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1、Conspectus of animal and plant quarantineWang YanTelEmail:wangyan_ReferencesReferencesu中国国境卫生检疫杂志中国国境卫生检疫杂志(Chinese journal of frontier health and quarantine, AQSIQ)u植物检疫(植物检疫(Plant quarantine, AQSIQ)u中国中国检验检疫检验检疫(China inspection and quarantine, AQSIQ)u中国动物中国动物检疫检疫(China animal health

2、inspection, Ministry of Agriculture) u检验检疫检验检疫科学(科学(Inspection and quarantine science, AQSIQ)OutlinesuBeginning and development of animal and plant quarantineuDomestic and international laws uEntry and exit quarantine procedures uQuarantine measures (handling)uSummary of animal quarantine and classi

3、ficationuSummary of plant quarantine and classificationuModern techniques applied in animal and plant quarantineChapter I Beginning and development of animal and plant quarantineuBeginning of animal and plant quarantine.uRelated concepts.uInternational situation .uDevelopment in China.Section IHisto

4、ry of animal and plant quarantineu Budding of animal and plant quarantine.u Animal and plant quarantine in the early age.u Catastrophic animal and plant epidemics in history by arbitrary transportation. Beginning of quarantineQuarantine “quarantina” 40d。 最早萌芽最早萌芽 :14世纪世纪中叶中叶,欧洲流行黑死病欧洲流行黑死病(black dea

5、th)、霍乱霍乱(cholera)、黄热病、黄热病(yellow fever)等疾病,严重威胁者人类等疾病,严重威胁者人类的生命安全;的生命安全; 意大利意大利威尼斯为威尼斯为阻止阻止这些传染病传入,这些传染病传入,1403年年建立了世界上第一个检疫机构建立了世界上第一个检疫机构(lazaretto检查站),检查站),另外国船舶另外国船舶及人员及人员在进港前必须滞留、隔离在进港前必须滞留、隔离40d,船上人员,船上人员没有感染上述传染病时,才允许船舶进港、没有感染上述传染病时,才允许船舶进港、人员上岸人员上岸。这种早期的检疫方法被称为隔离这种早期的检疫方法被称为隔离(Isolation),而,

6、而Quarantine就成为隔离就成为隔离40天的专有名词。天的专有名词。u Isolation is still a effective measure for the prevention of epidemics.uQuarantineQuarantine逐渐发展成逐渐发展成“检疫检疫”的概的概念。念。u这种始于人类防范疫病的隔离措施给这种始于人类防范疫病的隔离措施给人以启迪,使人们逐步运用到阻止动人以启迪,使人们逐步运用到阻止动物疫病、植物危险性有害生物传播方物疫病、植物危险性有害生物传播方面,遂出现了面,遂出现了动物检疫和植物检疫动物检疫和植物检疫( (Animal quaranti

7、ne and plant quarantine) )。u动物动物检疫和植物检疫源于卫生检疫检疫和植物检疫源于卫生检疫( (Health quarantine) )。History of animal and plant quarantineuPlant quarantine in the early age:In 1660 in French Leon , laws were promulgated to prohibit the introduction of small tillers(Kawakami Barberry).Small tillers and wheat stem rust

8、 (小麦秆锈病)(小麦秆锈病) Legal measures were first applied in preventing the introduction of pests from abroad. Plant quarantine in the early age:Law were passed in French for prohibiting the entry of grape branches from abroad. (1872) ) grape phylloxera(葡萄根瘤蚜).Plant quarantine in the early age:In 1875, the

9、Russian decree banning the importation of potato from the United states.In 1877, the United Kingdom enacted the “Destructive Insects Acts.u Animal quarantine in the early ageIn 1866, the United kingdom decreed culling all the rinderpest(牛瘟) infected cattle. In 1869, the United kingdom passed “Law on

10、 the prevention and control of infectious diseases” to prevent recurrence of rinderpest due to the importing of cattle.In 1871, Japan take legal measures to prevent introduction of rinderpest from Siberia area. In 1886, “Animal epidemic prevention regulations” was released. In 1879, Italy banned imp

11、orts of American meat products. trichina, cestode(旋毛虫,猪肉绦虫)In 1881, Austria, Germany and France also issued a ban on the import of American meat.Catastrophic plant epidemic dispersed by manPlant epidemic :uIn 1830s; Europe; Potato late blight (马铃薯晚疫病)(马铃薯晚疫病)uIn 1817; North America; patato beetle(马铃

