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1、.高一英语上学期期末测试卷(含答案)高一英语试题(满分150分,120分钟完成)命题人肖莎 沈薇得分审题人王俊第一节:请听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。( )1. What interested the girl most?A. Skiing. B. Skating. C. Camping.( )2. How long will the sandstorm last?A. For two days. B. For three days C

2、. For a week.( )3. What does the woman mean?A. She would like the man not to close the windows.B. She prefers to have the windows shut.C. Its up to the man whether to close the windows or not.( )4. How does she makes a living?A. As a baby-sitter. B. As a waitress. C. Both A and B.( )5. What are they

3、 going to do?A. Take some food. B. Take a train. C. Serve food on the train.第二节:听下面4段对话。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。请听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。( )6. Why is the flat for rent?A. The owner of the flat will move into a new flat.B. The owner of t

4、he flat will go to live with their son permanently.C. The owner of the flat will stay in France for six months.( )7. What is the flat?A. Its a one-room flat. B. Its a two-room flat. C. Its a three-room flat.( )8. Which statement is NOT true?A. The student doesnt sign any agreement with the owner.B.

5、The students parents will come to sign the agreement.C. The surrounding area is very peaceful at night without much traffic.听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。( )9.Who directed CJ7?A. Stephen Spielberg. B. Stephen Chow. C. Stephen Chen.( )10. What do family films have in common?A. Being honest. B. Remaining Positive.C

6、. Being honest. remaining positive, and learning the value of life.( )11. What do parents want their children to learn when watching a movie? A. Good values B. Good knowledge C. Good skills听第8段材料,回答第12至14题( )12. What is the conversation about?A. Professional jobs. B. Volunteer work. C. The Olympic G

7、ames.( )13. What is basically required to be a volunteer?A. A volunteer must be good at speaking at least three languages.B. A volunteer must know how to give first aid in emergency.C. A volunteer must be kind and warm-hearted( )14. What is the man going to do?A. He wont work as a volunteer. Its ver

8、y challenging.B. He wishes to join the volunteers in the future.C. He will improve his English for the future voluntary work.听第9段材料,回答第15至17题。( )15. Why does the woman borrow a bike?A. She will go to the bank. B. She will go to the watchmakers.C. She doesnt want to take a bus.( )16. Who repaired the

9、 watch?A. The man. B. The woman. C. The watchmaker.( )17. What happened to the watch?A. The surface of the watch was broken when it dropped.B. It didnt work after dropping on the ground.C. It was found in the woods last Friday.第三节:请听下面一段独白,用所听到的独白中的词或数填空,每空限填一个词或一个数。填入的内容要写在答题卡相应的位置上。在听本段独白前,你将有时间阅读

10、各小题。每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。本段独白读两遍。请听第10段材料,回答17至20题。What appeal to thousands of tourists every year?Tourist(18) How many days does the festival last?(19) daysIn the festival in 2006 people drank1300 tons of beerThe city has(20) a lot第二部分 英语知识运用(满分)第一节 单项选择(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)21. He used to ring h

11、is mum and say what he was doing, _ he? A. wasnt B. didnt C. used D. was22. The terrible experience that someone _ in the dark was still lingering in my mind. A. robbed me of the purse B. robbed the purse from me C. stole me of the purse D. stolen the purse from me23. Was it during the Anti-Japanese

12、 War _ he died? A. when B. which C. what D. that24. The global climate _ get warmer and warmer nowadays. A. refers to B. turns to C. decides to D. tends to25. - What _ when I phoned you?- I _ my work, and I wanted to go out.A. have you done; finished B. were you doing; have finishedC. did you do; ha

13、d just finished D. were you doing; had just finished26. I remember quite well that it _Sue and John who helped me that morningA. has been B. were C. are D. was 27. The reason _ she gave for not being present was _ the heavy snow prevented her coming. A. ×because B. why; because C.× that D.

14、 why; whether28. When I entered the room, I noticed him _. A. draw B. to draw C. drawing D. drawn29. People in Chongqing are proud of _ they have achieved in the past ten years.A. that      B. which       C. what      D. how30. _ I speak to

15、 May, please? Im sorry she _ come to the phone because she isnt in. A. Might; wont B. Can; mustnt C. May; cant D. Could; shouldnt31. Is this the taperecorder you wish _?A. to have it repaired B. to repair it C. to have repaired D. repairing32. He used to be an executive _ a computer company. A. for

16、B. with C. at D. on33. Under no circumstances _ her dream, for she is very fearless and brave. A. she will quit B. will she quit C. she wont quit D. will she not quit34. The only thing _ is wrong with this is _ a friend of mine said to me the other day. A. which; what B. what; that C. that; what D.

