



1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上 2015PEP小学英语六年级下册Unit 1重点练习题一、Read and write.(下面写出下列单词的比较级。)young _  short _    small _ strong_  long  _ heavy_  big_    thin_      tall _     old _  二、Read and choose.(下面每组单词有一

2、个是不同类的,请选出来。)(  ) 1. A. younger  B. stronger C. singer D. shorter ( ) 2. A. hand    B. than  C. arm D. head(    ) 3. A. feet  B. leg    C. wear   D. Hair (    ) 4. A. both    B. cm

3、    C. m      D. kg三、Read and choose.(单项选择。)(  ) 1. - How _ are you? - Im 46 kilograms. A. short         B. heavy        C. small(  ) 2. John is ten years old.  Bob is eleven

4、. Bob is one year         than John. A. older           B. younger        C.  thinner(  ) 3. -         is the tree?     -20m. A. H

5、ow much       B. How tall       C. How heavy (  ) 4. My shoes are size 37. Your shoes are size 39.  Your shoes are _ than mine.    A. smaller          B. bigger        &#

6、160;C. shorter(  ) 5. - Im 1.65 metres.- Im 1.59 metres. You are _ than me. A. tall       B. heavier     C. taller四、Read 、choose and fill in the blanks.(选一选,在横线上填上所缺的单词。)A.  long      B. big      C. h

7、eavy     D.  tall         E. old 1. How _ are you?        Im 162 cm. Im taller than you now.2. How _ is your brother?     Hes 46 kg.3. How _ are you?       

8、0;Im 13 years old.4. How _ is your hair?   Its 30 cm. My hair is longer than yours.5. How _ are your feet?    They are 23 cm. My feet are bigger.五、Read and choose.(找一找,根据问句找答语。)(   )1. How tall are you?            A. Sarah.( 

9、  )2. How heavy is Zhang Peng?    B. Chen Jies .  (   )3. What size are Amys shoes?   C. He is 48 kilograms.  (   )4. Who is younger?             D. Im 1.63m.  (   )5. Whose d

10、ress is longer?       E. Her shoes are size 7.六、Rearrange the words.(连词成句,注意大小写及标点符号。)1. I      1.6          meters      am     (.) _2 . wear,    38    I   

11、;size    shoes    in    China    (.) _3.  shoes      size   are     What     your,    (?)_4  You    than    me    heavier  &#

12、160;  are      (.)_ 2015PEP小学英语六年级下册Unit 2重点练习题一Read and choose.(读一读,选出每组单词中不同类的一项。)(   )1.A.stayed        B.danced      C. eating     (   )2.A.yesterday  

13、   B.last Sunday  C.Saturday   (   )3.A. bigger     B.made       C. cleaned(   )4.A. was        B. am       C. are (   )

14、5.A.went        B.got        C. lives       二、Read and write.(读一读,写出下列单词的正确形式。)1.swim(现在进行式)                  4.hav

15、e(过去式)            2.stay(过去式)                       5.sleep(过去式)           

16、 3.drank(原形)                       6.read(过去式)           三、Choose the best answer. (选择正确答案,把序号填在括号内。)(   ) 1. Did you cl

17、ean your room?  _.     A. Yes, I did.     B. No,I dont.     C. No, I did.(    ) 2.What did Lisa do yesterday?  She_ to music.A. listens      B. listen  

18、60;    C. listened (    ) 3. Did John_ a cold yesterday?A. has          B. had       C. have(    ) 4. Lisa usually _ her homework after super.A. does 

19、       B.do           C. did (    ) 5._he_ football last weekend?A. Did, played      B. Did, play      C. Did, plays(     )6.

20、 What did John do yesterday morning?     _                 A. He went boating.    B. She made the bed.   C. He sleep all day.(     )7. I went to the p

21、ark_.   A. tomorrow       B. last weekend       C. everyday(     ) 8.My mom_ busy yesterday.       A. was            B.i

22、s                 C.are(     ) 9.Sarah_funny stories last night.       A. reading         B.readed     &#

23、160;      C.read(     ) 10.What_ Linda do the day before yesterday ?            She visited grandparents with her parents.        A. does    

24、;       B.did                 C.is 四、Rearrange the words.(连词成句。)1.yesterday , you , What ,do , did  ?  _2.all , I , home , weekend , stayed , at .  _3.have , Did , a , he

25、 , cold , yesterday ?  _                                             2015PE

26、P小学英语六年级下册Unit 3重点练习题1、 Read and choose.(读一读,选出不同类的一项,只填序号。)( )1. A .licked B. laugh C. saw ( )2. A. read B. see C. went ( )3. A. beach B. mule C. horse ( )4. A. watched B. till C. stayed二Look, read and write. (看图,根据图片提示完成句子。) 1. What did Lisa do on the Labour holiday?She_ . . 2. What happened, John? I _ _ _ . (脚受伤) . 3. What did you do yesterday? I_ _for my friends. 4.Did you _ _ _?No, I didnt. I _ _ with my friends.三、Look and write(看一看,写一写。) go(过去式)_ hurt(原形)


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