12、薯甲虫)(马铃薯甲虫)uIn 1869; America; gypsy moth (舞毒蛾)(舞毒蛾)Animal epidemic :uMalta; Africa swine fever(非洲猪瘟)(非洲猪瘟)(1)Potato late blight (From Peru to Europe)马铃薯晚疫病马铃薯晚疫病 Feature: A devastating fungal disease causing stem and leaf death and tuber rot。(2) Gypsy moth (From Europe to America) 舞毒蛾舞毒蛾 Feature: A

13、big pest of forest and fruit trees. Host 500 kinds of plants. The main damage is leaves, the leaves can be eaten within a few weeks.(3)Patato beetle(America)马铃薯甲虫)马铃薯甲虫 Features: World famous destructive quarantine pests. The host plants are mainly from nightshade, and the potato is the most suitabl

14、e host, but also the tomato, eggplant, pepper, tobacco and so on.(4)African swine fever 非洲猪瘟非洲猪瘟 Feature: an acute and highly contagious viral disease of swine and its characteristics is a short course of disease, but the mortality rate is as high as 100%.(5)Garden Goldenrod 加拿大一枝黄花加拿大一枝黄花In 1935, G

15、arden Goldenrod was first introduced to China as an ornamental plant. However, it developed into weed as its strong ability of reproduction. Its plant are 3 meters high and 1.5 meters, has a wide ecological adaptability, and has a serious threat to biodiversity .Section 2Related conceptsuBasic terms

16、 and meanings of animal and plant quarantineuAnimal and plant quarantine purposes and tasksuImplementation of animal and plant quarantineBasic terms and meaningsu1、检验、检验检疫检疫(Inspection and quarantine) :一般是指出入境检验检疫的简称,包含了一般是指出入境检验检疫的简称,包含了商商品品检验检验(Commodity inspection)、动植物、动植物检疫检疫(Animal and plant qu

17、arantine)和和卫生卫生检疫检疫(Health quarantine)。(。(“三检三检”)u2、检验、检验(inspection):狭义狭义:对商品的品质检验。:对商品的品质检验。广义广义:对商品进行检验、监督管理以及公证鉴:对商品进行检验、监督管理以及公证鉴定。定。u3、动物、动物(animal) :饲养、野生的活动物饲养、野生的活动物。Animals mean the live animals, whether domesticated or wild, such as livestock, poultry, beasts, snakes, tortoises, fishes, s

18、hrimps and prawns, crabs, shellfishes, silkworms and bees.u4、动物、动物产品产品(animal production):是指来源于是指来源于动物未经加工或者虽经加工,但仍有可能动物未经加工或者虽经加工,但仍有可能传播疫传播疫病病的的产品产品Animal products mean the non-processed products or the processed products, from animals, still liable to spread epidemic diseases, such as raw hides,

19、hairs, meats, viscerae, fat and grease, aquatic animal products, dairy products, eggs, blood, semens, embryos, bones, hoofs and horns;u5、动物疫病、动物疫病(animal disease):是为害或可能为害动物及动物:是为害或可能为害动物及动物产品的任何产品的任何传染病传染病和和寄生虫病寄生虫病u6、植物(、植物(plant):栽培植物、野生植物及其种子、种苗及):栽培植物、野生植物及其种子、种苗及其他其他繁殖繁殖材料材料。 Plants mean culti

20、vated plants, wild plants, their seeds and seedlings and other propagating materials.u7、植物、植物产品产品( (plant production) ):是指来源于植物未经加工是指来源于植物未经加工或者虽经加工,但仍有可能或者虽经加工,但仍有可能传播病虫害传播病虫害的产品的产品。食用食用医用加工医用加工材料材料Plant products mean the non-processed products or the processed products, from plants, still liable t

21、o spread diseases, insect pests or harmful organisms, such as grain, beans, cotton, oils, fibres, tobacco, kernel, dried fruits, fresh fruits, vegetables, raw medicinal herbs, logs and feeding stuffsu8、植物有害生物、植物有害生物(plant pest):泛指:泛指为害为害或可能或可能为害为害植物及其产品的任植物及其产品的任何生物。何生物。微生物(细菌,病毒,真菌)微生物(细菌,病毒,真菌)对植物

