atte

10、 nti on on study this week. (2004上海春季)A. However the study is amus ing B. No matter amus ing the story isC. However amus ing the story is D. No matter how the story is amus ing【考点 5】until / till的用法5It was_ back home after the experiment. (2004湖北)- 3 -A. notun til midni ght did he go B. un til midni

11、ght that he did n t goC. notun til midni ght that he went D. un til midni ght whe n he didn t go6-Was his father very strict with him whe n he was at school?- Yes. He hadn ever praised him_ he became one of the top stude nts in the grade. (2003北京春季)A. after B. unl ess C. until D. whe n【考点 6】引导让步主语从句

12、应注意等几个问题1.由 although / though , even if / though引导注意 although / though引导从句时,主句不能用but,但可用 yet 或 still。2 .由whetheror (not)引导 3.由 though 或 as 引导的倒装句中。4. though 用作副词,可位于句末,并用逗号分开。7-Dad, I ve finished my assignment.-Good, and_ you play or watchTV, you mustn t disturb me.A. whenever B. whether C. whatever

13、 D. nomatter【考点 7】before 用法:注意 before 在下列句型中的使用It will be + 一段时间+ before+从句;It won t be long before + 从句 before 一词在不同的句型中就有不同的意思, 如:“在之前”、“过了才”、“没就”、“不知不觉就”等。8It will be a long time_Mr. Black_ back abroad.(2002湖北八校)A. before; comes B. since; has come C. before; will come D. after; will come【考点 8】whe

14、re 引导的定语从句与 where 引导的地点状语从句的区别9-I have learned that a large new building will be set up_ the Twin Towersonce stood.- So have I. But the American people haven t yet got over the shock of September11.A. where B. when C. which D. that (2004江苏南通)【考点 9】so that可引导目的状语从句和结果状语从句10Roses n eed special care_ t

15、hey can live through win ter.(2004全国卷)A. because B. so that C. even if D. as【考点 10】状语从句的省略用法1.当when, while , if , unless 引导状语从句时,如果主从句的主语一致,且谓语部分由be动词构成(或者从句中有it is)时,可省略主语和be 动词(或省略 it is )。2.在- 4 -虚拟条件状语从句中,如果从句中有 had, should , were 时,可省略 if ,用“ had, should ,were +主语”形式。3.以 as, than 引导的比较状语从句可全部或部

16、分省去。和 as though从句可用省略形式,后接不定式、分词、形容词和介词。(11)The research is so desig ned that once_nothing can be done to cha nge it.(NMET2002)A. begi ns B. havi ng begu n C. beg inning D. begu n(12)Gen erally speak ing, _ accord ing to the direct ions, the drug has no side effect.(2003 上海)A. when taking B. when ta

17、ken C. when to take D. when to be taken考点 111.“ May I go and play with Dick this after noon, Mum?”“ No, you can t go out_ your work is being done. ”A. before B. un til C. as D. the mome nt2.“ I m going to the post office. ”“_ you re there, can you get me somestamps?”A. As B. While C. Because D. If(1

18、) _ you are at home alone, please don t leave the door open. A. While B.As C. Before D. How(2) _ you are alo ne with her, tell her that you like her. A. While B. AsC. After D. How3. After the war, a new school build ing was put up_ there had once bee n atheatre.A. that B. when C. which D. where(1)Th

19、e famous scientistgrew up_ he was born and in 1930 he came to Shanghai.A. whe n B. whe never C. where D. wherever(2) She found her calculator_she lost it. A. where B. while C. in whichD. that(3) You should make it a rule to leave things_you can find them aga in.A. when B. where C. then D. which(4)Wh

20、enyou read the book, you d better make a mark_you have any questions.A. at which B. at where C. the place where D. where4. as if- 5 -(5) You should let your childre n play_ you can see them.A. where B. whe nC. in which D. that(6) Now he works in the factory_his father used to work.A. where B. whe nC

21、. in which D. that4. The visitor asked to have his picture take n_ stood the famous tower.A. that B. at which C. when D. where4. They kept trying _they must have known it was hopeless. A. if B. becauseC. whe n D. where【陷阱】几个干扰项均有可能误选。【分析】最佳答案选C。when 在此的意思不是“当的时候”,而是“尽管”、“虽然”的意思。又如:He walks whe n he

