已阅读5页,还剩6页未读 继续免费阅读




1、(名校调研系列卷)吉林省长春市文曲星2015-2016学年八年级英语下学期第三次月考试题名校调研系列卷八年下弟三次月考试卷英语<1得分评费人一听力(共23分)密.封: 线 内 不:嬖=答*L听句子,选择正确答语.分)】“, peoplt' plan t rsitiru hitm boo every ycarb R.、0 . I don t like pandas,C. cs »psri(lfiK 高Eiy,2, A. The 5am心 10 you. 11 OK.C. Never mincL3. A. I WA5j nv lusm< wstk-1. did nry

2、. homrWQrkt 'J t|n rnv hnmcwoi k.% A. havr a map, < hmd a Hghi with n)y friemLC. You can't mis- it.(1所简短对话和对话后的问题,选择正确答案,仃分1()1. A. To vimi hr( irt*at W.ili,C. To wiin in ihu ricr.13 A, Her mother4H Her friendsIL N»« ?h(? doc5nH. Sunday,Il T(i rd bike riding.( F (it roii5in,C. W

3、e don't know.C. Fndc封其中有一幅图片是落余的. 5分)线外4N匕H山姓名5分)A. Yes . he did.1< No. he dousn't.(), A, Saturday.乱听描述,逃出与其相符的图片。英语试卷第I页(共8页)1.IV听较疑前话.选择正确答案。听第 段对活.作器第12小题.()1. LXxjh Nlikc like Liith Rfil Riding H.wd?、不下.莫僖 itr=ML) I 一)(>21 Whtst >iory dots Tina like?H,;打,I;.' H'Z1 jr<

4、.t I hr Anmxon,I . I hc t apidri S-aTC. I .025 mi'terK deep.IL hi lib nrrh(4A. Vhe l)am*hfer <j / the *Sear *i . I hf 二基础知识(共25分)H.根据首字母,在下列各句的空白处填入一个适当的阑.便句子意思完整、语法正确自(-分) Helen is “till very w after her illness2, Luckily, nwa> hurl in the accident,3. It mini"h Ia( m鼻ht that llw lake

5、 in full uf water now.4. Could you a me to go wiih you?5. The kitchen was in a m +用括号内所给单词的i£雪菽填空。(5分)1. The bike 沁(break). repair iL2. My(old) sislcr is 3 years older than mc+3. liy now it is(romplete) dark uutsidc.,、A Jn L.-4, Il * h warm morning and the yun is(shine), 5. The Cluncse chmb<

6、?rs goi great ( achieve in dimbtnR the HirnEi加评九 队单响选择 从每小题所给的四个选顼中,选出一个正确的答案.(M分) ()I.is the papulaiton of China?It's over 1. 3 billion. And it i>than that uf the U5.A. What;mort H. What * hiftgcr C. Howj more D. Hows htgffer ()2. 1 know> ht is. very good al dancing.A, As long wn氏 Aw iar

7、asC. As MXm asD. As tall ati英语试卷第2贝(共H贞) 1 fin r- I Tttf> Pit,所第二段对店,作霁第3 5小罂.()3. Whrti、the lutiRi'sl rivtr m ihe world?A, The Yangtze River. B, f he Nile,()4, WhatTa the deepest 制1 take in the world?A; Th«, Snlutrj).ik Tire Yellow Rntir.( 电 How dvep is the Caspian Sea?A. ZtOZ5 meirrs d

8、erp* K. I *Q52 meters deep.听短文,盘择正确答案. (5分)()1. Where i> th<- Yelitiw Mountain?A. In the M>«rh of Anhiti.C, In the niiddh f Anhui.)2, When is ike In lime tu visit the Yellow Mountain?A. In Februftry.B. In October,In December.>3. low long will it tak? you to 母 t there by cjir from Na

9、njtiiK?A. Two hour、.】i. Six litmrs. I. l-inhi hcnif)4. Whal ran you enjoy while you arp climbing the mountain?A. White doudj*.% Wild wnimak.C4 Talk show«,湿 When dtH'S the sky ihcrt look beautiful?A. In the eveningsB. In the afternoon.( In the early morning+考 生 座位序号丽评卷不3八年下*央慵(市中)(一)<>

10、3, Jack 讪 qhc qI - in cur cki.A. hard-wdrkinw siddcntB, niorv hftrd wurkiiiK MiidviuI , ilie mtjst hard wcrkinfi <utk-ni l). most Ivird-warkttin ludcnis ()*, The river is only I kilnmctcr ,AJiighB. far<,. bigD, lornC M, I ooitr t-nx'ironnivni * do wiTTit-ihinn useful.A. ikritroyB. prott ct