22、及植物产品有害的植物、动物(害对植物及植物产品有害的植物、动物(害虫)虫)u9、检疫性动物疫病(、检疫性动物疫病(Quarantine animal disease):是对受其威胁的地区具有潜在经济重):是对受其威胁的地区具有潜在经济重要性,但要性,但尚未在该地区发生尚未在该地区发生,或,或虽已发生但分布虽已发生但分布未广未广并正在进行官方控制的动物并正在进行官方控制的动物疫病。疫病。u10、检疫性植物有害生物(、检疫性植物有害生物(Quarantine plant pest ):是对受其威胁的地区具有潜在经济重要):是对受其威胁的地区具有潜在经济重要性,但性,但尚未在该地区发生尚未在该地区发

23、生,或,或虽已发生但分布未虽已发生但分布未广广并正在进行官方控制的植物有害生物并正在进行官方控制的植物有害生物.u11、动植物检疫(、动植物检疫(animal and plant quarantine):旨在防止旨在防止检疫性动物疫病检疫性动物疫病和和检疫性植物有害生物检疫性植物有害生物的传入、传出和的传入、传出和(或或)扩散,或确保其官方控制的扩散,或确保其官方控制的一切活动一切活动.Main tasksu To prevent the introduction, spread and proliferation of dangerous animal diseases and plant

24、pests;u To protect agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, fishery production safety, human health and ecological environment ;u To promote the development of international and domestic economic and trade .u主管进出境动植物检疫机关:国家主管进出境动植物检疫机关:国家质量监督检验检疫总局质量监督检验检疫总局uGeneral Administration of Quality Supervi

25、sion, Inspection and Quarantine of the Peoples Republic of China (AQSIQ)u主管国内动植物检疫的机关:农业部和国家主管国内动植物检疫的机关:农业部和国家林业局林业局 Ministry of Agriculture of the Peoples Republic of China. (MOA) State Forestry Administration of the Peoples Republic of China.Implementation range小明可以携带哪些东西回国?小明可以携带哪些东西回国?宠物狗宠物狗、衣物

26、衣物、塑料玩具塑料玩具、水果水果、熟香肠熟香肠、鳄鱼皮包鳄鱼皮包、新鲜黄鱼新鲜黄鱼、iphone 6 plus、奶粉奶粉Implementation RangeuAnimal and animal products动物:u通过贸易、科技合作、赠送、援助等方式进出境的动物u旅客携带的进境动物u邮寄进境的动物u过境动物动物产品:u通过贸易、科技合作、赠送、援助等方式进出境的动物产品u旅客携带进境的动物产品u邮寄进境的动物产品uPlants and plant products 植物:u通过贸易、科技合作、赠送、援助等方式进出境的植物u旅客携带的进境植物u邮寄进境的植物:种子及繁殖材料植物产品:u通

27、过贸易、科技合作、赠送、援助等方式进出境的植物产品u旅客携带进境的植物产品u邮寄进境的植物产品Loading containers, packages, and bedding materialsu装载容器:多次使用、易受病虫害污装载容器:多次使用、易受病虫害污染并用于装载进出境货物的染并用于装载进出境货物的容器容器u包装包装物和铺垫物和铺垫材料材料u包括:包括:装载进出境动植物、动植物产品和其他检疫物的装载容器、包装物、铺垫材料装载过境动物的装载容器装载过境植物、动植物产品和其他检疫物的包装物、装载容器uTransport tools来自动植物疫区的运输工具进境的废旧船舶装载出境动植物及产品

28、和其他检疫物的运输工具装载过境动物的运输工具uOther quarantine objects:动物疫苗、血清、诊断液Section 3 International situationuMain types of animal and plant quarantineuBasic properties of animal and plant quarantineuDevelopment of animal and plant quarantineMain types uEnvironmental advantage : mainly refers to the island and the p

29、eninsula countries, such as Australia, New Zealand, Japan and South Korea, etc.- extremely strict in import animal and plant quarantine - relatively relaxed exit quarantine.uDeveloped continental countries: the geographical location of the adjacent economic developed countries, such as the United St