17、that; which35. She says shes unable to give up smoking; shes completely _. A. addicted B. adapted C. appalled D. attracted36. Jim is not bad _, but he is a little shy. A. by himself B. of himself C. for himself D. in himself37. _ food were spread out on the table. A. Large quantities of B. A good ma

18、ny C. A great deal D. A large number of 38. The lion is a symbol _ courage.A. for B. of C. with D. in39. We were having a meeting _ someone knocked at the door. A. because B. when C. as D. while40. Nobody could persuade him _ his mind. A. change B. changing C. to change D. changed 第二节 完形填空 (共20小题, 每

19、小题1分, 满分20分)阅读下面短文, 从短文后面各题的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出适合填入对应空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。Dear Benter,You have been away exactly two weeks today but it seems more like two years to me!Im glad to hear youll be back soon. Are you coming directly home, dear? Or do you plan to make some stops 41 the way? I hope youll be

20、 home in 42 for Patsys birthday next Sunday. She is 43 you to show films to her 44 friends. Patsy keeps asking every day 45 youll be back. She says you never 46 that story you were telling her about 47 train that lost its “ toot(喇叭嘟嘟声)”. Youd better 48 and think up a good ending 49 it. You know how

21、Patsy is? She 50 be happy until she knows exactly what _51 to the “toot” and 52 the little train got it back 53 !Everything at home is fine except that we 54 you so much! Ive been 55 with the spring cleaning. Yesterday I had Cora 56 in to wash the kitchen walls and she did a very good _57 of it. The

22、 kitchen looks as though its been repainted. I made some new yellow curtains, and they 58 very beautiful. I went to see your mother yesterday. Her 59 is all gone and she looks very 60 . Your sister Jean looks wonderful! She has taken off about fifteen pounds since she began dieting. But now shes com

23、plaining that none of her clothes fit! Hope to see you before next Sunday. Love and kisses to you! Yours Lynn XXXXOOOO41. A in B. on C. at D. along42. A. time B. fact C. all D. the end 43. A. expecting B. thinking C. agreeing D. hoping44. A. small B. short C. little D. low45. A. that B. when C. why

24、D. unless46. A. finished B. stopped C. supplied D. included47. A. some B. a C. the D. this48. A. care B. arrive C. pretend D. hurry49. A. on B. for C. at D. in50. A. mustnt B. couldnt C. wont D. shouldnt51. A. affected B. about C. happened D. was52. A. how B. however C. because D. why53. A. yet B. t

25、oo C. again D. next54. A. love B. think C. miss D. care55. A. working B. ready C. together D. busy56. A. stay B. come C. visit D. drop57. A. work B. job C. thing D. clean58. A. show B. feel C. become D. look59. A. cold B. heat C. health D. medicine60. A. good B. well C. nice D. best第三节 阅读理解(共20小题;每小

26、题2分,满分40分)APeople smile at times. However, the meaning of a smile in different cultures may be different. Depending on different cultures, smiling can express joy and amusement, but it can also indicate embarrassment. The following examples show this point of view:In an attempt to be open and friend

27、ly, people in the United States smile a lot. Every one smiles at each other, this nonverbal communication shows being friendly in the United States. However,in China, smiling is not only an expression of happiness, but also a way to avoid being embarrassed. Chinese people like smiling when they are

28、embarrassed in order to avoid embarrassment. Smiling is a kind of good will but not sneer(嘲笑). For example: When a child falls off from a bike, the adults in China may smile, which is a kind of gentle encouragement and may not be a kind of impolite laugh.When a person from the United States might bl

29、ush(脸红)with embarrassment or become offensive, a Chinese might blush with smile. To avoid serious misunderstanding, people who engage in intercultural communication should be able to understand the meaning of smiling appropriately. Related to the smile is the laugh. Also, different cultures have dif

30、ferent meanings about laugh. For example, Americans can enjoy a very heartfelt belly (腹部) laugh that comes from the deepest emotions. However, most Chinese seldom laugh that way because they are thought to be silly except among close friends. 61. We can use smile to express all of the following feel

31、ings except _,A. joy and happiness B. amusement C. embarrassment D. fear62. People often smile at each other in the United States because _.A. they are very happy B. they want to show they are friendlyC. they want to hide their true feelings D. they want to avoid embarrassment63. In China, seeing a

32、child falls off a bike, an adult will smile in order to _.A. laugh at him B. avoid his own embarrassmentC. avoid embarrassment and encourage the boy D. show his politeness64. What is mainly talked about in the passage? A. People smile at times.B. Smiling can express different feelings depending on d

33、ifferent cultures.C. Americans are more open and friendly than Chinese people.D. The Chinese people often hide their true feelings.BHave you ever wondered why you sometimes take an almost immediate liking to a person you have just met? We often get the first impression of a person based on the color

34、 of a persons skin or the manner in which he or she dressed. Meaning is conveyed not only by words or verbal languages but also by nonverbal communication systems, such as body behaviors.Nonverbal communication is important because we use the actions of others to learn about their affective emotiona