11、< ruHcarchI), provide( 电 He bandascfi >o thal hr wouldn't lone bkxxl.Xb hiniself t loo muchl£ I山i“ too nnu h('.Iiinipi-lt; Lu'j liLriny!). luini Lon nvuiy()74 Pleasethe door. I'm hark.A. openH. rkw?C.raist-D.developt )HP My son work> hnrd he can 只ct km!科rad”5,A* such di

12、mIk in order toCxn i hatJXin order()i Wlivn I fict m ihe %chnuL ihv 7Hdems Eibuut llic lol.A, arf lalkingIk werv idiking(talkvd1)t门/k汽t) 11 Don'l y(mr (IrviiHi. You will be succuful in the fuiurr.A. give up 民 piv inC. out 1). off< >1 L We shotiEif find oihcr w;i”th( , prblims.A. lu olve H.

13、 solve( salviitK fl sulved(> 12, Hr <itcihis niorninA, Minn bruicl''It m pi* i< nf brutd( sonic picc of LreadLX piece of brend< )13.二,1 use yuur (liftioiiary?.Yr? * (if cdutsl- you.A, Cam guld Ik Coulcl; enn < I'uuld ;couldD,C«n; need< )1 L The okl phmo n mindtbil

14、me my grnnmotlH riAx inli,jfC,furIXco< > 13. Hr worked:.、so lu is so tirciLAx ihi1 whtile <HyB.die »!daywhole th dayD,wholed”得分砰卷入一 二| 三、交际运用(共5分)A.完成对话从方抵申选择正琉选项,并将其字母序号写在对话后面的横线上。方框 中有一个选项与对话内容无关)3分) I hi y m in great d*r岬 r, H. Hu的 Li* the; whak i! Could you (ell rue about ih t)ka?e

15、? It hy arc thi-y ”prL-at, .-ftE. X:cs it ent mbir >e,-. ;niniKil>? 艮 The NiL Lj” 心打印i、巾“认 为urlJ A i Look! J英语试卷第3页t共8页)B: No*it s not a whale. Ii > a whalv slmrk.: A whale shrk? 2*B;Sun 1'hr whah' sliark is thefish in rhr oeran. It ran Hvc 10 be 7i.) ynAt 3h ; i * but Lt IllHinly t

16、ub植物 LA: I here must bi- lols of whale sharks in the orrnn.Be Not rrtllyt I Many rcnmtnt s irr irying io proi' Ci ih«m_,X i''-Hr The oct fin whs polluted and I hry cfiuldn't get enough food. Humans have killed too ninny of ihem tx also ihc r«?5is(jnTu分评卷入2, 3.4.5.四、阅读(共45分)

17、完形填空e 口5分)A kw diiy> HRti, ah<r I Liifiic from wnrk, 1、h【hi ihe sof;i j T'. Jusr ihrn I got i- ca!l from ;t Friend o niinc. 1mi him for h very kmg iin】 W(- t.ilkrdX our >chfx>l :md 1 lie good uld day*, hen hr <.tarud !hi、LiiIh t,Hi、father was hatiiy iti linspital. Hi< f;Hher ro

18、nldn t s!eci f nijjhi nnd nfren tftlked to himx4f. My friend whs Hilary nbout these and told his hither 6 talking4 Bu( 7 his father stopped talking. he was ungHsciuuB(无意识的).My friend was very Hr thmiKhi it w»s hi* fauh. My fricn<l S |ik< h baby on (hi1 Telephonei He >.ii(l thai Ih woul

19、d du :' if his (alher rould wake uptSome? kith oft( n feel unhappy 10 they tiave to trikr cfirc- of ihrir parents» Bui y<m know duu our parrm、take cart- of ns .uni si: y with 心 for iheir life lime.11 门b;iby io a tail ytjunji mwn- our parents always keep us mniRany(同行LMy dear friends- fro

20、m nuw(>n» never ray a 12 word to your parents. 13 carr of I hem 111Hli >Uty with thi in. I'vt n if :i only yiui a second * yuur pari tiis u til 卜管very14 io hr whhy(>ut Sirtrt doinu Hbefore ic is irw)latct1 5 you will hf rt-Rrct-fuLt)L A, 5cr*iLL wdiiJit >C NCCH耍D. watching<以