30、ates and CanadaRelaxed quarantine between these countries Very strict quarantine to other countries, Relatively relaxed exit quarantine.uEconomic Community continental countries:Adjacent geographical location and constitutes a economic community, such as the member state of the European Economic Com

31、munityThe members implemented common animal and plant quarantine principles and measures. Relaxed quarantine between the community.Very strict import quarantine to other countries.Relatively relaxed exit quarantine.uDeveloping continental countries: the economy is not yet developed countries, such a

32、s: China, India, ChileThe import quarantine is to prevent the spread of animal diseases and plant pests.The exit quarantine is relatively strict due to the import country generally put forward higher quarantine requirements.uIndustrial and Commercial City: a country or region, which is based on the

33、work and business. Such as Singapore and Hongkong.In import quarantine, strict quarantine requirement towards animal and animal products and more relaxed in plant products quarantine. Relaxed quarantine in exit products.Basic propertiesu法制性(Legality)-是动植物检疫工作开展的依据u预防性(preventability)-是动植物检疫的核心问题 预警机

34、制:预警名单(Alert list)u国际性(internationalism)保障国际合作与交流的健康发展形成一些国际组织,制定、实施国际公约、标准u综合性(comprehensiveness)-是综合的管理体系管理对象的错综复杂管理手段的多样Development of animal and plant quarantineu1) More stringent enforcement of law.u2) Expanded quarantine scope. import transport tools (i.e food storage, rubbish)u3) Timely adjus

35、tment of quarantine policy.u4) improved technology in animal and plant quarantine. u5)Comprehensive strengthening propaganda of animal and plant quarantine.Section 4Development of animal and plant quarantine in ChinauBreeding and establishment of animal and plant quarantine(1903一1948)Earliest animal

36、 quarantine :uThe earliest animal quarantine appeared in 1903, the Middle East Railway Administration established a railway veterinary quarantine department 。uAnimal quarantine agency official Chinese first appeared in 1927, Tianjin established “The ministry of agriculture and works leather export m

37、eat inspection 。Earliest plant quarantineuPlant quarantine was first appeared in 1916, when Mr. Zou Bingwen, the author of the plant pathology, referred the importance of plant quarantine 。uThe earliest plant quarantine agencies appeared in 1928, when Shanghai, Guangzhou, Tianjin and other places se

38、t up the agricultural products inspection institute“. These agencies published Regulations on the inspection of agricultural products, followed by the implementation of the Regulations on the implementation of the agricultural product inspection, inspection of agricultural products, and the provisio

39、nal measures for diseases and insect pests, inspection of agricultural products, and so on. 。uAnimal and plant quarantine before and after the Anti Japanese War (1929-1948)1)In 1929, Shanghai, Qingdao, Tianjin and other places set up commodity inspection bureau - unified management of import and exp

40、ort commodity inspection and animal and plant quarantine, in which, Zou Bingwen was the first director.In 1935, Shanghai Commodity Inspection Bureau of agricultural products inspection department of the plant expanded into the plant pest inspection department, which is Chinas plant quarantine in the

41、 development of the earliest professional units.2) During the second world war, the animal and plant quarantine is basically at a standstill, when many diseases and pests were introduced during this period. Such as the Bruchus rufimanus, sweet potato blight.uPioneering and enterprising of animal and

42、 plant quarantine(19491979)Animal and Plant Quarantine (1949-1963) at the initial stage of the founding of the PRC, the the plant quarantine and animal quarantine work properly carried out.uIn October 1949, the foreign trade department of the central trade ministry set up the commodity inspection de

43、partment. Other Commodity Inspection Bureau was set up in succession.uIn 1952, the Commodity Inspection Bureau was set up, subordinated animal products inspection and inspection of agricultural products, respectively, responsible for animal quarantine and plant quarantineuIn 1954, the government ann

44、ounced the Provisional Regulations on the export of goods inspection, brought import and export commodities intof the State Administration in the form of national laws and regulations. At the same time, the domestic animal and plant quarantine was supervised by the Ministry of agriculture.uThe anima

45、l and Plant Quarantine (1964-1979) before and after the Cultural Revolution has been greatly impacted and destroyed.uOn the one hand, the animal and plant quarantine institutions have changed, on the other hand, most of the quarantine workers stick to their posts, so that Chinas foreign trade has not been affected.uReform and innovation of animal and plant quarantine (1980 to now) In 1980, the port animal and plant


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