22、might take a taxi.尽管他可以坐出租车,但他却走路。有许多同学只知道 when 表示“当的时候”,而不知道它还有其他许多意思,除上面提到的表示“尽管”、“虽然”外,whe n 还可表示“既然”、“考虑到”。请做下面的试题(答案选 D):Why do you want a new job_ you ve got such a good one already?A. that B.where C. which D. whe n5. He was about to tell methe secret _some one patted him on the shoulder.A.as

23、B. until C. when D. while(1) I was about to go out_ the teleph one rang. A. whe n B. sudde nly C. assoon as D. directly(2) We were swimmi ng in the lake_ the storm started. A. whe n B. sudde nlyC. un til D. before(3) She was walk ing dow n the road_she heard some one shouti ng for help.A. when B. su

24、ddenly C. until D. before6. The fire went on for quite some time_ it was brought un der con trol. A. whe nB si nee C. after D. before(1)He made a mistake, but then he corrected the situation _it got worse.A. untilB. whe n C. before D. as(2) Some one called me up in the middle of the ni ght, but they

25、 hung up_ Icould an swer the phone.A. as B. since C. un til D. before(3) She is gett ing better by degrees, but it will be some time_ she iscompletely well.- 6 -A. that B. si nee C. whe n D. before(4) They sat dow n opposite each other, but it was some mome nts_they spoke.A. after B. before C. since

26、 D. whe n7. Mother asked me to take more money_ someth ing un expected should happe n.A. in case B. so that C. in order that D. whe n(1)_ I forget, please remind me about it.A. In case B. So that C. In orderthat D. When(2) Take your umbrella just _ it rains.A. in case B. so that C. in order thatD. w

27、he n(3) Be quiet_ you should wake the baby.A. in case B. so that C. in orderthat D. whe n(4) Take a hat with you in case the sun is very hot.A. in case B. so that C. in orderthat D. whe n(5). I II keep his address_I need it. A. so that B. in order that C. incase D. whe n8. “Shall Mary come and play

28、computer games? ”“No,she has finished herhomework.”A. whe n B. since C. uni ess D. as soon as(1)“Would you mind my sitting here with you?”“ No,_ you aren t too noisy.A. whe n B. if C. uni ess D. as soon as(2)“Will he agree to come to join us in the work?” No,more mon ey.we promise himA. whe n B. uni

29、 ess C. uni ess D. as soon asII Practice1.Tim is in good shape physically he doesnt get much exercise.南)A. ifB. eve n thoughC. uni esslong as2. The school rules state that no child shall be allowed out of the school duri ngthe day,_accompanied by an adult.(10 山东)A. once B. whe n C. if D. uni ess3.yo

30、u may have, you should gather your courage to face the chaile nge.(10 湖D. as(10上海)- 7 -6. Today, we will begi n_ we stopped yesterday so that no point will be leftout. (10 重庆)A. whe nB. whereC. howD. what7. She had just fini shed her homework her mother asked her to practice play ing the pia no yest

31、erday.Peter was so excitedD. sinceunemployment and crime are high, it can be assumed that the latter is due to the former.(09 江苏)D. Untilbasketball.C. However serious a problemD. What serious a problem4. Because of the heavy traffic,it was already time for lunch breakshegot to her office. (10 四川)A .

32、 si nee B.that C.whenD . until5. Joh n thinks it wont be longhe is ready for his new job.(陕西)A. However a serious problemB. What a serious problemA. whe nB. after C. beforeD. since(09 福A. whe nB. whileC. afterD. since8. My pare nts don t min d what job I do I am happy.(09 陕西)B. as soon as C. as long

33、 as D. as though you get your stude ntcard.A. even though9. You can t borrow books from the school library(09 上海)A. before B. ifC. whileD. as10.he received anin vitationfrom his friend to visit Chongqing.A. whereC. whyotherwisestated, will serve two to threeB. thatD. when11. All the dishes in this m

34、enu, people. (09 全国2 )A. as B. if C. though D. unl ess12.Because of the finan cial crisis, days are gone_6,000 yuan for one night.(09 江)local 5-star hotels chargedA. ifB. whe nC.which13A. BeforeB.WhereC.Unless14 (2011 全国卷 II ) 19. It was a nice meal,C. asA. though15 (2011 北京卷)B. whether_a little exp

