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1、中考一轮复习 A 开头词汇一讲义以字母 A 开头的单词a (an)/æn/art. 一(个、件) big mouthhalf houra 用在 前, an 用在 前a pair ofa set ofa symbol ofa waste of 6:45: 玩得愉快: 结果: able /'eibl/adj. 能够;有能力的be able toI havent been able to speak Japanese.名词形式: be able to do sth. =:有能力做某事-able:comfortableknowledgeablebelievableloveablewa

2、shableabout /'bat/prep. 对于,关于;在周围;围绕adv. / adj.大约;到处;四处动词+about:hear aboutworry aboutbe serious about How/What+about :How/What about (have) a drink with me after class? be about to do sth. Sit down everyone, the film is about to start.above /'bv/prep. 在之上;超过adv. 在上面Raise your arms above your

3、 head. The temperature above 37 Children above 10For the above reasons, 尤其是;最重要的是Max is fair, hardworking and above all honest. /'brd/adv. 在外国;到国外;广泛地She often (出国) on business.absent /'æbs()nt/adj. Students who are regularly absent from school will fail the exam.accept /k'sept/v. 接

4、受She received an invitation for the party, but she didnt accept it.反义词: accident /'æksdnt/n. 事故;意外遭遇by accident _I met my English teacher in the cinema by accident.ache /ek/n. 痛,疼痛according /'kd/ toprep. According to the law, you are fined to 1000 yuan because of drink driving.achieve /

5、'tiv/v. 实现;到达;完成实现梦想:You will your dream. Your dream will . achievement n. across /'krs/adv./prep. 横过;穿过go across = crossacross through across from The boys sitting across from me on the train are TFBOYS. come across I came across my English teacher in the cinema.act /ækt/n. 法令,条例v. (戏)

6、表演,扮演(角色),演出(戏);行动,做事Johnny Depp acted the best in that movie. :n. 演员 :n. 行动;行为He became active in many activities. :adj. 积极的;主动的;活泼的 :n. 活动 Cactually /'æktuli/adv. 真实地;事实上actually = add /æd/v. Ill add your name to the list.( :把加进) The numbers add up to 100.( :总共是,总计为)address /'dre

7、s/n. 地址,住址adult /'ædlt/adj. 成年的;成人的n. 成人;成年动物baby child teenager adultadmire /d'ma/v. 欣赏;仰慕admire the moonadmire sb. = sb.advantage /d'vntd/n. 优点;好处;有利条件 C,U There are some advantages of bike riding.The disadvantage of bike riding is .反义词: advertisement /,ædv'tazmnt/n. 广告C(

8、缩写形式:ad)advice /d'vas/n. 建议;劝告;忠告 U一条建议: Can you give me some advice please?给建议: 听从建议: /d'vaz/v. 建议;劝告;忠告I advise you to review these words three times a week. /'fd/v. 负担得起(的费用);抽得出时间;提供;承当的起后果I cant afford a new car. :承当得起做某事I cant afford to buy a new car.afraid /'fred/adj. 害怕的;担忧重点

9、句型:Im afraid that you have to stay at home alone. Im afraid of dark.Im afraid of being alone. Im afraid to be alone.Will I stay at home alone, mum?Im afraid so.Africa /'æfrik/n. 非洲African /'æfrkn/adj. 非洲(人)的n. 非洲人 is famous for the Sahara. are easily recognized by their skin color.

10、after /'ft/prep. 在之后;在后面 conj. 在以后adv. 后来;在后After (read), write a short summary in your words. :毕竟;终归Dont be so hard on him, hes a child after all. afternoon /ft'nun/n. 下午;午后 afterwards /'ftwdz/adv. 后来;随后 again /'gein/adv. 再一次;再;又against /'genst/prep. 对着,反对;倚;碰;撞 :反对做某事 She is ag

11、ainst the plan/ building a new zoo in the city. We have nothing against running! :Stand against the door. :The rain began to beat heavily against the windows.age /ed/n. 年龄;时代 agent /'ed()nt/n. 代理人;经纪人 ago /'g/adv. 以前;以往agree /'gri/v. 同意;应允agree _ sb. sth. :同意;赞成;达成一致 :同意做某事She agreed to

12、help me learn cooking.I couldnt agree more.: 名词: ahead /'hed/adv. 向前面;在前面 去吧!干吧! 在前面You have many difficult tasks ahead of you.air /e/n. 空气;大气Uairline /'elan/n. 航线;航空公司airplane /'eplen/n. (美)飞机airport /'ept/n. 飞机场;航空站alarm /'lm/n. 闹钟album /'ælbm/n. 影集;集邮册alien /'eln/

13、n. 外星人alive /'lav/adj. 活着的;存在的I felt lucky to be alive.They managed to stay alive by eating berries and roots.all /l/adj. 全部的;所有的pron. 全部;全体人员 各种各样的Mothers send their small kids to all kinds of classes. 全年The temperature is almost the same all year round. 频繁;反复You watch TV all the time and never

14、 help out around the house. I cant work all day and do housework all evening. 总的来说All in all, it was an exciting day. 突然;猛地The earthquake happened all of a sudden. 一点都不I didnt believe it at all.allow /'la/v. 准许;允许;My parents dont allow me to hang out with my friends. allow sb. to do sth. (被动语态:

15、)almost /'lmst/adv. There were many times when Aron almost lost his life because of accidents.alone /'ln/adj. & adv.单独的;单独的The old man lives alone, but he doesnt feel lonely.同义短语:by oneself;on ones own Go away and leave me alone, will you? 别管我;让我静一静along /'l/adv. 向前;和一起;一同prep. 沿着;顺着

16、 沿着走Im dropping white stones along the way. 连同;除以外还But along with difficulties, there will also be many exciting things waiting for you.aloud /'lad/adv. 出声地;大声地(adv.)多修饰 read 等动词(adj.&adv.)多修饰 speak, talk, laugh 等动词(adv.)根本意义与 loud 相同,有“喧闹;嘈杂的含义Who knocked at the door so ? The band played re

17、ally _ music. Read the poem .与 A 字母相关的谚语An apple a day keeps the doctor away. A miss is as good as a mile.All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All roads lead to Rome.A little body often harbors a great soul. A good beginning is half done.A friend in need is a friend indeed. Actions speak loud

18、er than words.精讲精练一、单项选择()1. What do you want to be in the future, Lucy?I want to be pilot. It is exciting job.A. a; aB. a; anC. a; theD. the; an()2. Ben was helping his mother when the rain began to beat heavily the windows.A. belowB. acrossC. behindD. against()3. David suddenly felt nervous. , it

19、was his first time to go on stage.A. At leastB.After allC.At onceD.All in all()4. They walked home last night because they couldnt to take a taxi.A. leaveB. buyC. affordD. allow()5. Many teenagers put mobile gaming other things and spend too much time on it.Thats really bad.A. up toB. as forC. ahead

20、 ofD. along with二、根据提示完成句子1. She told me many(优势) of living in the city, but the living cost is quite high, as we know.2. Nothing happens (偶尔;偶然) in Gods world.3. What he did is a the law.4. I want to be a pilot. I believe my dream will come true. (同义句) I want to be a pilot. I believe I will .5. 她害怕过那条小河。She is go the river.【参考答案】a;an;辅音音素;元音音素;a quarter to seven;have a good time; as a resultability;have the ability to do sth.怎么样?;having;正打算做某事above all abroad;goes abroad 缺席refuse偶遇根据;依据achieve/ realize; come true(外表)


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