



1、.小学三年级英语作文:愉快的一天(双语)编辑点评:小朋友们每天都做些什么呢.你有没有向你的好朋友介绍过自己的生活.假如让你来向大家介绍一下自己的生活,你会如何介绍呢.看看今天的小作者忙碌而愉快的一天吧。I got up early this morning. I cleaned my room. I opened the window and aired the room. I picked up the paper and swept the floor. Then I made the bed.我今天很早起床。打扫了房间。我开窗通了风。我捡了地上的纸,扫了地。然后我整理了床铺。I play

2、ed computer games. We had lunch at 12:00. We had fish for lunch.我玩了电脑游戏。我们在12点的时候吃了午饭。我们吃了鱼。After lunch we went to the park. In the evening I did my homework. We had deliciousfood for supper.午饭后,我们去了公园。傍晚的时候我做了作业。我们晚饭吃了美味。I was very happy today.我今天过的很愉快。小作者向大家讲述了自己的一天,忙碌而愉快。小学三年级英语作文:爸爸的一天(双语)·

3、 编辑点评:小朋友们的爸爸是做什么工作的.他每天都忙些什么呢.他有什么爱好吗.你了解他每天的工作吗.这位小作者向大家介绍了自己当教师的爸爸,一起来看一下吧。My father is a teacher in a school. He teaches maths well. He is very busy.我爸爸是一所学校的老师。他教数学教的很好。他每天都很忙。Every day he has to get up very early. And he goes to work by subway. He has classes in the morning. In the afternoon,

4、he eats lunch at school. After lunch, he checks students homeworks. If he finishes his work, he will read newspapers.他每天很早起床。坐地铁去上班。他上午上课。下午,在学校吃午饭。之后,他会批改学生的作业。如果他忙完了,他会读一会报纸。Usually he comes back home at 5:30. We have dinner together. Then he watches TV in the living room. Before he goes to bed, h

5、e likes to take a shower.他一般五点半回家。我们一起吃晚饭。然后他之后会在客厅看电视。睡觉之前,他喜欢冲凉。My father works very hard. I like my father very much!我爸爸工作很辛苦。我非常爱我的爸爸。小作者简单记述了爸爸忙碌的一天生活。小学三年级英语作文:我的英语老师(双语)编辑点评:小朋友们有几位老师呢.你喜欢你的英语老师呢,还是语文老师.你喜欢听他们上课吗.今天的小作者介绍了自己的英语老师,因为这位老师上课非常的生动,一起来看一下吧。I have a good English teacher. She is Mis

6、s Wu. She is my favorite teacher.我有一个好英语老师。她就是吴老师。她是我最喜欢的老师。We felt English very difficult when we began to study English. Miss Wu had a good ideato solve the problem. One day, she came into the classroom with some fruits, such as apples, bananas and oranges. She said, “Today we are going to learn t

7、he names of the fruits. You can eat the fruits if you can tell me their names in English. ”我们刚开始学习英语的时候感觉英语很难。吴老师有一个好办法解决这个问题。一天,她带了好多水果来到教室,像苹果,香蕉和桔子之类的。她说:“今天我们要学习这些水果的名字。如果你们能用英语告诉我它们的名字,你们就可以吃它们。”All of us were interested and wanted to win the fruits. We listened to her very carefully. Someone e

8、ven stood up to answer questions. When the class was over, all the fruits were all eaten.我们大家都很感兴趣,都想赢得水果。我们听的很认真。有的同学甚至站起来回答问题。当下课的时候,所有的水果都已经被吃掉了。From then on, I am more and more interested in English. I think Miss Wu is a good teacher. I really appreciate her help.从那以后,我对英语越来越感兴趣。我认为吴老师是一个好老师,我真的

9、很感激她的帮助。小作者喜欢自己的老师,并通过一个很鲜活的例子,说明了喜欢老师的原因。小学三年级英语作文:我的爸爸妈妈(双语)编辑点评:小朋友们都有自己的爸爸妈妈,你们了解他们吗.他们有什么爱好.他们对你的要求严格吗.今天的小作者分别向大家介绍了自己的爸爸和妈妈,一起来了解一下吧。I have a busy father and a kind mother.我有一个忙碌的爸爸和一个慈祥的妈妈。My father is a businessman. He is 42 years old. He is short. He likes reading newspapers after meals. H

10、e watches TV in the evening. He goes to work by car. He has got a nice black car. He often plays golf with his friends on the weekend. He does not often eat dinner with us.我爸爸是一位商人。他今年42岁。他不高。他喜欢饭后看报纸。晚上的时候他会看电视。他有一辆黑色的漂亮的车。他开车去上班。他经常和朋友在周末的时候打高尔夫。他不是经常跟我们一起吃晚饭。My mother is a housewife. She doesnt w

11、ork. She stays at home. She is beautiful. She has long hair. She does housework in the morning. She often goes shopping in the afternoon. She is kind, but she is strict with my study. She likes reading. She watches TV at night, too.我妈妈是一个家庭主妇。她没有工作。一般呆在家里。她很漂亮。她有一头长发。她上午的时候做家务。下午的时候去购物。她很和蔼,但是对我的学习要

12、求严格。她喜欢看书。她晚上的时候也看电视。I love my parents. And they love me too.我爱我的父母。他们也很爱我。小作者分别向大家介绍了自己的爸爸和妈妈。小学三年级英语作文:我的教室(双语)编辑点评:小朋友们每天都在哪里上课呢.对了,就是教室。你们的教室是什么样子的呢.里面都有什么东西呢.今天的小作者为大家介绍了自己的教室,一起来看一下吧。My classroom is nice and big.我的教室很漂亮,很宽敞。There are forty desks and chairs in the classroom. There are two black

13、 boards on the walls. There are two pictures. My classroom has eleven lights and twelve fans. What color are the fans" They are blue. At the corner, there is a shelf. Many books are on the shelf. I like the books very much.教室里面有40张桌子和椅子。墙上有两块黑板。有两张画。我的教室有11盏灯和12个风扇。风扇是什么颜色的呢.是蓝色的哦。在角落里,有一个书架。上面

14、有好多书。我非常喜欢那些书。This is my classroom, it is very tidy. I like my classroom very much.这就是我的教室。非常的整洁。我热爱我的教室。小作者用简单的语言向大家介绍了自己教室的摆设。其他:1.看图,写一写动物园的情景。动物们都在干什么呢.Today is Sunday. I am in the zoo. Look at the elephants. Theyre drinking water. The kangaroos are jumping on the grass. The birds are singing on the tree. Oh, no. The monkey is swinging. The mother bear is playing. The baby bear is sleeping.2.看图,图中人物在干什么.Today is Sunday. We are going on a field trip. The students are in the woods. Look. Sarah


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