35、l states .Our emotions are reflected in our posture, face, and eyesbe it fear, joy, anger, or sadnessso we can express them without ever saying a word .For this reason, most of us rely heavily on what we learn through our eyes. Nonverbal communication is significant in human interaction because it i

36、s usually responsible for the first impressions. More importantly, those first messages usually influence the perception(感知) of everything else that follows. Even how we select friends and sexual partners is grounded in first impressions with nonverbal communication. Nonverbal communication is impor

37、tant because it is culture-related. It is based on different beliefs, religions, values and customs in different cultures. When, where, how, and to whom people display his or her specific nonverbal behaviors is greatly affected by culture and context. Culture determines what the appropriate nonverba

38、l behavior is. For example, feelings of friendship exist everywhere but their expression varies. It may be appropriate in some countries for men to embrace each other and for women to hold hands; in other countries these displays of affection may be shocking. Each culture has its own specific interp

39、retation on nonverbal communication. What is acceptable in one culture may be completely unacceptable in another. One culture may determine that snapping fingers to call a waiter is acceptable; another may consider this gesture rude.65. What is the best title of the passage? A. Nonverbal communicati

40、on and first impressionB. Nonverbal communication is culture-relatedC. Nonverbal and verbal communicationD. The importance of nonverbal communication66. We can know a persons feeling through our eyes because_.A. we can see a persons feeling on his face.B. a persons emotions can be reflected through

41、eyes.C. a persons feeling can be reflected through his body languagesD. we can see a persons feeling through his posture67. Which of the following statements is not True? A. Meaning can be conveyed both by words and body language.B. We can use nonverbal communication to learn about a persons emotion

42、al states.C. We often get the first impression by what a person says.D. The first impression can affect what we will do in the following.68. How many reasons are mentioned in the text to show nonverbal communication is important?A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D.569. What can we conclude from the last paragraph? A.

43、we can use different ways to express friendship B. each culture has its own specific interpretation on nonverbal communicationC. snapping fingers to call a waiter is acceptableD. learning a countrys culture is very important.CEllis Island is located in New York Harbor. Ellis Island is open daily yea

44、r-round from 9: 30a. m. to 5: 00p. m, with extended hours during summer. It is closed on December 25. There is no admission( 入场 ) charge to Ellis Island; donations(捐款)are gratefully accepted.At Your FingertipsPark information ( 212 ) 363 7620Emergencies( 212 ) 363 3260Ferryboat information( 212 ) 26

45、9 5755Lost and found ( 212 ) 363 - 7620Dining, gift, & audio tour ( 212 ) 344 0996TransportationStature of Liberty and Ellis Islan Ferry: Boats leave from Battery Park, Manhattan, and from Liberty State Park, New Jersey. They run about every 30 to 45 minutes beginning at 9:15a. m. (ferry schedul

46、e subject to change)Hours: May vary; call the number aboveClosed: December 25Ferry fees: ( Includes Liberty and Ellis Island) adults, $7; senior citizens, $6; children ( age 3 to 17 ) $ 3. ( group rates are available for 25 or more adults)Tickets & schedule information: (212)269 577570. Which of

47、 the following is NOT true?A. People can visit Ellis Island free of charge.B. The boat departure time from battery Park is at 9:15a. m all the year round.C. Ferry fees for children are cheaper than for adults.D. Ferry fees for group visitors can be discounted(折扣).71. We may infer from the passage th

48、at _.A. visitors prefer to go to Ellis Island by boat B. there are more visitors in winterC. Ellis Island is open every day D. boat is the only transportation to Ellis IslandDWhen you turn on the radio, you hear an advertisement. When you watch television, you hear and see an advertisement. If you t

49、urn the pages of a newspaper or magazine, again you find an advertisement. If you walk down the street, you see one advertising board after another. All day, every day, people who want to sell you something compete to catch your attention. As a result, advertisements are almost everywhere. In the We

50、st, advertisements are the fuel that makes mass media work. Many TV stations, newspapers, magazines, radio stations are privately owned. The government does not give them money. So where does the money come from? From advertisements. Without advertisements, there would not be these private businesse

51、s. Have you ever asked yourself what advertising is? Through the years, people have given different answers to the question. For some time it was felt that advertising was a means of “keeping your name before the public.” And some people thought that advertising was “truth well told.” Now more and m

52、ore people describe it in this way: Advertising is the paid, nonpersonal (非针对某个人的), and usually persuasive (有说服力的) description of goods, services and ideas by identified sponsors (明确的出资者)through various media. First, advertising is usually paid for. Various sponsors pay for the advert sements we see

53、, read, and hear over the various media. Second, advertising is nonpersonal. It is not face to face communication. Although you may feel that a message in a certain advertisement is aimed directly at you, in reality, it is directed at large groups of people. Third, advertising is usually persuasive. Directly or indirectly it tells people to do something. All advertisements try to make people believe that the product, idea, or service advertised can do good to them. Fourth, the sponsor of the advertisement must be identified. From the advertisement, we can se


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