21、A. trk phont'Ik shirt( da ItD. stickC用A. 6H. inC. alD.abjjia():.Ar talk氏 tnlkingC talkD.皿()5. A. illB. silly( ;*wrk<叫MF()i>. At tiiipB. hlVfto give因()", A, bt tart-B. afterL untilD.Ei i I(A, rryB. smileC. smiledMI cried()9. A. nothin耨E± anythitiKC. sonicthir/1). ;i thing()1 *), A

22、. wht reH* whatC. u hirhD. whent)H. A. toB. fromC. nc*ross【k n>. Kt()12. A. badH. (K)dnicet). warm(> 13b AP l ikingH. BringI . IkiriginftX Tnk<英语试卷第1页f共8页5八年下裳,市|一)()1L A. horvd B, h叩pybusyD. inieresring()15. A. And * B. WithC; TuD. (k;XL阅读理解.评0分)(A)X about TrnuMm* io (>r<gon Si.He L

23、niverrityIn nrrier tn give students n better iindcrRtHnding of th< Americfir cgtHimyf 经济), culttire Ant! cdueiin» (inr <L,1ho-ol ill org,-uiizi u 13 day visit(<i( >rcgon Sinu* Lnivcrii y in ih,1 I SA wherr <hches, nti Amcriran sricuhiirc, cconnmy and cullure will be fiv- fn. Srud

24、rnrs will also ihi rhrinr< in rish 3ml AnnTiran universihc'- anrl enmpi nics . go io cCmtXTTb* walch sports events -nd visit San Francisco ntid Portland, Siudentswil】 nIhy wilh Irjral Americans fin wri krpds to exprienre- western eulnir?#nd 门IRtonir1 he toi it prict nf I he I rip will !> $

25、 :* 力:.including ro- tran5porintiun nnd travel CKpcn5cC 赞 HJj. I hcre wil be hti intruduclitm niticiin "f Feb. 26iii in Rtxjni 10-1 uf IfathinR Building al 1 - 10 pm. For mort tnfornfinlion* p(;)m cnll thv school offic( wt 31。!; 357 ui ”】d an i turuj i。“ip伙、rijatt k , nt工 根据短文内容,选择最佳群案行分)1. The

26、 trip to ()rt fjoii Stiitt University will tLiy,A. 15!k 1eC31D. 10q ()24 The speeches to be given will N<IT be on Aincricnn,A, agricuhuii;B, ttononjyC. wliuruD« uduvGtitt)3, 1 twin Iprnihers. Vidor anft Sam,want to take ibis trip, ihey wi【l have in pay.V S 1 .SOUB, SS,000 C. $3/小 上 $ I. 00)1

27、.11 studf nt3 want mnre informal ion* which of the fo lowing dci.il “细 方)is not provided?A. A phone number,lh An e-mail address( Th。icAcher j* ivtnHiIX A r,>om numl»cr,()5. The above informatiem is probably a<n).A. news re(>ori *li* price list( guidrlKMik(X n(h crusrnit'inf )(B)A r

28、ecent report from Zhu2hou Daily says hImxit 18% of Zhtixhou teenagers ran hnvc pi't liilrin wilh ihiir ri.iiids. Si inn.-、小 km、licconic w arried beca iIk> have lu >ludy vt r,卜注用,()lhtrs hvt | ruLiblc 跳灯缶目 <in wi-ll wnh |ic-ji;'ic Rkt iheir ni< 汨ndZhann QiftiiH* h Juuinr 2 Mu<k

29、 in frutn Zhuzhuti. could not undirMatid his tcachrrj* hi cEmr MEid di(I badly in hix lessons. He wan rnkE tif exurn岁, When he Eooked at tlit cn- nii p;'prr. he nviildn i 1 Link of anydiin tn whl« LAiKilhtr Mud七ril* a 1j-year-old girl called Wu、'an often argued with hur clasvni;ites wt

30、ii h< r itrirenT'. hecJLiise l/ some diff.rrnt irkx She heram(j e Finnoy< ri about rhem thnd she >kirtfd lu mt her fingtr with x ktiiT .】。5'/丫胪1, in.my 7udeii" wins h;ivt probEenas wiin't fit> (or advit ur help. '口联,thicik thtjy ivM k(>k st Lipid if they g( m ei h