35、e nsive.D. since29.volleyball is her main focus, shes also great at- 8 -16. (2011 上海卷)36. If a lot of people say a film is not good, I wonA. SineeB. OnceC. U nlessD. Whilet bother to- 9 -see it, or I ll wait _ it comes out on DVD.A. whetherB. afterC. though D.until17 The police officers in our city

36、work hard _ the rest of us can live a safelife(2011 上海卷 ) .A. in caseB. as ifC. in order thatD. only if18( 2011 江西卷) 29. Please call my secretary to arrange a meeting this afternoon,or _ it is convenient to you.A. wheneverB. howeverC. whicheverD. wherever19( 2011 浙江) One Friday, we were packing to l

37、eave for a weekend away _ my daughterheard cries for help.A. afterB. whileC. since D. when20( 2011 福建卷) It was April 29, 2001 _ Prince William and Kate Middleton walkedinto the palace hall of the wedding ceremony.A.that B.when C.since D.before21( 2011 四川卷 Frank insisted that he was not asleep _ I ha

38、d great difficultyin waking him up.A. whetherB. althoughC. forD. so22( 2011 四川卷)As it reported,it is100 years _ Qinghua University wasfounded.A. whenB. beforeC. afterD. since23( 2011 辽宁卷)No matter how _, it is not necessarily lifeless.A. a desert may be dry B. dry a desert may be C. may a desert be

39、dry D.dry may a desert be24( 2011 辽宁卷) 29. He had no sooner finished his speech _ the students startedcheering.A. since B. as C. when D. than25( 2011 陕西卷) 17.The new stadium being built for the next Asian Games will be the present one.A. as three times big as B. three times as big as C. as big as th

40、ree timesD. as big three times as26( 2011 天津卷) _regular exercise is very important,it s never a good idea toexercise too close to bedtime.A.ItB. AsC.Although D.Unless27( 2011 陕西卷) 19._all of them are strong candidates, only one willbe chosen for the post.A. SinceB. WhileC. IfD. As28( 2011 山东卷) 28. H

41、e had his camera ready _ he saw something that would makea good picture.A. even if B. if onlyC. in case D. so that29 To show our respect, we usually have to take our gloves off _ we are to shakehands with.- 10 -A.whichever B.whenever C.whoever D.wherever 30(2011 湖南卷 )33 Jack wasntsayinganything, but

42、 the teacher smiled at him _ hehad done something very clever.A .as if B. in case C. whileD. thoughPart 3 综合能力训练Quickly, the picture comes alive with hyperlinks (超链接 ), offering the namesof the buildings, towers and street features that appear in the photo. The hyperlinks lead to informationabout th

43、e history, services and context of all the features in the photo. You have just hyperlinked yourreality.That might be a little unbelievable, but the technology exists and is no fevered imagination. This isnot a cool small machine invented for the next James Bond movie; this is a working technology j

44、ustdeveloped by European researchers. It could be coming to a phone near you, and soon.This, as the marketing types say, is a game changer. It develops a completely new interface ( 界面 )that combines web-technology with the real world. It is big and fresh, but it goes much further and hasmuch greater

45、 influence.The development of the system is most outstanding because image recognition technology has longbeen pregnant with promise, but seemed to suffer from an unending labour.Now MOBVIS has not only developed image recognition; it has also developed more applications forthe technology; and it ha

46、s adapted it to the world s most populartechnology: the mobile phone.The MOBVIS system completely rewrites the rules for exploration and interaction with your physicalenvironment. The system begins with panoramas ( 一连串景象 ). These panoramas form the basis ofa city database. Itcan match buildings, tow

47、ers,bannersand even logos that appear in the panoramas.A user simply takes a picture of the street feature, MOBVIS compares the user s photograph to thepanoramas and then identifies the buildings from the picture you take and the relevant links are returned.Then you simply click on the links, using

48、a touch-screen phone, and the MOBVIS system will provideinformation on the history, art, architecture or even the menu, if it is a restaurant, of the building inquestion.1. Which is introduced in the passage?A. A new game software.B. A popular mobile phone.C. A cool small machine. D. An image recognitionsystem.2. What can we learn about the new technology?A. It can only be put into use on mobile phones.B. It is a little unbelievable and just a fevered imagination.C. It has taken an unending labor to bring the technology into our lives.D. It will encourage the users to take mo


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