



1、Readi ng ReportofThe Old Man and the SeaRece ntly I have read The Old Man and the Sea , I was deeply moved by the old man and his spirit.The author of the book Ern est Hemi ngway is one of the most famous America n novelist, short-story writer and essayist. The Old Man and the Sea was written in 195

2、1 in Cuba, and published in 1952 and won the Pulitzer Prize for fiction in 1953 and he won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954. The book was the last major work of fiction to be produced by Hemin gway and published in his lifetime. One of his most famous works.It ' s a story about a old man s

3、truggling with nature, though he was defeated at last, in some extent,he has already challenged himself and nature.Santiago, the hero of the story, had gone eighty-four days without t aking a fish back. At first, a boy named Manolion had been with him, but Santiagocatch evenone fish. The boy had gon

4、e at his parents ' orders in a lucky boat which caught three good fish the first week. Santiago is a very old Cuban fisherman, even he had been unable to catch a single fish for totallyeight-four days. He did n ' t give up. he made his decisi on that he should fish aga in to get over the uni

5、ucky time. And he held the belief thathe could do it and he would be lucky eno ugh to fish, but mean while, he should go to deeper waters. On the 85th day, he caught a massive marli n. But after two days and nights' fierce and toug h fighting, the old man was only to bring back a large colossal

6、marli n skel eton, a worn-out boat, and his exhaustedbody. But he still be appreciated. I believe everybody who has read the book must admire San tiago' spersevera nce.Whe n Iread “the senior fisherma n thi nk: Here to the seaco ast really was too n ear, perhaps could have abigger fish in a fart

7、her place . xtremely adr”re this senior fisherman, because he by now alreadyprojected on some fish, but he had not settled to the present situation,b ut was approaches the bigger goal adva nce.Whe n I read“the big marli n start fast togather round the young fishing boat hover, twined the cable on th

8、e mast, the old person right hand lifted up high the steel fork, leapt t he water surface in it the flash, did utmost throws to its heart, one wail en ded the big fish's life, it was static floats on the water surface. My heart also liked together the big stone falls. I extremely admire old pers

9、on that kind do not dread, the relentless spirit, although knows the match strength is very strong, but he not slightly flinches, but is welcomes difficultly ab ove. There is no doubt that he is great, because he n ever gave up in the face of difficulties that he showed great en dura nee inhis battl

10、e aga inst the sea.“But a man is not made for defeat ,”heman can be destroyed but not defeated .”Santiago wateoldijusayisaid“Everyth ing about him was old except hia eyes and they were the same color as thesae and were cheerful and un defeated .”He think every day is a new day, no matter howold he w

11、as. He said“It ' s better to be lucky, but I woueXacthTihbe whe n I are luck comes you areready. ”Santiago was poor, he had nothing except a little boat and harpo on. But he said“Now I nottime to think what you do not have. Think of what youcan do with what there is.”Somebody said Santigoew Beaa

12、se at last hewishes that it had bee n a dream and the boy cried for him can really approve it. I n this way I think San tiago was a lucky pers on. Because he still had Man doli n. The boy loved him and pitied him. If Man doli n had no money his own, he begged or stole to make sure that San tiago had

13、 eno ugh to eat and fresh baits for his lin es. The old man accepts his kindness with humility that was like a quiet kind of pride .I think Santiago is a hero, not a failure. The value of his life was completely reflected in the way which he caught fish. He is the real winner in his own world. We ca

14、n learn from him that no matter what difficulties we meet, we must hold our honor. We may lost this game, but we should n ever give ourselves up as hopeless. I am willi ng to live as the old man, to face any challe nges in the future and n ever give up.Vessel crossed the end of the world, into the unknown sea, hanging on the side of the bow while and rain erosion-stricken stillin comparably beautiful flag, banner, bran dish ing a Yunlong gen eral words glittering-beyond the”'s evaluation of his worklimit This is the author Hemingway“The Old Ma


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