31、d)cn»T. ( hhc?rs dn口>wnn< in t与k aImhh iheirIn order to s()lv ihe trenyi'r英语试卷第三贞(扶*贞)prnldcnis . h<TC is *cm串 jid vievi Talk to your pyrenes or teachefs G(Trn., Take part in Rroup ririivities anil pl;iy sp<»rts. G()io、rn dochit if you feel unliHj|jy nr unwell 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案

32、.15分)1» It is reported that Mudeniit in ZhuhtHi rnn havr problems withtheir mind*A, mostK rranys(Jmet>. nil the()2, From tlu pnssaRt wr know teenagers have problems wiih Their mi rids beta useof,A, thrir st utlvB+on wiili otln r pMcpkrhfir hohbiirsIX A 而4H>3. Wu Yan starRxl to rnt her fui

33、gvr wilh a knife because, At she cnuldn'r get on well with her dfissmaTes and rvm her parents H* Khr could not gdEarwi her teachers in Hn第 C she was afraid of exn msD. sin hrkd nc n)nnvy for a new shirt)I. Why dfin't the zMnrx whej limr problm want 1O go fttr help?A. litcrtuf. I hey think nn

34、 nn妙 will help the.ni.R. B<-( ilkc ihrv don-i wain to Mik 汽bout ihrir rcrets mul they think ii k siii pid to >lv n drx U»r.C. Ekvau哼-ihi-v think can "以 thi prt山km by I hc,rm'h't/.T Bi rnusi they think the 出ir"r、rouki dn nolhiwith their problcTiis.)3. 1 iow many pie,*4of

35、advicu arv gtvtii tu luuiacrs who bsvc |jrobkit in this iassa(*?A. Two.& Threw. C. Four,> Five.(C)Long long agoi there were ten 鼻un& Earb day« one of ihm out on hi5 journey JcrciNK I he >k y, but onv dhy rd tun sun> <vi <)ui iht rF As ri result I he world Wiis be in晶 drsi

36、rnyit by heal. Hou Yi wa*to trz lh( Murid. Yi ckftl his cyt for >U1il >< rornl* hccHu>r of the iHinuriK unljghl. Then ht placed an arrow (剑)司巾»口封 hnw- ?!rring and drew i( to the fuL Then liu ki his arrow go. A fEolden crow<onc of Hie ttn xuii2* wa> killed find fell d»wn.

37、Still the earth was burning. Xiur htin 门 nun, d. Th,, watchers wece Mill blind wnh (hr puin of ilic hear Yi kmdcd di* 妒. When ihe ninth sun felI off the sky* Yi 询 二”图 ;lkJ 1 lit' w(jtliImjfff mjii to give nsw;irmih rnd lijjht. Tinis,thf sky htcftnn clear anti Hue :第九函,n . the niily sun ri"t

38、: iti thu morning on hi* join jicy tin >ky i xtry dW h 根据虹文内容,判断句f正< 门、法1F),15分 司 <)1, Longkng ngn»there wrre 11 Min> inlhef>2. HpuYt wls 'tnl Id save the world.(T HouYi kin< d the suns by knife.(> L HouYi killed ion suns it kst,()j. Nuwdu1 rijily sun is in tin sky ccry

39、day.、英语底卷第6页(共8页7八¥下-要保w题1(一*(D).根据下面每段话的陈述内容.从方框中透出各段怡当的标题.小分)1. Although du- storm broke many thing- apart* lt brought familiu. and neigh |j<)r> cIom t logcllicr. A* neiKhbors, we should help each odicr not only in our daily life huf also in trouble.)2. Whm I Wei* in ihc sixth gnide* i

40、joined h piano compciiiicjni I prHclicvd for (our hcuTH every day 前nd my piano leauhcr rflme fhr也* times n week to help hk. Then ihe hip day finnllj /irrirtfl, I scj ntrvuus. dt ln>t I plftyid the stn也 without any miistaktis. t couldn't bv1k、t it. I wun! h was the happKM day of niy lifv J1-:,

41、 1 hr Mnkry King is tIic iiriin clhiriiri< r Lront ih< Gitnou - (l;hn.?*h?ry J tminey tn th 11%,” He if w<jnc!c rIu 1 In ihr Iv. lp? wt ak pcopL » I lir VLinkcy Kit% hnr n nr jjk、6k.hkhai I q*< t die wtjrld love iln M sikt Kin.)1. I'hk Irtry is “bcul an enipvror who lo'td cl

42、otkc*;. I wo brulhers came to the city tn makr s|u-cia ciolhes fnr ihe +jmperor. They wt-rt (ryinft to cheat him. Nohndy wantod tc sound miupkL Him Middunly> n. yuun Ln, shuuu il thiH lh&' emperor wasn't wenrinp any rim Kps.> Why d<i <n n.my hmlirr nk ih< ir 、(>”,., du

43、rrminmfhui、|,(r pk wr.r)i hi clialk njic thcnisclvi s in 11, Lit, e t)l Jiffimitu 1*. I lu “iirtt uf ihtai pct., pie £ nc'nifHgc-5 To fnec any ftjficuily.A. The climbers' spiritB. I hr siorm Iris people learn to get topuhtT .C. Tht Emp>vntri Nee 心U. I ht happiest duy in my lift"

44、E. The Monkey King(E)I if < rrr; t WnB rrii- ; m、, < rUt ,bin;. hk< n hngt firfinn, It winds H - wav from wi;(';、门、& iv.t ir.tH'tilJim-. tliroiiLfh v; l:yv nI. ; i h si ri rcfn hs ih« 7牛,11 、 Ih k】nKr、t wall on rh: ribf alsr: c:mr of T he won tint's in thr wnrhl.The (I

45、real Wall hus A hisiory H mart1 than Z. (MH) y<aars. Thv firsi pari wa b buih during thr Spring nd Autumn Ptriod( 时期r AH the walls。胪汁沁im*d up in Qin 】)$- na、lv. All the whH> were done In hand, I htnusnds uf p巴“k dieri while buihiing rlir wail. Thu» the Great Wall came into exi?*irftce(存在

46、LSince then, ii lias Iwcn rcbtiih and repfiired many lin(/x+ Now the (;reai Wall h汽v taken on n new look. Ii is visiied by a large number of people from all pnn!* of the country and the world vvvrj ytitr.根据短文内容网答问题,(10分)1. How old is ihe Greal Wall?2. The Great Wall is the longest wall in tbv worlds

47、 isn,t it?八年下,英语市南质)I一)I-3. When wps its fitsT pan of thr Great Wall built?t. How were aII the walk done?4. Whv visiUs> ihe Great Wall every ytiir?五,书面表达(共20分)英语试卷第封页(共G页)9LA)上海迪士尼乐园将于人16年6月末开始向游人开放,请你为它救一个广告慢计, 完成本则广告,每空一调。(5分)广*7、-L iu bhdiiiiL I v I li . I7- Dii viu like Mi<kt-v Mhu- Donuki

48、 Dm-k iir:tl mj. m I,frivnds t :H Hil 1 J_ -v. it ” m ,' ii h- i- sn t d ' :u i Jr UM 山卜 LB .rng';J,3 '1 1* H r - tiVilH,' in uht 1 Jisn* yisiBtLn-a lui L _ 7& *. 1 . r. .中1 soon* rill in rh】4 r(ircL 1 he firi 21 p< i.>|)l<- will .h h 5, ii( ken rvery Jy *6 Ju”ig fin

49、 first .k*:(H)请根据如下提示写一篇关于你向熟覆或印象最深的地方的报道,不少于70词。可造当发挥,I"分),提示一.此地所处的位置,面积.2 .气候状况*"3 .自然景观.4 .饮食和风土人情等,名校调研条时卷八年下第三次月考试卷 英语(市命题)参考答案听力部分I.听句子.选揍正确答语.1. Will there be more bamboo forests fox pandaj to live in?2. Can you tell me a story from Europe?i3. What were you doing al the time of the

50、 competition?4. What wrong?5. Let's go to the Sahara next sufrmer hi?hda1-5 ABABCQ.听筒短对话和对话后的问题,选择正旗答案°_ IL W Bill twould you like to 匕。to the Great Wall with us this Sunday?M;I m sorry tTina+ But 1 planned to go bike riding along the ffllow River*Q : What is Bill going to do this Sunday?2,

51、 W tTom* do you read the story of Journey to the WcH ?M:Yes, it's interesting.Qi What story does Tom read?.3, W: Could I go to the movies?MiSure, Who will you po with?W a My friends,Qx Who will the girl go to the movies With?4, M ;Do you like ihr story e&lled jVa VV<n Repair thf Sity * Susan?W Yest I like it, h's my favorite 5Tory.Q: Docs Susan like the storv?5, My¥w4Po4m 则仍,f也了:W : Just because loiiiorrow it- Sunday, I will br Cm ond have no homework to do, Qi What day is it today?1 - 5 BBBAAEl.听描述,选出与其相符的图片。其中有一幅图片是多余的。1. An old mAn tiled to mo


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